Government support for such initiatives is increasingly available. or asset devaluation or regulatory shifts, will lead to cost increases great enough to put many organizations out of business long before they reach their net-zero goals. Mia wants to continue researching the relevance of nature based solutions for biodiversity net gain and the implications for climate mitigation once finishing her degree. The principles of net zero carbon and healthier transport are known to achieve sufficient population density; reduce travel distances with mixed land use and truly affordable housing; design attractive, safe, and climate resilient environments for walking and cycling; replace fossil fuel vehicles with electric smaller vehicles, and progressively restrict car ownership and use. However, investing in cycling alone is not sufficient to tackle the climate emergency. That might include investments in new analytical tools to help staff interpret sustainability-related data, and changes to KPIs, targets, and incentives to promote continuous improvements in energy and resource efficiency. Were continuing to offset our emissions through high-quality carbon credits to reduce our climate impact immediately. Kaya consults regularly for organizations seeking to raise their ambition in response to the climate crisis. Thom collaborates actively with policymakers and practitioners, and is currently a Visiting Academic at the Bank of England and an Academic Consultant at the European Central Bank. This article was edited by Josh Rosenfield, an executive editor in the New York office. Extending the maximum payback period to five years, for example, allows organizations to take a longer-term perspective on investments that could make a meaningful difference in their climate-change impact. The more they try to replicate fossil fuel cars in terms of range, the greater the battery weight.24 Greater weight increases non-exhaust emissions (tyre, surface and brake wear, and resuspension of dust) and road traffic danger.24 Life cycle assessment of electric vehicles in China found no reduction in PM2.5 or SO2 emissions. We believe the companies that understand these factors can better position themselves for long-term success and positive impact. Together withProf. Nathalie Seddon andProf. Michael Obersteiner, she will investigate the socioeconomic and ecological outcomes of different pathways to net zero with a particular interest in understanding the value and the limits of nature-based solutions in achieving net-zero over the long term. The United States and the world face a profound climate crisis. For the United States, the path to net-zero emissions by 2050 entails a comprehensive and rapid effort to decarbonize the economy. She holds an MPhil in Development Studies from Oxford University and a BA in economics from Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania, U.S.). Another option for companies is to introduce an internal form of carbon tax by including the cost of the carbon emissions explicitly as a line item on the profit and loss accounts of their plants and business units. The science is clear: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, business, government and society need to work together to transition to a net zero economy by 2050. Weve made a worldwidescience-based commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by FY30. Kaya leads a team of researchers to aggregate and clearly communicate resources for defining and achieving net zero and host regular engagement events with the business and policy community. With the United States announcement of targets to halve US greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050, the worlds largest economy (and second-largest emitter) has joined some 130 nations in its intention to act on climate change. This estimate focuses on the investments required to deploy the climate solutions that have a direct impact on reducing emissions. Our commitment is aligned to a 1.5 degree scenario to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Tristram has experience generating net zero engagement from a variety of initiatives: he co-designed, with Dr Thomas Hale, an intergenerational policy dialogue method between policy leaders, academic experts, and youth voices; he co-founded the Oxford Climate Action Plan, providing solutions to institutions barriers in adopting and achieving net zero plans; he hosted large-scale events translating the latest insights from the academic to public spheres, and is connecting businesses on climate by building alumnus networks. Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (the 4C and Negem projects). more by this author. Contributors and sources: This article was commissioned by the BMJ. Sustainability-linked bonds worth more than $200 billion were issued in 2020, for example, pushing the total market for such securities above $1 trillion for the first time. Prof Thomas Hales research explores how we can manage transnational problems effectively and fairly. 2.1 - A whole life carbon assessment should be undertaken and disclosed for all construction projects to drive carbon reductions. Few organizations make that link, however. He is on the editorial board of. This shift would result in more than 35 percent of the emissions reduction that is needed in 2025 and more than one-quarter of the reduction in 2030. 3 Cameron provides advice on energy and climate policy to government ministers (e.g. We will still fly on holiday, but in more efficient aircraft, using sustainable fuel. This article is intended as a guide to Americas net-zero transition. 3Business Ambition for 1.5C 2022. Specific expertise includes climate change and sustainability policy, environmental and ecological economics, integrated modelling and assessment, adaptive governance, and the science-policy nexus. Her research work towards net zero has focussed on approaches to accelerate weathering and/or manipulate ocean chemistry to sequester carbon. Even a less-than-perfect picture of emissions could still act as a useful catalyst for improvement. Most notably, a policy evaluation estimated that between 1990 and 2010 Europe increased the diesel fleet by around 47 million, without implementing wider infrastructural change.23 This did not reduce global warming after accounting for black carbon emissions, exacerbated local pollution, and slowed progress towards sustainable alternatives.23, Unlike the dash for diesel, electrification is a necessary part of carbonisation and will benefit population health. Oxford Net Zero is an interdisciplinary research initiative based in the University of Oxfords fifteen years of research on climate neutrality. The primary focus of the framework is to set in place a path to achieve net zero carbon buildings in both construction and operation (in-use energy 1.1 - Net zero carbon construction. If the US had the same fatality rate as Norway it would have 35000 fewer deaths a year (a more than 80% reduction). This gives us a huge opportunity to accelerate the transition to net zero. Others will be forced to act by customers, investors, and governments. Morning and afternoon timely wrap ups of every news item delivered straight to your device. Zero Carbon Energy Systems - Element Energy modelled four scenarios to zero carbon energy by 2050, based on electrification, decarbonisation of gas, decentralisation of energy or a patchwork solution. RG is assistant professor at the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre at the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, India. PwC US has launched a practical guide, Building Blocks for Net Zero Business Transformation, to help companies move from net zero pledges to business transformation. Some materials companies are already using their sustainability credentials and long-term improvement plans as an argument for their products over rivals. The $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard acquisition is key to Microsofts mobile gaming plans. He served on the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for its 3. assessments, and was a Coordinating Lead Author for its special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Mikes research interests cover pure and applied seismology, with connections to mineral physics, geodynamics and engineering. 1Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) 2022. Sams academic interests are in the policy interventions and governance arrangements needed for a smooth transition to net zero. Transport is a Aoife was previously a senior researcher at the Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) at ETH in Zurich. Weve committed to a 50% absolute reduction of our scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) across our network. Prior to her PhD, Sara worked as a researcher at the World Resources Institute and a consultant at Environmental Resources Management. Microsoft is quietly building an Xbox mobile platform and store. Companies could start with developing (or acquiring) capabilities to analyze the exposure of ones core business to risks and opportunities under different decarbonization and warming scenarios. She was part of the UNFCCC core drafting and advisory team at the 2015 Paris negotiations, and, was identified by Climate Home News as one of the Women to watch ahead of the UNs 2015 Climate Summit. She is also involved in differing capacities, but in particular in providing the evidence base, in current and prospective climate cases before national and international courts. The drive to reduce Scope 3 emissions generated in the upstream and downstream value chain, meanwhile, will require companies to extend their sustainability production systems to include functions such as procurement, product development, supplier development, sales, and logistics. The strategy is built around three focus areas of activity and three distinctive sources of differentiation, underpinned by a new sustainability frame and advocacy for policies that support net zero. has tackled the response of marine calcifiers to elevated alkalinity through the NERC funded GGREW project. Mia is a current second year geography undergrad at Christ Church college, University of Oxford. The primary focus of the framework is to set in place a path to achieve net zero carbon buildings in both construction and operation (in-use energy Subscribe to read this article. She is a Senior Associate of the International Institute for Environment and Development and a Senior Fellow of the Oxford Martin School. Even the first step in the carbon-reduction journeydetermining baseline emissionspresents significant complexities. Finally, to successfully operationalize their emissions reduction efforts, companies will need to develop new capabilities at a transformational scale. These five solutions would account for nearly 85 percent of total emissions reductions in 2025 and 2030. In our view, organizations should not let the scale of the challenge derail their sustainability ambitions. Several companies are already pursuing this approach. Dutch chemicals company Royal DSM, for example, introduced such as scheme in 2016, setting an internal carbon price of 50 per ton., carbon-pollution-free power sector by 2035, four ways that leading companies are seizing early advantages. She was the leading voice on climate finance for the Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (AILAC), a grouping of eight countries in international climate negotiations. By 2030, the installation rate for renewables would reach 100 gigawatts per year, three times what it is now, as utilities tap the best solar resources from Texas to California and wind resources in the Midwest. The $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard acquisition is key to Microsofts mobile gaming plans. Saskia holds a BSc in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science for which she received a First Class Honours. Where would my current business stand in a net-zero economy? Should there be a value placed on carbon removals credits, carbon-negative asset owners might be able to monetize removals and improve the business case for combined bioenergy and carbon capture solutions. He led the launch at COP26 of Carbon Gap, a new climate not-for-profit dedicated to making Europe a leader in scaling the full spectrum of carbon removal techniques. He is the Director of Oxford Net Zero, the University of Oxfords interdisciplinary research initiative on net zero, and founded the Climate Prediction project, the worlds largest climate modelling experiment. The low speeds and weights would mean a fraction of the harms of the conventional or electric car. Thomas Hale is Professor of Global Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government. could eliminate emissions from their value chains, then rank them in ascending order of cost per ton Some changes will be possible only if other entities also make changes; for example, mass uptake of electric vehicles depends significantly on the utility sector expanding grid capacity to support charging networks. 7 Which means the built environment is critical if Australia is to meet its legislated targets on the way to net zero by 2050. She brings a policy background forged during her time at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Gallifrey Foundation, working on issues of plastic pollution. Our programme team ensures the smooth day-to-day delivery of the programme and associated communications. Creating an effective business plan for the net-zero transition wont be easy, for uncertainty surrounds the pace and scale at which this transition will progress in America and in other countries. Together, these forces mean that decarbonization is no longer an option. At PwC, were continuing our advocacy and support for globally aligned sustainability reporting standards. He is the Director of Oxford Net Zero, the University of Oxfords interdisciplinary research initiative on net zero, and founded the Climate Prediction project, the worlds largest climate modelling experiment. Microsoft is quietly building an Xbox mobile platform and store. 2017 - Tue Nov 08 09:32:57 UTC 2022 PwC. That will require careful planning, with development of new decarbonization playbooks that help business prioritize and sequence their carbon-reduction actions. Association of Physical Activity Volume and Intensity with Incident Cardiovascular Disease: a UK Biobank Study. At the latter, she helped set up the organizations work on clean energy and climate change in India and led research and implementation on building energy policies in Indian states. He is an honorary Associate at Oxford Net Zero and the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University, and the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy at ANU. Providing solutions for positive change in society. Five aims to get BP to net zero: 1. Current research concentrates on the nature of the core-mantle boundary, continental cratons, continental rifting, mid-ocean ridges, and subduction zones. Global status report on road safety 2018. Something went wrong. His thesis evaluated the impacts of legacy infrastructure and stranded assets on energy markets and utilities in low carbon energy systems. Zero Carbon Energy Systems - Element Energy modelled four scenarios to zero carbon energy by 2050, based on electrification, decarbonisation of gas, decentralisation of energy or a patchwork solution. This spending is equal to 4 percent of 2021 GDP, or 13 percent of capital outlays across the US economy in 2021. These real economy actors join the largest-ever alliance committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest. She has previously worked with international finance institutions such as the Green Climate Fund and international NGOs such as Mercy Corps and CARE International, and has developed a regional expertise from work in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our analysis suggests that, in the aggregate, organizations could presently abate some 40 percent of US GHG emissions at no net additional cost, or even save money by doing so. He holds a PhD in Politics from Princeton University, a masters degree in Global Politics from the London School of Economics, and an AB in public policy from Princetons Woodrow Wilson School. Were adapting our core services to embed consideration of climate change in many ways, from including climate risk in due diligence processes in deals, to considering green incentives and supply chain reengineering in our tax services. The transition to net-zero emissions will have a profound impact on almost every aspect of business. Using such structures, companies can often secure funds for investment at less than half of their existing cost of capital. Pauline Blum is an associate partner in McKinseys Lyon office; Stefan Helmcke is a senior partner in the Vienna office; Ruth Heuss is a senior partner in the Berlin office; Thomas Hundertmark is a senior partner in the Houston office; Sebastien Marlier is a solution associate in the Brussels office, where Ken Somers is a partner; and Dickon Pinner is a senior partner in the San Francisco office. designed and developed by earth. First, we describe Americas starting point and trace a pathway that we modeled for achieving federal net-zero targets. leads the OceanBUG research group developing inventive ways to reconstruct oceans of the past, and to understand the adaptation of organisms to changing ocean chemistry in the past and modern perturbed world. With the United States announcement of targets to halve US greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050, the worlds largest economy (and second-largest emitter) has joined some 130 nations in its intention to act on climate change. Mia also works with both environmental university societies and broader nature societies to understand how accessible media and information is key in improving individual agency. He is also Director and Professor of Environmental Economics at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, a Fellow at New College, Oxford, and a Professorial Research Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics. Understanding the largest sources of greenhouse-gas emissions across value chains can help companies identify quick wins and target energy-efficiency improvement efforts. He seeks to explain how political institutions evolve or not to face the challenges raised by globalisation and interdependence, with a particular emphasis on environmental and economic issues. Because they can be incorporated into everyday schedules, walking and cycling are the best opportunities to be physically active throughout life. For industries that have relied on the same fundamental technologies for a century or more, the degree of change required in the next three decades may seem formidable, but it is not without precedent. As a member of the EY Future Leaders Board she also advised major corporations and high-level UK policymakers on how to create synergies to scale up environmental goals in the lead-up to COP26. Business leaders are already telling us that some of their biggest customers are warning that future contracts will be contingent on significant emissions reductions. He is also a Junior Research Fellow at Kellogg College, Oxford. To establish a potential pathway to net zero, companies must identify the changes that could eliminate emissions from their value chains, then rank them in ascending order of cost per ton of abated carbon. The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative will present the Roadmap for climate action in the events industry, which is the result of a year-long development process by leaders in the sector. Net zero on carbon in BPs oil and gas production on an absolute basis by 2050 or sooner.. 3. The net-zero scenario described in this article is one path that the United States could takea path entailing rapid transformation across multiple sectors. has been with the Energy Department since 2010 and is a Public Affairs Specialist on the digital strategy team in the Office of Public Affairs. Ouraim is to address the issue of how we limit the cumulative net total CO2 in the atmosphere, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, while acknowledging that it is now inevitable that more CO2 will be generated from energy, industry and land-use change than our goals allow. Myles research concentrates on how human and natural influences contribute to observed climate change, as well as the risks of extreme weather and quantifying their implications for long-range climate forecasts. 2Transform to Zero initiative 2022. Oxford Net Zero is an interdisciplinary research initiative based in the University of Oxfords fifteen years of research on climate neutrality. Weve also committed to a 50% absolute reduction in scope 3 business travel emissions - our largest source - by FY30. The potential for wider innovation can be seen in the proliferation of micromobility vehicles (such as electric scooters). That uncertainty has been compounded by the conflict in Ukraine, which has increased the worlds attention to energy security, creating both tailwinds and headwinds for the energy transition. All rights reserved. She has lead 2 ERC grants, 3 NERC standard grants, a BBSRC IB-Carb, and co-Ied 9 further NERC-funded projects. She has also served as Rapporteur for the International Law Associations Committee on Legal Principles Relating to Climate Change, and as Research Director for the Hague Academy of International Laws Centre for Studies and Research. OECD, UN organisations) around the world. Our global reach means we can play an important role in driving the transition to a net zero economy. Even if the transition plays out differently from what our scenario envisions, it appears that a time of climate-focused innovation, investment, and change has arrivedand that leaders would do well to prepare for it. power, patriarchy, and child labor in artisanal Congolese cobalt mining, Towards sustainable urban transport in Singapore: Policy instruments and mobility trends.
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