MacDonald, K. I., and Dressler, V. (2018). Bibliographic coupling analysis can allow us to map and cluster the journals based on the similarities of the bibliographic references (Jarneving, 2007; Boyack and Klavans, 2010). Although Bumpus and Liverman (2008) focus more on international governance of carbon offsets (i.e., Kyoto Protocols Clean Development Mechanism), and Bumpus and Liverman (2008) focus more on corporate responses in the form of carbon emission reporting and disclosure mechanisms, both have informed the ensuing carbon accounting research (Lohmann, 2009; Ascui and Lovell, 2011; Bowen and Wittneben, 2011; Milne and Grubnic, 2011; Gibassier and Schaltegger, 2015; Vesty et al., 2015) with the main publication venues such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. Environ. How the labels will pay off with consumers remains to be . The key themes such as decarbonization, climate policy, governance, and net zero in cluster B are closely related to the sector of energy and the entity of European Union in the same cluster. Greenhouse Gas Emissions along the Rural-Urban Gradient. After the Paris Agreement signed in 2015, the themes of Germany, electricity market and transport emerge. More in-depth analysis in the future should include more specific keywords by snowballing specific set of keywords, and the conceptual structure findings here can be useful references. Prtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P. R. Shuklaet al. Together they will provide the relationship and the temporal dynamics among the keywords as the empirical bases to understand the structure of concepts and its evolution. Clim. Acting upon the understanding of human impacts, it is then possible to create a future that is not only carbon neutral but also sustainable for the planet and its inhabitants. Centrality in Social Networks Conceptual Clarification. The company says it cut all residual emissions to 35,000 tonnes by the end of 2021, which compares with 133,000 tonnes in 2018, the baseline. Achieving Development and Mitigation Objectives through a Decarbonization Development Pathway in South Africa. Clean. Clim. 16, S27S46. DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108786 34 Downloads 191 Views. Focusing on the role of private authority, the network analysis of public and private standards for carbon management reveals an emerging climate change governance order that is complex, suggesting the importance of private authority in institutional complexity (Green, 2013). Similarly, the work by Steckel et al. J. The Dynamics of Transitions in Socio-Technical Systems: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Transition Pathway from Horse-Drawn Carriages to Automobiles (1860-1930). Tourism Res. Nakienovi, N. (1996). 68, 4151. doi:10.1080/14693062.2016.1179619, Quimby, C. C., and Angelique, H. (2011). Among them, achieving carbon neutrality is one of the most urgent and critical tasks. But . By outlining the possibilities and application areas for future research and policy development for socio-technical transition towards a net-zero or post-carbon future, this study has contributed to the understanding of the global efforts to achieve a clearer and viable carbon-neutral pathway. Our descriptive summary of 907 articles revealed the fast-growing publications patterns, especially after the Paris Agreement in 2015, with temporal evolution in intellectual and conceptual structures of the knowledge. At the upper-side of Figure 1, the network begins by Strachan and Kannan. (1999) is cited by Lilliestam et al. doi:10.1057/hep.2011.17, Wang, Z., Liao, H.-T., Zhou, Y., and Pang, S. (2020). Am. Comparing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) with Concentrating Solar Power (CSP): Potentials, Costs, Risks, and Barriers. Thousands of trees have been planted by volunteers in Hawaii who took the Carbon Neutrality Challenge. Auditing Acc. Identifying Barriers and Catalysts to Fostering Pro-environmental Behavior: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Psychology. Indeed, the body of knowledge has spanned across multiple geographic and disciplinary contexts, as evidenced by multiple findings as follows. Confirming the previous findings based on citation bursts, the theme of electricity markets appears in the emerging-declining-theme quadrant. By answering these descriptive, analytical, and reflective questions, this paper aims to contribute to the existing human knowledge on the topic of carbon neutrality by focusing on the socio-technical pathways that social science knowledge has already contributed and ought to contribute. On an Innovative Approach for Microclimate Enhancement and Retrofit of Historic Buildings and Artworks Preservation by Means of Innovative Thin Envelope Materials. Int. 1.5 C (34.7 F). FIGURE 3. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Keywords: Carbon neutrality, Sustainable construction, Renewable energy, Green agriculture, Land sustainable utilization, Low-carbon behavior . Specific connections have been explored in discussing the specific main research works in section 3.4, revealing a vibrant picture of policy, professional, educational, and academic work that contributes to human knowledge on carbon neutrality and decarbonization. Auditing Acc. Geogr. Account. Its political economy analysis contextualized the governance structures of the Kyoto Protocols Clean Development Mechanism. 47, 388396. doi:10.1038/nature18307. Table 1 lists basic information about the dataset, with its size, descriptive statistics, contents, author and author collaboration numbers. Similarly, an exemplar work in education discussed sustainability initiatives at a Canadian university and proposed a multi-bottom line approach based on a set of tools using a driving-forcepressurestateexposureeffectaction framework (Waheed et al., 2011). Sci. In terms of the document type, this review examined articles, book chapters, and reviews. Such impact-oriented risk assessment and control efforts amount to carbon-neutral pathways. The Decarbonisation Divide. 16, S63S77. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10377-8_13. Digital collaborations, especially those leveraging digital technologies such as AI, Blockchains, cloud computing, and data analytics, should track the social and environmental impacts of the human footprint on Earth, and act upon such impacts. Available at: (Accessed June 28, 2021). Hybrid Modelling of Long-Term Carbon Reduction Scenarios for the UK. Since the pathways used to achieve carbon neutrality require a viable socio-technical transition from industrial processes based on petroleum, coal, and gasoline towards a more environmentally friendly sustainable future (Wang et al., 2020), it is thus essential to focus on the political, economic, social, and psychological aspects of carbon neutrality. Text. Uncertainty Management and the Dynamic Adjustment of Deep Decarbonization Pathways. Goldemberg et al. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.020, Lohmann, L. (2009). Available at: In theory, that means the monthlong tournament hosted by the small Gulf Arab nation will have a trivial effect on the climate. CiteSpace: A Practical Guide for Mapping Scientific Literature. 1. Following the traditions of pro-environmental behavior research, one essential psychology work by Quimby and Angelique (2011) analyzed the perceived barriers and catalysts for encouraging pro-environmental behavior within the environmental movement. 45, 3138. 17, 120. doi:10.1109/MSIEID52046.2020.00058, Chen, C. (2004). Energy and Transport in Comparison: Immaterialisation, Dematerialisation and Decarbonisation in the EU15 between 1970 and 2000. Pol. Carbon Neutrality Challenge: *Correspondence: Han-Teng Liao,, Application of Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Other Advanced Analytical Techniques in Environmental Economics and Policy, View all
From Nuclear to Renewable: Energy System Transformation and Public Attitudes. Carbon Management Accounting and Reporting in Practice. Cobo, M. J., Lpez-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2011). The Mortality Cost of Carbon. Ten New Insights in Climate Science 2020 - a Horizon Scan. Carbon Accounting. (2016). - Similarly, the second part consists of the field tag of Research Area (i.e., SU) and a set of disciplines under the WoS research areas social sciences category. Pol. FIGURE 4. To gain both general and specific social knowledge, it is important to provide a systematic review of carbon neutrality literature to summarize how social science knowledge can contribute to the worldwide collective efforts to achieve carbon neutrality. The titles of these journals reveal the clear presence of policies, economics, and environmental and social changes, indicating dynamic policy and economics concerns regarding such changes. On the ground, these reductions can take the form of building retrofits, low-to-no carbon emitting building designs, and a move toward renewable energy. From Carbonization to Decarbonization?-Past Trends and Future Scenarios for China's CO2 Emissions. At the upper right of Figure 5 is the peripheral cluster of journal sources with label initial B in color green, including Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal (B-8) and Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space (B-12). Understanding Carbon Lock-In. Using confusion matrices, this paper tested remote sensing approaches to ground-truthed data, the paper obtained via field-based vegetation surveys across a subset of U-M landholdings. 2) How and when has the conceptual structure of the knowledge base developed? Carbon Neutrality Challenge, Honolulu, HI, USA, Asryelle Mora Rollo,Audrey Rollo&Camilo Mora, University of Hawaii at Mnoa, Honolulu, HI, USA, You can also search for this author in Drawing upon empirical studies and norms theory, the notion of the carbon-neutral individual suggests the possibility of advancing legal reforms that combine the existing norm of personal responsibility with the emerging norm of carbon neutrality (Vandenbergh and Steinemann, 2007). Scott, D., Hall, C. M., and Gssling, S. (2019). By Jeffrey Ball. Vandenbergh, M., and Steinemann, A. Commun. Nature 534, 631639. The archaeology work by Pigliautile et al. With the highest number of nodes, cluster A on the left consists of many more Asian and South American countries, such as China (A-10), Japan (A-21), Brazil (A-23), India (A-2), and Singapore (A-26). Figure 3 and Table 2 show the keyword co-occurrence analysis outcomes of the top 30 keywords in four clusters. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.09.042, Meseguer-Snchez, V., Glvez-Snchez, F. J., Molina-Moreno, V., and Wandosell-Fernndez-de-Bobadilla, G. (2021). doi:10.1016/j.eist.2019.01.004, Kolk, A., Levy, D., and Pinkse, J. 82, 16731745. Finally, the smaller cluster D (in yellow) is shown to be at the periphery on the lower right of Figure 6, consisting of three Nordic countriesSweden (D-7), Norway (D-11), and Finland (D-18)along with New Zealand (D-19). As of January 20, 2021, 124 countries with Japan included, plus 1 area had declared carbon neutrality by 2050. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.04.070, Downie, J., and Stubbs, W. (2013). Energy Policy 39, 34433455. Hum. Issues Tourism 9, 419435. and then explore how these pieces constitute the whole. Please click to find more. (Eddie Moore/Journal) Taos Ski Valley announced Tuesday that it has been certified carbon neutral by Climate Impact Partners, an organization that brings . 39, 495510. 4) Where and what has been contributed from the social science disciplines? doi:10.1080/09669580802276018, Goldemberg, J., Coelho, S. T., and Guardabassi, P. (2008). Manag. Tourism Manage. Given the multi-disciplinary nature of carbon neutrality, it is important to examine the disciplinary features of the literature by not limiting our scope of search to the social-science-only index such as SSCI. A Carbon Calculation: How Many Deaths Do Emissions Cause? Additionally related to communication research is an article by Dury (2008) from the linguistics journal Terminology, based on a bilingual (French and English) comparable corpus, which shows that the English term carbon neutral has followed a particular development pattern: it becomes more widespread in the media over time (i.e., determinologized) and then moves into the ecology lexicon (i.e., terminologized) (Dury, 2008). In terms of conceptual structure, the last few years (20192022) have seen the rise of keywords such as decarbonization, energy transition, the Paris Agreement, just transition, European Union, and net-zero. Phys. (2011). 56, 156163. Soc. "Continental is thus consistently meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement of 2015," explained Reinhart. Recently, we added new functionality to our webpage to rank teams of participants by their number of trees planted, which has increased user participations while also easing the coordination of events with large numbers of people. A Study on Mystification Strategies of China's Carbon Neutrality Initiative in American Mainstream Newspaper. Natl. Since published work can accumulate citations over time, the citation approach (Small, 1999) can provide an accurate mapping of clusters of items (e.g., documents, sources, etc.). Visualizing Science by Citation Mapping. To achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, China needs to address the challenge of the large and still growing CO2 emission base. At the center is the core cluster of journal sources with label initial A in color red, such as Energy Policy (A-1), Climate Policy (A-2), Energy Economics (A-3), Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions (A-4), and Technological Forecasting and Social Change (A-6). The Intellectual Base and Research Fronts ofJASIS 1986-1990. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. 17, 1632. 1st ed. Manage. (2019). In turn, the work is cited by Marcucci and Fragkos (2015) on the exploratory multi-model decomposition analysis of the decarbonization pathways in four major economies of China, India, Europe and U.S., suggesting that while energy efficiency remains the main strategy, the decarbonization strategy after 2030, and the negative carbon emissions after 2050 are critical. Cluster E, with one node E-20, concerns sustainable tourism. This component of research design will be further discussed later in the Conclusion section as the trade-off between comprehensiveness and depth. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.09.010, Dury, P. (2008). The main body of work have been policy-oriented to examine the industrial and economic activities, especially those surrounding energy, transport, forestry, and cities-related technologies, with the practical purpose to outline transitioning pathways and scenarios. Social science knowledge matters. J. Prof. Issues Eng. Avoid the most common mistakes and prepare your manuscript for journal editors. Keyword co-occurrence maps show the existing relationship among topics, and the advanced methods of thematic maps and keywords with citation bursts provide additional temporal insights to the evolution of conceptual structure. As one of the largest social media, Twitter is used widely by individuals, organisations, and government agencies to share their comments and perceptions on carbon neutrality. Kibwami and Tutesigensi (2016) investigated whether and how the integration of embodied carbon in the development approval process by regulators can facilitate sustainability in construction, based on a set of structured interviews regarding policy proposals in Uganda (Kibwami and Tutesigensi, 2016). Canary in the Coalmine: Norwegian Attitudes towards Climate Change and Extreme Long-Haul Air Travel to Aotearoa/New Zealand. By focusing on journal articles and books, this review should provide a more succinct picture of the overall knowledge base of the carbon neutrality literature. Provides an international platform to disseminate scientific discoveries and insights within the multi-disciplinary scope of low carbon. J. Bot. doi:10.1017/sus.2021.2, Pye, S., and Bataille, C. (2016). Soc. Linguistics works include the communications research work carried out by Koteyko (2012), as discussed earlier, as it was published in a cross-disciplinary journal called Language and Communication. E 71, 065103. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.71.065103, Oshiro, K., Kainuma, M., and Masui, T. (2016). Pol. As Table 8 suggests that several disciplines are in close relationship with public administration (i.e., the public policy cross-disciplinary core cluster), this subsection will summarize the major work in these disciplines, as listed in Table 7. The displayed data aggregates results
TABLE 6. TABLE 5. 16, S7S26. Both articles were published in Energy Policy, an international journal for the political, economic, planning, environmental, and social aspects of energy. To explore the conceptual structure, the study begins with a keyword co-occurrence analysis, followed by a selected list of keywords with the strongest citation bursts, and a set of thematic evolution maps. Several directions for future research relating to social science knowledge about carbon neutrality are discussed here. Note that the number of publications is relatively even for each period, ranging from 215 to 382. We CAN Build a Carbon-Neutral World by 2050. Main keywords: key scientometric metrics based on keyword co-occurrence network. Social network analysis . For such visualization outcomes to be meaningful, especially for the research questions raised above, a careful research design is needed to analyze social science knowledge in various research fronts that are accessible for both policy makers and researchers. The Guardian. (2008) can be described as the accounting and accountability cluster. Based on the business and economics cross-disciplinary core cluster shown in Table 8, this subsection will summarize the major works in the only social science discipline in the business and economics cluster. At.
New York, New York: Penguin Books. Public administration work examples include climate policy (Hohne et al., 2017) and smart-sustainable cities (Yigitcanlar and Lee, 2014). Oxford Res. The EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050-What Way to Walk? The massive public participation in large planting events in India, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Bhutan highlights the eagerness of people to engage worldwide. By MARI YAMAGUCHI October 21, 2021. Syst., 122. Another area studies work by Gilley (2017) compared the local success in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in China (Guangzhou) and India (Gujarat), revealing similar patterns of integrated governance solutions but different institutional linkages: mainly intra-governmental linkages for China and mainly state-society linkages for India. Main disciplines: key scientometric metrics. Thus, to achieve carbon neutrality, social science knowledge must be developed to understand the multiple aspects of preparing human societies for a sustainable transition for the mitigation of climate change. A Scoping Review Mapping Characteristics and Keywords. For the rest of the world, there are over 2 billion acres of land that could be planted without conflicts with urban development or farming. At the level of authors commonly cited in the dataset, Figure 2 shows the visualization of the co-citation network. Mentioned earlier, the carbon neutrality journal of electricity markets appears in the dataset, with each node representing a keyword Table! Warming below 2oC before 2100 might not be attained visualization, with one node E-20 concerns. 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