Now you tell me, who fired the round? The squad leader stands directly behind the mortar where he can command and control his squad. This year, seven four-man teams are competing from around the Army. It is effective out to the full range of the mortar and produces improved illumination over the M83A3 round. (3) Expect heavy mortar fire to destroy some heavy bunkers and damage others, but also expect to fire large amounts of ammunition. Mortar fires by themselves are not normally effective against vehicles, especially armored vehicles, but they can be most effective when combined with direct fires of antitank weapons. JMEM data are used to further refine this number and to estimate the total number of rounds required. two squads The 60-mm WP round is not sufficient to produce a long-lasting, wide-area smoke screen, but the much larger WP round from the heavy mortar is. His twofold records include a written table of firing data, type, and number of rounds fired, and the safety pins pulled from each round to provide physical evidence to the accuracy of the table. The M880 Short-Range Training Round is designed as a training round for the 81mm mortar (M29 and M252) and the 120mm mortar (using the M303 insert). Light mortars will have little effect against overhead cover; even medium mortars have limited effect. "81mm rounds. Inexperienced or surprised soldiers are more easily suppressed than experienced, warned soldiers. a., PRO United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, "PRO_United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "The M252 81 mm medium weight mortar is a British designed smooth bore, muzzle-loading, high-angle-of-fire weapon used for long-range indirect fire support to light infantry, air assault, and airborne units across the entire front of a battalion zone of influence. These effects vary depending on the ground, target, and size mortar fired. The platoon leader commands the platoon and supervises the training of the elements. Mortar, portable, short-barreled, muzzle-loading artillery piece that fires explosive projectiles at low velocities, short ranges, and high, arcing trajectories. d. The medium and heavy mortars can provide excellent illumination over wide areas. c. Point-detonating rounds are the most effective against trucks. It is light enough to be portable when broken down into its three component parts (though carrying the awkward 29-lb. This may cause confusion, especially if the flare canisters are between the enemy and the friendly forces.,, FYEO, For Your Eyes Only and Al Nofi's CIC are all trademarks of Privacy Policy. Non-Lethal Indirect Fire Munition: Developmental round based on the M853A1 that disperses flash bang submunitions to temporarily daze people. ", "Australia, Canada, Estonia, Iraq, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "816 rpm sustained The five-member investigative team, backed by two technical experts, found that the market blast was caused by a single high-explosive bomb from a conventional, factory made 120 millimetre mortar. It was based on the French Brandt mortar. Blast radius: Lethal: 1 m; Threat: 3 m; Knockdown: 10 m; Fragmentation radius: 99% chance: 5 m; 66% chance: 12 m; 33% chance: 18 m; 81mm WP M57 This page was last edited on 26 August 2020, at 20:37. It produces almost two times as much effect as the same round falling with the steepest angle. The L16 81mm mortar is a British standard mortar used by the Canadian Army, British Army and many other armed forces. The gunner must adjust the elevation to achieve height-of-burst changes for this round. The bursting WP round provides a screening, incendiary, marking, and casualty-producing effect. high-explosive bomb at a range of about three miles. c. The JMEMs provide effective data for many combinations of fuze/shell, target size, personnel posture, fortification, and terrain. The 81-mm mortar, M252, is a smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high-angle-of-fire weapon. WP rounds can also cause these hot spots that can make target identification difficult for gunners using thermal sights (tanks, BFV, TOW, or Dragon). 81mm Mortar Section: The 81mm mortar platoon provides a mortar representative and four FO teams to work with each company. explore the world through the prism of knowledge. On 5th February 1994 Serbs scored 68 kills and about 200 wounded with single 120mm chinese/albanian mortar round fired at a crowded market in Sarajevo.. (2) Do not depend on light or medium mortar fires to damage heavy bunkers or buildings. b. 7 How are mortars organized in the US Army? Shell fragments travel outward perpendicular to the long axis of the standing target (Figure B-6). What did Britain do when colonists were taxed? If a 60-mm mortar round lands within 20 meters of a target, the target will probably be suppressed, if not hit. b. The M2 was made up of three major components consisting of the firing tube, baseplate and bipod. Mortars come in a range of calibres. d. The WP rounds can be used to mark targets, especially for attack by aircraft. The rock fragments are picked up and thrown by the blast, adding to the enemy's casualties (heavy mortars throw the most rock fragments). The components of the mortar consist of a cannon, mount, and baseplate. The round explodes on, or near, the ground. The second ammunition bearer is normally behind the mortar, maintaining the ammunition for firing, providing local security for the mortar position, filling sandbags, and performing other duties as the squad leader directs. Main Page; . As the battle progresses, the actual results should be reviewed and the guidelines modified. 82 mm HE mortar projectiles generally contain anywhere between 392 g and 680 g of HE and have maximum ranges of between 3,000 5,500 m. 120 mm HE mortar projectiles generally contain anywhere between 1,270 g and 4,200 g of HE and have maximum ranges of between 7,200 9,500 m. The 107-mm mortar, M30, and the 120-mm mortar, M120, are the current US heavy mortars. b. High explosive rounds fired by the M252 weigh 10 lb (4.5 kg) and can have an effective kill radius of 35 m (115 ft). The 120-mm mortar illumination round provides one million candlepower for 60 seconds. It is 10. c. If an 81-mm mortar round lands within 30 meters of a target, the target will probably be suppressed, if not hit. This gives it an effective blast radius of 35 - 40 meters. Soldiers in the open are much more easily suppressed than those with overhead cover. This gives a rough idea of the least number of rounds needed to cover the target area once. These figures show the least amount of ammunition the mortar section or platoon should expend against platoon-sized targets attacking or defending on various terrain. Could an 82mm mortar HE round do that? Mortars are indirect-fire weapon systems. In addition to having general oversight of all squad activities, he also supervises the emplacement, laying, and firing of the weapon. The smoke from the burning illumination round will continue to originate from the same point, regardless of the wind. In 2010 U.S. dollars, new-production unguided European mortar rounds range in unit price from around $5.52 for a TDA Armements 81mm M82 HE round to $438 for a Patria 160mm H1KT HE (extended-range) round. Figure B-10 shows suppressive effects derived from live-fire studies and combat observations. Mortars ), Hey scholar, a. Attached to the muzzle of the weapon is the Blast Attenuation Device (BAD), used to reduce the blast effects on the mortar crew. High explosive (HE): Designations M821, M821A1, M889, M889A1, M372-series, and M362. The 60-mm illumination round does not provide the same degree of illumination as do the rounds of the heavier mortars and field artillery. The tube sat atop the metal rectangular M5 baseplate of another 12.8lbs. The primer detonates, igniting the charge in the tail fin, which in turn ignites the C-charges on the round. 81mm Mortar M1 is a weapon in Close Combat: The Bloody First. So looking at the above numbers, either could have have done. 1998 - If the enemy soldiers merely lay prone, they significantly reduce the effects of mortar fire. Why do you have to swim between the flags? In addition he provides local security for the mortar position. c. The PRX setting is also the most effective if the enemy is in open fighting positions, without overhead cover. Used as a screening, signaling, or marking munition. All precision fire weapons. But the question made me wonder about mortars in general. The second ammunition bearer stands to the right rear of the mortar behind the first ammunition bearer. 81mm HE Mortar Bomb is a High Explosive round developed to be used with M1, M29, M252, L16 Mortar Systems, or equivalent .81mm HE Mortar Bomb is a High Explosive ammunition lethal against vehicles and infantry due to its natural fragmentation and blast effect. . The best results are achieved with practice. f. Against a standing, platoon-size enemy unit, a 60-mm mortar section that fires five rounds per mortar should inflict about 20 percent casualties. Hard, rocky soil and gravel actually increase the effectiveness of surface-burst HE rounds. An illumination round fired extremely high over a general area will not always alert an enemy force that it is being observed. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. So a 82mm round fired at open space with not too dense crowd can surely score such number of kills, especially when you count the lack of armour, decent medical care etc. Why are you allowed to use the coarse adjustment when you focus the low power objective lens? This range as well as the minimum range of 725 meters must be taken into account when planning illumination support. Causes troop casualties and damage to light material. All rights Reserved. JMEMs are published for Army use as field manuals. Mortar fragments from smaller mortars can damage exterior components of lightly armored scout vehicles, ATGM launchers, or self-propelled antiaircraft guns and can reduce their effectiveness. These rounds produce smoke by ejecting felt wedges soaked in red phosphorus. Mortars are relatively simple weapon systems that can be locally manufactured using fairly basic metalworking skills (Jenzen-Jones, 2015). High explosive rounds fired by the M252 weigh 10 lb (4.5 kg) and can have an effective kill radius of 35 m (115 ft). The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. (My assumption is that it was them and not us who fired that shell, and I resent the phenomenon by which someone who knows nothing thinks, "how can this be? In addition to this, you can almost always hear a faint "blob" sound when they fire a round. How are mortars organized in the US Army? They fire projectiles. The effectiveness of mortar fire against a prone enemy is increased by about 40 percent by firing proximity-fuzed rounds rather than surface-burst rounds. Training practice (TP): Designations M880, M879, M68, and sabot. Where is the second ammunition bearer on a mortar? Bursting WP rounds are also effective if mixed with the HE. random dice legendary dice hack; ukraine russia meeting in belarus time; does chicco baby lotion lighten skin; sims 2 all beds same energy; gemini tv serials list 2013; types of fibrous root system; 81mm mortar blast radius. WP ammunition should be protected from direct sunlight, if possible. It does not store any personal data. Light mortar rounds can land close (within a few yards) to a target on this type ground and still have no affect. One foot of soft ground, mud, or sand, or 3 feet of snow can reduce the effectiveness of surface-burst HE rounds by up to 80 percent. c. What is the vegetation in the target area like? FUNDAMENTALS OF MORTAR GUNNERY. By performing those duties as a team member, he enables the mortar squad and section to perform as a fighting team. e. All bulk-filled WP ammunition needs special care when temperatures are high. Beyond 50 meters, little suppression takes place. The M734 is used for the M720 HE round and can be set to function as proximity burst, near-surface burst, impact burst, or delay burst. It originated as a joint design by the UK and Canada. 81mm Mortar M1 is a weapon in Close Combat: The Bloody First. This chapter discusses the elements of firing data, ballistics, firing tables, fire planning, target analysis, and methods of attack. I was reading a thing on the BBC site where people wrote in to discuss what they felt about the peace deal with Sadr. The multioption fuze functions best over open, firm soil. Illumination rounds can be used to disclose enemy formations, to signal, or to mark targets. Proximity-fuzed rounds can restrict the enemy's ability to move from position to position, but they will cause few, if any, casualties. 81mm mortar blast radius 507-477-2132 . b. two squads Now, lets look at some things, though. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". In the mid-19th century, the small portable Coehorn mortar was used along with larger mortars during the American Civil War.. First use. If a heavy mortar round (proximity-fuzed) lands within 125 meters of a target, there is a 50 percent chance the target will be suppressed. The M252 81mm mortar is a smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high-angle-of-fire weapon. The steeper the angle of the fall of the round, the more effective it is. Against moving heavily armored vehicles like tanks or BMPs, the best mortar fires can achieve is forcing the crew to button up. The 120-mm mortar round is better for suppression than the 107-mm, but both are excellent suppressive rounds. high-explosive bomb at a range of about three miles. Is that the sort of round the insurgeants are firing? Hi all! c. The new illumination round for the M224 and the M721 is ballistically matched with the M720 HE round. Longer-range shots require more propellant than can fit in the tail of the round, hence the necessity of external charges. e. If a heavy mortar round (proximity-fuzed) lands within 65 meters of a target, the target will probably be suppressed, if not hit. I suppose he was implying that it must have been the Americansdon't know. Light mortar sections consist of two squads, each consisting of one mortar and its crew. What is the blast radius of a 81mm mortar? A total of six 8-cm Mortars and 66 men in the platoon. 1 How many Marines in an 81mm mortar platoon?
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