There, Bane and Robonino helped Ambase and Sharp load the Chiss spacecraft onto their Corona-class transport. [36], Besides not being pleased to learn that Doxun Feez had failed to bring Gunn's payment, Bane was further irked that Robonino had subcontracted Bossk for the job involving the Black Hole Pirates. After the Emperor's death, however, Soontir's faith in the Empire was shaken, and when the New Republic captured him, he defected and served alongside his brother-in-law Wedge Antilles in Rogue Squadron. [87] Dooku thus traveled with Bane, the undercover Kenobi, and the other bounty hunters to Naboo aboard the Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 that Kenobi had purchased on Nal Hutta. Despite knocking him out, the Imperial officer had still managed to summon reinforcements on his comlink. After Kanan and Ezra removed the Sith holocron from the temple's obelisk, Chopper prepared the ship for departure. [57] Although he specialized in fighting Jedi,[20] he was defeated and captured on Naboo by Tano and Anakin Skywalker, though he later managed to escape. Windu and Skywalker did not die in the ensuing explosion, but were caught within the rubble of the quickly-deteriorating vessel. To gain the group's trust, Bane revealed that he was a bounty hunter; regardless of the risk he took in doing so, he knew that it was easier to deceive someone by telling most of the truth rather than a complete lie. Following a fierce struggle, AP-5 managed to deactivate the intruder. Fel flew through the rubble, taking damage to his hyperdrive but losing his pursuit. [38] At some point Boba visited the Azure Den, an underground gambling spot known for inviting only longtime players. On his way out of the temple, he passed Solo in the hall but ignored her until she recognized him and asked if he was not even going to greet her; he responded that he had not intended to, turned, and left. Chopper assisted Kanan and Ezra with dropping the supplies to the Ibaarians. [8], The Twin Suns continued flying combat missions against minor incursions and raids as the Yuuzhan Vong forces stood off from Borleias, as well as developing new tactics, such as a missile which launched a spread of ball bearings of the same heat and gravity as proton torpedoes, overwhelming an enemy craft's dovin basals and allowing actual proton torpedoes through. Thanks to R2's efforts, the hyperdrive was activated and the Falcon managed to make the jump at the last second and escape. Empire of the Hand[7]New Republic[8]Galactic Federation of Free Alliances[5]Chiss Ascendancy[5]New Jedi Order[9]Jedi Coalition[10]Imperial Remnant[11]Darkmeld[12]Fel Empire[13] [17] Because he lacked sensitivity to the Force, Bane evened the odds against his Jedi opponents by employing his surroundings as weapons, countering Skywalker's forces with his frigate's shipboard functions and escaping from Windu and Kenobi by maneuvering them into Black Stall Station's deadly laser grid. Skywalker told Boba that the bounty hunter never should have come to Kenobi's home, and was adamant that he would fight Boba blind; for Jedi didn't need eyesalthough, as Boba reminded him, he was no Jedi. Hera responded that the droid's name was Chopper, prompting Chopper to beep in affirmation. When Skywalker accepted a plea bargain of ten-year exile and retirement from the Jedi Order, commutable or pardonable if he could find the cause of Darth Caedus's fall and show how to prevent future recurrences, Fel was among many well-wishers who saw him off from Coruscant. While Hera, Sabine, and Zeb traveled down to Shantipole on the Phantom, Chopper along with Kanan and Ezra rendezvoused with a transport ship to pick up supplies for their second attempt to break the Imperial blockade at Ibaar. His penchant for hats tended to stand out, leading those who were familiar with him, such as Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, to recognize him even when he was not sporting his trademark equipment. Jaina Solo led a contingent of Jedi into a secret Galactic Alliance Security blockhouse near the Palem Graser Office Tower, with a writ signed by Daala's Jedi Affairs judge, Arabelle Lorteli giving them visitation rights for the Horn siblings, frozen in carbonite. Before they could activate the Dome's thrusters, which turned out to be a mobile Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility, Grand Admiral Thrawn returned aboard the Chimaera and blocked their path. When Sidious recruited his services for infiltrating the Jedi Temple,[43] Bane believed the mission to be a tough challenge,[68] if not impossible and foolhardy. [16] Bane frequently displayed a lack of concern for his accomplices, caring little what happened to his team after they had liberated Ziro, provided that they avoided capture by the Republic. Inside her mental meld, Solo heard him and took strength from his words, joining with Veila to integrate the two personalities, creating a new, merged personality in Veila's body. Later, Thrawn, Eli, and several crew members are dispatched on a shuttle to search the derelict freighter Dromedar, which was carrying tibanna. They then responded by clearing the way for him, allowing him to enter the palace and see the invitation that Jabba had received. [4], Bane accompanied Chatterbox, Knuckles, and Gunn as they reconnoitered the prison, and he then took them to the Kynachi spaceport's Docking Bay 21 to check out his ship,[4] the Sleight of Hand,[28] which the group planned to use to escape from the planet once they had rescued the prisoners from the KynachTech prison. He was then met by Bib Fortuna, who told Fett they could resolve the matter without violence. While Fel fired on the droids, Jaina disabled one. This increased the cannons' output to the point where they could destroy a TIE Fighter with a single shot. Homeworld Bossk told him that he would not survive since he was cold-blooded, but Fett replied joking that he was too. [4][9][10][15][17][18][14][28] Fate of the Jedi: Outcast settled that competition, showing Fel and Solo dating once more; in the next novel, Fate of the Jedi: Omen, they became engaged. Shortly after implementing that idea, however, Solo sensed something wrong in an unoccupied area of the system and led the others to investigate. After securing a job from the Hutts to track down Ziro, Bane set out with Todo on a[34] Pongeeta-class swamp speeder[39] to find Ziro, whom he presumed had not yet left the planet. Boba assured Vader that his will would be done. [44] Soon after, Lando disputed the validity of the sabacc game in which Han had originally won the Falcon from him, leading to a series of rematches between them. [86] The Festival of Light took place the next evening at the Theed Royal Palace, with Palpatine having arrived that day with a clone shock trooper security detail from the Coruscant Guard, along with Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu on behalf of the Jedi Order. During peace negotiations, Luke Skywalker forced the Moff Council of the Imperial Remnant to accept Fel as the Remnant's Head of State so that he could keep tight control of the devious Moffs and in so doing allow a stable peace settlement. [16][94] To him, a good bounty hunter made his own rules and ensured that the odds were in his favor. Meanwhile Fett and Djarin fought off against the Pykes. Boba informed Vos that Ventress was hunting a Volpai fugitive named Moregi on the moon Pantora.[7]. Five other hunters, including Fett's old allies Dengar and Bossk, were also gathered aboard the Star Dreadnought, though his two old partners were the only hunters he fully recognized. Chopper also electrocuted the lead stormtrooper. Apart from Ezra, the other rebels believed that Kenobi was dead and that Ezra should prepare for the upcoming strike on Lothal. Fett was present in Jabba's Palace when the crime lord reprimanded Greedo, nearly throwing the Rodian into his Rancor pit until Ithorian Dok-Ondar agreed to purchase a special lightsaber the bounty hunter had recovered on the mission. While in the bacta tank, Fett experienced memories of his time at the Tusken Raider camp. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Fett disagreed before quickly dispatching the two guards. In the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the Millennium Falcon makes a non-canon cameo appearance. Skin color Eli accompanies his Imperial superiors and Thrawn to the Imperial Palace, where they are granted an audience by the Emperor himself. Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition. Chopper and Bridger released the Devaronian crimelord and confronted Ohnaka on the bridge. The crew were unaware that the recently repaired hyperdrive had been disabled by Vader's men, and only a last minute patch by R2-D2 prevented the Falcon from falling into Imperial hands. The forces designated to capture Solo, whom the Yuuzhan Vong wished to have for a twin sacrifice with her brother, pursued them, and the Twin Suns used more of their misidentification techniques to fool the ships into chasing a missile, destroying many enemies. As Fel rushed to his fighter, Durron informed him that Solo had never intended to marry Isolder, and intimated that she was interested in Fel. This information proved crucial to the survival of the rebel fleet. Fett says that he will take payment and be on his way. Though he had won the struggle with the Moffs to join the Galactic Alliance, Fel realized that he had no desire to bring the Empire under Daala's authority, and broke off the deal. After AP-5 and Sabine argued about loading a new shipment of explosives, the latter remarked that Chopper and AP-5 must have come from the same supply line. [40], By the time of the Galactic Civil War, Fett was regarded as an established bounty hunter who worked as one of Jabba the Hutt's go-to mercenaries. Kenobi's victory was soon followed by the arrival of Skywalker and Windu, along with a squad of clone shock troopers, who rescued the Chancellor from the bounty hunters. Commodore Thrawn also agrees to provide data to support Lothal's bid to host the Imperial Navy. Not to be deterred, Eval lowered Kenobi's platform and reduced it in size, before giving him another five shots to make. Solo pried open the container and discovered they were carrying an Imperial baradium bomb. Syal joined him, and so Jagged was born on Nirauan, the site of the Hand of Thrawnthe Empire of the Hand's headquartersand raised among the Chiss, Thrawn's people. Accessing a terminal, Chopper learned that Ezra was being transferred to a secure cell. However, Moff Gideon arrived in force, intent on capturing Grogu. He did not activate his rocket boosters because doing so would trigger the Imperial sensor lights. Bane and Kenobi subsequently agreed to the tournament, which took place at the palace that night. [77] Bane had, in fact, been Bulduga's idol, hence the late hunter's choice of headwear. He crippled as much of their offensive power as he could; in short order, both enemy carriers surrendered. Fett managed to escape the Wookiee's grip and burned him with a blast from his flamethrower. Throughout the mission, Chopper and his fellow rebels regularly corresponded with Ezra. Steam Trading Cards related website featuring trading cards, badges, emoticons, backgrounds, artworks, pricelists, trading bot and other tools. Sabine pretended to submit but secretly instructed Chopper to activate Frequency 337 on her helmet. These cannons, though typically manually operated, could be remotely accessed and controlled from the cockpit. After watching several Kintan Strider speeder bikes passing their encampment.