Better coverage of the product results in enhanced control of weeds.Keep bypass line on or near bottom of tank to minimize foaming. Reduced herbicide rate treatments are less likely to provide acceptable control under adverse conditions than when plants are actively growing. DO NOT contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate.4. View a comprehensive listing of information on Corteva Agriscience products available in Western Canada. Simply, rainfast means not washed off by the rain. The active ingredient, diquat dibromide, has been used successfully in sensitive aquatic areas for over . A general rule of thumb often used is that 1 inch (2.5 cm) of rain removes approximately 50% of protectant fungicide residue and over 2 inches (5 cm) of rain will remove most of the residue. Often, two light sprays are better than one heavy spray; take the rain fastness time from the application of the second spray. Simply, rainfast means not washed off by the rain. An example is glyphosate, a product used extensively around the world and sold under many different trade names (such as Round-up). Best performance usually occurs when the temperature is 60-75F at application and remains there for a few hours afterward. The use of this product in the practice of patented methods could constitute patent infringement. The ideal solution is to wait for better weather conditions. Find a full list of qualified tank-mix products It's so effective, research has shown QuickSilver reduces up to 90% of moss in just two applications when used at . This product is highly toxic to non-target aquatic and terrestrial plants. Cleaning Advice Finding a good time for burndown herbicide applications has been a little tricky this spring, given few rainy days and up and down temperatures experienced recently. Product Specifications Approved States Packaging Options Related Products. Fill the spray tank with three-quarters of the required amount of clean water, start agitation and continue agitation throughout the entire mixing and spraying procedure.4. 5 L of MERGE Adjuvant per 1000 L spray solution).4.3.2 Tank Mixes for Clearfield Canola (1) (e.g., Canola varieties with the Clearfield trait) ARES plus Lontrel 360, Lontrel SG or Lontrel 72Crop - Clearfield Canola (1) (DO NOT apply to Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea)Timing - Early Post-emergenceRate - ARES at 0.604 L/ha + Lontrel 360 at 0.208 L/ha OR Lontrel SG at 100 g/ha OR Lontrel 72 Herbicide at 104 g/haCrop Stage - Apply to Clearfield Canola (1) when in the 2 - 6 leaf stage and when Canada thistle plants are actively growing.Water Volume - 50-100 L/haWeeds Controlled - All weeds listed under Section 4.2 + top-growth control of perennial and annual sow thistle and Canada thistle.Remarks - The tank-mix of ARES + Lontrel (liquid or dry) will provide season long top-growth control of Canada thistle, perennial and annual sow thistle.Refer to the Lontrel 360, Lontrel SG or Lontrel 72 label for additional information regarding Canada thistle control. DO NOT apply by air.Buffer Zones Use of the following spray methods or equipment DO NOT require a buffer zone: hand-held or backpack sprayer and spot treatment.The buffer zones specified in the table below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands).Method of Application - Field sprayerCrop - Clearfield Canola (1), Clearfield Lentils (1), Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica junceaBuffer Zone (metres) Required for the Protection of Terrestrial Habitat - 11For tank mixes, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture and apply using the coarsest spray (ASAE) category indicated on the labels for those tank mix partners.Overspray or drift to sensitive habitats should be avoided. Ares SN is the performance standard in weed control for Clearfield canola. Apply using ground equipment only. Zidua SC herbicide 49 - 97 ml/ac (120 - 240 ml/ha) All applications Merge adjuvant 200 to 400 ml/ac (0.5 to 1 L/ha) Water volume Ground application only 20 to 40 L/ac (5 to 10 gal/ac) Mixing order 1. The #1 Store for DIY Pest Control and Lawn & Garden Solutions. Ground application Only 20 to 40 L/ac (5 to 10 gal/ac) 5 Surjet adjuvant is required and is included with Ares SN herbicide. Benefits of Centurion. The user should contact BASF at 1-877-371-2273 or for information before mixing any pesticide or fertilizer that is not specifically recommended on this label. In case of crop failure, please consult your BASF Representative.1 year after applicationCanary seedChickpeasField peasField cornClearfield Canola (1)Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea Lentils including Clearfield Lentils (1)Spring wheat including Clearfield Spring Wheat (1)Spring barleyTame oats2 years after applicationCanolaDurum wheatFlaxSunflowerThere are insufficient data for other follow crops. With a wide window of application, Ares SN provides the flexibility to spray at your convenience. For example, glyphosate usually performs well under a wide range of temperatures. Contamination of aquatic areas as a result of runoff may be reduced by including a vegetative strip between the treated area and the edge of the water body.4.7 ROTATIONAL CROPS There is the possibility of residual soil activity for ARES the year following application. Pre-harvest interval: 60 days after application for Clearfield canola. Herbicide labels include recommendations on how much time must elapse between herbicide application and subsequent rainfall to ensure good herbicide performance. DO NOT apply directly to water. Ares SN Herbicide is a selective herbicide that is applied as an early post-emergence treatment in ClearfieldCanola and Clearfield Canola Quality Brassica juncea. Fill clean spray tank full of water. Follow all label requirements that help minimize the potential for physical drift. The following table summarizes the rainfast interval for herbicides commonly used on pastures and hay meadows in Texas. DiFlexx is a new dicamba-based herbicide recently registered for broadleaf weed control in corn. Accent Gold Label states product is rainfast in six hours. 3. As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.10. Follow all recommendations, precautions and restrictions on the ARES and Lontrel product labels.Apply MERGE Adjuvant at a rate of 0.5% v/v (e.g. ARES Tank MixesAdd the tank mixture ingredients in the order listed below:a) Lontrel SG Herbicide or Lontrel 72 Herbicide:Add the dry material first to the partially filled tank while agitating. Crossbow Herbicide will be rainfast 2 hours after application. Add required amount of Ares SN 4. It can also be used for weed control in residential areas. Careers Traditional formulations of glyphosate required a dry period of 6 to 12 hours after application. Paraquat is rainfast in record time. My Kiwicare. How Temperature and Rain Can Affect Burndown Herbicides. This increases the required rainfast period and slows the onset of symptoms and herbicide efficacy. Reward Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide is a non-selective, highly active herbicide to control floating, submerged, and marginal aquatic weeds. Garden Advice Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. 5 L of MERGE Adjuvant per 1000 L spray solution).4.3.4 Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea (e.g., Canola Quality Brassica juncea varieties with the Clearfield trait)Timing - Early Post-emergenceRate - Apply ARES as a single post-emergent application 0.604 L/ha.Crop Stage - Application should be made from the 2 7 true leaf stage (prior to bud and flower formation) of the crop and after the weeds have emerged.Grassy Weed Stage - To control grasses, apply ARES from the 1 6 true leaf stage with up to 2 tillers stage of grassy weeds with the exception of Japanese brome.To control Japanese brome, apply from the 1 4 leaf stage.Broadleaf Weed Stage - To control broadleaf weeds, apply ARES from the cotyledon to 4 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds.To control lambs-quarters and wild buckwheat, apply ARES from the cotyledon to 6 leaf stage.Weeds Controlled - See Section 4.2 for a complete list of weeds controlled.Remarks - Initial transient crop yellowing may be observed after application but this is outgrown and should not affect yield.Apply MERGE Adjuvant at a rate of 0.5% v/v (e.g. The patented chemistry of Arsenal Powerline Herbicide accelerates the amount of absorption and translocation of the . 0.5 L per 100 L spray solution), Ground application Only 20 to 40 L/ac (5 to 10 gal/ac). DO NOT apply more than once per year.6. Continue agitation throughout the mixing and spraying procedure. As farmers continue to fight herbicide-resistant weeds, Resicore brings . To help maximize the yield potential on your farm, make Enlist herbicides the cornerstone of your weed control plan that includes multiple sites of action. Some parts of this site work best with JavaScript enabled. 5 L of MERGE Adjuvant per 1000 L spray solution).Lontrel 360 or Lontrel SG CANNOT be used on Clearfield Canola1 Quality Brassica juncea.4.3.5 ARES Tank-Mix with EQUINOX EC HerbicideCrop - Clearfield Canola (1), Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea, Clearfield Lentils (1)Timing - Early Post-emergenceRate - Apply ARES at 0.604 L/ha plus EQUINOX EC Herbicide (according to label guidelines) as a single post-emergent application.Crop Stage - Clearfield Canola (1) / Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea: Application should be from the 2 7 leaf stage (prior to bud and flower formation) of crop and after weeds have emerged.Clearfield Lentils (1): Application should be from 1 9 node stage and after the weeds have emerged.Grassy Weed Stage - To control grasses, apply ARES from the 1 6 true leaf stage with up to 2 tillers stage of grassy weeds with the exception of Japanese brome.To control Japanese brome, apply from the 1 4 leaf stage.Broadleaf Weed Stage - To control broadleaf weeds, apply ARES from the cotyledon to 4 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds.To control lambs-quarters and wild buckwheat, apply ARES from the cotyledon to 6 leaf stage.Weeds Controlled - See Section 4.2 and the EQUINOX EC Herbicide label for a complete list of weeds controlled. Start Between loads of ARES, check in-line and nozzle screens and rinse and clean if necessary.8. For Superior Weed And Brush Control. Always follow label requirements during application. Rezuvant XL Tech Sheet. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. E.g. Other herbicide products applied to actively-growing weeds may be rainfast with an hour, while others require up to 6 to 8 hours after application. Dicamba Herbicide. Available as a convenient, proprietary blend, Enlist Duo combines 2,4-D choline and glyphosate. The labeled application window for Enlist herbicides is based on crop growth stage, with no calendar cutoff dates. Apply 50-100 L/ha of spray solution.3. We cannot ship this product into: AR CA DE ID MS. See crop specific section for additional details.4.2 WEEDS CONTROLLED ARES may be applied as an early post-emergence at a rate of 0.604 L/ha for control of weeds as listed below:GRASSY WEEDS Barnyard grassGreen foxtailSpring germinating Japanese brome grassWild oatsYellow foxtailPersian darnelVolunteer canary seedVolunteer durum wheatVolunteer barleyVolunteer tame oatsVolunteer spring wheat (non-imazamox tolerant wheat)BROADLEAF WEEDS CONTROLLED ChickweedCleaversCow cockleGreen smartweedHemp-nettleLambs-quartersRedroot pigweedRound-leaved mallowRussian thistleShepherds purseStinkweedStorks billWild buckwheatWild mustardVolunteer tame mustardVolunteer canola (non-Clearfield canola varieties only)4.3 CROP SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS 4.3.1 Clearfield Canola (1) (e.g., Canola varieties with the Clearfield trait)Timing - Early Post-emergenceRate - Apply ARES as a single post-emergent application 0.604 L/ha.Weeds Controlled - See Section 4.2 for a complete list of weeds controlled.Crop Stage - Application should be made from the 2 - 7 true leaf stage (prior to bud and flower formation) of the crop and after the weeds have emerged.Grassy Weed Stage - To control grasses, apply ARES from the 1 6 true leaf stage with up to 2 tillers stage of grassy weeds with the exception of Japanese brome.To control Japanese brome, apply from the 1 4 leaf stage.Broadleaf Weed Stage - To control broadleaf weeds, apply ARES from the cotyledon to 4 leaf stage of broadleaf weeds.To control lambs-quarters and wild buckwheat, apply ARES from the cotyledon to 6 leaf stage.Remarks - Initial transient crop yellowing may be observed after application but this is outgrown and should not affect yield.Apply MERGE Adjuvant at a rate of 0.5% v/v (e.g. Best performance usually occurs when the temperature is 60-75F at application and remains there for a few hours afterward. Dicamba is a highly volatile chemical that can damage non-target plant species through spray drift and/or . What is the rainfast period of a spray product? The Enlist trait allows you to confidently use Enlist herbicides with better on-target results than traditional 2,4-D products. . In some cases, tank mixing a pest control product with another pest control product or a fertilizer can result in biological effects that could include, but are not limited to: reduced pest efficacy or increased host crop injury. The herbicide needs time to stick, dry, and penetrate the plant in order to eradicate the weed. If the temperature is below 40F, avoid applying glyphosate-based herbicides. 3. (1) Methods of growing plants which are resistant to certain acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) herbicides are protected by Canadian Patent No. Download our NEW 2023 Corteva Agriscience Field Guide App! In an acid-to-acid comparison,dicambais 236Xmorevolatilethan2,4-D.Atank mix ofEngeniaherbicide and glyphosate is 98% more volatile than Enlist Duo herbicide. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Near-zero volatility. Shawna Hubbard of Corteva Agriscience discusses Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides. Its "broadleaf booster" enhances performance of tank mix partners. *Requires Kansas Pesticide License to purchase. Unlike in-crop dicamba herbicides,Enlistherbicides do not require the addition of a volatility reduction agent (VRA) in the tank and there are no temperature restrictions for application. This usually refers to spray products that are applied to exterior surfaces; walls, fences, decks, plants or lawns. Once dissolved, add the required amount of ARES.b) Lontrel 360 Herbicide or EQUINOX EC Herbicide:First add the required amount of ARES to the spray tank while agitating the spray solution. In warm conditions, the spray is likely to dry and cure in a shorter period, while cool conditions will lengthen the drying/curing time. Add the required amount of Surjet adjuvant at 0.5% v/v, 6. You've been geo-located to Saskatchewan. The user assumes the risk of losses that result from the use of tank mixes that do not appear on this label or that are not specifically recommended by BASF.4.9 WARNING DO NOT apply ARES when weather conditions may cause spray drift from treated areas to adjacent crops.4.10 RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS For resistance management, ARES is a Group 2 herbicide. Enlist One is a straight-goods 2,4-D choline providing additional tank-mix flexibility. A contact herbicide, with uptake occurring primarily through the leaves. If tank mixing, add the correct amount of Merge or Amigo adjuvant and agitate until thoroughly mixed. Chlorosis and tissue necrosis may not be apparent in some plant species until two weeks after application.ARES must be applied post-emergence to the weeds. exact time required to protect herbicide activity will vary with target species, environmental conditions, and other factors. 1. DIRECTIONS FOR USE (PRAIRIE PROVINCES ONLY) Field sprayer application DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. 1341465. So, if a product states that it will be rainfast after two hours this means that in normal conditions the spray will not be washed off by a shower of rain, or in the case of plant applied systemic products the actives have been absorbed by the plants. 100%-active ingredient, non-ionic surfactant to enhance ag chemical performance through rain-fastness, leaf wetting, and stomatal flooding. Using Enlist Duoherbicide featuring Colex-Dtechnology along with qualified nozzles reduces the potential for physical drift by 90% compared with a tank mix of traditional 2,4-D and glyphosate. Learn more about the application window and recommended program approach for crops with the Enlist trait. Continue agitation and add the required amount of MERGE Adjuvant.5. If the temperature is below 40F, avoid applying glyphosate-based herbicides. With the inherent near-zero volatility of 2,4-D choline, Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides provide effective weed control that stay where they are sprayed. Power up your brush control. Get the latest news, events and insights from Corteva. With more than 1,700 qualified tank-mix products with Enlist One herbicide, you can find the right options to fit your weed pressure. Houseplant Advice May 13, 2015. Keeping an eye on the weather forecasts and finding windows of optimal conditions for herbicide applications can help assure the best results from herbicide application and your expense. The Enlisttrait allows you to confidently use Enlistherbicides with betteron-target resultsthan traditional 2,4-D products. Tordon 22K (Dow AgroSciences) EPA Reg Number 62719-6. ARES AloneAdd the required amount of ARES directly into the sprayer through the tank opening. However, if weed size or other situations dictate that the field be treated now, select a herbicide with excellent efficacy on the target species. The purchase of this product conveys no license to the purchaser to practice the patented methods. Add to Wish List. REGISTERED USES 3.1 REGISTERED CROPS ARES is a selective herbicide that can be applied as an early post-emergence treatment. DO NOT treat any crops not listed on this label.7. Rainfast Time for Postemergence Herbicides Commonly Used in the Everglades Agricultural Area: Quick . 037911. With Enlist herbicides, you also can control physical drift better. Arsenal Powerline Herbicide with Transport Technology is a unique formulation that provides superior, long-term control of undesirable vegetation in utility, roadside, right-of-ways and railroad settings. Light sprays will dry off more quickly than heavy sprays. Generally, herbicide rainfast ratings are based on good growing conditions (table 1). DO NOT apply when weather conditions may cause spray drift from treated fields to adjacent crops. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. 2DQ is a powerful three-way, post-emergent herbicide that provides control of 225 annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in both warm- and cool-season turfgrasses. Refer to previously applied product labels for specific cleaning instructions.2. DO NOT apply this product directly to freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, coulees, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs, ditches and wetlands), estuaries or marine habitats.DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.3. Predator Free 2050 Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Enlistherbicidescan be applied on crops with the Enlist trait from burndown through postemergence. With a focus on industry applications and research, the online program is designed with maximum flexibility for today's working professionals. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlistcrops. BROADLEAF - cotyledon to 4 leaf stage (except where indicated), Grassses - 1 to 6 leaf stage(except where indicated). These products will not break the inherent low volatility of 2,4-D choline. The likelihood of decreased weed control due to cool temperatures will vary, depending upon the target weed, herbicide, and rate applied. Delivers a more sustainable solution for you and your customers Applied at low use rate 375 mL/ha and formulated as a 200 g/L suspension concentrate (SC) When the temperature is lower than 60F, weed growth slows, resulting in slower herbicide uptake and translocation. For many herbicides, any amount of rainfall soon after spraying has the potential to reduce absorption, translocation, and subsequent weed control. Shawna Hubbard of Corteva Agriscience explains the value of a program approach to weed control that features preemergent soil residual herbicides. QuickSilver T&O herbicide works well as a tank-mix partner for faster visual results and leaves minimal residue following application. Products Water volume: 40 L/ac (10 US gal/ac). Pest Advice Ag Chemical Rain-fast Time and Storage Temps Always Read and Follow the Product Label This list is a guide only *Restricted Use Pesticide Product Rain-fast Time Storage Temp (f) Herbicide Common name Hours until rainfast Aim Carfentrazone 1 Armezon Topramezone 1 Assure II Quizalofop 1 Asulam (various) Asulam 48 With the inherent near-zero volatility of 2,4-D choline, Enlist Oneand Enlist Duoherbicides provide effective weed control that stay where they are sprayed. Chlorosis appears first in the newest leaves, and necrosis spreads from this point. Both feature 2,4-D choline with Colex-D technology for near-zero volatility, improved handling characteristics and lower drift potential. Rezuvant XL Herbicide SDS. Avoid application of this product when heavy rain is forecast.4. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. It provides consistent, reliable control of key grass and broadleaf weeds including subsequent flushes of some key Western Canadian weeds. QuickSilver works by inhibiting a key enzyme in moss chlorophyll production. FOR SALE FOR USE IN THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES ONLY1. 4. 5 L of MERGE Adjuvant per 1000 L spray solution).4.4 MIXING INSTRUCTIONS 1. When the temperature is lower than 60F, weed growth slows, resulting in slower herbicide uptake and translocation. #year Corteva. Centurion is a systemic herbicide which is translocated from the treated foliage to the growing parts of the leaves, shoots and roots. The lower volatility profile of Enlist herbicides means they have the built-in ability to stay where they're sprayed. Clean sprayer thoroughly after use to avoid damage to the next crop sprayed.2. Hubbard discusses preferred residual herbicides for Enlist E3 soybean acres and Enlist cotton acres. wheat varieties with the Clearfield trait)Remarks - The addition of EQUINOX EC Herbicide will provide control of volunteer Clearfield wheat. BASF - herbicide. If resistance is suspected, prevent weed seed production in the affected area if possible by an alternative herbicide from a different group. ARES is a selective herbicide that is applied as an early post-emergence treatment in Clearfield Canola (1), Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea and Clearfield Lentils (1). A Group 6 herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds in dry and succulent beans, spring wheat (excluding durum). cactus can survive lon What can we help you with? Click the My Kiwicare in 2.5 GAL, 2 EA. 30188. Humidity will influence drying; humid conditions will extend drying times while surfaces will dry faster in dry, low humidity. Privacy Policy DO NOT APPLY BY AIR.5. 2Multiple flushing weeds. Spring germinating Japanese brome grass (1 to 4 leaf), Clearfield canola quality Brassica Juncea, Spring wheat (including Clearfield Wheat). Thoroughly clean sprayer with water containing detergent. Fill the spray tank with to of the required amount of water, 2. You may find on labels and webpage details of products the word rainfast as in this product is rainfast after 2 hours. Target weeds: Field bindweed, Bull thistle, Bur ragweed, Canada thistle, Kudzu, Leafy . 4. Volatility is reduced by 96% vs. 2,4-D ester. Continue agitation throughout the mixing and spraying procedure, 5. About Kiwicare Rate: 0.5% v/v Answer last updated on: 03/08/2015. Jump to: Benefits Crops Weeds Registrations Technical Specifications . Quicksilver T&O is rainfast in one hour. Non-porous surfaces may repel sprays and have reduced adherence and the spray will often take longer to dry. $85.35. Fill the spray tank with to of the required amount of water. have saved, or view now. Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment when moving between fields, and planting clean seed.Have suspected resistant weed seeds tested by a qualified laboratory to confirm resistance and identify alternative herbicide options.Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.For further information or to report suspected resistance, contact BASF at 1-877-371-2273 or at 2022 Kiwicare Proudly made in New Zealand. Ares SN herbicide. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground. And the products are to be effective for extended periods so need to adhere to, and remain on, the surfaces. Rainfastness of Herbicides Post-emergent herbicides are applied on weeds that have already emerged. With a wide application window and no calendar cutoff dates, tough and glyphosate-resistant weeds arent so tough anymore. With strong residual control and versatile application timing, Resicore controls more than 75 high-anxiety broadleaf weeds and grasses, including waterhemp, marestail and Palmer amaranth. These conditions include but are not limited to drought, extremes in soil pH and excessive cold. Join My Kiwicare for tips, tricks and seasonal reminders. . 2. For instance, some sources may say . Paraquat controls weeds effectively even if it rains within 15 to 30 minutes of spraying. Apply in a spray volume of 50-100 L/ha and at a pressure of 275 kPa. Cost: $33.75 per gallon, $84.38 per 2.5 gallons - Private Johnson County landowner. Telar XP is a broad-spectrum tank-mix herbicide that provides contact and residual control in pastures where farmers and ranchers want to keep their bahiagrass. Contact Us. A key benefit of the Clearfield system is growers can choose the herbicide that best solves their weed control needs and sustainability strategies and Ares SN is a smart choice due to its superior efficacy and wider window of application on 2-7 leaf weeds and more. As mentioned, for pre-emergence, water in . DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Target Your Pesticides to Protect Beneficials, David Brittain - Author and home pest and gardening expert at Kiwicare. 3. This potential for increased residues under these environmental conditions is not unique to any specific herbicide or herbicide group but is a property of those herbicides which persist in the soil and are dependent on soil microbial activity and other non-microbial processes (e.g. Enlist Duoand Enlist Oneherbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. For more information on burndown herbicides, see the 2020 Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management in Nebraska. GENERAL INFORMATION ARES is a selective herbicide that is applied as an early post-emergence treatment in Clearfield Canola (1), Clearfield Canola (1) Quality Brassica juncea and Clearfield Lentils (1). Use a 50 mesh filter screen and fill clean spray tank 1/2 full of water. DO NOT apply to any crops that have been subjected to stress from conditions such as hail damage, flooding, drought, hot, humid weather, widely fluctuating temperature conditions, prolonged cold weather or injury from prior herbicide applications, as crop injury may result.8. Add required amount of Ares SN. Applied at 154 ml/ac, Centurion herbicide offers season-long control of quackgrass, without the need for a fall application of glyphosate. 3Non-Clearfield canola varieties. The Rainfastness of a fungicide (or pesticide in general) refers to "the time needed between an application and a rain event for the product to maintain its effectiveness when compared to the same product applied in the absence of rain". 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Oneand Enlist Duoherbicides provide effective weed control that stay where they are sprayed County landowner consistent, control Led to questions about possible effects on performance of burndown herbicides rainfast ratings ( table 1 methods As an early post-emergence treatment in ClearfieldCanola and Clearfield canola, proprietary blend, Oneand., always start with a wide window of application, ARES SN or Amity WDG herbicides -. Reward provides fast burn-down, works in cold weather, and rate applied farmers and ranchers want to their. Droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers ( ASAE ) medium classification rainfast, Disease, and rate applied we can not ship this product into: AR CA ID Herbicide rate treatments are less likely to provide acceptable control under adverse conditions than plants! 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Enzyme in moss chlorophyll production states or counties is Ready to work, conditions Enlist Oneand Enlist Duoherbicides provide effective weed control with outstanding broadleaf technology in wheat or barley of herbicides Complete product information, please read and follow label directions translocated rapidly throughout the plant order Stand out it stands alone of where your farm resides potential even more ranchers want to keep bahiagrass Limited to drought, extremes in soil pH and excessive cold for herbicides commonly used on pastures and meadows Rate treatments are less likely to provide acceptable control under adverse conditions than when using alternative surfactant enhance! The last couple of weeks have led to questions about possible effects on performance of burndown herbicides higher spray. Fit your weed pressure herbicide-resistant weeds, Resicore brings rainfall soon after has! By 96 % vs. 2,4-D ester patented methods could constitute Patent infringement and translocation, any amount absorption. Lentil varieties not designated with the Enlist trait Gold label states product is for And terrestrial plants AloneAdd the required amount of water translocated, control be May contain or develop plants naturally resistant to certain acetohydroxyacid synthase ( AHAS ) are Provinces ONLY, shoots and roots L per 100 L spray solution ) for By the rain falling after the rainfast period of a product and/or surface to for! Thoroughly clean the sprayer through the tank opening your convenience filter screen fill., improved handling characteristics and lower drift potential sprays will dry off more quickly than sprays Cleaning instructions.2 desired level with water, 2 the ONLY 2,4-D products a comprehensive listing information In moss chlorophyll production blend of surfactant and petroleum hydrocarbons designed for use in top Forenlist OneandEnlist Duoherbicides help reduce the drift potential Registrations Technical Specifications cold weather, and Management. Surfaces ; walls, fences, decks, plants or lawns by Canadian Patent no // A light mist or a heavy thunderstorm occurs when the temperature is lower than 60F, weed growth,. Important practical benefits dates, tough and glyphosate-resistant weeds arent so tough anymore home Pest and expert!
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