If you want to get technical, its the best exercise for strengthening the lockout portion of your bench press. If you can check your ego and shift your intentions for this movement, youll be able to reap enormous benefits for the triceps, upper chest, and even your deltsas well. Moving your hands closer together affects everything up the chain of your upper body. THE BENEFITS OF USING A CLOSER GRIP DURING THE BENCH PRESS FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. 2017 Jun 24;5(3):46. Close grip bench press is a great way to increase the strength of . When you switch between the two, you'll feel a definite difference in what is being worked harder. Use it to keep your workouts fresh and productive. With a regular bench press, the recommended range is to bring the bar to tap the chest and then to push arms to full or almost full extension. Straighten your elbows as you press your body upward, pushing against the handles, beforeslowly lowering back down. This can be several things, including using too much weight, arching your back or moving your body too much, ormoving too fast through the exercise. Don't let weak tris be the reason you can't hit your bench press PR. Once you are at the top of the press, lock your elbows. The bench press is a lift designed to work muscles that push: pecs, triceps, and shoulders. And which grip width should you use in your bench press training? 1. Reduced Stress on Back The decline bench press is the bench press variation that puts the least amount of stress on the lower back when compared to the flat and incline options. Not only do they play an important role in overall aesthetics, but strong triceps are essential for all pushing movements. Here's a look at our five favorite benefits. That includes both your upper pecs (clavicular head) and lower pecs (sternal head). This drawback is compounded by the fact that your triceps aren't as engaged in this lift, meaning that a lot more stress is added to the shoulders. Keep the shoulder blades retracted so that the shoulders do not roll upwards off of the bench. The two most obvious things a narrower grip does to the bench press is 1.) According to the study, pec activation was not decreased when a narrow grip was used, if a reverse grip was used. First and foremost among the various benefits provided by the close grip bench press is that of a significantly improved athletic ability in the exerciser, whom will find that after repeatedly performing the close grip bench press over a period of time (and when combined with a proper diet and adequate rest) their ability to output upper body explosiveness, power and strength have all increased noticeably. We all have different bone structures and we cant all lift the same. The main benefits of the close grip dumbbell press are: Get an effective workout from lighter weights - pushing the dumbbells together increases muscle activation. The close grip also promotes better form and allows for a range of repetition ranges and training volumes. We are, of course, talking about the triceps, which is actually the largest of your upper arm muscles. ), Shoulder Pain After Bicep Curls: 8 Possible Reasons, 7 Best Lower Back Kettlebell Exercises (with Pictures! Your chest and shoulders will invariably assist in close-grip pressing, but you're doing this primarily for tris, so keep the focus on them. Position a bench in the middle of a Smith machine and set the backrest angle to flat. At SFS we strive to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for your fitness journey. Now just place your hands closer together, and voila! Common questions around the close-grip bench press debate both its difficulty level and its performance level. Whereas the conventional bench press works your chest, shoulders, pecs and triceps, the close-grip bench press targets your triceps over any other muscle group. Hold the handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other), keeping your arms shoulder width or slightly less and feet about the same. If you need to, concentrate on your mind-muscle connection to help slow your movements down. Should you just move out to the maximum allowed width right away? A Biomechanical Analysis of Wide, Medium, and Narrow Grip Width Effects on Kinematics, Horizontal Kinetics, and Muscle Activity on the Sticking Region in Recreationally Trained Males During 1-RM Bench Pressing. For lack of other definitions, I think the coefficients in the bullet list above seem pretty reasonable, and it is in line with what Ive seen used elsewhere. This is the widest grip allowed in powerlifting competitions, and you have to cover the rings with your hands. An easy trick is to set up a thumb length away from the start of the rough threads on the bar. Elbows Tight and Forward Eb says: You want to. Once the bar has touched either the chest or the sternum, drive the bar off the torso by engaging the triceps and upper chest. But before you do, let's cover all the basics (and then some), so you know how to do it correctly. Want to give premium a shot? Lower the bar with control, until it touches your chest somewhere close to your sternum. It is used for building strength and muscle in the upper body and is most commonly known to target the triceps; however, there are more reasons to try a close grip bench press. By extension of the increased range of motion found in the close grip bench press, another drawback of the close grip bench press is the fact that a lower total amount of weight must be used so as to both prevent injury and to maintain proper form during the repetition. Daniel lives in Lund, Sweden with his wife and three kids. Allow the bar to make slight contact with the sternum. One study showed that using a reverse grip on the bench press - flat bench, not incline - increased subjects' upper pec activity by 30%. Close Grip Bench Press Benefits (3 Pros & Coins Explained). In that sense, the close-grip bench press can be a great accessory exercise for the bench press, to utilize on lighter days. For inexperienced lifters or people whose anatomy may not do well with this variation, its common to experience some shoulder impingement due to the position and stress on the shoulder joint. 2017 Dec 28;60:19-28. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0109. If the maximum grip width still feels off even after a month or more of practice, you might be better off with a narrower grip. How to Do One Arm Dumbbell Rows Correctly, The Best HIIT Treadmill Workouts to Torch Fat. The standard grip is a favorite for many because it allows you to press the most weight. In addition, close-grip bench presses can be performed with a variety [] Effects of Variations of the Bench Press Exercise on the EMG Activity of Five Shoulder Muscles. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. Obviously, this is an immediate benefit. Bigger triceps - while the close grip dumbbell press is most definitely a chest exercise, it takes your arms through a large range of motion, which makes it a good triceps exercise too. You see, some triceps exercises are more conducive to gaining strength (e.g. Some people may naturally gravitate toward dumbbells, while others will pick the barbell because it works better for their bodies. It Doesn't Really Require You To Have A Bench Or Barbell. Grasp the handles with a shoulder . It is a huge benefit and perfect choice for gymnasts and weight lifters since it helps to recover from shoulder injuries and increase shoulder extension and flexibility. Go easy on the weights for some time, in order to give your muscles and tendon time to adapt to the new loading pattern. On chest day, to keep the focus on the pecs, use a wide palms-forward grip, not . Close Grip Bench Press Benefits By using a closer than shoulder-width grip, you put more stress on your triceps than the wide grip variation and thus force it to do more work. Read more, Benefit #1: Focus On Muscle AND/OR Strength Gains, Force USA X15 Pro Review: A Compact Multi-Gym With a Half Rack & Functional Trainer, Force USA G10 Review: A Plate-Loaded All-In-One with Interchangable Pulley Ratios, Force USA X20 Pro Review: A Full Power Rack with an Integrated Selectorized Funtional Trainer, Force USA G15 Review: A Selectorized All-In-One Trainer with a 2:1 AND 4:1 Ratio. The close grip bench press is usually combined with other upper body compound exercises such as the chest press machine or overhead press so as to provide a more well rounded but nonetheless highly intense upper body workout. This doesnt mean you cannot switch your grip width. Note: The equations above are not real scientific equations. The close grip bench press is a variation of the bench press and an exercise used to build muscle and strength in the triceps. Generally, most lifters can handle two bench sessions per week. For maximum strength, perhaps one session per week focusing on the bench press and another focusing on the board press is ideal. What are the benefits? It Will Let You Have Greater Strength Gains 4. Similar to the bench press, the. In general, the recommendation is that lifters should place their hands either exactly, or just shy of, shoulder width apart. The regular bench press is just outside of shoulder width apart for most people. As previously stated, odds are that you are at your strongest with a wide grip. One observation Ive made is that if you are currently dealing with a shoulder or pec injury, there is usually at least one style with which you can keep training to maintain your strength, while still allowing for your injury to heal. 39. This targets the triceps and the inner chest. This may result in a lower level of perceived intensity and by extension a reduced capacity for muscular hypertrophy, depending on the exercisers individual biomechanics and level of weightlifting experience. Stick to shoulder-width apart. As with any bench press, it is recommended for a spotter to be nearby for a lifters safety, particularly if this is the first time that they will be attempting the close-grip bench press. However, if the triceps specifically are an important goal for you, a close grip bench press may be better suited. Triceps dips are a close second. 8. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "It just feels brilliant, it feels really good!" The reverse grip bench press is a great movement to work the chest and arms. But, to complicate the matter, not all barbells have their ring markings 81 cm apart. Adding/removing weight plates onto/off of the belt can be a tedious process. Make sure you are making a tight fist and pushing your hand up as if you're trying to punch the ceiling. While it is true that the triceps brachii bear the brunt of the load while the close grip bench press is being performed, certain other muscle groups involved in most push type movement exercises are also brought into play though, naturally, in lesser capacities as secondary mover muscles or as stabilizer muscles. Close-grip is more triceps- dominant and is often used an accessory to bench (to strengthen the lockout) for that reason. Relationships between Mechanical Variables in the Traditional and Close-Grip Bench Press. Lie on a flat bench, with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your butt on the bench. Also a side effect of the rather unique form employed by the close grip bench press, the relative angle at which the exercisers arms and shoulders are placed at throughout the repetition places a moderate level of strain on the shoulders, elbows and wrists, potentially resulting in a slightly higher chance of injury. Not a long-term one. So whats the problem, exactly? Below we'll break down exactly what you need to know so you can master the close grip bench press and see results without the unwanted injury. Lockie RG, Callaghan SJ, Moreno MR, Risso FG, Liu TM, Stage AA, Birmingham-Babauta SA, Stokes JJ, Giuliano DV, Lazar A, Davis DL, Orjalo AJ. The close-grip bench press comes with notable benefits, some of which weve already touched on. In the bench press the lockout proportion relies heavily on elbow extension, and elbow extension is of course controlled by the triceps. Probably the best of all the close grip bench press benefits is the ability to use it to build muscle and/or strength. The close-grip bench press comes with notable benefits, some of which we've already touched on. Above you, grip the bar with your hands either exactly, or just shy of, shoulder width apart. Youll want to adjust this based on your frame, but this is an ideal starting point. Proper setup and form can allow you to put up some big numbers if powerlifting is your thing. One thing's for certain: It's great in any upper body workout. Pros: The ability to apply some serious weight to your triceps, the close-grip bench press is an excellent compound mass builder. options where Sally will use highly-targeted and technical personal training to help you achieve your strength goals. In theclose-grip bench press, the same numbers are 63% vs. 37%. In practice, you will have to find whatever grip width and bench press technique works for your body. Read how to smash through it here. At least, thats my opinion of it. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Sticking Region of a One-Repetition Maximum Close-Grip Bench Press versus the Traditional Bench Press. Close grip (hip width) reverse grip bench press (also called close grip Barbarian press) absolutely blows away any other tricep exercise. When performing a close-grip bench press, the hands are closer together than when doing a traditional or "wide-grip" bench press. These sound like intriguing benefits, but the truth is that athletes probably shouldn't waste their time on the Decline Bench Press. It will take trial and error to see what works best for your body. Building Strength Strength Training in London, What We Do Powerlifting & Weightlifting Club London. Strongmen. Everything will feel like it's crowding into a small area, and your body likely wont be able to handle it for long. You've got yourself a close grip bench press. The close grip bench press aids in the overcoming of the sticking point by not only replicating that particular portion of the bench presss form but also by increasing the exercisers explosive strength potential, resulting in a reduced difficulty in said sticking point of the other exercises. If that doesnt make sense right away, let me explain. Lockie RG, Callaghan SJ, Moreno MR, Risso FG, Liu TM, Stage AA, Birmingham-Babauta SA, Stokes JJ, Giuliano DV, Lazar A, Davis DL, Orjalo AJ. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Sticking Region of a One-Repetition Maximum Close-Grip Bench Press versus the Traditional Bench Press. Let's take a look at their most obvious benefits. Similar to the bench press, it can be trained in low reps for strength or higher reps for muscle or strength endurance. But I also think you can get very strong and muscular without the variation. Close Grip Bench Press Benefits. For example, with weighted triceps dips, you must attach weight to your body with a dip belt. The close grip bench press also called the triceps bench press is the best overall triceps exercise there is. All bench press variations engage the triceps, but the narrower grip of the close-grip variation results in more significant engagement when compared to other bench press variations. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If that sounds like what youre looking for, heres your quick guide to the close-grip bench press including what it is, whether its better, its benefits and how to perform it. The suspension close grip chest press is greatfor lifters who enjoy TRX variations of exercises. Thanks for that.. i add this exercises my workout. Therefore, one could rightly argue that the wide grip bench press is also superior for strengthening and injury-proofing your shoulder joints. You should have a strong understanding of the benefits of the close grip bench press, includingbuilding the triceps, improving your bench press, optimizing your lockout, andbuilding strength to block someone on the football field. Establish a strong base by keeping the feet flat, the glutes engaged and the upper back pressed firmly into the bench. slightly increase the ROM, and 2.) If your goal is to lift as much weight as possible, you should try out various grip widths and techniques to see which one you can lift the biggest amount of weight in. This move is much better for people with shoulder issues as it puts the hands in a neutral grip position (palms facing each other). This is due to the fact that the triceps, deltoids and pectoralis muscles of the exercisers upper body are all trained to a moderate or intense degree during the performance of the close grip bench press, reinforcing the density of their muscular fibers, improving neuromuscular fiber recruitment and strengthening connective tissue so as to aid in force output by said muscle fibers. Triceps Strength and. Floor Press (the single exception that allows you to load similar weight and build strength). Its important to remember that everyone is built differently. Board. As discussed earlier, the close grip bench press significantly increases triceps strength. Do you want to improve your bench press strength, but are not sure how? As we saw, the close grip bench can be used to achieve for all 3 of the goals discussed. A tricep kickback may isolate the triceps more, and a board press may help your lockout more, but the close grip bench can do it all. Here are three of our most recent additions: Or, check out all of our bench press programs here. Enhanced "vanity" muscles: The arm muscles usually win over the pec muscles when it comes to what looks more aesthetic. The reverse-grip bench press may not seem like an upper chest move, because it's done on a flat bench, but it absolutely is - science proves it. Inspire US allows Deb to share information related to training, lifting, biomechanics, and more. What are the Benefits of the Close Grip Bench Press? This is due to the concept of a form sticking point where said portion of the exercises form abruptly requires an explosive increase in strength output, such as in the bottom of the bench press repetition wherein the exerciser pushes it away from their sternum to complete the concentric portion of the lift. Our app StrengthLog is packed with bench press programs for all levels. A Compound Exercise on Steroids No, you do not have to be on juice to perform this compound exercise. It helps improve your standard bench press. If youre looking to use the bench press as part of a hypertrophy programme, or you just want to get strong, why not. 3 Benefits of the Close-Grip Bench Press The close-grip bench press offers immense benefits for beginners and athletes alike. Add some weight. Slowly lower your body until your chest touches your hands while inhale. Grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip . The triceps' primary function is to lock out your arm, and the close grip bench press is the master at building your lockout for your bench press. Time Efficient Compound exercises, such as the close grip bench press are an efficient use of your time. Debbie (Deb) started powerlifting and Olympic lifting in High School as part of her track team's programming; She continues to train in order to remain athletic. Use your triceps to lock out your arms as you bring the bar up to the starting position. First and foremost among the various benefits provided by the close grip bench press is that of a significantly improved athletic ability in the exerciser, whom will find that after repeatedly performing the close grip bench press over a period of time (and when combined with a proper diet and adequate rest) their ability to output upper body explosiveness, power and strength have all increased noticeably. This might mean that the close grip bench press is better for sports where you need speed and power, and the wide grip bench press is better for sports where you need brute strength. The close grip bench press is the exercise version of a one-stop car repair shop. Some lifters naturally bench wider, some closer, and some even prefer reverse grip. Due to the fact that the exerciser utilizes a somewhat different form when performing the close grip bench press in comparison to the more traditionally gripped bench press, a subsequent range of motion increase is inevitable. The barbell bench press has long been heralded as the "best chest exercise." Virtually every top physique athlete uses it to build an impressive upper body. One approach is to move out one fingers width per week, until you reach the maximum width. In both of those variations, a wider hand placement engages the shoulders and pecs to support the lift, and offers less restriction as there is more space for the elbows to move. While the close grip bench press is doubtless a truly excellent exercise suitable for the majority of most exercisers fitness goals, there are a few drawbacks to this particular exercise, potentially limiting its use for certain individuals or in some circumstances. Squeeze the dumbbells as tight as possible to improve a phenomenon known as "irradiation" which promotes greater shoulder stability. An increase in the range of motion of an exercise is not always necessarily a bad thing, as an increased time under tension can aid in the development of further muscular hypertrophy, improve venous blood flow as well as improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance. It will also carry over to athletic movements, and save you some time, as you wont have to do four isolation exercises per triceps workout. While one benefit of the close-grip bench press (performed on a flat bench) is a relatively long range of motion, this floor press variation eliminates the lower portion of the exercise. Note that the widest grip allowed in powerlifting competitions is 81 cm (about 32 in) between your hands. Another interesting fact about the close grip bench is that it recruits less of our biceps during the lift. Once your grip is established and firm, engage your core and squeeze your shoulder blades together in order to lift the bar from the rack. Other, often cheaper, barbells might just have their ring markings at any random distance. The odds are that you will be slightly stronger with a wider grip than a closer grip. The tighter tucking in of the elbows with the close grip bench press helps generate more power even if you have longer arms than usual standard bench press bro. It will be at the top of the list for building muscle, increasing strength, and tricep and upper chest activation for muscle growth. Today's star of the show will have your hands lined up directly in line with your shoulders in a shoulder width grip. Here's a look at our five favorite benefits. In theclose-grip bench press, the same numbers are 63% vs. 37%. Whereas, others are more conducive to building muscle (e.g. Both exercises simply load that joint more. It simply means that just because you see someone else grip the bar in a specific spot doesnt mean it will give you the same results or work the same way. It mainly targets your pecs but also hits the triceps and shoulders. This will work for some and may be challenging for others. I think than can be part of a viable bench press strategy. Overall shoulder health and recovery is essential to anyone lifting, so switching to the close-grip now and again is advisable for any lifter in order to let the shoulders recover whilst not jeopardising bench pressing progress. Your elbows will be closer to your body than a traditional bench press, but dont hug them too close to your sides, or youll be back in that dangerous water again. Incorporate the close grip bench into your routine and get better. But the benefit of performing the close grip bench press is that your body has to work much harder to perform this exercise correctly, making the demands on the body greater and stimulating more muscle growth. Whilst the shoulders are engaged, the pecs take a backseat and the triceps take on a majority of the work. Develops high levels of lockout strength. When combined with the hand placement of the close grip bench press, this results in a significantly more effective triceps builder while also reducing the involvement of the deltoid muscles and shoulder joint, resulting in a lower risk of shoulder injury. Provide an Effective Workout With Lighter Weights. Take another breath while in the top position, and repeat for reps. It's great for your triceps and improving strength. Thats because the close-grip bench press does not require as much shoulder support to lift the weight because of its significant focus on the triceps. Yes, it's great for the shoulder joint but puts more stress on the elbow joint and this takes it through a large ROM. That means greater risk and reward. As our motto goes - "You don't have to get ready if you stay #alwaysready! The lower back, located between the lowest part of the rib cage and the upper part of the bu Inspire US serves as an informational hub for people looking to start their fitness journey. 3, 4, and 5 day per week programming options. It Is A Safe Way To Focus On Your Triceps. One of the most talked-about benefits of decline bench training is the effective workout it provides your lower pecs. If youre looking to use the bench press as part of a hypertrophy programme, or you just want to get strong, why not check out our strength classes or personal training options where Sally will use highly-targeted and technical personal training to help you achieve your strength goals. Those areas and placing more emphasis on building strength and getting more power in your regular press! Role in overall aesthetics, but your elbows close to your sides medical professional before on. 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