Human rights indicators are essential in the implementation of human rights standards and commitments, to support policy formulation, impact assessment and transparency. Can the indicators be used for monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals? E.g. 9. The letter follows reports of the sacking of Twitter's entire human rights team and all but two of the ethical AI team . In this vein, the indicators aim to converge understanding and align interpretations in conformity with that of the CRPD Committee and to strengthen implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities in line with the CRPD. We would also like to extend our gratitude toBridging the Gap IIfor the translation of the indicators into French. 13. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the leading United Nations entity in the field of human rights, with a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. to monitor the States progress in implementation. HUMAN RIGHTS (OHCHR) UN-SWAP 2.0 PERFORMANCE 2021 The following two pages capture OHCHR's performance on UN-SWAP 2.0 indicators for 2021. For example, while equality and non-discrimination are enshrined in Article 5, they necessarily cut across all CRPD provisions. Data collection and disaggregation by disability is key to identifying patterns of exclusion and discrimination of persons with disabilities, compared to other persons, and among different groups of persons with disabilities. Join us and make a difference. On 25 and 26 February, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) organized and led at Geneva (Switzerland) . Launch of OHCHR's publication 'Human Rights Indicators - A Guide to Measurement and Implementation', NewYork, 10 May 2013. Join us and make a difference. It is often based on some form of quantification or qualitative categorisation and provides an indication of prevailing circumstances at a given place and a given point. The indicators are available in English, French and Spanish* in accessible table format and accessible text format. The selection of grounds relevant for disaggregation should be determined in the process of contextualisation of the indicators at the national and local levels depending on their socio-cultural and historical background. As stated in FAQ 5, the indicators provide an avenue for States to assess and report on their progress in implementing the rights of persons with disabilities. While these implementing measures greatly impact upon upholding human rights, they are not human rights themselves. A best-seller: the users' manual for implementation of human rights indicators The framework of human rights indicators developed by the UN Human Rights Office is now in use in many countries. Thus, mainstream (general or regular schools) schools and their operations needs to respond to the needs of all students including students with disabilities among others. While the indicators are proposed as guidance material for all countries, when incorporating them in their practice, States and other public authorities should undertake a process of contextualisation of the indicators to facilitate and specify their use at the local level (e.g. It provides concrete examples of human rights indicators, and other practical tools and illustrations, to support the realization of human rights at all levels. The human rights indicators on the CRPD are available on the SDG-CRPD resource page. OHCHRs methodology requires a two-step approach: The attributes are the core elements of a right. In such cases, disaggregation by disability has been added to the SDG indicator (see FAQ 11 and 12). National institutions and regional mechanisms, About the human rights of persons with disabilities, OHCHRs work on the rights of persons with disabilities, SDG-CRPD resource package: Disability-inclusive Sustainable Development Goals, human rights indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). No, the indicators do not aim at providing guidance on methods of data collection, however they do call for systematic data disaggregation by disability as required by the CRPD and CRPD Committee jurisprudence(see FAQ 11). This obligation applies across the board to all indicators, notably structural indicators (commitment) and process indicators (efforts). As such, the CRPD incorporates provisions into its text which do not commonly figure in human rights instruments (there are exceptions, for example, Articles 23(4) and 28(3) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on international cooperation; the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture on national preventive mechanisms), such as Article 8 on awareness-raising, Article 31 on data collection and disaggregation, Article 32 on international cooperation and Article 33 on national implementation and monitoring. Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation, 2012, Washington Group Short Set of Questions on Disability. Federal units are also implicated in country reviews and must be prepared to submit information and respond to the CRPD Committee on its implementation efforts and outcomes. This publication aims to assist in developing quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure progress in the implementation of international human rights norms and principles. The methodology recognises the interdependence and indivisibility of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights and reflects cross-cutting human rights norms, such as non-discrimination and equality, participation and accountability. OHCHR has developed a conceptual and methodological framework of indicators that can be applied and contextualised at national level. Date: 7 November 2022 1. The OHCHR conceptual and methodological framework adopts a common approach to identifying indicators for monitoring civil and political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. Hindi version (PDF). state/province) must comply with CRPD obligations and standards. Several structural indicators refer to national strategies, policies or plans that should be adopted as a key step for the implementation of a given article of the CRPD. Most SDG indicators do not have a particular focus on persons with disabilities and on many occasions in the present indicators, the SDG indicators have been expanded to make them more appropriate for reporting and monitoring on implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities under the CRPD. Remedies should also be available to prevent and address human rights abuses by state and non-state bodies. In order to ensure effective strategies, policies or plans accessible to, and inclusive of persons with disabilities, they should be adopted in close consultation and with the active involvement of persons with disabilities (see FAQ 16 below), including through their representative organisations, and contain, as a minimum, the following elements: Some indicators refer to mainstream policies (also general or regular, interchangeably) and disability-specific policies (or targeting persons with disabilities), reflecting the twin-track approach to disability which entails ensuring inclusion of the rights of persons with disabilities into broader or mainstream programmes or policies, and adopting specific policies and programmes which focus on persons with disabilities. The publication aims to assist in developing quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure progress in the implementation of international human rights norms and principles. This data instrument has been widely tested by countries and is supported by the CRPD Committee, UN agencies and other organisations as a tool ready for use today, to secure a baseline for comparison to measure the impact of the SDGs on persons with disabilities. The CRPD Committee participated in the process of developing these human rights indicators with a view to adopting these indicators in the context of country reviews to help guide States in their reporting obligations. This could be due to increased awareness about ones rights or about the complaints mechanism, improved access to (and accessibility) of the mechanism, improved registration of complaints, improved data collection on complaints, etc. These data sources can also serve as models for countries working to improve their data collection on persons with disabilities. At GuidingPrinciplesBusinessHR_EN.pdf ( 23 June 2014. Get the latest from our news, events and meetings. The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. How do CRPD human rights indicators address cross-cutting issues? Most tables of indicators include a process indicator on the Proportion of received complaints [concerning a right or topic] that have been investigated and adjudicated; proportion of those found in favour of the complainant; and proportion of the latter that have been complied with by the government and/or duty bearer; each disaggregated by kind of mechanism. Get the latest from our news, events and meetings. Other treaty bodies and monitoring mechanisms can also make use of these indicators where their mandates encompass the rights of persons with disabilities. The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. 3. The framework comprises 232 indicators, including four human rights indicators (see Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation) for which OHCHR is responsible in terms of methodological development, data compilation and dissemination in the SDG progress report: Conflict-related deaths (16.1.2) OHCHR Human Rights Instruments Explore the documents that provide the foundational legal framework for international human rights. Moldova, Nepal, Paraguay, Jordan and Ethiopia, including the government disability focal point, national statistics office, national human rights institution and organisations of persons with disabilities. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has published Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation. LinkedIn Live Event, Regional Training to Measure SDG16 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions English | Espaol, World Statistics Day 2020 blog on human rights approach as key to restoring public confidence in official data, Human Rights Standards for Data Disaggregation in the Sustainable Development Goals Indicators, Older persons and human rights in the post-2015 development agenda, Note on Statistics and Human Rights in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, A human rights approach to data disaggregation to leave no one behind. The MoU seeks to assist parties in sharing knowledge and expertise and collaborating on official data collection, dissemination and analysis. OHCHR has developed the Human Rights-Based Approach to Data (HRBAD), demonstrating how data can be produced following international human rights and statistical standards while putting people at the center. Why have indicators on human rights? Opening Speech by the Deputy High Commissioner at the side-event on Human Rights indicators in practice: Sharing experience and lessons learned. India and Pakistan. Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in collaboration with international experts and partner organisations, developed the first version of the attached. In order to give guidance on how to populate the human rights indicators, a data sources guidance has been developed which provides examples of existing data sources linked to the outcome indicators. Assessing the level of satisfaction of persons with disabilities with respect to consultation processes and their outcomes will be instrumental to continuously improve practices. HRBAD should be incorporated into data collection and disaggregation efforts by States to facilitate CRPD implementation. Human rights indicators are a tool for tracking progress in the realisation of rights and can contribute to identifying gaps in implementation. Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. These indicators assess policies and measures taken to implement commitments on the ground. Summary: OHCHR has published Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation ( English, Spanish ). This approach focuses on several key principles to guide data collection and disaggregation, namely: participation, data disaggregation, self-identification, transparency, privacy and accountability. The Office's framework of human rights indicators forms part of the UN framework for socioeconomic response to the Covid-19 crisis and is being used in several countries. Human rights indicators are essential in the implementation of human rights standards and commitments, to support policy formulation, impact assessment and transparency. The number of complaints simply reflects that more complaints are being submitted. As part of the 2030 Agenda, States explicitly pledged to leave no one behindand committed to more systematic data collection and disaggregation, including by disability, to help achieve and measure the goals (SDG 17.18). The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. Declaration on the Right to Development. What does it mean when the indicators refer to a mainstream policy/program and a disability-specific policy/program? and optional protocols. Stand up for Human Rights. The structural indicators commonly refer to the adoption of a strategy, policy or plan inclusive of persons with disabilities; what are the main elements to consider in assessing whether this indicator is met? courts, complaints mechanism of the NHRI or equality body, etc.) GENEVA (4 November 2022) - India's human rights record will be examined by the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group for the fourth time on Thursday, 10 November 2022 in a meeting that will be webcast live. Human rights indicators enhance human rights implementation and measurement by: highlighting the practical content of norms; measuring progress; bringing transparency and accountability; strengthening follow up on recommendations; and enabling national human rights institutions and civil society organizations to exercise more effective oversight. Human rights indicators are one kind of monitoring tool- they can be very useful in measuring certain aspects of implementation, yet they have their limits. Do the indicators provide guidance on data collection and disaggregation methods? strengthening follow up on recommendations. The UHRI facilitates access to human rights recommendations issued by three key pillars of the United Nations human rights monitoring system: the Treaty Bodies established under the international human rights treaties as well as the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council. Human Rights Instrument : (Date into force). In this context, under Article 31 of the CRPD (Statistical and research data), the CRPD Committee has consistently recommended the use of the Washington Group Short Set of Questions on Disability, which have been designed to be integrated into national censuses and household surveys. Learn more about the human rights mechanisms - Click Here This framework is already being applied by national governments, national human rights institutions and non-governmental organisations worldwide. The outreach efforts undertaken must be included as they may determine whether the main rights holders are given priority and access to participate. UN Human Rights is calling for a data revolution -- prioritising leveraging data to confront human rights challenges. While they must be sufficiently comprehensive to appropriately reflect the rights standards, they must also be limited in number to ensure feasibility and usability by States and stakeholders. The present report has been prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in response to a request from the Inter-Committee Meeting (ICM) of treaty . Bridging the Gap I was designed to support the implementation and the monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and to contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals inclusive of persons with disabilities. OHCHR has developed a framework of indicators to respond to a longstanding demand to develop and deploy appropriate statistical indicators in furthering the cause of human rights. These FAQs provide background and scope to OHCHRshuman rights indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which is one component of the SDG-CRPD resource package. The two instruments are inextricably linked and efforts made for one necessarily serve efforts to implement the other. The English versions are also available in accessible PDF. For more on putting indicators into context, please consult OHCHR, Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation, 2012, pages 44, 85-87. In this way, the link is made between the normative framework and the indicators. Similarly, Article 31 of the CRPD requires the collection of appropriate information, including statistical and research data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies to give effect to the present Convention, and states that [t]he information collected in accordance with this article shall be disaggregated, as appropriate. The most typical grounds for disaggregation that should be considered are: sex, age, race, language, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity, intersex variation, religious and political affiliation, migrant status, impairment groups, birth and health status, among others. It is important to transcribe the narrative of a human right into a limited number of characteristics or attributes of that right, which are ideally mutually exclusive. Quality and free primary and secondary education, Access to tertiary, vocational training and lifelong learning, Structural indicators measure the acceptance, intent and. Another example can be found under Article 28 on social protection and adequate standard of living, which requires that social protection schemes take into account and cover disability-related costs which only persons with disabilities incur. the sample indicators on the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment serve as an illustration of the ohchr's aim. 783 injured (215 men, 136 women, 8 girls, 20 boys, as well as 18 children and 386 . It espouses six key principles: participation, self-identification, data disaggregation, privacy, transparency, and accountability that national statistical systems need to operationalize. also ratified this treaty. strengthening follow up on recommendations. What are indicators? This Guidance complements the joint OHCHR-Equitas Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities: A Handbook for Human Rights Educators. 12. 2. The data sources guidance also provides an avenue for policymakers to link the Sustainable Development Goals and their corresponding targets and indicators to the relevant article(s) within the CRPD. Legislation enacted that ensures inclusive education for all students, including students with disabilities in public and private settings across all levels of education (Indicator 24.1). For federal States, Article 4(5) of the CRPD provides that the provisions of the present Convention shall extend to all parts of federal states without any limitations or exceptions. The federal structure of a State is therefore responsible for non-compliance at any level, and each federal unit (e.g. GENEVA (5 November 2022) - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Trk on Saturday issued an open letter to Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer at Twitter, urging him to "ensure human rights are central to the management of Twitter" under Musk's leadership. Further information on the conceptual, methodological and practical considerations underlying the development, content and use of these tables can be found in OHCHR Human Rights Indicators Guide and In 2021, OHC HR met or exceeded the requirements for 12 performance indicators out of 16 applicable. As basic data required to report on many of the human rights indicators may still not be the object of data collection, the indicators serve to call for further developments to ensure that the data related to persons with disabilities is appropriately collected and disaggregated. This project is funded by the European Union. based on their local contexts. a) the number of complaints submitted on a particular right (received complaints); b) the number of those that led to a decision/recommendation (that have been investigated and adjudicated), c) the number out of (b) found in favour of the complainant, d) the number out of (c) that have been acted upon and complied by the government or duty bearer, bringing transparency and accountability; and. Identifying attributes entails providing a clear and more tangible categorization of the right which facilitates the development of indicators corresponding to the different facets of the right. 7. For instance, disaggregation by disability (type of disability) could help to identify different levels of awareness on and/or accessibility of complaint procedures amongst different groups of persons with disabilities. For instance, the attributes identified for Article 24 of the CRPD on inclusive education cover all dimensions of the right and serve to better categorise and develop indicators: They reflect enactment of legal instruments and the adoption of policies for the implementation of human rights. UNSC 53 Side Event 15 Feb, Regional Training on Measuring SDG 16 in Asia, UN World Data Forum 2021: Increasing trust in data and statistics The indicators also serve as a tool for any organisation or body to assess a States implementation under a given right. It operationalizes the "leave no-one behind" principle and draws attention to human rights and their practical and normative contributions to ensuring meaningful participation, especially by vulnerable and at-risk groups, in all stages of the data life cycle. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. 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