So what happened is if you are using that in one of the European country or the countries that has a very low temperature, the water will get freezing and it will prevent water from dealing with fire. And as I mentioned, owner is one who are like, own this assets, like the company, and the custodian is one who's managing it, like the employee, okay, owner could be the manager, or senior management as I told you, but after all, think about this way, who gets the right to take this asset, if he leaves the company, this is the owner and says, since those are assets to the company, that's mean, you don't have the right even if you are working there to take it while leaving the company. And he will encrypt each pieces by itself. So if a malicious hacker utilize such tools, it would be very easy for him to convince anyone to do anything that he wants him to do. So now, every time I try to syndicate he do not accept I have to try one and two and three time until he's accepting because he has a very high sensitivity. So don't forget that all the key are all the encryption are well known how they are working. And you will find different kinds of answers. So, we are working in a company we have a lot of electrical equipment, we have a data center we have a lot of electrical devices. So I need to buy equipment that was less than 100,000. doesn't make any sense that you know if a fire happened and my loss will be 100,000 I will buy an equipment with 10,000 which was $1 million. We're going to take a lot of exam questions and you start, you will know how ice square are thinking and you're going to get the same mentality. And let's see the information once we finish this module, I'm going to open for you the Wireshark and I'm going to show you how the packet look like that are moving in size in at all so information packet. And it makes a lot of sense, like you should act responsibly, you should do you should not do anything illegal, you should be working like this kind of sense. By the way Google image will be very useful for you while you are studying in this course especially things like physical security because a lot of people do not have that information about physical security type of cam type of firefighting tool type of and this kind of thing. If you go through the book, it will be kind of exhausting. So if we open the task manager and go to details, you'll see that each program I run it's running some process. But all of those are considered a crack and password attack, brute force, dictionary attack and rainbow table, then we are going to talk about denial of service and distributed denial of service. And this is how you will face the questions as exam, they will not ask you how much you're going to spend, they will give you a scenario. But before showing you I want to show you the setting I prepared for that. Ora has another name, plan to act, plan, do check act or PDCA. Is it hardcopy? So you need to do the failover in ways that it should be done automated. But the public key is available to anyone. This is considered I'm sorry, implemented that and also as control access protection, or a prevent object reuse, and has an odor train, this is considered C to like Windows Windows, it's implemented EC and it has an event viewer so we are considering computers it has Intel processor, who is Windows operating systems, this is C two and as you can see, it's not very high. So, VlP number one, it's a confidentiality model. Now, what are the process or the step for doing a penetration testing. And again, this is one way for doing that. And a very good example to explain what could go wrong because of that to the facebook, facebook. And if any modification happened to this file, the value will be changed. And we're going to speak about in the same domain on those five different guidelines. Now, where those where all those information are saved, they are saved inside the hard drive, or some hard drive or any kind of storage inside your network. However, the same DOT physical in North Dakota costs $80. So he may ask you DNS protocol is it's working on which layer or TCP UDP are working on which layer they are recording the transport layer or rip or AIG RP which are routing protocols they are working on which layer. The BMI's biggest weakness is that it doesn't consider individual factors such as bone or muscle mass. And also the get to get the mentality of IC squared. So for instance, if you have a business continuity plan in which we're going to cover in a different subject, it's not just to be aware of the plan, but it needs to be documented step by step in case of any disaster or any incident. So what Which one do you consider the best topology the mesh topology I'm sorry and mesh topology mean you are connecting all the machine to all the machine. So I can mix it any phone call I want I can call someone singing this coming from his office or calling someone's looking at it's coming from his manager or his bank. So the disaster recovery plan, it's about how to recover the technical document, technical part of the business. But when you log into Microsoft Windows domain, you notice that you can have access to all your resources resources one time. Selected concepts and topics designed to give non-science majors an appreciation for how chemistry impacts everyday life. Okay to fingerprint scanning, how the fingerprint is scanner are working. And it just has some good advantage over UTP is that the limitation of this cable is 375. Later on, you're gonna see some samples of both of source reports. So what I'm gonna do, I'm going to accept the risk because after all, risk is an uncertain event. The question is, whoever created this program, while he was developing or creating this program, he was assigning some location inside memory where all this information will be saved. deceive, or someone could break in? So whatever we're going to explain during this course, should be under one of those category. The CISSP is one of the most valuable Cyber Security Certificates in the market today. Celebrate 30 years of the classic fan-favorite by streaming the complete series! What if I put out I sent to the memory, more information that he can manage, what will happen is it will crash and not just crash. This is can be used to put some rules or allow some traffic or deny some traffic, same concept of fire rule. And I'm proud to say that I helped hundreds of students to clear their CISSP exam from the first step and, and get certified and joining the information security career, which has a very high demand in the market today. Now we'll give a brief about the media network could be connected through wired or wireless in wire we have different kinds of wires that you should have a brief about them. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. And unless Alice have those two tickets, she will not be able to access file server. b) Ivan Sutherland We'll be using subject for user an object for the resources or computer or server. Let's take the differential backup first, which is the one on the incremental backup force which is one on the right side. And those information should be available all the time 24 seven, assumes This is a bank, a huge bank, where customer can log in anytime from any place, draw money, or check their account and so on. Most of the security framework like ISO 27,001, or or PCI, DSS, or HIPAA, most of the information security framework that we are using, is requesting to do a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing once per year. So for instance, we can go to let me see let's open a Google website. We're gonna talk about secure process data collection, and we're going to talk about audit. Now, this could have xx, you're gonna need to sign it, and send it to IC square once you pass the exam to be able to get certificate. The size of the key is 56 bit key, okay, and it will divide the text two blocks, each block size is 64 bit as set 64 block size, and how many rounds you will do 16 round. In this domain, we will be covering security assessment and testing. Do not put them in a place where no good or it has a thing or some lighting, because as you may know that sunlight are affecting the CD and DVD, any things that may affect those detention. Your urine sample will be tested in a lab for blood, sugar, and protein, which might indicate hidden health problems. As we agree on the beginning of this course, a very important area in each domain that you should be aware. And this is how we are evaluating the biometric device, I mean, if you have two different car, I will look for the lower CRS This means more effective. Let's take an exam question related to risk management. Now here's the scenario, the requests will be going from your machine to Port 80. I mean how's it will be knowing that this is the right password. next lecture I'm going to show you a reconnaissance lecture to give you an idea what I'm what I'm talking about. b) It means designing computers So under why security security you should find three different key that you can assign to your access point or you can keep it open, which is definitely not recommended. So a very good way for testing that will be a packet tracer software. And asymmetric, each user has two different key, public key and private key. If you don't have a firefighting equipment in your building, this is a vulnerability. And the first mechanic device was a device called Enigma device. So, the key word here is expert opinion and survey, we are doing survey to expert people to be able to identify the value. Different company used to make different systems that can only communicate to each other so IBM was doing computer and they were doing protocols that allows them to communicate together. And most importantly, auditing and monitoring service. So it's important for identity for logging. And what happened is he has the capability to send the request for all those malicious code, botnet or zombie or dusts has a different name to attack one server. So this one for instant show interface to communicate with external host can be used over Remote Access Server. rotation of Did you spoke about mandatory vacation need to know employment, employment, screaming or background. Okay, so if your answer was yes, I was aware, because I used to do a risk assessment, I used to do vulnerability assessment penetration testing. So I mentioned what can be done using this tool that you can, like, convince someone set an email, he received chemic from his manager, or his wife or his girlfriend or whatever was the case. Do you have a control against that? But you need to reduce it from time to time. And what setting are you putting? So the default rule is subject, it's denied to access object. How can you say that your organization is secure, we have what we call the security triangle, which is three factor if you can implement them, you will consider yourself secure, which is confidentiality and integrity and availability, also known as CIA. So you just need to read those kind of definition to be to be now starting from here you'll find that a lot of definitions is there and a lot of terminology is here. First function it guarantee this site, if you have a website, and you need to do some business on this website, you can try to buy a digital certificate from one of the major certificate authority like VeriSign, or Google or GoDaddy. medical assistant jobs part-time no experience Matrculas. And when you are working in a professional environment is different when you are then when you are testing at home. But you need to understand that, when you do a penetration testing to a customer, you need to get some results in ways that you need to show them I was able to compromise the system, I was able to get access to this database, I was able to create a folder I was able. So if I open the menu, and you go to Tools actually adds on that you have to install it for free. So if you think about it, number four only talk about communication is that you need to specify who's going to communicate who, which is a part of the operational plan, but it's not the full operational plan. And those are the policies The most common one, but you're not able to implement them unless you know what they're doing. Are you going to do remote journaling electronic voting? If you get hired somewhere, or you got this question, in any interview, how to start the information security implementation? Or he can only access sensitive data in the database through a customer proprietary application? Now those are the eight domains that we will be covering inside the course. a) Printer So they make sure that you are a real business. So he will keep sending pink and yellow have to reply back. If you have a surveillance cam, for instance, in your companies, you are keeping video recording video, right? How is the line path on the polygon area for a 45% line? What could go wrong because of that fire may happen, this is a threat. This is my user Alice, she's sitting and she's writing her username and password. Also this is important I'm just pointing to some important topic. So we used to have the star topology, ring topology where we are connecting all the machine I'm sorry, let's start with the first one. And they will not just give you a certificate and then your site will be HTTPS, right? and other issues which may require a follow-up with a specialist. Grasping strength will also be tested if View Answer, 44. Of course, most people will not be taking full backup every day because you know some organization has a huge amount of information. a) Interface window is it acceptable? And let me show you how it has been explained. So you can see here that four packet has been sent and four packet has been received. I'm going to talk to you about some different techniques that is used for assets evaluation. Yes, here we go. And he will take that inside the virtual memory. It's important as well, to try to balance between the protection and effective of the business, you have some customer information, definitely you're going to need to use them in your business.
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