English/English Education A student who changes his or her major must follow the academic program in effect at the time of this change. Through these programs, it is possible for the student to earn an appointment as a commissioned officer while working for a degree at Xavier. A student that withdraws will be required to fill out a readmission application using the procedures found at: http://www.xula.edu/admissions/applicationinfo.php. The purpose of SASO Academic Programs and Advising is to provide a support system to increase academic development and progress through a nurturing/mentoring environment. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Philosophy The CAS Deans Office provides service to faculty and students on matters pertaining to teaching and learning including curricula, academic progress, and degree requirements. The student who elects to complete this program must apply to the department head who will review that students record, give final approval for admission into the program, and assist the student in obtaining a faculty member to supervise the final project. CUR also holds workhops to assist students with writing proposals and applications for competitive research opportunities. Students must demonstrate effectiveness in oral, written, and technological forms of communication, using different mediums and information sources for a variety of audiences. Although Explorations courses can be taken any time before graduation, it is recommended that students complete these required courses during their first two years so that they are better able to integrate all areas of inquiry into their overall academic experience. Elementary Education Application for membership is open to students who meet the following criteria: Psi Chi. The Director of the Pre-Law Advising Center does, however, suggest specific courses which prelaw students may find helpful. In all cases of Withdrawal from the University, students are responsible for the remaining tuition and fee balance. An award, provided by the Eli Lilly Company, is presented to a graduating pharmacy student for superior scholarship and personal achievement. The Dillard/Loyola/Notre Dame Seminary/Tulane/Xavier Partnership is a cooperative arrangement among the named Universities. To be accepted into the program the student must: In most cases, participation in an alternating Co-op assignment will lengthen the students stay in school and students should anticipate this extension of the usual time for completion of degree requirements. Admission to the professional school is the responsibility of the student. When a student withdraws from a course(s) and the withdrawal does not bring that student to zero hours, the Add-Drop form must be completed. As the first Confucius Institute among the nations more than 100 HBCUs and in Louisiana, the Institute has enjoyed steady increases in Mandarin enrollment on campus and in the community, hosted frequent faculty and student exchanges with Chinese universities, and received extensive coverage from the mainstream media. For course selections, students should consult the Center Director and the academic advisor. These agreements do not, however, preclude students from choosing and attending other Engineering Schools. Xaviers Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education to prepare low-income/first-generation and underrepresented students for Ph.D. programs. In addition to promoting general academic skills, these courses help students explore issues of self-identity and foster an examination of their individual roles within larger communities. In order to grant an I grade, the instructor must have written approval from the college dean. A students academic progress is measured quantitatively in terms of semester hours and qualitatively in terms of quality points. To do so, the student must complete a minimum of four Philosophy courses (12 credit hours) with an overall philosophy GPA of 3.5. Kappa Gamma Pi. CUR also sponsors two student peer-reviewed publications, Pathways and XULAneXUS, with funding support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation. Philosophy Honors in Mathematics - For placement in the Honors in Mathematics Program, students should apply to the Mathematics Department. Courses and/or sequences that fulfill the Fundamental Core are: Students may demonstrate competency and earn by-pass credit in a Fundamental Core area by meeting at least the minimum score determined by Xavier for credit on the Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate Program (IB) tests. Students in those departments should follow their departments program of study designated as Premedical or Preprofessional. Please note that students in the program get a degree in the subject area, i.e., in Biology, Chemistry, or Psychology, not in Premed.. This national honor society is designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences. Computer Information Systems Return to the Head of the prospective department/division to obtain written approval. Although there are many opportunities to obtain guidance from academic advisors and from department heads, students must assume the final and complete responsibility for the selection of courses and for proper registration. Students who are permitted to continue in their program of study may be limited to one course and no more than six semester hours in the following semester. Students who wish to drop a course must complete an official add/drop form which can be found at the Registrars Office. Your feedback has been submitted. Have completed at least three semesters of college course work. Tulane University School of Medicine, the University of Rochester School of Medicine, St. Louis University School of Medicine, and Geisel School of Medicine all have special programs that allow Xavier students to gain conditional acceptance into medical school during their junior year of undergraduate work. Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) is an international association organized to promote competency and achievement within the legal profession through developing and upholding the highest standards of professional ethics. The coordinator of each of the graduate programs is also available to discuss a students program and concerns. Those interested in pharmacy should contact Xavier Universitys Chemistry Prepharmacy Advisor. Xavier University reserves the right to request the withdrawal from Graduate Programs of any student who is unable to meet the established standards of scholarship. Exceptions may apply where requirements are imposed by state agencies (e.g., in education) or professional/certification organizations. Approval is required for specific courses. Students are assisted through career counseling, various career related programs, and on-campus interviews. Through individual advising, career development programs, internships/Co-op opportunities, and online career exploration resources, the Career Services staff helps students learn more about themselves and the career development process. Students who desire readmission to the university following academic dismissal must make an appointment with their advisor and discuss the reasons for petitioning for readmission. Biology Graduates must be able to: Outcome 4: Faith, Ethics, and Social Responsibility In addition to Cooperative Education, the Office of Career Services coordinates formalized internships. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) consists of six Academic Divisions comprised of twenty-one Academic Departments which together with the College Deans share responsibility for the quality and integrity of the academic programs of the College and fidelity to Xaviers mission. Under the cross-registration agreement, a full-time Xavier student may, with the permission of his/her chair, register for a maximum of six total hours at member institutions of the consortium. A student who has not passed the Senior Comprehensive, or all parts of the Praxis Exam or GRE for the departments/divisions which allow these tests to be used as a substitute for the Senior Comprehensive, will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony or to receive a diploma. during their matriculation at Xavier and during their transition to engineering school. Bachelor of Science (B.S.) school. Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society. Students are allowed to remain a Deciding or Deciding Non-Science major for two semesters. Political Science Deciding Majors are students who have not yet chosen their official majors. Students must complete a Request to Pursue Courses at Another Institution Form which can be obtained from the Registrars Office. The approved programs are listed under the departments/divisions which offer them. Any undergraduate program which encourages the development of skills in reasoning, critical reading, writing, and oral communication provides an excellent background for law school. Among other opportunities, the arrangement allows Xavier students to take courses at the other institutions while paying Xavier tuition for all courses taken. Application for membership is open to Psychology majors who have completed 42 degree credit hours, including 9 in psychology, and have achieved a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.4 GPA in Psychology. Fine Arts and Humanities, Art and Communication Studies *Students must take at least one course from each area below. Each students program of study must include a minor in an academic discipline other than the major discipline. The student is limited to enrolling in 15 semester hours and is required to maintain contact with a counselor in Xaviers Counseling and Wellness Center, their academic advisor, and is required to participate in academic support programs through the Student Academic Success Office. An additional semester is allowed for students who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and realistically need one more semester to meet the required GPA to be admitted to another department. Political Science The Core enriches the undergraduate educational experience by exposing students to integrative approaches in learning and by cultivating nuanced perspectives for engaging in thought and in action the major questions of their lives. Students whose hours are restricted may not exceed the stated limit without permission of the college dean. The student must have the form signed by his/her advisor and the head of the department of the major in which he/she is enrolled, as well as the head of the department of the discipline that he/she will be studying, The form must be accompanied by suitable documentation - a college catalog or printout from a website giving a description of the course(s) and college schedule showing that the course(s) will be taught during the summer or semester that the student is attending the other institution. Delta Mu Delta. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Written Communication skills allow students to express ideas clearly and cohesively in multiple written forms to different intended audiences. Ordinarily, students are restricted to 7 hours in each summer session. The primary goals of the Office of Graduate Placement and University Summer Programs are increasing graduate and professional school enrollment and targeted recruitment of prospective students in non-science disciplines. At the time of filing, the candidate must meet the requirements of the University regarding academic scholarship as outlined in each degree program. In order to receive approval, the student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. http://webusers.xula.edu/aedwards/core/index.html. They will be expected to: Your feedback has been submitted. Membership is open to students of any major who are considering law as their career choice. The mission of the society is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. Membership (not limited to history majors) is open to any Xavier undergraduate in good standing who has completed the following requirements: Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society. Students on strict probation must achieve a 2.0 grade point average for the coursework taken during the probationary semester, must maintain contact with a counselor in Xaviers Counseling and Wellness Center, and must maintain contact with their academic advisor. The request must be initiated by the student and his/her departmental head. Students are declared Deciding Non-Science Majors by the Academic Standing Committee. A student who earns at least 12 hours of degree credit in a semester with a grade-point average of at least 3.3 with no grades of F, U or I is entitled to placement on the deans honor roll for that semester. Critical Thinking skills allow students to analyze, assess, and reach informed and logical conclusions about different subjects, issues, or concerns. Courses and/or sequences that fulfill the Essential Core are: Students who successfully complete two semesters of ROTC are exempt from the core requirement of a one-hour physical education activity course. Courses that fulfill the core may be counted toward majors and minors except as noted for XCOR 3010/XCOR 3020. The Beta Xi chapter at Xavier was the first chapter at a historically Black university. That committee meets only once a year during the month of July. Music Liberal Arts A student on any type of probation whose schedule exceeds the number of hours to which he/she has been restricted must withdraw from the excessive hours or his/her schedule will be changed by the Office of the Registrar. Obtain signatures of designated officials on the withdrawal form. A chair may approve up to 9 hours for a summer session if a student has a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The Premedical Program provides a variety of information, motivational activities, advice, and individual assistance throughout a students enrollment at the University. Upon completion, the form must be returned to the Registrars Office. Xavier requires every student to have an academic advisor, a faculty member from his/her major department assigned by the department head. Two forms of Cooperative Education (Co-op) are offered. Acceptance as a graduate student is not a guarantee that a graduate degree will be awarded. A student whose cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or greater but who has less than a 2.0 for the previous semester is placed on probation. Absences experienced due to late registration into a course are included in determining the FE grade. Pi Gamma Mus constitution defines the social sciences to include the disciplines of history, political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, international relations, criminal justice, social work, psychology, social philosophy, history of education, and human geography; Must have a minimum G.P.A. In the College of Arts and Sciences, a candidate for the degree must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of course work with at least a 2.0 cumulative average in an approved program. completed at least one semester of the sophomore year; maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 with no grade of C or lower in ANY biology course; and, achieved at least a 3.3 grade point average in three biological science courses, at least one of which is not an introductory course. While in China, costs of group activities, including food, hotel, admissions, and ground transportation are free of charge to the students. Music Performance Instrumental No student will be allowed to withdraw from a developmental course or a freshman seminar course without withdrawing from the University. Art Education A plaque is awarded to a senior who has worked diligently for the general welfare of students and the University. A grade of C minus from a partnership school is recorded as a D at Xavier; a D minus is recorded as an F. Elementary Education College mathematics, (a statistics course is required by some schools), and. English Communication Studies They must have maintained an overall grade point average of at least 3.5. To receive an honors distinction in English, students so chosen must take, Students with Advanced Placement credit may take the sequence with. Usually only the highest grade in repeated courses will be considered. Biology Premed For more information, contact the appropriate ROTC program office at Tulane University. Music Performance Voice. the law school application process, including: the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) preparation strategies; Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) procedure; law school selection; application preparation; law school visitation and financial aid information. As part of the readmission procedure, a student who was not in good academic standing when leaving the University must arrange for an appointment with Xaviers Counseling and Wellness Center. Students will not be allowed to register after the second day of classes. Co-op allows students the opportunity to work with employers while still pursuing their degrees and offers invaluable experience for future full-time employment. Students have the right to appeal their dismissal from a graduate program to the Graduate Programs Council. It is expected that these areas may inspire the creation of new courses - or revisions to existing ones - that will expand the interconnectivity of different perspectives and blur the lines of disciplinary isolation. Students are required to gain a breadth and depth of learning represented by Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural and Physical Sciences. In the College of Arts and Sciences, a candidate for the degree must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of course work with at least a 2.0 cumulative average in an approved program. Being a Deciding major also ensures students are making satisfactory progress towards their degrees. Chi Sigma Iota was established in 1985 as the international honor society for counselors-in-training, counselor educators, and professional counselors. All candidates who qualify must also be recommended by at least two faculty members in the Division of Education and Counseling. The candidate must also pass a comprehensive/performance/capstone examination in his/her major field usually in the senior year. A student must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours in the field, A student must have at least a B in each course with a cumulative GPA (in Womens Studies) of at least a 3.3; and. See Second Bachelors Degreefor more information about earning a second degree. Candidacy status is awarded by the Graduate Programs Council. Students will be required to submit a paper on their seminar topic to their seminar mentor during the semester in which the seminar is given. Current students who wish to attend another school to obtain transfer credits (including summer school and those in fall or spring exchange or intercultural programs under the auspices of another institution) must follow the guidelines and procedures below. A double concentration consists of at least twelve hours in each of two disciplines. English/English Education The Core requires students to engage in a continuous search to make meaningful connections by incorporating and applying multiple perspectives and methodologies to find solutions to complex problems. This distinction and its criterion of a 3.5 GPA in Sociology applies to all students, including students majoring and minoring in Sociology. The specific twelve hours must be approved by the Head of the students major department/division and the head of the other two departments/divisions as well as the Dean of the College. Once enrolled as an auditor, a student may not change to credit status unless such a change is requested prior to the last day to add classes as indicated in the official calendar for that particular semester. Sanctions for academic misconduct include academic censure, academic suspension, and permanent separation (expulsion) from the University. Students interested in incorporating a study abroad experience or a domestic exchange into their academic career at Xavier are encouraged to visit the Center for Intercultural and International Programs. Biology Physics Xavier students may participate in ROTC at Xavier through a joint agreement with Tulane University. Freshmen students accepted for the fall semester may also attend the summer session. A double concentration consists of at least twelve hours in each of two disciplines. Students interested in student exchange programs should contact the Director of CIIP. The Director and Assistant Director advise students on their respective programs and provide assistance with the entire application process. Students register for ROTC courses at Xavier and usually pursue these courses at Tulane or other local campuses. Career Services staff works with each student to help identify and successfully develop a career path that is in alignment with skills, values, and interests. Internships are also available through the Graduate Placement Office and the academic departments. The scale of grades and points is as follows: A student wishing to audit a course must obtain permission from his or her advisor. Students will be able to interpret and evaluate diverse forms of human expression. Readmitted students must make an appointment with their advisor for permission to register for a graduate course(s). For a list of the latest course offerings, visit: http://webusers.xula.edu/aedwards/core/index.html. At the end of each semester a semester GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned in that semester by the total number of semester hours taken for credit. In order to accomplish these goals, the Office facilitates the following: GradStar, the McNair Post- Baccalaureate Achievement Program, and SuperScholar/EXCEL. In the Freshman Seminar course, students work togeter as a cohort, with one Instructor who mentors them through their transition from high school to college. Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR), the official online resource made available by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC); ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools, the official book published by the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), etc.]. coordinate exchange programs with college and universities within the United States. http://www.xula.edu/admissions/applicationinfo.php. At least 12 semester hours in history, with a minimum GPA average of 3.1 in these courses (these 12 hours may include up to 3 hours of transfer credit, online course credit, either from Xavier or as transfer, may not be counted towards fulfillment of the requirement); Be majoring in a curriculum leading to a career in chemistry, chemical engineering, the health professions, or other field of applied chemistry; Have a 3.0 overall grade point average and be at least a junior or first year student in the College of Pharmacy; and, Have completed 20 semester hours of chemistry with a grade point average of 3.0 in these courses.