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In spite of structural variability, XGs seem to be conserved in all plant species.Caffall & Mohnen 2009, The general role of XGs as the main load-bearing component between cellulose microfibrils has been recently questioned but they were confirmed to be implicated in primary wall mechanics.Park &Cosgrove 2012 In addition to their structural function in binding tightly to cellulose microfibrils via hydrogen bonds in a way that tethers them Fry 1989Hayashi 1989 XGs are the source of oligosaccharides mediated by the action of wall-bound xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET).These fragments have shown regulatory activities during plant cell growth and elongation McDougall, Fry 1989, suggesting that xyloglucan metabolism plays a role in the control of the elongation of plant cells.Takeda et al 2002, This is the main type of the xylan family of hemicelluloses found in some primary walls. In addition to pectin, Arabidopsis expressing a fungal cutinase from Fusarium, solani f. 108(8):803810. 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