Ph.D., Medical Instructor, Jennifer Villa, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering Dual MajorProject: Developing a Computational Robotic Model to Understand the Basis of the Human Visual StabilityAdvisor: Marc Sommer, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Teeravit Visutipol, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Methanol Steam Reforming in Stationary Energy Harvesting for Advancement in Fuel Cell TechnologyAdvisor: Nico Hotz, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Kala Viswanathan, Civil and Environmental Engineering MajorProject: Analysis of the Beneficial Re-Use of Waste Streams from Large Scale Swine OperationsAdvisor: David Schaad, Associate, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Zhichun (Eric) Wang, Biomedical Engineering in Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry MajorProject: Biophysical Characterization of Sortase and Intein-mediated Cyclizations of Elastin-like-polypeptidesAdvisor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Biomedical Engineering Director, Center for Biologically Inspired Materials and Material Systems, Adam Williams, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Contributions of Hairy Structure to Superhydrophobic Properties of Insect WingsAdvisor: Chuan-Hua Chen, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Tianxiang Xiong, Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics Dual MajorProject: GPU Acceleration of Ultrasound Volume RegistrationAdvisor: Steve Smith, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Dazhong Xuan, Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics Dual MajorProject: Ocular Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis by Utilizing Efficient Multi-Modality Image Analysis TechniquesAdvisor: Sina Farsiu, Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology Department, Research Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Steven Yarmoska, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Using Angle-Resolved Low Coherence Interferometry to Diagnose Dysplasia in Ex-Vivo Cervical TissueAdvisor: Adam Wax, Theodore Kennedy Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Director of Master's Studies, Peter Zhu, Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics Dual MajorProject: Robust Frequency Response of Genetic CircuitsAdvisor: Lingch, Amy Allen, Civil Engineering Major, Certificate in Architectural EngineeringProject: Dynamics and Control of Offshore Wind TurbinesAdvisor: Jeffrey Scruggs, Assistant Professor, and Henri Gavin, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, John Anton, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Hybrid Catalytic Steam Reforming to Produce HydrogenAdvisor: Nico Hotz, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Priya Balasubramanian, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Influence of Patterned Substrate Topography on Endocytotic Gene ExpressionAdvisor: Kam Leong, Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Surgery, Xuan Cao, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Development of Automated Rotating Probe for the Acquisition of 3D Volumetric ARFI imagesAdvisor: Kathryn Nightingale, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Melody Chan, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Segmentation and Quantification of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Flat MountsAdvisor: Sina Farsiu, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Sophia Chang, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Determination of the Optimum Microbicide Gel Using ModelingAdvisor: David Katz, Nello L. Teer Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Ruvi Chauvan, Biomedial Engineering MajorProject: Modeling Cardiac ArrythmiasAdvisor: Craig Henriquez, Professor and Chair, Biomedical Engineering, Raymond Chen, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Optical Assessment of Tumor Physiology in Response to TherapyAdvisors: Mark W. Dewhirst, DVM, Ph.D., Gustavo S. Montana Professor of Radiation Oncology and Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Rewa Choudhary, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Pressure Generation as a Metric to Evaluate Vascular Graft Thrombogenicity In VitroAdvisors: William M. Reichert, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, William Chyan, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Micro-Mechanical Testing of Microcapsules to be Embedded in a Self-healing Bone Cement MatrixAdvisor: William Reichert, Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Associate Dean for Diversity and Ph.D. Education, David Delfassy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Aerodynamics of a Folding WingAdvisor: Earl Dowell, William Holland Hall Professor and Dean Emeritus, Runbin Dong, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Investigation of the Effect of Cation Electrodes on Transfection Efficiency in Electric Field-Mediated Gene DeliveryAdvisor: Fan Yuan, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Nabil Mohamed Enayet, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Development of a Novel Composite TDM to CDM Hydrospun Scaffold forRotator Cuff Injury RepairAdvisor: Farshid Guilak, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science and Director Orthopaedic Research and Dianne Little, D.V.M., Ph.D, Medical Instructor, Carlo Giustini, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Development of a Coded Aperture Microfabricated Mass SpectrometerAdvisor: Jeff Glass, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, John Hodge, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics Dual MajorProject: Searching for Lightning Flashes Producing Terrestrial Gamma-Ray FlashesAdvisor: Steven A. Cummer, Jeffrey N. Vinik Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tony Jiang, Biomedical Engineering and Chemistry Dual MajorProject: Imaging Glucose Metabolism via Fluorescently Labeled Deoxyglucose 2-NBDGAdvisor: Nimmi Ramanujam, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Catherine Joseph, Civil and Environmental Engineering MajorProject: The Rock Street Project: Energy and Power Systems Evaluation, Research, and DesignAdvisor: David Schaad, Associate Professor of the Practice for Civil and Environmental Engineering, Karim Khalil, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Tribological and Mechanical Behavior of Surface-Grafted Hydrogel Thinfilms for Biological Applications/Cartilage Wear and Joint Protection Studied on the MicroscaleAdvisor: Stefan Zauscher, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering, Jesse Liu, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Synthesis of Silica-coated PEGylated Gold Nanostars with SERS-Active DyesAdvisor: Tuan Vo-Dinh, R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Yang Lou, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Heat Distribution in Cardiac Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) ImagingAdvisor: Gregg Trahey, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, William Greer Mackebee, Civil and Environmental Engineering MajorProject: Selenium Geochemistry of Coal Combustion Byproducts: Cardiac Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) ImagingAdvisor: Helen Hsu-Kim, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Evgenia Madorsky, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Tough and Fatigue-Resistant Gels via Hybrid CrosslinkingAdvisor: Xuanhe Zhao, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Phyllis Mbewe, Civil and Environmental Engineering MajorProject: Optimal Pumping Techniques to Remedy Groundwater ContaminationAdvisor: Zbigniew J. Kabala, Associate Professor Civil & Environmental Engineering, Morgan McLeod, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Depth-dependent Anisotropy of the Micromechanical Properties of Articular Cartilage Evaluated via Atomic Force MicroscopyAdvisors: Farshid Guilak, Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science and Director Orthopaedic Research, Felipe Mejia, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Distributed Solar Thermal Electric PowerAdvisor: Josiah Knight, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Aman Mittal, Biomedical Engineering Major, Chemistry MinorProject: Automatic Segmentation of the AMD Imaging Biomarkers in Confocal Microscopy Images of Human and Mouse RetinaAdvisor: Sina Farsiu, Associate Professor, Ophthalmology and Biomedical Engineering, Zaki Moustafa, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Dual MajorProject: Intrasurgical Optical Coherence TomographyAdvisor: Joseph Izatt, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Akshay Nadkarni, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Analysis of Protein Secondary Structure using Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyAdvisor: David Needham, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science and Biomedical Engineering, Brian Nielsen, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Hybrid Catalytic Steam Reforming to Produce HydrogenAdvisor: Nico Hotz, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Albert Oh, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Dual Major, Mathematics MinorProject: Online Density EstimationAdvisor: Rebecca Willett, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vivek Patel, Biomedical Engineering Major, Chemistry MinorProject: Ultrasound Hyperthermia via 20 MHZ Intracranial Catheter Transducer: Feasibility StudyAdvisor: Stephen Smith, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Jeffrey Peyser, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: The Dynamics of Granular Media and its Applications to Shock MitigationAdvisor: Brian Mann, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, David Piech, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Double MajorProject: Deterministic Cell Manipulation Using Bubble-Induced Flow: Constrained Microbubble 3D CharacterizationAdvisor: Pei Zhong, Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Brittany Potter, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: ARFI Assessment of Cryoablation Lesions in Heart TissueAdvisor: Patrick Wolf, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Sameer Prasada, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Fast Turnover of Ribosomal Proteins Underlies Inoculum EffectAdvisor: Lingchong You, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Dovina Qu, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Design of a Thermally Responsive Local Drug Delivery System for Diacerein toTreat Inflammation in the SpineAdvisors: Lori A. Setton, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Associate Professor ofOrthopaedic Surgery, Chris Radford, Biomedical Engineering and Economics Dual MajorProject: Development of Novel Polypeptide Nanoparticles for Cancer TherapyAdvisor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Theo Pilkington Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Ankit Rajgariah, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Autocrine vs. Paracrine Signaling for the Growth Factor BMP2Advisor: Charles Gersbach, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Tyler Rohr, Civil Environmental Engineering Major, Mathematics MinorProject: Sustainable Use of Water and Soils in Seasonally-dry Regions: Exploring the Continuum Between Natural and Intensively Managed Ecosystems Mechanical Design of an RFID-Guided Autonomous RobotAdvisor: Amilcare Porporato, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Esther Showalter, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Mobile Autonomous Antenna Array for RFID Tag LocalizationAdvisor: Matthew Reynolds, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vivek Subramanian, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering Dual MajorProject: Control Brain-Machine Interface for CursorAdvisor: Miguel Nicolelis, Professor, Neurobiology and Biomedical Engineering and Co-Director, Center for Neuroengineering, Alex Sun, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Chondrogenesis of induced pluripotent stem cells for integrative cartilage repair Advisor: Farshid Guilak, Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science and Director Orthopaedic Research, Zhi Wei Tay, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Effects of Cardiac Fibroblast Paracrine Factors on the Electrical Properties of Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes and the Restorative Effect of Various AgentsAdvisor: Nenad Bursac, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Joe Upchurch, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Dual MajorProject: Feasibility Study of Real Time Three Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging Using a Ring Array Transducer and Synthetic Aperture TechniquesAdvisor: Stephen Smith, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Billy Wang, Civil and Environmental Engineering Structural Major, Architectural Engineering CertificateProject: Optimization of the Gravity Load Resisting System for BuildingsAdvisor: Joseph Nadeau, Professor of the Practice, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Craig J. Wasilewsky, Civil and Environmental Engineering MajorProject: Engineering Design of Tensegrity StructuresAdvisor: Jeffrey T. Scruggs, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Katrina Wisdom, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Towards a Self-Sustained CondenserAdvisor: Chuan-Hua Chen, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Xin Xu, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics Dual MajorProject: Monte Carlo Modeling of Charge Transport in an Organic PhotovoltaicAdvisor: Adrienne Stiff-Roberts, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Linda Ye, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: In Situ Growth of POEGMA from GFP via Sortase Mediated Initiator AttachmentAdvisor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Theo Pilkington Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Jaehong Yoon, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Dual MajorProject: Software Design with Parallel Processing with CUDA for Next Generation OCTAdvisor: Joseph Izatt, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, David Yudovich, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Engineering Nuclease Proteins for Site-Specific Genomic ModificationAdvisor: Charles A. Gersbach, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Hazal Yuksel, Electrical and Computer Engineering Major, Mathematics MinorProject: Anomaly Detection in SmartPhonesAdvisor: Romit Roy Choudhury, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Zachary Abzug,Biomedical Engineering MajorProject:Capacitively Recharging Implanted Electronics Advisor:Patrick Wolf, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Pami Anderson,Biomedical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Double MajorProject:Developing a Method for Non-Invasive Pressure Quantification in the Brain Using Ultrasound Advisor:Kathy Nightingale, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Mark Palmeri, Assistant Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Michael Bell, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Using Microwave Radiation to Eradicate Nematodes and Other Crop Pests as an Alternative to Pesticides Advisor:William T. Joines, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Joav Birjiniuk, Biomedical Engineering Major, Math and Music MinorsProject: Optical Coherence Tomography Advisor: Joseph Izatt, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Steven Bolger, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Biological Function of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Coculture with Endothelial Progenitor Cells Advisor: George Truskey, Professor and Chair, Biomedical Engineering, Anna Brown, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Functional Endoscopic Imaging for Enhanced Detection of Malignancy in Barretts Esophagus, and Pancreatic and Biliary Carcinoma Advisor: Mark Dewhirst, Gustavo S. Montana Professor, Radiation Oncology and Professor of Pathology and Biomedical Engineering, S. Tucker Browne, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Aeroacoustics of Supersonic Flow Advisor: Donald Bliss, Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Adam Caccavale, Mechanical Engineering Major, Economics MinorProject: Cooperative Control of RobotsAdvisor: Devendra Garg, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Tafadzwa Chaunzwa, Biomedical Engineering Major, Mathematics MinorProject: Motion Compensation in Ultrasound, Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging Advisor: Kathryn Nightingale, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Hattie Cutcliffe, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Non-Invasive Measurement of Knee Kinematics & Kinetics Advisor: Lou DeFrate, Assistant Professor of Surgery, and Farshid Guilak, Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Director of Orthopaedic Research, Department of Surgery, Jared Dunnmon, Mechanical Engineering/Economics Double MajorProject: Energy Harvesting from Designed Aeroelastic Flutter Advisor: Earl Dowell, Professor and Dean Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering, Morgan Fox, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Electrophysiology of the Ferret Brain Advisor: Cameron R. 'Dale' Bass, Associate Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Ben Gagne, Mechanical Engineering MajorProject: Ducted Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines Advisor: Donald Bliss, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Nabila Haque, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Assessment of Endothelial Progenitor Cell Characteristics after Transfection with Adenoviral Vector Advisor: William Reichert, Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Director of Center for Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Joshua R. Hirsch, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Cardiac Ablation Imaging with ARFI UltrasoundAdvisor: Patrick Wolf, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Corinne Horn, Electrical and Computer Engineering/Math Double MajorProject: Detecting Anomalies in Social NetworksAdvisor: Rebecca Willett, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jingzhe Hu, Biomedical Engineering/Civil and Environmental Engineering Double MajorProject: Microsensors for Environmental ApplicationsAdvisor: Marc A. Deshusses, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, John Ingalls, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Designing Reliable, High-Performance MicroprocessorsAdvisor: Daniel Sorin, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ga-Young Joung, Electrical and Computer Engineering/Computer Science Double MajorProject: Mobile Logical LocalizationAdvisor: Romit Roy Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Meng Kang, Biomedical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Double MajorProject: Biomechanics of Microbicide Gel Distribution and EfficacyAdvisor: David Katz. The investigation is active and ongoing. of Mechanical Engineering, Derek Juang, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: The Tumor Microcirculation Laboratory Advisor: Dr. Mark Dewhirst, Professor, Dept. HB 2652. Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Director Orthopaedic Bioengineering Laboratory, Emily Spataro, Biomedical EngineeringProject: Development of optical spectroscopy for the non-invasive diagnosis ofbreast and cervical cancersAdvisor: Nimmi Ramanujam, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Eric Spitz, Biomedical Engineering Major and Psychology MinorProject: Increasing the Functional Lifetime of Synthetic Gene Networks UnderSelective PressureAdvisor: Lingchong You, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Sophie Strike, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Endothelial cell focal adhesion formation on stretched smooth muscle cellsAdvisor: George Truskey, Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering,Biomedical Engineering, Bineyam Tafesse, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering MajorProject: Headstage Amplification of 32-Channels of Neural SignalsAdvisor: Patrick Wolf, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Beth Vasievich, Biomedical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Double MajorProject: Loading and release of an imageable temperature-sensitive liposomecontaining cisplatinAdvisor: Mark Dewhirst, Gustavo S. Montana Professor of Radiation Oncology;Professor of Pathology and Biomedical Engineering, Charles Wang, Biomedical / Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: Growing Diamond-like Carbon on Neural Probes to Achieve DesiredMechanical and Electrical Properties, and BiocompatibilityAdvisors: Jeffrey Glass, Professor, Electrical and Computer EngineeringScott Wolter, Research Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rebecca Wilusz, Biomedical/Mechanical Engineering Double MajorProject: Effects of Inflammatory Cytokines on Integrative Meniscal RepairAdvisor: Farshid Guilak, Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering andDirector of Orthopaedic Research, Department of Surgery, An-Kwok Ian Wong, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering Double MajorProject: Noninvasive quantitative chemical measurement via optical, electrical, and mechanical techniques.Advisor: Jungsang Kim, Nortel Networks Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Frank Yu, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Self-assembling nanostructures of genetically engineered,stimuli-responsive elastin-like polypeptides for tissue engineeringAdvisor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Dong Woo Lim, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student, Vineet Agrawal, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: Optimization of Acoustic Pulse Sequences forDifferentiation Between Fluid-filled and Solid Breast LesionsAdvisor: Gregg Trahey, James L and Elizabeth M. Vincent Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Zaid Nasr Al-Husseini, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Economics Double MajorProject: Microwave Induced Thermoacoustic Tomography in Early Breast Cancer DetectionAdvisor: Qing Liu, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nasir Bhanpuri, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Modeling Cortical Songs Advisor: Dr. Jean-Marc Fellous, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Ling Bei, Biomedical Engineering and English Double MajorProject: Real-time Visualization of Ablation Lesion with Acoustic Radiation Force ImagingAdvisor: Gregg Trahey, James L and Elizabeth M. Vincent Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Justin Bieber, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Study of Surface-Confined, Stimulus-Responsive Polymer Brushes by QCM-DAdvisor: Stefan Zauscher, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Andrew Bowen, Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Double MajorProject: Receptor-Ligand interactionsAdvisor: Stefan Zauscher, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Jeff Boyer, Biomedical Engineering and Economics Double MajorProject: Biophotonics for Early Cancer DetectionAdvisor: Adam Wax, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chris Champion, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Determining the Presence of Gap Junctions in a Direct Co-Culture System of Smooth Muscle and Endothelial CellsAdvisor: George Truskey, Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering, Zubair Chao, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Implementation of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Imaging in 3D Ultrasound MachineAdvisor: Stephen W. Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Brian Dieckmann, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science MajorProject: Exploration of Mobile Robot Designs and their Applications in Different IndustriesAdvisor: Devandra P. Garg, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Lisa Duty, Civil and Environmental Engineering MajorProject: Microstructural Modeling of Concrete with Silica FumeAdvisor: Joseph Nadeau, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Todd Elkin, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Endothelial Cell Migration along Manufactured Gradients Advisor: William Reichert, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Peter Filev, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Cell ElectroporationAdvisor: Wanda Krassowska, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Julien Finlay, Mechanical Engineering MajorProject: Lift Enhancement and Stall Delay for Fluid Dynamics Control Surfaces Bio-Inspired SolutionsAdvisor: Laurens Howle Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Jared Gardner, Biomedical Engineering Major, Chemistry MinorProject: Hydrogel Formation of Elastin-Like Polypeptides with Hydroxymethylphosphines for in situ Forming BiomaterialsAdvisor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineeringand Dong Woo Lim, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student, Derek Hower, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Reliable Microprocessor StructuresAdvisor: Daniel Sorin, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clifford Hou, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Double MajorProject: Lift Enhancement and Stall Delay for Fluid Dynamics Control Surfaces Bio-Inspired SolutionsAdvisor: Laurens Howle Associate Professor/Director of Graduate Studies of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences, Farokh Irani, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Anisotropic culturing of adult cardiomyocytes: how to teach an oldcell new tricks.Advisor: Nenad Bursac, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Amit Joshipura, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: DNA Chips/Microarray Research and Their Use in Ophthalmology andLabVIEW Coding on and Research on GalvoAdvisor: Joseph Izatt, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Daniel M. Kaplan, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: Generating Neural Spiking PatternsAdvisor: Craig Henriquez, W.H. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, James Grant, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Nitric Oxide and PGE2 Response to Hyper-Osmotic Stress in Nucleus Pulposus and Annulus Fibrosus Cells of the Intervertebral Disc Advisor: Dr. Farshid Guilak, Assistant Professor, Dept. Auburn won Game 1 []. that were manufactured before 1998 and/or are over 15 years old Diesel vehicles weighing up to 10,000 lbs. of Civit and Environmental Engineering, Michael A. Holub, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Data Analysis for Lightning Electromagnetics Advisor: Dr. Steven A. Cummer, Assistant Professor, Dept. On Wednesday, July 29, the Massachusetts State Police Crime Lab contacted the Townsend Police Officer Jeffrey Giles, who is heading the investigation, to let him know that the finger and palm print came back as a match to DELEON. of Biomedical Engineering, Robert Kazmierski, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: Mechanosensitivity of Meniscal Cells Advisor: Dr. Lori Setton, Assistant Professor, Dept. O Betfair oferece bnus de 100% sobre o valor do seu primeiro depsito at um limite de R$200, e mais 20 rodadas grtis. AC AnalysisAdvisor: Sule Ozev, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Andrew D. Galanopoulos, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Characterization of Cell-Mediated Articular Cartilage Degradation through Mechanical TestingAdvisor: Farshid Guilak, Associate Professor of BME and Director of Orthopaedic Research Department of Surgery, Haven Garber, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Drug Diffusion in HEMA HydrogelAdvisors: William Reichert, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Lori Norton, Biomedical Engineering graduate student, Darwin Goei, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: Hardware and Data Analysis for Lightning ElectromagneticsAdvisor: Steven Cummer, Assistant Professor of ECE, Stephen Greenfield, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Using Transmembrane Ammonium Sulfate Gradients to Produce Doxorubicin Loaded Thermo Sensitive Liposomes.Advisors: David Needham, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Alex Wright, Biomedical Engineering graduate student, Twinkle Gupta, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: Finite Element Analysis of Ultrasonic Transducers to study the Thermal Effects Associated with ARFIAdvisor: Kathy Nightingale, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Aarash Haghighat, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorAdvisors: Ashutosh Chilokti, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Hongwei Ma, Biomedical Engineering graduate student Project: Study of Quasi-3 Dimensional Microstructure Guided Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Differentiation, Bevin E. Hearn, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Overexpression of hTERT and the Effects on Telomere Length and Cell Growth in Human Smooth MuscleAdvisors: Juliana L. Blum, PhD, Laura E. Niklason, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Jeremy Kim, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: Body Voltage and Electromagnetic Changes During Periods of Focused Intent Advisor: William T. Joines, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kevin Ko, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Cardiac Tissue Engineering: Development of in vitro Models for Cardiac DysfunctionAdvisor: Nenad Bursac, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Trina Kok, Electrical and Computer Engineering MajorProject: 3-gene Regulation and Cellular Automata Advisor: Paul Wang, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Anjum Koreishi, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Quasi-3D Microstructure System for Stem Cell DifferentiationAdvisor: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Megan Leftwich, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science MajorProject: Pressure Fields in Thin Film LubricantsAdvisor: Josiah D Knight, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science, Kyle McCarter, Electrical Engineering MajorProject: Electrical Impedance TomographyAdvisor: Qing Liu, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Emily McDowell, Biomedical Engineering Major, Mathematics MinorProject: Image Processing Software for Manual Segmentation of Retinal OCT Images.Advisor: Joseph A. Izatt, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Christian Moyer, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Vascular Phantom DevelopmentAdvisor: Gregg Trahey, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Douglas Mullen, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Development of Thermally Stable Environments for Stimulus-Responsive Polymer Brush ExperimentsAdvisor: Stefan Zauscher, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Paul S. Nesline, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science MajorProject: Micro-Robotics: Design, Simulation, and Manufacturing MethodsAdvisor: Devendra Garg, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Panchika Prangkio, Biomedical Engineering MajorProject: Cytokine Detection Protein Array Designed for Biocompatibility of Biomaterials Advisor: Yiwen Li, Visiting Research Scholar of Biomedical Engineering, William Reichert, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Roni Prucz, Biomedical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Double MajorProject: The Creation of Microvascular Networks: Inducing the In-Vitro Formation of Capillary Lumens Through the Use of Physiological and Mechanical StimuliAdvisor: Laura Niklason, M.D./Ph.D.
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