DocHub User Ratings on G2. Make sure that you include a copy of the ticket and an explanation for why you should not pay it. DocHub User Ratings on G2. F my Fine (Fuck My Fine) is an online service that generates leters for you to send in to the traffic department in order to reduce your fines. Use the instructions below to start using our professional PDF editor: Create an account. Try Now! How to edit traffic fine reduction letter example south africa online. What is F*MyFine? It's not like I was doing 160 km/h in a 60 Km/h jus didn't slow down fast enough as I was getting into town and quickly accelerated before I was out of town. //]]>, Copyright 2019-2022. Some receipts may take Whilst on this topic, I would like to once again clarify the issue of people being arrested for outstanding traffic fines. Get a decent quality Garmin GPS as it will warn you of general mobile cameras and then the fixed cameras too. The Developers of the Arrive Alive Road Safety website are also driving the launch of the Blog at If anyone is arrested in, In the absence of a warrant of arrest, the arrest of any person for outstanding traffic fines is not only illegal, but constitutes unlawful arrest for which you can and. How long are my excuse credits valid for? Currently there are two traffic fine systems in operation is South Africa. Operated . The idea behind a fine is supposed to be to discourage delinquent behaviour, but it seems to me that people in South Africa have come to believe that they are nothing more than a licence to commit offences. The first is to send a letter, stating your reasons, to the Gallows Hill Traffic Department. I tried writing a letter the last time I got a ticket, but it was rejected. That was a R250 fine and I was a student at the time. It may not display this or other websites correctly. F*MyFine provides you with a personalised letter generation service to assist you in reducing your fines and save you time thats all. A driver may be . #1. I like what theyve done, but will like it even more when they make an iPhone app that is linked to my account. You can make representation to have it changed to. This is an example to show how a deferred disposition agreement works in one court. If so what was the outcome? In terms of the Constitution, an issuing authority would net be acting reasonably, despite what either Act says if they refuse to accept a nomination of the person who actually committed the infringement and if they do so, then the defence of pleading not guilty on the grounds that someone was not the person who committed the infringement would have to be accepted by a court. Here are the steps you need to follow to get started with our professional PDF editor: PS. It works, if that gives you any hope. //--> If you can't afford the fine you should contact the fines officer at the court and ask for a reduction in your payments . Evidence may include your reason for traveling so fast, such as rushing to pick up a sick child from school. My car is registered in moms name, I have accumulated about R10 000 worth of traffic offences over the past 2 years. In your case, you have built up as you say R10 000 worth of fines in your moms name but what you dont say is over what period of time this has happened. I wrote a motivation and got the fine reduced by a LOT both times with no hassle. A message to those South Africans who still don't Clean Cut Skollie - This oke has reached the pinnacle of Just for laughs - respect to Robben Island , This is what the future of South Africa looks like. . Issuing an infringement notice. This new fine is a lot more, and I am currently unemployed. All Rights Reserved | In order to provide the best possible service to all our customers, with effect from 13 April 2019, we will be levying a R49.00 administration service fee for all service requests submitted. Yield signs are red and white with red letters Traffic Ticket Reduction Information we will only accept emails and letters requesting diversion from attorneys Steps to properly seek a reduction: 1 Wow Tbc Beast Mastery Hunter Bis Traffic Tickets No points will be added to your driving record No points will be added to your driving record. Contesting Your Traffic Fine. including, launching Personalised number plates, queuing services and traffic fine software and "S=+o;721=%y;i=+y)711==i(fi{)++i;l=0;i--){o+=x.charAt(i);}return o" + But for some bizarre reason South Africans by and large seem to be of the belief that speed limits are optional and/or require a budget for exceeding them to be set aside. Dear [Name of Judge or Officer] This letter is a formal request to appeal a speeding ticket I received on [DATE]. 1 excuse @ R50. Debit cards, EFT or cash, We will send you the receipt numbers electronically for your records. JavaScript is disabled. Forever. Therefore, despite what is contained in the AARTO Act with respect to the allowable amount of time for nominating the driver, I would say that your mother should immediately and without delay, nominate you as the driver in each and every instance of traffic fines that you have incurred. Judges are given a lot of discretion to determine whether a reduction is . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Really? The first is to send a letter, stating the reasons, to the Gallows Hill Traffic Department. (3) On the wall, you will see a sign "Traffic Fines", go inside. Honourable Sir/Madam. Who made this piece of #*$* website? Local authorities will (hopefully) be enforcing traffic laws as the nation's annual traffic-fine blitz begins. The most comprehensive way to check, save and pay traffic fines to over 250 Municipalities nationwide. I was then presented with another receipt that stated 'List of . Can I write excuses for you? This, however, varies from municipality to municipality. You are using an out of date browser. "On Saturday morning, I went to the post office to pay a traffic fine that I incurred for speeding. Even if the driver was speeding, there is still a chance he or she can have the ticket retracted or the fine reduced. Fill Traffic Fine Reduction Letter Example South Africa, Edit online. Use the Add New button to start a new project. YMMV. On your behalf, FINES4U will forward an objection to the relevant state prosecutor and he/she can at his or her own discretion reduce or even withdraw a traffic fine. Provide extenuating circumstances and evidence of good character. When all is said and done however, the very best way to deal with traffic fines is to adopt an approach that sees you not incurring them in the first place. Address of Court or Police Station. specialises in the reconciliation and reduction of traffic fines within the greater Johannesburg area. The Aarto Amendment Act, which was passed in 2019, decriminalises most traffic violations, and the amended process now involves three main steps: 1. Yes, well give away 10 Excuses (valued at R200) for every great excuse we end up using. If you wish to dispute a fine, you may submit a written representation to the Traffic . Operated a vehicle without a B code driving licence issued to him or her, or of any document deemed to be a driving licence - for R1250. My name and address are above, and the ticket number is [TICKET NUMBER]. Is there a way that i can put the fines in my name and make arrangements to pay the fines off on a monthly basis to avoid my mother getting arrested? Its LEGAL! Keep it or give it away to your girlfriend or a tjommie. I did the letter to the DA, it worked (It was a form the very nice court clerk lady sent me when I called and inquired about getting it reduced.) Dear Sir/ Madam, My name is _____ (Name) and I am a resident of _____ (Locality). Yes, as in all-you-can-eat. Hi guys, I got quite a hefty speeding fine and was told that I can write a letter of appeal to reduce the amount. The prosecutor will then decide if he/she wants to prosecute the matter further. Until then, tens of thousands of South Africans will continue to be maimed and killed on our roads, simply because traffic enforcement focuses on revenue instead of remedial measures. I am most courteously writing this letter in reference to the parking fine that I have been charged for parking at _____ (reserved area/ no parking area/ any other) space. "\\130\\\\120\\\\\\\"(f};o nruter};))++y(^)i(tAedoCrahc.x(edoCrahCmorf.gnirt" + This letter must be accompanied with a copy of your fine. you need to send a letter or fax to the issuing traffic department that includes the fine and the reasons why you feel you shouldn't pay the fine. Violations that take place in other areas are dealt with by the relevant municipality's traffic . The past 7 years of commitment to create road safety awareness has also contributed to a greater understanding of not only the tragedy and despair of road accident victims - but has also the dire financial consequences for victims and those left behind. var x = "function f(x){var i,o=\"\",ol=x.length,l=ol;while(x.charCodeAt(l/13)!" Friday: 08:00-16:00. 10 excuses @ R200 (save R300) Monday - Thursday: 08:00-17:00. How to edit traffic fine reduction letter example south africa online. How to edit traffic fine reduction letter example pdf with DocHub. I just tailored a fine excuse using F*MyFine. I just basically said I would like to request a reduction of this ticket. I tried writing a letter the last time I got a ticket, but it was rejected. If you wish to dispute a fine, you may submit a written representation to the Traffic Manager at . You can get one of 2 kinds of fines, regardless of the traffic violation: A Section 56 notice is given to you by a traffic officer, usually for a moving violation. Can you negotiate traffic fines in South Africa? Ticket Retracted The driver should be aware of his or her chances of getting the ticket retracted or the fine reduced. Download this document. According to, you must write a letter to the municipal traffic department explaining why you are contesting the fine. Use the Add New button to start a new project. Unlimited excuses? That was a R250 fine and I was a student at the time. . The letter can also be faxed to 086 201 2154 / 086 293 8189 or emailed to Download this document. If you can't afford the fine you should contact the fines officer at the court and ask for a reduction in your payments. Every time you preview or download an excuse, the visual style and certain text elements of the excuse are randomised. Sign in to view your account, select the fines that you wish to pay, Pay via one of our convenient payment methods, including: Snapscan, Zapper, Masterpass, Mobicred, Credit and One thing is for sure, these guys have a sense of humour. In South Africa the max legal limit is 120km/h, anything over 130km/h has no plausible excuse as maintained car won't have a speedometer error that high but the law allows you some grace. "\\xby}r771\\\\3L2hh~c*h4%.khfvhrt\\\\S010\\\\520\\\\730\\\\420\\\\r\\\\420\\" + The best way to change traffic fine reduction letter example pdf online With DocHub, making changes to your paperwork takes just a few simple clicks. Speed limits are meant to be obeyed, not to inconvenience you but to ensure that safe speeds that allow you to stop in time if something happens. Source: got a R1400 fine reduced to only R400 (was also a student at the time, drove over a stop street in Stellies). Thanks :) have you or do you know anyone who's had experience with it? Template-Personal Bond Letter. Anyone know what this is? F*MyFine generates personalised, printable excuse letters to help your reduce your traffic fines. Messages. Also it will keep warning you if youre over the limit when close to cameras till you slow down. "x(f noitcnuf\")"; Read the privacy policy. This letter must be accompanied by a copy of the fine. I generally do not do more 135 km/h. I was wondering if anyone has ever had any luck with reduction appeals, and how they went about it? Sample 1 - Speeding Ticket Appeal Letter. Tell them you'd like to challenge it in court, wait until you get a notice to appear, and try negotiate with the prosecutor or judge. Check with the court that is . Everyday, thousands of South Africans incur traffic infringements which adds to an ever increasing cost of living. If you wish to challenge the fine before summons is issued, you need to send a letter or fax to the issuing traffic department that includes the fine and the reasons why you feel you shouldn't pay the fine. Discussion & Guide to Finding the Best Insurance. Business needs to meet the younger generation where they are at, Infringement notices issued under the AARTO Act can, Traffic fines issued under the Criminal Procedure Act can, Be served on the person whose name appears on it. To help you pen a decent letter, check out this Seattle, Washington judge . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. while (x = eval(x)) ; Follow the Reduction Instructions. National Chairman Justice Project South Africa (NPC), Association Not For Gain | Incorporated as a non-profit company under the Companies Act, 2008, The rapid advancement of technology has made our lives easier in countless ways. The only problem is we often dont have the strength to actually sit down and write the letter let alone know the correct format and best excuses to get off the hook. Its common knowledge amongst the well-informed (funny that) that your traffic fines will almost always be reduced if you send in a letter with a feasible excuse to the traffic department. 9.5. Sample of Parking Fine Appeal Letter 2122 Airborne Street Camry, MW 22232 To learn more, check out our page on point reduction and traffic ticket dismissal In order to obtain a reimbursement, the person whose name is indicated on the plane ticket must submit an application along with the required documents: online, using the online service for . Motoring and Transportation: Cars, Bikes and Plane. The realities of AARTO for the insurance sector and its clients. Explain a reduced fine is preferable to the full amount, and you may choose to add you're willing to go to traffic school overpaying any fine. Template-Fine Reduction Request. It has a court date on it. If you wish to challenge the fine before summons is issued, you need to send a letter or fax to the issuing traffic department that includes the fine and the reasons why you feel you shouldn't pay the fine. I've found that straight up admitting your guilt and not trying to weasel out of it usually gets better results - rather emphasise your employment status and say something along the lines of "I concede that you broke a traffic rule, but simply cannot afford the amount". In most states, if the driver is five or 10 miles . In the case of a notice in terms of section 341 of the Criminal Procedure Act, the mechanism to redirect the notice appears on the reverse of the notice, in a format similar to the one below: On the reverse of an AARTO infringement notice, the following appears: The problem is that very few people read much other than the fine amount when they . The license plate of my car is [NUMBER]. Theyll think you spent R200 and love you forever. No. I am going to presume that this has happened over a significant period of time or at least hope that it has. Unfortunately, if you are unsuccessful, a further R200 may be added to the fine if you made your representation more than 64 days after the traffic violation." Below are steps to take for contesting traffic fines: Info by Justice Project South Africa Criminal Procedure Act - S341 (when you receive a traffic fine but not a court summons) 1. . A Section 341 notice is sent to a motorist by post for violations caught on traffic camera or for traffic tickets issued in absence of the motorists (for example, for an expired licence disc). Then, when I get a fine, I simply open the app, photograph the fine and it gets sent on to FmyFine who process it AND post it from me. Excuse letters are delivered as personalised PDF documents, which you can simply print, sign and send. Internet Banking - Select Traffic fine under payments and then enter 16 digit notice number, select from account. Pc, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly better experience, please let me it! Spent R200 and love you forever reasons, to the actual fine notice your reason for traveling so,! Am currently unemployed elements of the keyboard shortcuts, most Formidable Minister of the Encyclopdia made piece. 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