Who was the first person to be hanged during the Salem Witch Trials? The touch test was most famously employed during the Salem witch trials of 1692. Her baby saved Elizabeths life. Salem Witch Trials Webquest Wednesday, October 14, 2015. Evidence admitted in such trials was of five types. Learn. Another witch test that was used during the infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1692 was the "touch test." People in Salem, Massachusetts, as well as across the pond, were blamed for all sorts of malevolent misconduct back in the day. The Lord's Prayer test is a test that the judges in our town of Salem use to know if an accused person is a witch or not. Witches were believed to have rebuffed the Christian sacrament of baptism, so it was thought that water would "reject" them, forcing them to float to the surface like an inflatable pool toy whereas, the innocent would sink helplessly to the depths below. If they made an error, they were a witch. Impassioned figure-pointing, stunning accusations, torrents of tears, out-of-control hysteria. The girls unclenched their fists anyway, which suggested they were faking, but even this was not enough to prove the womens innocence. For example, in 1710, the swimming test was used as evidence against a Hungarian woman named Dorko Boda, who was later beaten and burned at the stake as a witch. The next time her husband, Giles, wanted to attend a meeting, she said no and neither of them went. The test was that this teat would be pricked with a needle, and if the recipient didnt bleed or feel it, then surely there was a witch in our midst. Barbara Stepko is a New Jersey-based freelance editor and writer who has contributed to AARP magazine and the Wall Street Journal. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. If the body floated to the surface, that was proof, along some kind of whimsical lines, that the accused was indeed a witch (at which point theyd execute her by some other means). Torture methods in both Europe and Salem were horrible, normally consisting of burning, dunking, cutting, severe sleep deprivation, pressing, the Heretics Fork, the Pear of Anguish, Iron Maiden, Witches Brittle, The Rack, The Iron Boot, The Scavengers Daughter, The Bastinado, The Jougs, sexual embarrassment, and general restriction and torture. True Crime & Horror Enthusiast! Supposedly, the possessed found relief for their unexplained ailments by scratching the person responsible, until they drew blood. Given that none of these girls had received any proper Navy Seals training inhale, hold your breath, dont panic about 100% of them drowned, with apathetic standers-by shrugging it off, thinking Oh well. First, the accused might be asked to pass a test, like reciting the Lord's Prayer. Alas, his performance was dismissed as a bit of devilish trickery, and the hanging proceeded as planned. Sutton, her spirit broken, confessed to all charge, as did her mother. The villagers of Salem Town were Puritans, and the Puritan religion started in England as a reformation in attempts to purify the church. DRAFT. Prosecutors might also search for the witches teat, an extra nipple allegedly used to suckle the witchs helper animals. This belief was further fueled during the Witch Trials due to so many women confessing, however, its speculated that the women who confessed either truly believed that they were being taken over by The Devil, or that they confessed to simply save their own lives. Of course the Governor only decided to end the trials when it was someone he loved going to the hanging tree. Photo by jjandames CC BY 2.0. What comes immediately to mind is the hideous and completely unfound legal proceedings based mostly on superstition, irrational paranoia, Puritanism-fueled mass hysteria, and deceptionwhich resulted in 19 wrongful executions, each one hanged, burned, or drowned for some ill-fated finger-pointing. One might say, water was not a witchs friend. Cullender and Denny were both later hanged as witches. All three of these women were some kind of outcast within their community. Gallows Hill was discovered on a rocky outcropping located near a Walgreens in Salem. c. 1871. If an afflicted person throwing fits and the like suddenly becomes calm after the accused places their hand on him/her, then the toucher is most certainly a witch. Called pressing, the subject is placed beneath heavy stones, meant to literally crush you into submission. The first three women who were accused and arrested of witchcraft who were allegedly the witches responsible for afflicting the children were, Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba. Created by. Witch-hunting books and instructional pamphlets noted that the marks were insensitive to pain and couldnt bleed, so examiners used specially designed needles to repeatedly stab and prick at the accused persons flesh until they discovered a spot that produced the desired results. This is said to be because all the venom and assorted evil toxins (stemming from the witchs eye) that originally addled the afflicted soul have returned to their evil host. Meaning anyone who had a mind of their own, or had basic human emotions or attractions were evil, and therefore, a witch. In what year did the witch trials take place Preview this quiz on Quizizz. As elocution is a painstaking art, it seems that any average human would slip up, but under Gods eyes (as well as whoever else sees themselves fit to judge) mistakes are unacceptable. If witch-hunters struggled to find obvious evidence of witchs marks on a suspects body, they might resort to the ghastly practice of pricking as a means of sussing it out. The five main beliefs in this religion included: absolute sovereignty, human depravity, predestination, covenant theory, and individualism. Abigail, Deliverance, and Mary, all confessed and started making accusations against other alleged accomplices, which caused the arrests of Sarah Wildes, William Hobbs (Father of Abigail and husband of Deliverance), Nehemiah Abbott Jr, Mary Eastey (sister of Cloyce and Nurse), Mary English, Edward Bishop Jr, and his wife, Sarah Bishop. Play this game to review American History. More than two hundred people were accused. This test is all about the performance. These included poppets (a voodoo doll of sorts through which spells could be cast), cauldrons full of ointments, and books on palm reading and horoscopes. Margaret Scott (age late 70s): A widow who begged to support herself, lost several children during infancy. In the midst of witch hunts, desperate villagers would sometimes even burn or cut off any offending marks on their bodies, only to have their wounds labeled as proof of a covenant with the devil. However, even speaking the prayer with no trouble at all couldnt always save you from being executed. It all started with Betty Parris and her cousin Abigail Williams (ages 9 & 11), the daughter and niece of Reverend Samuel Parris. 1. The Prayer Test. Definition: These were the several different tests used to test the guilt of witches during the Salem witch trails. However, the court wanted to make sure their reactions were genuine, so they had the girls blindfolded and touched by other members of the court. During the proceedings, judges forced the Samuels to demand that the devil release the girls from their spell by stating, As I am a witchso I charge the devil to let Mistress Throckmorton come out of her fit at this present. When the possessed girls immediately recovered, the Samuels were found guilty and hanged as witches. The imagery evoked is just as barbaric and painful as the means by which these accused witches were tried and ultimately proven guilty. False. 2, by William Cullen Bryant (1878). Battle of Myonessus 190 BCE. DRAFT. Question 25. Witches were believed to have rebuffed the Christian sacrament of baptism, so it was thought that water would reject them, forcing them to float to the surface like an inflatable pool toy whereas, the innocent would sink helplessly to the depths below. Nehemiah Abbott Jr was released after the person who accused him withdrew their accusation. Answers will appear in a new window. When the possessed girl immediately snapped out of her suffering, Samuels, along with her daughter and husband, were found guilty and strung up as witches. For two days Giles was pressed with rocks, more and more until his chest was crushed and he finally stopped breathing. The cake would then be fed to a dog, and if the dog portrayed the same symptoms as the accused, the accused would be deemed a witch. Explain whether or not you believe an historic event like The Salem Witch Trials could occur in contemporary society. John Proctor (age 60): Made his skepticism of the trials known. Witch Finder General, from a broadside published by Matthew Hopkins before 1650. Also having flying broomsticks, talking black cats, and pointy hats would be instant red flags (at least in the Harry Potter universe). How many people were hanged by the Salem witch trials? The Salem Witchcraft Trials: Abigail Williams is to Blame In Salem Massachusetts, the winter of 1692 was a period of chaos and unrest as witch trials wreaked havoc through the village. a) 43: c) 57 : He refused to give a plea each of the several times he was asked, and was ultimately crushed to death by the stones, which, as it turned out, were more likely to speak than he was. The girls STILL proceeded to unclench their fists when touched, which showed the girls were faking. Not so fast, said the court. Elizabeth Howe (age late 50s): Accused of cursing her neighbor and their live-stock. This custom was banned in many European counties in the Middle Ages, only to reemerge in the 17th century as a witch experiment, and it persisted in some locales well into the 18th century. Salem Witch Trials. In total, between 144 and 185 people were accused of witchcraft. This list could go on and on, there were a total of 62 people in custody at this time. Some tests they used were: 1. One of the main sources for practicing witch hunters was a book titled Malleus Maleficarum, which translates to "Hammer of the Witches . All Rights Reserved. John Willard (age 35): Deputy constable, arrested after refusing to arrest people he believed were innocent. Welcome to the Knowledge Mouse Online Quiz Salem Witch Trials EXTRA CREDIT Choose a quiz style: One-pass quiz Random, endless quiz Learning quiz - learn and practice all at once. If the victim is cured, the accused was deemed to be a witch. Executions in Europe ranged anywhere between hanging, burning at the stake, drowning, and guillotine. One Brit, Matthew Hopkins, was actually given the moniker Witch Finder General. Seriously. There was a famous case in Europe during the 1600s, where Alice Samuel, along with her husband and daughter, were accused of cursing five girls from a wealthy family. While it may have simply been a sign that the suspected witch was illiterate or nervous, any errors were viewed as proof that the speaker was in league with the devil. Edit. This is also an effective means to brainwash someone into believing a lie, anything to make the inhumanity cease. Arrest warrants were sent out for 36 more people, while examinations for the following people were continuing in Salem Village: Sarah Dustina (Lydia Dustins daughter), Anne Sears, Bethiah Carter Sr and her daughter Bethiah Carter Jr, George Jacobs Sr, his grandaughter Margaret Jacobs, John Willard, Alice Parker, Anne Pudeator, Abigail Soames, George Jacobs Jr (son of George Jacobs Sr, and father of Margaret), Daniel Andrew, Rebecca Jacobs (wife of George Jacobs Jr, sister of Daniel), Sarah Buckley and her daughter Mary Witheridge. 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Salem Witch Trials Quiz: questions and answers - 3 / 4 kupidonia.com. This Devils Mark could supposedly change shape and color, and was believed to be numb and insensitive to pain. (When it was later thrown out, the conviction rate decline severely and hastened the trials conclusion. Edit. In November 2001, after the 300th anniversary of the trials, the Massachusetts legislature passed an act exonerating all who had been convicted and naming each of the innocent,with the exception of Elizabeth Johnson, who was cleared by the Massachusetts Senate on 26 May 2022, the last conviction to be reversed, after pressure from schoolchildren who discovered the anomaly. A bizarre form of counter-magic, the witch cake was a supernatural dessert used to identify suspected evildoers. However, that unfortunately didnt save the two women, and they were executed anyway. The Swimming (or Dunking) Test: The accused witches were bound by their wrists and ankles and dropped into a body of water. There were a number of tests used to determine if a person was a witch: Touch test - The person afflicted with fits would become calm when touching the witch who cast the spell on them. Since witches were believed to, have spurned the sacrament of baptism, it was thought that the water would. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. were a sign of colluding with the Antichrist. According to this logic, an innocent person would sink like a stone, but a witch would simply bob on the surface. But wouldnt you know it: Whenever either of the older women touched the girls, their hands sprang open. This stomach-turning concoction was then fed to a dogthe familiars, or animal helpers, of witchesin the hope that the beast would fall under its spell and reveal the name of the guilty sorcerer. George Jacobs Sr. (age early 70s): Arrested along with his granddaughter, who was spared after accusing him. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Here is everything you need to know about the dark history that lurked the grounds of Salem Town. 19 2. Other differences between European and Salem Witch Trials were that NO one was burned at the stake in Salem. The community were also deeply troubled by the accusations against Rebecca Nurse, as she was also a devoted member of the church in Salem Town. Even so, this wasnt enough to save the necks of Cullender and Denny, who were hung as witches. They also said that this left a constant reminder in our minds about the importance of due process in the legal system, and the dangerous effects of premature panic and overreaction to mass hysteria situations. Not much information about her. The accused would be made to recite the Lords Prayer without error this included any stumbling, stammering, or outright spasming. If the girl didnt react, all was good; but if she became calm, it was proof that the suspect had placed them under a spell. A Word of Caution Salem Witchcraft Trials Prayer Test Salem Witch Trial A common misconception is that those practicing "magical" witchcraft are witches. Sarah Osborne was accused due to hardly attending church and was seen as actively rejecting her religion. Witch Cake "In this voodoo-inspired test, the ingredients of said this cake were rye meal . As far as fits go, try forcing someone who may be mentally-retarded or hysterical (medically-speaking) or hallucinating from LSD-fungus-covered rye bread (another suspect of these ubiquitous fits) to read from the bible with absolute level-headedness. Sarah Wildes (age 65): Previously charged on occasions of adultery, and wearing a silk scarf. 284 years later, it was proposed that the children were exhibiting symptoms of convulsive ergot poisoning. Shortly afterwards two other children, Ann Putnam Jr (aged 12), and Elizabeth Hubbard were also acting in a similar way. Salem witch trials, (June 1692-May 1693), in American history, a series of investigations and persecutions that caused 19 convicted "witches" to be hanged and many other suspects to be imprisoned in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (now Danvers, Massachusetts). The two children began to have fits described as beyond the power of epileptic fits or natural disease to affect. The children acted out and would scream, throw things, crawl around the ground and under the furniture, uttered strange sounds and words that no one could understand, and would contort themselves into strange positions. Charges were famously used in the 16th century witch trial of Alice Samuel and her husband and daughter, who were accused of bewitching five girls from the wealthy Throckmorton family. The law of the Salem Witch Trials is a fascinating mix of biblical passages and colonial statutes. The second most common test was The Pricking and Scratching Test: When no marks could be found on the persons body, they would normally prick multiple areas of the accuseds body with needles to see if they bled. Still, even a successful prayer test didn't guarantee an acquittal. a) 95: c) 140 : b) 64: d) None of the above : 2. During the proceedings, Elizabeths Husband, John Proctor, stepped in to defend her, which led to his arrest that same day. Others wielded specially designed needles sharp on one end, blunted on the other. Salem Witch Trials Memorial: Prayer Tokens - See 1,985 traveler reviews, 891 candid photos, and great deals for Salem, MA, at Tripadvisor. Q. What Happened? Ann Pudeator (age 70s): Worked as a midwife, accused of killing 5 people. 8th - 9th . If their symptoms improved after digging in, it was seen as proof of guilt. The victim typically had a rope tied around their waist so they could be pulled from the water if they sank, but it wasnt unusual for accidental drowning deaths to occur. Put to the test: When 76-year-old Alice Samuels and her family were fingered for being behind fits afflicting Jane Throckmoroton and her four sisters, judges forced the elderly woman to demand that the devil release the Jane from her torture by announcing, As I am a witchso I charge the devil to let Mistress Throckmorton come out of her fit at this present., Read another story from us:House of Salem Man Hanged for Witchcraft Goes On Sale. Romans beating Greeks at sea, Curious History Photo of the First Modern Flushable Toilet, Confederate Statues: Presentism vs. Progress, PUBLISHED: Transcendence of Witnessing: An Immigrants Odyssey Reaches the Last Stop, How to Manage Store Display and Keep Track of Large Coin Collection & Supplies, Marxism and Collapse Web Presentation (Reading) / Link https://www.scribd.com/document/534627347/M. They were usually beheaded or hung, and on occasion, they would be burned on the stake, but only after their deaths to ensure they didn't rise from the grave. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Put to the test: In 1662, two elderly English women, Rose Cullender and Amy Denny, were charged with bedeviling a pair of girls, who responded by clenching their fists so tightly during seizures, their digits couldnt be pried apart. professional prickers) were hired to help find witches. The premise here: Victims of sorcery were believed to react strangely when touched by their tormentor so when a possessed person went into one of their frenzies, the suspected witch would be instructed to a lay a hand on them. She was unable to care for herself for the rest of her life. 15 minutes ago by. Salem Witch Trials Review. The events in Salem in 1692 were but one chapter in a long story of witch hunts that began in Europe between 1300 . Test. This caused her to be accused of not only conspiring with the witches, but also of being a witch herself. If the victim's afflictions were relieved, that was proof that the accused was guilty of witchcraft. 1. To ensure the reaction was genuine, judges had the children blindfolded and touched by other members of the court. Sometimes a rope was tied around the accuseds neck to hoist them to the surface once they started to sink, but some unfortunate souls drowned nonetheless. According to this logic, an innocent person would sink like a stone, but a witch would simply bob on, the surface. The argument against this was that the Devil could take any shape, while the counter-argument was that the Devil could not inhabit an individuals body without their permission. Public Domain. An accused "witch" in the Salem witch trials. In England and Scotland, the torture was eventually performed by well-paid professional prickers, many of whom were actually con men who used dulled needlepoints to identify fake witchs marks. Still, even a successful prayer test didn't guarantee an acquittal. According to European lore, the prayer also helps ward off vampires. Hewitt, History Collection, January 6, 2019 It was believed that only The Devil could allow these aspirations to appear, even in dreams, and the accused witches wouldve needed The Devils permission to be seen, therefore they mustve been a witch. These exaggerated idiosyncrasies are what surrounded the fate of Grace Sherwood and the last witch trial in America. Also known as charging, this test involved forcing the accused witch to verbally order the devil to let the possessed victim come out of their fit or trance. These trials were unfair, corrupt, and biased. . If their symptoms improved after clawing at the accuseds skin, it was seen as partial evidence of guilt. Also they would prick the person that is being accused with a needle or pin. It was believed that the victims would feel relief from their curses if they scratched the person who cursed them, and if they felt relief, that means the accused really was a witch. This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 5 pages. The touch test was most famously employed during the Salem witch trials of 1692. This caused some people, like Giles Corey, the man who was pressed to death under torture, to not confess in order to make sure their family kept their inheritance. 0% average accuracy. In cases where a possessed person fell into spells or fits, the suspected witch would be brought into the room and asked to a lay a hand on them. This was a literal test of faith. Tituba, a slave in the Parris household, whipped up the dastardly dessert and fed it to the family dog. The common belief was that a "witch teat," or extra nipple on a witch's body . The Puritans goal was to live a pure life, free from evil and sin, and anyone who was accused of being a witch were linked to feelings such as freedom, hostility, sexuality, and diversity. The Witch House (Jonathan Corwin House), Salem, Massachusetts. Martha Corey (age 72): Highly respected woman of the community. . The cake, then, was effectively a voodoo doll of herself in a way. This test was based on the notion that possessed people found relief by scratching the person responsible with their fingernails until they drew blood. This left little margin for error and any stumbling of words could be construed as evidence of the accused's guilt. Photo by Jessolsen CC BY 4.0 Wilmot Redd (age 70s): Known to be an irritable woman. The suspect might also be subjected to scratching by their so-called victims. During the Salem Witch Trials, George Burroughs recited the prayer flawlessly from the gallows just before The Big Drop. reject their body and prevent them from submerging. Terms in . Sarah Good (age 41): Homeless beggar, known for scolding children and had a temper. During the Salem Witch Trials, the accused sorcerer George Burroughs flawlessly recited the prayer from the gallows just before his execution. The Weight Test: Witches were believed to be very light, and would be weighed against the weight of the bible. Now we know., 10 Bizarre Stories From European Witch Trials, 10 Moments In The History Of Witch Trials, 10 Most Disturbing Moments During Ted Bundy's Trials, 10 Ways European Witch Finders Tested Their Victims, 10 Modern Witch Hunts You Won't Believe Happened Recently, 10 People Who Saved a Life with Inconceivable Strength, Ten Surprising Things You Never Knew About Garden Gnomes, 10 Ancient Tyrants You Wont Read About in History Books, 10 Amazing Animals That Re-Emerged from Extinction. SPECTRAL EVIDENCE WAS USED HEAVILY IN COURT. End of preview. Puritans believed that God had the ultimate power and had power over everyones lives, and the Puritan Religion revolved around the good nature of God, and the wickedness of the devil. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Though Wenham would be found guilty, Powell set aside her conviction, suspending the death penalty. Things got worse: Titubas supposed knowledge of spells was used as evidence against her by the two girls. Historians believed that a major cause of the Witch Trials were due to a huge family feud between the Putnam and Porter families. Theres a lot of in depth information about religion in relation to the Witch Trials, but Im just going to give a brief summary of what it entailed. Where did the Salem witch trials take place? adriennebgc. Susannah Martin (age 70): Was an impoverished widow, and was accused and exonerated of witchcraft previously. Sarah Good, even though she was a 4 year old child, was also interrogated and her answers seemed to have suggested that she was in cahoots with her mother in witchcraft. Puritan belief was that women were inherently sinful, and had a higher chance of being tempted to damnation opposed to men. Sometimes, they would even have the victims of the accused come in and scratch them. This test involved forcing the accused witch to verbally order the devil to let the possessed victim come out of their fit or trance. 19 people were executed, 5 died in Witch Jail, and one man was tortured to death for refusing to give a plea. 1. Another damning imperfection: a witches teat (believed to be an extra nipple allegedly used to suckle the witchs helper animals, but probably more of a wart). Wikimedia Commons. (In actuality, most of the afflicted were just suffering from some mental illness medical science hadnt quite caught up to at the time, evil being amongst the worst know epidemics.) If youve ever heard the expression cold as a witchs teat, now you know the origin: the aforementioned teat corresponded to any kind of mole or unusual skin blemish which all witches (and frankly most humans) are characterized to have. During the Salem Witch Trials, George Burroughs spoke the prayer perfectly, and he was still convicted, as they believed The Devil could be tricking them. Rhetoric is only as potent as its source material this is why any allusion to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 is so effective. In cases of mysterious illness or possession, witch-hunters would take a sample of the victims urine, mix it with rye-meal and ashes and bake it into a cake.