With out chemicals the number of farmers that are out there making food. Many global organizations have done the review of all these papers, and have come to a unanimous conclusion glyphosate is safe. To save everyone a mouse click or two, Ive reproduced that link here and summarized it below: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-016-6596-2. Look on regulations.gov and search for glyphosate. Until more research is conducted, it is advisable to be extra careful to avoid contacting the foliage of trees and shrubs with Roundup-Pro. They read all of these studies and evaluate them then reach a conclusion based on the data. So guys, choose your carcinogen! Science doesnt mean they use the scientific method. Illiterate or no. The same applies to the member of those health organizations. And they they need to pay off all of the reviewers of these studies. 1g/kg (w/v) is ridiculously high, and the authors evenake it a point to indicate that the exposure they used is extrely high, even when compared to provious studies. However, in contrast to Roundup-Pro, Finale produces symptoms more rapidly (often within 48 hours, see Table 1) but may not control perennial weeds (such as: bindweed, goldenrod, and mugwort) as well as Roundup-Pro. We all have different views about safety. Please note the HIGHER incidence and that it is still being investigated. oid contact with desirable vegetation. Larger weeds and perennial weeds may wilt or discolor after application, but in some cases, they will regrow a few days or weeks later. Her scientific results didnt match their beliefs or their crusade. In general, the application times given above have been more effective than applications made at other times of year. Maybe this article in Bloomberg will help: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-02/how-monsanto-mobilized-academics-to-pen-articles-supporting-gmos. All that aside there is another side now we must also consider which is the legal one. Other Industrial Surfactants have entered foods and vaccines such as Polysorbate 80(PS80) thus more exposure to Ethylene Oxide. Thank you for this great fact based article. It just never seems to work good and having the soil tested, the vinegar actually kills the soil! What I am saying is that farmers must only use it according to the labels, and that it should not be used in untrained applications. The grass specific herbicides, such as fluazifop (Fusilade/Ornamec), clethodim (Select, Envoy), sethoxydim (Poast, Vantage, Grass Getter), and fenoxaprop (Acclaim), can control many grass weeds effectively with little phytotoxicity to most ornamental plantings (Fig.2). [ In contrast, higher rates were seen for prostate, lip, thyroid, testicular, and peritoneal cancers, and multiple myeloma and acute myeloid leukemia. ] The group that posted this has a history of notoriously bad science, and their claims were never peer reviewed or replicated. It does not break down, and after it kills the grass in your walk, will poison and even kill large specimen trees where their roots run under the sidewalk or treated area. NC State University and NC I appreciate the topic and the comments. The authors analyzed 6 studies as part of this work, but those studies were wildly different in terms of the power of analysis for each. Nobody suggests you should spray it in your eyes!!! To the contrary, Dr. Shelley McGuire is an expert in breast milk and her analytical chemistry team knew how to detect glyphosate using the most sensitive tests. You wont be able to do so, as all the compliant studies show no significant increased risk at the current limits (for review see Griem et al. As the methods are open access, this begs the question why they cannot meet the same standards that we have across the entire field. If you ask anyone, if a single cigarette will kill you, everyone would agree that is not true. Resources for landscapes and gardens in the Midwest. I no my vegetables taste different than the ones I get from the store. This is why theyre used as fertilizer in some cropping systems (mainly organic). This is a sensitive topic that gets taken over by emotion and so much misinformation out there. I dont think so and I welcome you to sip down a glass if thats what you believe. In contrast, deciduous plants are more tolerant in winter and spring, while much more severe damaged results from glyphosate contact in the late summer and early fall. Consult each label for product-specific guidance. It does not break down, and after it kills the grass in your walk, will poison and even kill large specimen trees where their roots run under the sidewalk or treated area. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1438463920306039. There is no doubt that the majority of general public hate Monsanto and Roundup, and they truly believe Roundup causes cancer. Did you not read the post? Additional treatments may be required for new emerging weeds. I have degrees in Soils and also plant pathology and I have no worries with RU. I agree with David. Salt* Some choose to combine vinegar with salt to make their alternative herbicide more potent. The odor can be offensive. Yes, one can try to keep round-up away from water areas, but even so theres some possibility that it will leach (or be carried) to nearby aquatic life. No? etc, the list is a long one, provided you understand the dose. I got glyphosate poisoning wading in farm flood waters . The choice should always be according to the person, and it seems wrong that others would suffer from those choices. Even worse than DDT and you should know how that played out. Scythe Herbicide works through contact of green vegetation by piercing the green plant tissue and burning it down. You left out the data that farmers suffer elevated rates of non hodgkins lymphoma. Other studies have looked at exposure to very high levels of glyphosate. I hope that putting all of the information in one spot will make it a useful tool for discussions in gardening social media groups. Organizations have all of our heads on backwards. At this point we do not have all the answers, but preliminary research suggests that fall applications may not have increased potential for injury, but spring and summer applications of Roundup-Pro will be more injurious than Roundup. Read our Monsanto is funding scientists but we need the truth. Robert weve added your warning about salt to our text. Best alternative is hemp grown in rotation. Several years ago I was going to write a post about Roundup and glyphosate, its active ingredient, but decided against it because several very good science-based reports were produced by others. With improved absorption, Roundup-Pro has greater potential for injuring conifers than did Roundup. The results? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_desiccation. Theres a reason why my peers and I devote so much time and energy to developing methods to test for causation, and its because correlative associations rarely pan out as being causally linked. I know I dont have ugly weeds in my yard any more. Weaker on grasses. It is formulated to deliver maximum performance and provides fast acting results on a long list of weeds and grasses, as well as most mosses and lichens. The pesticides we used 40 years ago were much more toxic. I was one of the first person to use RU in Ct. My cousin was a chemist at Monsanto and he brought us a gallon to test. Also, Scythe is the only herbicide which can be used to control weeds growing in woody plant production benches, such as rose . Systemic (sometimes also called translocated) herbicides move within the plant from the point of application to other plant parts. The levels found in the environment and in mothers milk are extremely low and of no health concern. Just the track record of Monsanto makes me hate them for their crimes against humanity. I personally do not use non natural products in gardening. You expect me to go out and find the information you were reading???? This can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes. Not only do they consistently fail to come close to the minimum requirements to conclude any causal relationship, their record for replications is utterly abysmal. If you follow the pathways, Glyphosate goes down multiple directions and one of those disrupts the function of Cortisol. The more layers of filtration/separation between each of us the lower the transmission rate. It sounds to me like they know what a deadly product they have made and they decided that the name Roundup has a really bad connotation and instead of admitting that and taking it off the market, they chose to put themselves on the opposite side of the argument and are actually pretending they desire the cancerous name and want you to believe that name will do wonders for their other wonderful products which will enable them to continue to sell/fool a large number of people even though its a small percentage, its still enough to keep their deadly company prosperous. Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States. These products are broad-spectrum, so damage can occur if applied on ornamental plantings. The disruption of the cell membrane results in cell leakage and death of all contacted tissues. The Food Safety Branch 2015-16 rated a number of foods contaminated with the chemical. I illustrated how the conclusions based on the Spanish Study were flawed. Roundup-Pro is labeled for control of annual and perennial weeds in ornamental plantings. Scythe HerbicideScythe Herbicide is a contact non-selective, broad spectrum, foliar-applied herbicide. Amount of Roundup-Pro to Obtain 90% or Better Weedy Species Control One Season Later Application Timing for Best Control. Well come back to this in a moment. And you could drink out of a pond thats never had. They have been using the Ecomight all year at many of the HOAS, and Brentwood school districts. Glyphosate is currently available under many brand names which differ in many ways. Its those anti-biotech researchers who have severe issues replicating their results. Unfortunately your article did not address the effects of Round Up on DNA. It isnt the single dose that will kill you, it is the accumulation within the entire ecosystem that is the problem. vitamins. One of the largest agricultural human heath studies has been following workers using glyphosate, for 20 years, and reported, Overall rates of cancer in the study remain lower than in the general population, especially cancers of the oral cavity, pancreas and lung.. None of these products have residual activity (i.e. Remember to always check labels prior to making any herbicide application. In general crop desiccation results in significantly higher herbicide residues in food than their traditional use directly on weeds. WARNING: may cause eye or mild skin irritation; LD, CAUTION: may cause mild skin or eye irritation; LD, Perennial grasses (johnsongrass, fescue, etc. It provides burndown of both annual and perennial broadleaf and grass weeds, as well as most mosses and other cryptogams. They are not trained to be cancer scientists and thus do not conduct research on the potential risk of cancer. Thank you so much Mr. Pavlis! It is a matter of you deciding you do or dont want to meet the virus, and the possibility of you meeting it and spreading it to people you love who may be more vulnerable than you. People the think Monsanto is the villain really dont understand farming. I doubt that anyone from those organizations read more papers than I do on a daily basis. I am exhausted reading through, trying to piece and parse to gain knowledge. Roundup vs Glyphosate Roundup was originally produced by Monsanto and it contains glyphosate as its active ingredient. I only have 10-years of gardening experience but like so many people of my generation, I also have an increased sensitivity to certain chemicals and certain surfactants. These are applicable to nurseries but not for landscape uses. We as humans are part of a linked ecosystem dependent on each other and having private companies patenting life forms and spreading their products not only through you spraying something from a bottle but the accumulation in our water, soil, seeds and air. So many people here say I dont need science to tell me thatxyz is bad. Science is how we got to our ultra-comfortable lifestylescience is how we got out long life. You can do damage to the plants you are trying to protect if you arent careful. Glyphosate exerted proliferative effects only in human hormone-dependent breast cancer, T47D cells, but not in hormone-independent breast cancer, MDA-MB231 cells Since there is an increased pseudo-estrogen load due to micro-plastics and phyto-estrogen load due to an increased consumption of soybeans, we must not exclude issues that Glyphosate may contribute to if not be solely responsible for. by season, by weather) to benefit from the good without abusing it with unnecessary applications. Its worth every penny. To conclude causation, one must show a statistically significant increase in negative health effects between treatment and control groups, using a sample and exposure range sufficient to establish a consistent, dose-dependent response. EPA Reg. Why did you comment on the eye damage part of the sentence, yet entirely ignore the part that states toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects? Some characteristics of each are compared in Table 1. Lower rates of smoking may partly explain decreased smoking-related cancers such as lung cancer. Weve been using soap for millennia because it performs this very task, and youd get the same results if you swapped out RoundUp with Dawn dish soap. Just look at what welcomes you the moment you set foot in one of these big box stores: gallons upon gallons of Round Up. Your vociferous support for glycophosphate I find extreme. Made of natural fatty acids, Scythe Herbicide works by removing or "burning" the waxy . (My background is that worked with deadlier and more contagious zoonotic viral diseases and quarantining of exotic animals on a day-to-day basis for 15 years in a zoo and three biomedical research universities and never took my work home with meI am not an epidemiologist but managed these facilities and kept my staff safe). What many researchers have found is that the combination of the adjunctive surfactants (e.g. The studies came from industry, academic, and government labs from the US, UK, Italy, Poland, India, and Japan, yet they all managed to obtain similar results. ), Early spring, with 6 to 8 inches of new growth; or early fall, Composites (asters, goldenrod, dogfennel, etc. It also means they understand the value of genetic engineering and think the government should stay out of its development. Application Depending on the size of foliage of weeds, use between 3%-10% dilution solution. You need to realize that there is a VERY different burden of proof to conclude causation between the US civil courts, as compared to science as a whole. I would encourage a policy that says, Your comment will be removed if you engage in ad hominem attacks and name calling. They add nothing, and derail the conversation. No soil residual activity or root uptake have been reported. People need an alternative to Roundup. Indians. Nonselective herbicides (as the term indicates) are not selective about which plants they kill. Thank you, Robert, for another dose of sanity in a clearly nuts world. Our results indicate that although exposure to glyphosate and Roundup during in vitro maturation does not affect nuclear maturation and embryo cleavage, it does impair oocyte developmental competence in terms of blastocyst rate and cellularity. You mentioned the human microflora and the potential for interfering with the respiration of some of those organism. There is much debate on the efficacy of household vinegar versus agricultural vinegar in alternative herbicides. Roundup has been a household name for over 20 years. She has made numerous claims about glyphosate which are quickly discounted by the scientific community as outrageous use of science. A scientific organization wrote an article about this subject in March that discusses the glyphosate-cancer topic in much detail: https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2019/03/26/infographic-global-regulatory-and-health-research-agencies-on-whether-glyphosate-causes-cancer/?mc_cid=41a15fec7f&mc_eid=3dd2ec99f7. In all applications, avoid contact with desirable vegetation. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015 Feb: 12(2): 1548 1559. A comparison of postemergence, non-selective herbicides. Used per the label, this is a pet safe weed killer. When an article does not include a link to the research they are discussing, they can say anything they want, and it is not a reliable article. https://time.com/4730440/taiwan-fake-news-education/. The thing is, people get an idea in their head and it sticks there, and then they gather information that confirms their previously held beliefs.
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