Chemistry: Atoms First 2e is a peer-reviewed, openly licensed introductory textbook produced through a collaborative publishing partnership between OpenStax and the University of Connecticut and UConn Undergraduate Student Government Association. The Links to Learning are also useful. It aims to help students hone their analytical and problem-solving skills by presenting detailed approaches to solving chemical problems. [34][35], A thorium atom has 90 electrons, of which four are valence electrons. There is a very nice photo of an interference pattern, but no figure illustrating constructive and destructive interference, which is an abstract concept that can use some pictorial help for students to understand. I found the online book easiest to find a specific subsection I was looking for, but it only displays just that subsection, so for scanning through a chapter, the pdf is easier to work with. (Northern Arizona University) and Raymond Chang, this success guide is written for use with General Chemistry. However, in the presentation, the authors are working through four examples simultaneously. {This text is a derivative of openstax Chemistry by Purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) are a group of metallohydrolases that contain a dinuclear Fe(III)M(II) center (M(II) = Fe, Mn, Zn) in the active site and are able to catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of phosphoric acid esters. b. is the total negative charge on a polyatomic anion. In many cases, this thoughtful organization improves upon other versions of this type of textbook. 232Th absorbs neutrons more readily than 238U, and 233U has a higher probability of fission upon neutron capture (92.0%) than 235U (85.5%) or 239Pu (73.5%). ZnSO4, involving interstitial oxygen ions Oi 2 and anion vacancies (F MnSO4 and MgSO4 compounds are all water soluble unlike that of centre's) adjacent to Zn2 and Mn2 ions seem to give rise to 210 C CaSO4. What is the formula of the ionic compound formed from magnesium, Mg, and chlorine, Which is the correct formula (including charge) of a nitrate ion? CaSO4 not hydrates 14 mol C H 12.011 g 1.0079 g 14.007 g + 18 mol H + 2 mol N mol C mol H mol N + 5 mol O b. Chapter 21 Exactly like an organic chemistry chapter in a traditional textbook. I will definitely start using this textbook as my adopted text when I start teaching the introductory chemistry course this coming fall. The one limitation to the interface is the amount of text that is displayed. Which of the following is true about elements which exist as diatomic molecules? The fact that it's a hyperlink to the relevant item is great, but it's a little strange to read that way. There are many problems that remain to be fixed from an incomplete eagles eye proofreading (see below). Need to add an expanded table of just polyatomic ions. The book seems to be error-free and accurate upon basic review and skimming. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The content is well organized and explained clearly. For the most part, I think the images/charts/etc are appropriate and to-the-point, but lack some of the visual appeal and clarity of "conventional" texts, however, some of the images/charts seem bigger than necessary with respect to their pedagogical utility (e.g. Reviewing the first five chapters, I did not found any grammatical errors. Describe how to prepare a solution of a given molarity starting with a solid solute or by dilution from a more concentrated solution. This is no fault of the publisher or authors. The authors have done a goo job in presenting the material so that students are required to understand that composition and structure are tremendously important for chemistry to know. Also the figure numbers do not correspond between the online version and the pdf version. [61] Thorium complexes with organic ligands, such as oxalate, citrate, and EDTA, are much more stable. Thorium is also used in strengthening magnesium, coating tungsten wire in electrical equipment, controlling the grain size of tungsten in electric lamps, high-temperature crucibles, and glasses including camera and scientific instrument lenses. Which of the following molecules is best described as having a nearly tetrahedral distribution of electron density? The intention of atoms-first involves a few basic principles: first, it introduces atomic and molecular structure much earlier than the traditional approach, and it threads these themes through subsequent chapters. So are the authors talking about the lambda symbols being the same, but meaning something different, or are they talking about v and nu? How is a student to know that AgF is insoluble? While I have read other texts with better prose, it is difficult to do to keep the sections to a minimum. The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The parts of the text, that I have read, do not have any culturally relevant issues. The text actually covers a great deal of material and is updated compared to some other texts I have seen. On a more serious note, the colors used on the periodic table are quite pale and I suspect students who are color blind would not be able to distinguish the difference between metalloids and non-metals, in particular, and seeing the difference between metals and non-metals may be tough as well. Two factors are significant enough to prevent me from adopting this text. [66][68][g] In the distant past the abundances of thorium and uranium were enriched by the decay of plutonium and curium isotopes, and thorium was enriched relative to uranium by the decay of 236U to 232Th and the natural depletion of 235U, but these sources have long since decayed and no longer contribute. The book seems appropriately error free, accurate and unbiased. How to Use Chemical Reaction Calculator? I also loved the Eric Brockovich example because I already use this in lecture. The order of the topics is designed for an "atoms first" approach, as the title indicates. Finding Electronegativity Difference (END) In Polyatomic Ions. If the book had more color, it would be near perfect. What is the formula of calcium sulfate? I really like the diagram on page 365 that shows how moles are related to a variety of stoichiometric quantities. The introduction of transistors in the 1950s significantly diminished this use, but not entirely. read more. The quality of the images are high, but more images can be included. [48] Most thorium exposure occurs through dust inhalation; some thorium comes with food and water, but because of its low solubility, this exposure is negligible. I haven't found any inaccuracy in the textbook. I initially chose this text so my students can utilize their money in other online resources/assessment. I would highly recommend just saving a pdf copy. C) isotope. All interface elements worked well. The images also have high resolution, which is great for incorporating them into lecture slides. I like the early intro to valence and conduction band in fig 5.39 because they will see this in many future classes and it is not usually presented in general chemistry. Updates can be made and new materials can be incorporated without altering significantly the original presentation. It aims to help students hone their analytical and problem-solving skills by presenting detailed approaches to solving chemical problems. The text is written in a clear, comprehensible language. This may create confusion for those who have had chemistry before. chemical reactions in different conditions). CaF2 + concentrated H2SO4 > CaSO4 + 2HF. Chapter 13, in particular, has poor definitions of Q; the entire beginning of Chapter 13 is very poorly done, enough so that I will not use the text, although the rest of the chapters I examined seem quite satisfactory. I'm looking to incorporate this book into my general chemistry courses. The examples worked out in the text are well conceived and descriptive. The content is very accurate and factually correct. Thorium is a weakly radioactive metallic chemical element with the symbol Th and atomic number 90. Every section followed the same outline, which made it very easy to navigate through each chapter. The other problem is Chapter 13. One example that I noticed is the idea that the sum of the formal charges must be equal to the charge on the species. , which reactant will be used up? It provides, index, glossary, and appropriate tables (thermodynamic quantities, equilibrium constants, etc.). [88] In 1824, after more deposits of the same mineral in Vest-Agder, Norway, were discovered, he retracted his findings, as the mineral (later named xenotime) proved to be mostly yttrium orthophosphate. Reviewed by Lou Ann Tom, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Susquehanna University on 3/8/20, I did not see anything inaccurate in my review. Ch 4 has More in-depth discussion of ionic and covalent compounds and naming. [51], Energy, some of it in the form of visible light, is emitted when thorium is exposed to a source of energy itself, such as a cathode ray, heat, or ultraviolet light. As commented on earlier under "Accuracy," it is not a matter of whether ATOMS FIRST is consistent or not in the use of language but rather it is able to help students overcome the inability (and fear) of following the changes of topics without getting lost. This is probably due to the cut-and-paste job the authors used to rearrange their macroscopics-first into an atoms-first textbook. Chapter 16 The corrosion section was an excellent edition so the students can relate electrochemistry to something they have seen their whole lives. As we teach a one-semester general chemistry course instead of a more traditional two-semester course, we do cover some later chapters earlier in the course (e.g. Tetramethylthorium, Th(CH3)4, is not known, but its adducts are stabilised by phosphine ligands. What are the major disadvantages of using ozone instead of chlorine to disinfect water? I particular found the organization in the first 5 chapters to be effective. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Acetylene has the formula C2H2. Thanks to the reactivity of thorium with atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen, thorium also acts as a getter for impurities in the evacuated tubes. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. [31] He published his findings in 1829, having isolated an impure sample by reducing K[ThF5] (potassium pentafluorothorate(IV)) with potassium metal. No offensive or insensitive portions. The Key Terms and Definitions and Key equations at the end of each chapter were good. The text maintains a consistent format from chapter-to-chapter, which will help students in navigating the text. The precipitates are neutralised by the original sodium hydroxide solution, although most of the phosphate must first be removed to avoid precipitating rare-earth phosphates. The chapter styles and sections within each were very consistent and useful. Why kinetics after electrochemistry? Reviewed by Ann Taylor, Professor, Wabash College on 7/17/19, The book covers all the topics found in a full year general chemistry course. [165], Exposure is raised for people who live near thorium deposits or radioactive waste disposal sites, those who live near or work in uranium, phosphate, or tin processing factories, and for those who work in gas mantle production. Reviewed by Thomas Sommerfeld, Associate Professor, Southeastern Louisiana University on 6/20/17, The table of context suggests an interesting atoms-first text text for science majors, since the order is a bit more courageous than usual, with thermodynamics very early and kinetics last, but I think this is an approach well worth trying out. calcium sulfate. A real shortcoming of the book is the incomplete copy-and-paste job. There are some problems with logical progression of ideas and terminology due to this being a derivative of a traditional-order text. Reviewed by Gabriele Backes, Instructor, Portland Community College on 6/22/20, The text is comprehensive and addresses all topics required in a one-year science majors general chemistry curriculum. [132] The current reliance on monazite for production is due to thorium being largely produced as a by-product; other sources such as thorite contain more thorium and could easily be used for production if demand rose. [12], In deep seawaters the isotope 230Th makes up to 0.04% of natural thorium. Which of the following is true for the molecule O=C=S? Sections are strong for stand alone use. I think the multitude of written examples, practice problems, with solutions, and external links will help the students solidify required theories and mathematical equations. A covalent bond is associated with which of the following? The information in the chapters flows well. read more. [2], Thorium nuclei are susceptible to alpha decay because the strong nuclear force cannot overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between their protons. (At the time of the Earth's formation, 40K and 235U contributed much more by virtue of their short half-lives, but they have decayed more quickly, leaving the contribution from 232Th and 238U predominant. The concept of complete and net ionic equations should have been integrated within the precipitation and acid/base reactions instead of standing alone in the "balancing equations" section. This seems like a great choice for many English speaking countries but seems primarily aimed at students in US institutions. [48] Thorium has no known biological role. 3.20 Highly misleading. Most of the text had enough and to the point information, which is a great asset, most of the time. Step-by-step solutions to problems like balancing chemical equations are included. [96] Metallic thorium was isolated for the first time in 1914 by Dutch entrepreneurs Dirk Lely Jr. and Lodewijk Hamburger. There was nothing about the book that was offensive, however I think there were missed opportunities in some of the choices that were made about which scientists to highlight. "[140] Thorium is also used to make cheap permanent negative ion generators, such as in pseudoscientific health bracelets. Which of the following elements is most electronegative? In natural thorium-containing waters, organic thorium complexes usually occur in concentrations orders of magnitude higher than the inorganic complexes, even when the concentrations of inorganic ligands are much greater than those of organic ligands.[58]. D. Mass is composed of only one type of atom., Which of the following is NOT a field of study that would require chemistry. In such a modular text it doesn't particularly matter and it may make more sense to talk about, say, molecular orbital theory before Boyle's law. No errors in calculations, units, or diagrams were noted. I did feel that some topics were done with good clarity. [136], There are two categories of thorium minerals for thorium extraction: primary and secondary. e. the high electronegativity of hydrogen. There seems to be a balance. (Northern Arizona University) and Raymond Chang, this success guide is written for use with General Chemistry. I do wish there was a more color on the pages; it may be dull to some. Overall good job on the editing. 1 B. I do think that the availability of a print copy is advantageous, as some students preferred a paper copy. Pure thorium is very ductile and, as normal for metals, can be cold-rolled, swaged, and drawn. share. [40], Thorium is a highly reactive and electropositive metal. There were good figures--perhaps not as fancy as in some commercial texts, but clear enough. $$ The sequence of topics in the book is traditional for an atoms first approach. It's less a flaw than a question of style, but if I were writing my own book? Figure 8.14 b) in pdf: Axis labels are incorrect. Formaldehyde has the chemical formula CH2O. Correct grammar is used throughout the book. How many electrons are associated with a double bond? As new external resources become available, the electronic nature of this textbook will allow the authors to provide links to those resources. All of the material included in a traditional two-semester general chemistry course is here. The chapters in ATOMS FIRST can be easily re-arranged and taught in various different sequences. Its introductory chemistry! The only other commonly-encountered actinide, uranium, retains some echoes of main-group behaviour. You can add daily life examples, such as distance driven = speed x time, that will be similar to light, although the speed of light is faster. [31][114], Most thorium applications use its dioxide (sometimes called "thoria" in the industry), rather than the metal. [151] A single neutron capture by 238U produces transuranic waste along with the fissile 239Pu, but 232Th only produces this waste after five captures, forming 237Np. I think a better effort could be put forth to make sure these prior topics are referenced back to more clearly. read more. The inserts of pictures and facts related to the topics of the section was very engaging (ex. Educators utilizing this book should think about breaking up homework assignments into smaller sections as well. This book's interface is clean. The content was typical of most general chemistry textbooks used for a one year-2 semester introductory course for chemistry majors. It could be in Chapter 2 along with Chemical Formulas and where the mole concept is first introduced. I am not sure if there is some advantage to this but it seems a bit confusing. D. Mass is composed of only one type of atom., Which of the following is NOT a field of study that would require chemistry. Which type of water may be considered pure? It is not certain if such organization (or re-organization) without further support in subsequent chapters can make ATOMS FIRST more effective serving as a General Chemistry textbook than others. [71], In the Earth's crust, thorium is much more abundant: with an abundance of 8.1g/tonne, it is one of the most abundant of the heavy elements, almost as abundant as lead (13g/tonne) and more abundant than tin (2.1g/tonne). Errors in Table J: [122] Large-scale research was begun in 1996 by the International Atomic Energy Agency to study the use of thorium reactors; a year later, the United States Department of Energy started their research. It allows the student to learn more about the actors of important concepts in chemistry with a picture and a description, names they may probably have only heard of without an image or a story behind it. Noticeably written "in English" without sacrificing technical clarity or the need for specificity in definitions and terminology. Chapter 21 is a nice chapter on organic chemistry to introduce this next type of chemistry at the end of the semester. For example, the formula and molecular mass should be included in the same chapter as moles and molar mass, but they are covered in a much later chapter; second, some very important topics in chemistry, such as moles and net ionic equations, are included in the book but not in the table of contents, so it took me a while to find them, and I imagine that if I were to assign reading on those topics for my students, it would be difficult for them to find those topics, too. CaSO4 not hydrates CaC2O4 not hydrates. For instance, I think that the relationship of the quantum numbers to the structure of the periodic table could be made more explicit, as could the writing of electron configurations, specifically those of ions. [48] Public interest in radioactivity had declined by the end of the 1930s. [136] Secondary materials (such as coastal sands) undergo gravity separation. Water has one of the highest specific heats of any known liquid. Progress on the implosion weapon was sufficient, and this converter was not developed further, but the design had enormous influence on the development of nuclear energy. H has an electronegativity value of 2.20 while that of F is 3.98. However, I would have appreciated a more detailed definition of Reversible and Irreversible processes in Thermodynamics (to be honest, I haven't found it in any General Chemistry books up to now and it's too bad). It is one of the easier books to read and tries to keep the jargon/technical terminology to a minimum. I am looking forward to trying this textbook for my general chemistry course next year. I use the pdf version, and it provides excellent quality text and images. I plan on adding links to the text for my fall classes, as well as the department's required text for the course. As a radiochemist by training, I like to cover some nuclear chemistry as soon as the students learn about the nucleus and Rutherford. He was a Norwegian priest and amateur mineralogist who studied the minerals in Telemark, where he served as vicar. What follows is a thorough coverage of each topic and this text and could easily be incorporated into an existing curriculum. Elements are organized into 18 vertical columns, or groups, and 7 horizontal rows, or periods. There are very few images of people in the book, and the ones pictured are the scientists who made substantial discoveries. The canon for General Chemistry is well enough established that the book will remain relevant. Which is not a form of chlorine used to disinfect water? Transcript 1.0 mol F2 44.0 g CO2 4.0 g H2 146 g SF6 34. a. Technology C. Education D. When 233U undergoes nuclear fission, the neutrons emitted can strike further 232Th nuclei, continuing the cycle. Does a good job of defining unfamiliar terms as they are introduced. I have never seen this in any other book. -NaCl - CaCl2 -FeCl3 -BaCl2 - PbCl2, The equation 2Al(s) + 3Br2(l) 2AlBr3(s) is a(n) _____ reaction. However, there are various sentences, which are unclear are even incorrect (see above); paragraphs or sections, where concepts are not sufficiently explained (e.g. The problems supplied are nice, comprehensive and detailed. Similarly, a short introduction to energy is needed before the atomic structure chapter in an atoms-first book; it is missing here. In these deposits, thorium is enriched along with other heavy minerals. Yet, most sections have subsections, and those are first of all not numbered, second, not part of the table-of-contents, and therefore-and most importantly-not part of the pdf (or html) index. Neutron capture is the only way for stars to synthesise elements beyond iron because of the increased Coulomb barriers that make interactions between charged particles difficult at high atomic numbers and the fact that fusion beyond 56Fe is endothermic. climate change). Complete Solutions Manual General Chemistry Ninth Edition - ID:5dcdb97adce08. B. Balance the equation first. Explanation of the distillation process related to oil was excellent, so students can really understand the process and energy required to refine oil. Entropy Chapter: Without looking at the electron affinity table, arrange the following elements in order of decreasing electron affinities: C, O, Li, Na, Rb, and F. Which isotope can be used as a tracer to study the age of organic material? All are hard for most students. This book appears to be accurate, error-free, and unbiased. It is very consistent based on the chapters I looked at. With 20 or so chapters, ATOMS FIRST begins with the "essential ideas" in the definition of matter, physical and chemical changes, significant figures, SI and metric systems of units, and dimensional analysis. There is a section on Energy Basics in the Thermochemistry chapter (chapter 9). [162] Exposure to an aerosol of thorium, such as contaminated dust, can lead to increased risk of cancers of the lung, pancreas, and blood, as lungs and other internal organs can be penetrated by alpha radiation. The content of Chemistry: Atoms First -2e is aligned with any books covering two-sections of general chemistry. [134] In 2014, world production of the monazite concentrate, from which thorium would be extracted, was 2,700 tonnes. Hopefully this will help to engage students that otherwise might not normally be interested in the chemistry discipline. [137], When added to glass, thorium dioxide helps increase its refractive index and decrease dispersion. [2], Thorium has three known nuclear isomers (or metastable states), 216m1Th, 216m2Th, and 229mTh. In the pdf, v and nu look the same in all usages. Why not display it? It is concise and major concepts are easy to follow and easy to understand. [108] The newly discovered phenomenon of radioactivity excited scientists and the general public alike. As I have mentioned earlier in accuracy, this is a very well written book with very very few grammatical mistakes. [152] It also releases more neutrons upon fission on average. Heating zinc sulfide in the presence of oxygen yields the following: The text maintains a consistent format from chapter-to-chapter, which will help students in navigating the text, particularly in its on-line format. If you are uncertain about which substance in each equation is the proton donor. The content is well organized and students with a range of chemistry background can benefit from it. It can take as much as thirty years after the ingestion of thorium for symptoms to manifest themselves. The scheme has a range of several hundred thousand years. The content of the book mirrors that of the majority of general chemistry books on the market. Absorption through the skin is possible, but is not a likely means of exposure. -NaCl - CaCl2 -FeCl3 -BaCl2 - PbCl2, The equation 2Al(s) + 3Br2(l) 2AlBr3(s) is a(n) _____ reaction. This section is very explicit and should come much earlier in the book. All the material is presented in a consistent manner and the format is consistent. Common thorium compounds are also poorly soluble in water. Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.5, while the value for hydrogen is 2.1. Navigating is easy, especially with the embedded links in the digital versions, and there are no distortions to figures and charts. The chapters will do quite well as standalone, but some of information provided in the earlier introductory chapters is prerequisite knowledge for the more specific/advanced chapters (and a few of them refer back to prior introduction of topics). Like many of the early and middle actinides (up to americium, and also expected for curium), thorium forms a cyclooctatetraenide complex: the yellow Th(C8H8)2, thorocene. I have already mentioned some questionable use of endothermic and exothermic as it relates to the absorption and emission of light. They contain attractive graphics and information relevant to the current student population (ex: Chemistry of Cell Phones). read more. [101][m], In the 1990s, most applications that do not depend on thorium's radioactivity declined quickly due to safety and environmental concerns as suitable safer replacements were found. Links to videos outside of the textbook make a good addition. Heat is thermal energy, not energy flow/transfer (as defined in the text), otherwise, how can an objects release or absorb heat as described later? The explanations are clear and the examples are well-written. The text, especially in it's nicely modular format, would benefit from longer sections. When the pdf is first loading, you cannot hotlink in the Table of Contents to sections later in the document (until the pdf gets done loading). An example: Copper II Sulfate Pentahydrate. [41] Initial concentration varies with the type of deposit. Upon ionization, what would you expect the charge on the sulfate ion to be? Not very concerned in chemistry, but it certainly is not offensive in any way. [31], Berzelius made some initial characterizations of the new metal and its chemical compounds: he correctly determined that the thoriumoxygen mass ratio of thorium oxide was 7.5 (its actual value is close to that, ~7.3), but he assumed the new element was divalent rather than tetravalent, and so calculated that the atomic mass was 7.5 times that of oxygen (120 amu); it is actually 15 times as large. This is book is fairly well representative of what you will find in most Atoms First textbooks. These are current and up-to-date now, but as technology advances and applications change or new applications are found, this is the part of the book that would benefit the most from updating. Because the book was not written from scratch to be atoms first, but rather was derived from a traditional topic order text, there are some issues with vocabulary showing up too early, before it has been defined (such as some column names in the periodic table, or a potential energy curve before potential energy has really been discussed at all).
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