What would the corresponding Irish names be? My name is Marsali (MAR-suh-lee) which is Scottish Gaelic. My surname is Adair which is scottish spelt and my hubbys is mcAuley which is the irish spelling. Claire- Clare [334], Kitchener told Esher (4 December) that the government intended to appoint Robertson Commander-in-Chief of the BEF, but Haig was appointed instead. When Murray protested that the BEF could not be ready as soon as Joffre hoped, Joffre replied that Sir John's word was good enough for him. Although French's involvement was widely rumoured, many, including the Prime Minister, refused to believe it. He died within thirty hours, Holmes (2004, pp. I am 14 years old :) x. My name is as usual as you get and I get Jennifer or Jillian or they like to shorten my name to Jess or Jessie even though I introduce myself as Jessica. anyhow, now that Im grown I love having an uncommon (in the U.S.anyway) name that also shows my Irish heritage. That is why you see more Kiaras than Ciaras when they want the pronunciation. Its not really a fight amongst ourselves as other posters are asking for the correct pronunciation of a given name. He thought that the French Army had "defective higher leading". In 1914 French claimed that Kitchener had come to Paris to try to stop him retreating, which was untrueit was the manner of the retreat, without consultation with Britain's allies, which was the problem. Abban I am not asking you to be perfect at pronouncing French after one or two hours of learning it. [279] Foch said of French (8 December 1914) "How he likes to cry, this Baby". Lomman ive encouraged them to correct people and not settle for a name that isnt theres. @Kaira-Mae Seems like the wrong attitude to have, doesnt it? Niamh (neev) The word vowel comes from the [342][291] She was tall and elegant, and the disparity in their heights caused great amusement. I know because my ex Irish boyfriend (from Ireland) had this name and he absolutely hated it when anyone called him O-in! When Lloyd George refused, Campbell declined any further involvement and Lloyd George also dropped Midleton when the latter demanded the right to "advise on policy". When I go on holidays people get my name wrong An American girl named Jayden called me Cave, as she couldnt get her head around the pronounciation even when she knew how it should be said! Davis Sidney Clive noted (6 June 1915) that meetings between French and Joffre could be counterproductive as "the former is irritable & the latter silent" and that it was best if their staffs agreed on plans beforehand before putting them before the two generals. Good luck and enjoy your new little boy!! The alphabet is broken!. Ailbhe = Al va Im pretty sure shell be the only Rauri/Rory in her class and thats all that mattered to me. [309], Asquith had a lengthy discussion (26 June) about the desirability of sacking French. Some people find it hard to accept. To avoid confusion. [66], French arrived at Naawpoort on the afternoon of 20 November, and personally led a reconnaissance the following morning. My eldest son is named Seosamh. Names evolve. [101], In late July 1900 Pole-Carew, commander of 11th Division, refused to accept French's orders. I am partly Irish but theres no Irish family left to ask and Im struggling! When I met another Caoimhe in my 20s I felt sad as I no longer was unique!! [239] Losses had indeed been high by Boer War standards, and Sir John, believing them to be greater than they were, and that the Kaiser was making an especial effort to destroy the BEF, believed he was carrying out the "letter and spirit" of Kitchener's instructions to avoid undue loss without Cabinet authority. Beautiful irish names have too long being massacred lol. Irish has more regular rules of pronunciation than English does, allowing for regional dialects, which are an issue in all languages. [268], Joffre planned once again for attacks by the BEF and French Tenth Army, combined with another French offensive in Champagne. How about Enyas full Irish name, Eithne Pdraign N Bhraonin? Are these both pronounced the same? I get called Treesa or Tracy or Tricia a lot, as well as spellings of Theresa, Tereasa, Treasa, Terisa, and about a million others. Xoliswa (African name pronounced XO-lees-wa where the X is a hard click made with the tongue). These are commonly used in Latin-derived alphabets as well as non-Latin ones like Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Korean and others. :). I replied 2 moins, he smiled and repeated 2 mois? [304][305] French later claimed in 1914 that he had leaked information to Repington to "destroy the apathy of a Government which had brought the Empire to the brink of disaster". Sara sa-ra. Kealey is more usually an Irish surname or family name, although the use of Irish surnames as given names has become common in the US (Kelly, Shannon, Ryan, Murray, Donovan) There are a number of variants of the spelling of the Kealey name including Keeley, Kealey, Keeley, Keely, Keiley, all pronounced more or less the same. my point is that this attitude is extremely common among french people and your blog is dishonest in suggesting otherwise. Our daughter is Avelin, which is originally spelled Eibhlhin/Eibhlin. He agreed to do so by 20 April, prior to another attack by Haig's First Army. Apologies on the first post not having all info. Actually my Irish first name was anglicized many years ago. French (franais or langue franaise [l fsz]) is a Romance language of the Indo-European family.It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages.French evolved from Gallo-Romance, the Latin spoken in Gaul, and more specifically in Northern Gaul.Its closest relatives are the other langues d'ollanguages historically spoken in French has four different nasal vowels. Pronunciation of last name with 4 audio pronunciations, 5 synonyms, 15 translations, 24 sentences and more for last name. How do you pronouce Shona. Strangers always say: You-Na. [283], French was further irritated by an "incomprehensible" letter from Kitchener (2 January) stating that no more troops should remain on the Western Front than were necessary to hold the line, and seeking GHQ's views as to which other theatres British troops should be redeployed. He said to me that when people hear you are French they dont want to talk to you. Seamus is Irish for James, its pronounced Shay-mus, kind of like the Scottish Hamish (Hay-mish). When done right, congratulations, you will actually sound French-y and coherent. carthaigh (cor-hig) Cillian (kill-ee-an) No need to memorize though. Moira (emphasis OY) is generally, in my experience, how that name / similarly emphasized names are pronounced in American English, English English is a whole other ballgame, Im trying to find a middle name More guns and fighter squadrons were provided, and Brigadier E. B. Ashmore was appointed to command London's air defence, reporting to French. Risn Ro-sheen (or Roisn raw-sheen again depending where you are in ireland) This was a very popular name in early Ireland, being borne by numerous figures in Irish mythology and several high kings. Maire Moy -rah French was woken from his sleep again at 5am with the news that Smith-Dorrien had decided to stand and fight at Le Cateau, as the Germans would otherwise be upon him before he had a chance to retreat. Roberts over-ruled French's wish to make a wide encirclement and ordered a shallower onethis lost the advantage of surprise, and Botha pulled his forces back so that French ran into strong resistance on 10 May. [8], In 1869 he served as a midshipman on HMS Warrior commanded by Captain Boys, an old friend of French's father. The British commanders at this time did not grasp that German tactical doctrine called for the second line of machine gun nests to be situated on the reverse slope of their hillside defenses; destroying them would need artillery with higher trajectories and shells with high explosives. in Eireann in ireland He then met Foch at the town hall at Ypres to warn him that he had no more reserves apart from "the sentries at his gate"the next day (1 November) Haig's I Corps held its ground, with cooks, grooms and drivers pressed into the line, and aided by French counterattacks which drew off German reserves. Cobhlaith is another name that is new to me!! Is there any other spellings of Caitln? I have a Risn (Ro-sheen) & an Aedhn (Aid-in). They appreciated the value of good colonial troops and trained Mounted Infantry, but had already (according to Haig's letter to his sister 8 December 1899) insisted that the New Zealand Mounted Rifles fix bayonets to their carbines to use as lances, and were sceptical about the Colonial "Skallywag" units which Roberts was raising. Now. I could really use some help with the names and pronunciation of Gwenhwyfar (Welsh) and Findabhair (Irish). It should not sound like Donald.. Im having a hard time verifying the definition with outside sources, though. I am sure you can imagine the confused with my name but I am determined to use an Irish name. carry on fighting amongst yourselves though, its funny! And spelling their names phonetically looks SO WRONG. This plan was stymied by cash shortage and inter-departmental infighting. Aisling. Easy when you know how eh! French at first asked to be relieved of responsibility for Pole-Carew's sector, but matters were patched up after what French described as a "somewhat stormy" meeting. Cassidy exactly how it is in english cass-i-dee When 1914 was published, Smith-Dorrien claimed that French had been "in excellent form" and had still been planning to advance. French argued that his horses were too weak to do more than trot, and that he was not strong enough as Kelly-Kenny's men had not yet arrived. My favourites are (for girls) Also that evening a request arrived from Lanrezac, that the BEF attack the flank of the German forces which were attacking Fifth Army, although he alsocontradicting himselfreported that the BEF was still in echelon behind his own left flank, which if true would have made it impossible for the BEF to do as he asked. Is this name familiar to anyone? That to me seems to be the general attitude of the French, we dont mind helping you with your pronunciation once we get what you are saying. In linguistics, and particularly phonology, stress or accent is the relative emphasis or prominence given to a certain syllable in a word or to a certain word in a phrase or sentence.That emphasis is typically caused by such properties as increased loudness and vowel length, full articulation of the vowel, and changes in tone. Listen to this example of Aoine (Friday) and thats what you go for at the start of Aoife and how you deal with the end E! mairead ( mar-aid) Emma, I hope you enjoy your planned trip! @Rionaghac Ah, now I see why Ive been getting more traffic on this name lately. [107], By April 1901, after three months campaigning, French's eight columns had captured 1,332 Boers and 272,752 farm animals. The fighting went on until 25 January, with French several times attempting to turn the Boer flanks but pulling back as his forces ran into resistance. [332] Robertson told the King (27 October) that Haig should replace French. I am keeping Murphy in the hyphenated surname. [39], Unlike Roberts, French and Haig believed that cavalry should still be trained to charge with cold steel as well as to fight dismounted with firearms. This is all in Ireland too not just in the US. [168], This period also saw the beginning of the feud between French and Smith-Dorrien, his successor at Aldershot with whom he had been on relatively cordial terms at the end of the Boer War. Daire Doy-rah or Darrah Jacques Audiard fan. but really, its a regional thing in ireland as it is in england a brummie would say Tracy as try-soy and the yorkshire version would be treer-seh. Many Irish names are pronunced differently depending on which part of Ireland they are being used this is because of local dialects and doesnt make some wrong and some right. Moffitt moff -it. Listed below are some pronunciations for syllables that, when spoken, differ quite well from how it is spoken in English. Tamsin Faiion isnt a name Ive ever come across, nor has my collague here beside me. Where did the baby name Cybill come from in 1972? Eoghan Owen. Has anyone mentioned my daughters name, Oonagh? I am currently reading my illustrated encyclopedia of mythology and I am, at the moment, reading up on Celtic mythology. Joffre agreed in principle, although he had private doubts about having no French troops between the BEF and the sea and later came to believe that this move had, by using up scarce rail capacity for ten days, prevented him from reinforcing Lille and had allowed the Germans to capture it. Holmes (2004, p. 42) gives the date of this promotion as August. If the players will be, say, children or young teens who would balk at the sight of Madb, go with the Anglicized spellings. My sister is called Sanchan. [6][314] French's resignation, recommending Robertson as successor, reached Asquith on the morning of 6 December. This was at the time when he had decided that the BEF would have to retreat behind the Seine to refit. and 'E ain't had one reverse [85], Orders to pursue Cronje were hand-delivered to French at 10pm on 16 February. No need to get intimidated though. I just find Caitln being pronounced that way a bit ridiculous. [368], Political support from London for internment wavered. His handling of the brigade was seen as one of the few successful parts of the manoeuvres, and Luck replaced Keith-Fraser as Inspector General. Kirsten, Callum is pronounced Kal-um, its a variation of the Scottish Calum. The best was probably Oven haha who would name their child oven? A few guidelines to remember when using other letter combinations; See also: 12 Things You Need to Remember about French Liaisons. Brushing aside Spears' arguments that another meeting with Lanrezac would help, French cancelled his journey and returned to GHQ; "relations with Lanrezac had broken down", writes Holmes, because Sir John saw no point in driving for hours, only to be insulted once again in a language he did not quite understand. all of the versions,though, are from the same origin. He hates diminutives of it, as do I regarding my name. In March French had expected the war to drag on until September 1902, but Kritzinger was captured in mid-November. I named my son Kieran, but not Ciaran, because I figured people in the US would butcher the Irish pronunciation beyond all telling. Again simply because I havent ever heard of it doesnt mean its not one. It is the genitive or possessive form of the word ire Ireland (pronounced Air-eh). But here in the U.S. it seems simple enough to me. Im after teh correct pronunciation of: I understand these could all be Welsh/Scottish but thought someone may be able to help me. Anyway) so it would work for a name if we have a girl. Right before we meet. [286], Sir John complained (21 February 1915) that Joffre "treated him like a corporal", although he thought the French "gloriously brave". [399] Ian Senior offers a critical view of French in 1914: although he was "essentially a generous and warm-hearted man" as seen in his pre-Marne meeting with Joffre, his "excitable temperament, uncertain judgement based on rumour and personal experience and his tendency to over-exaggerate problems did not suit him to be in command of the army. How do you pronounce Aileen correctly? Previously the largest permanent unit was the troop; some of these were too small for effective training, while the captains commanding them varied widely in age and experience. The IPA symbol for a nasal vowel is a tilde ~ over the corresponding oral vowel. Also forgot to mention that Ailbhe is pronounced Al-va without much variation. [268], French had thought in mid-October of establishing an "entrenched camp" large enough to hold the entire BEF around Boulogne, but was soon persuaded by Foch and Wilson to move around the German flank towards Roulers, rebuking Rawlinson, his command now numbered IV Corps, for failing to take Menin (18 October). Thx :-). British military strength in Ireland reached 51 battalions during the martial law period early in 1921. Be sure to start practicing these words with our Ultimate French Pronunciation Guide! You wouldnt believe how frustrating its been through my life being called see-mus instead of shay-mus. My daughter is now 29, and takes pleasure in explaining her name, and discovering others names. Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. [303], The shells scandal contributed to the fall of the Liberal Government. You can write it and complain about it all you want, but most of the time, well probably still not get it exactly to your liking because of the way we learned to speak. Writers have traditionally written abbreviated dates according to their local custom, creating all-numeric equivalents to daymonth formats such as "1 My Husband is Irish and our 4 Daughters are called Laoise (LEE-SHA), Caoilainn (KAY-LEEN), Moira (MOY-RAH) and Aoife (EE-FAH). oh sounds like o in 'note'. My middle name is Mairead and I pronounce it Ma-rade (like parade with an M) but I have also heard it pronounce May-read and Ma-rid and I know there is one other way it is pronounced but I like my way it sounds softer. He also got his way over a similar matter involving Esher's son Lt Maurice Brett, who served as French's ADC, and on this occasion did approach the King's secretary (February 1905). Guess what?They have no problem living in France. I know a girl called Charis (pronounced Karr-iss)..the amount of people who pronounce the Ch is unreal! Boer sniping from the hills ceased after French threatened to withdraw his men and shell the town. [345], In July 1917, French asked to advise the War Cabinet, fully aware that this was breaking the monopoly of advice on which Robertson insisted. my planned daughters name is to be Aoife and my pronunciation is a cross between ee-fur and ee-fa, hardly saying the last syllable. Like Sean? [411] Eleanore did not accompany him to Ireland (officially, as it was too dangerous). Ciardha Keira , Thanks, Melanie! If anyone has more information on the Brighde, I would appreciate it! Although he felt that the high ground already in British hands would provide good observation, he broadly concurred with Haig's analysis.
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