Using a 5.2V 1200 ma charger nothing happens at all, but this charger works on the old 1200mah 3.7V battery. How does this apply to an iPhone? I watch the actual voltage instead, again understanding that it does not accurately represent charge, and will fluctuate a lot. plugingi it in at 20% and remove it at 80% is that good ?? This course will focus on the identification of opioid overdose and the treatment of this condition with Narcan by first responders. Is this considered trickle charging over a long period of time? @Vince: thanks for your answer. Thanks CXR, Vince, What is meant by "the absence of trickle or float charge at full charge" RE a Li ion battery. The charger in the phone will charge the Li-Ion cell at 4.2v. Hello B.U. What can be used to measure the drop in current and switch off the supply of power to a 5v power supply. The charger in the phone does this. Mine hypothetically shuts off at below 3.5v dependion samsungs protection switch. In my case, I have a cell phone with a non-removable battery, so I am limited to using the built-in charger (& thus cannot slow-charge using an external charger like you mentioned in your comment on Feb 23 2012). You're right its a power source for the phone I was referring to. I plan to connect to lithium ion battery bank to store energy for later usage. jin, the charging voltage is 4V, no more. For the best performace how should I do the first charge? Why or why not? Qustion isI cannot identify if batteries are 1500mAh, 2200mAh, or 2600mAh. Can anyone advise me as to how lithium ion batteries on electric bikes actually work. NOW THE QUESTION IS THAT HOW LONG SHOULD IT TAKE TO FULLY CHARGE THIS BATTERY WITH ABOVE MENTIONED CHARGER ANOTHER QUESTION IS THAT CAN I PLUG THE USB WIRE INTO MY LAPTOP. Can lithium polymer cell phone batteries be over charged if left on charge to long and if left on to long will it diminish battery life. I'm planning to use LM317T or LM7812 for the charger and charge the pack for max 3 hours.. is it ok?? If all other characteristics are the same, a charger that charges slower is gentler on a battery than one that charges faster. Learn about the advantages and drawbacks of the Ka-band frequency as well as common Ka-band applications. I don't think there really is any "optimum" voltage at which to stop charging, as it's just a trade-off. My HTC EVO cellphone shuts down when the discharge voltage reaches 3.6 volts. Will this look like a slow rise in cell voltage? Why would a charger drain a battery pack? I found a useful Application Note by Microchip about simultaneously charging a Lithium battery while drawing current from it: If you don't need to survive all day without access to electricity, you'd be better to stop at maybe 4.0v or even 3.9v. hi everybody. So its a trade off of whether I charge to 85% and charge at 35% or charge to 75% and charge at 25% I don't really know which is better/worse for the battery stress wise? Phone is completely dead with the new battery inserted. What we do know, however, is the capacities. 3. Yes, your 75% to 25% sounds good, trying to keep it around half way. I notice the voltage is around 3.4v at 30% so maybe I should charge at 40% if I'm at home and not in need of more juice. Ben, no I wouldn't worry about it damaging your battery. 2.) To prevent a battery from falling asleep, apply a partial charge before a long storage period." First, try charging it from a computer's USB port instead of a wall charger. looks like Vince is correct!! They've been married since day 1. could you any one can tell about how the lithium ion battery full cell making ? Do not let it discharge completely. I need a tutor help for lifepo4 The battery itself has a protection chip in it to prevent it from being discharged below a level it could be recharged from. i sort of want to force the charge chip a 4057A to manipulate as little as possible (less heat) but since it some how is longer on the charger i wondered if i am not over charging the bat. this battery gets dry after some time. The absence of trickle charge further simplifies the charger." The original charger of that device is a 3P10-L1016. I also use BatteryCare to notify me of recalibration. @vince I think im going to follow your recommendation of looking at the voltage as a guude as oppose to the %. Maybe you can find a 4.3v charger? I've been lurking around here for a couple years now, and don't recall reading anything before that's not there now, though that's not to say I would remember it anyway. @vince You mentioned that you would reach 1% and knew it was incorrect, at what voltage was it at the time? I bought a new Moto G phone and it came without a charger. An alternative target notification system uses the separate SMBALERT# signal to request attention. When i check the reading of my old phone which i need to send back the mv reading at 61% is 3920mv and on this new 1 3855mv ie sbout 70mv lower. Thanks ERIC. The resistor is r2. or at lease a decent estimate? Charging lithium-ion batteries is simpler than nickel-based systems. by mitake i've charged it with a nicd charger so the batterie was distroyed and does not work anynore. 1.) you mean explode interesting, I figured current must be 0 once voltages equalise, so no overcharge. The Li ion charger is a voltage-limiting device that has similarities to the lead acid system. Slower is always better for the battery. ??? I charged the battery with the original charger. should i live chargim for 24h ? How to remove the charging time li ion battery ? As for your maximum current, you'll need to do a little math. i've heard you may be able to recover a "dead" lithium cell by charging it with very low mA, like 10-20 mA until it comes back up to around 1-1.5 volts. Following on from my post from a year ago i got another samsung replacement phone unfortunately from same factory which ships the phone with 0% battery. Recommended charge rate is 0.8C or 1.144A. That is, if the phone's charger is putting 4.2V to the battery, but the battery is drawing 0A of current, then it must be as full as it can get. Do they get charged one by one in a circuit or all will charged at once with same voltage increment? (made of 2,5 Ah 3,3 V cells). Great article! The DOI system I don't want to be standing anywhere near you when you do this. @Goutam, good questions, and I would also like to know the same if anyone knows. The PWM control signals are square waves of high frequency, usually 25kHz or above, to make the noise from the fan above the audible human range. Why after 80% SOC charging became slow? Thanks in advance for responding, CXR, @Dobra Georgian Ionut, No, 4.75V is not a good idea. 0,7 V (1 N 4401-7) a german diode( more rare) for drop approx 0.4 V. @Pantaz, 1.) I have read everything I could find on charging LiPos, but there has been no discussion about the charging efficiency, i.e., what percentage of energy put into a cell goes toward actual capacity? Would I need to get a battery monitor that charges it ptoperly. Here is an in-depth analysis and discussion of PCB routing techniques, including high-speed signals, transmission lines, complex ICs, power supply routing and more. my charger specifications are output 5v, 700mA. I guess I don't know what to tell you about that. Are these battery packs truly dead-DEAD or is it possible to resuscitate them again in one way or another? (A battery actually contains a tiny circuit board for protection.). The country of the batteries shouldn't matter either, so long as they are the same type. The power pack is expensive and two have failed in past ~3 years. max 500mA?? It consists of four alternating layers (PNPN) that are controlled by a metaloxidesemiconductor (MOS) gate structure.. (So that they can adjust charging rate for different capacities.) Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive type of medical imaging in which the electrical conductivity, permittivity, and impedance of a part of the body is inferred from surface electrode measurements and used to form a tomographic image of that part. I'm asking because I have a setup that can store energy from solar panels in a lithium ion battery and where it would be ideal to just cap the charging voltage of each cell at 3.9V in place of introducing a real charger. If it reads 1.6 volts DC or less then toss it in the garbage simply due to the fact that the battery may be unstable from this point on. We proficiently plan and execute complex projects involving Enterprise Technologies, IOT and Business Operations. Will Secondary Batteries replace Primaries? Is there an absolute minimum charging current? Fast chargers will feed the battery a lot of charge quicker than it can settle. Thanks. You can even get 18650's with a built in charge chip that I think must shut off the charger when it reaches maximum voltage that might work for you. I am not speaking about a cell phone or a small battery. In my case, the iPhone and the iPad from Apple. The ResQCPR System is comprised of the ResQPOD ITD 16 and the ResQPUMP ACD-CPR Device. I works well and I have tested it several times. How can i do without the original charger ? Is a BMS VERY necessary? I have looked everywhere, but I can only find for lead acid. @vince I have a couple questions I hope u can answer, I recently bought an extended battery for my samsung s3 3000mah. Yet I am counting on using larger capacity battery and the oldest only in rare cases thank you again ! Thank-you for your insight Mr. Finch. Could I use it to charge the light battery? Sign up to manage your products. I don't think it should hurt anything. We are Self Certified CMMI Level 2 Company who follows processes and Methodologies. From there you should check the voltage on the battery before charging it. We have previously induced battery failure through external heating, case crush and internal shorting. ma (milli amps) on the other hand would be a measure of current, which would apply to a power cord, for example. @Dan Thank you for the reply! In order to force more in, you'll need to increase the voltage. Hey sorry Wayne I think I'm becoming confused. Is 3.5A then the amount I would want to use to initially charge my cell until it's voltage reaches 4.2V, at which point the cell itself will determine how much current it draws? I have two chargers one is 100mah the other 420mah, the former takes up to 6 hours to charge a 650mah battery. However, what you've described yourself already doing is essentially the same thing. :-) Slow charging over night provides a deeper, more saturated charge, by skipping stage 1 (as depicted in the initial graph on this page) and going straight to stage 2. Are any chargers able to determine "C" for individual cells? The manufacturer's website is I want to buy a Lithium Iron battery for my motorcycle. 3. I 2 C uses only two bidirectional open-collector or open-drain lines: serial data line (SDA) and serial clock line (SCL), pulled up with resistors. i noticed giving the charger less voltage generates less heat and i wonder how low i can go. Think of it as you breathing. Thanks. Look on ebay there are lots of systems out there. Maybe you have a rechargeable electric bike? when i recharge it with the panel it turns 3.5v and i can use it again.!!! At the moment I am doing it at 30% and taking it off at 80% but I need to look at the mv, what is the ideal mv I should start charging at and max mv I should take off for prolonging battery life long term? Is it important to do cell balancing even thou the SoC of battery is around 60-80% instead of 100%? the issue is that 4.3 android does not let you reduce brightness lower as it was on 4.1.2, im in the lowest brightness setting yet it's still brighter on 4.3 than lowest setting on 4.1.2. They were fully charged about a year ago so theyve been stable. If the solar power is converted into standard AC voltage and the phones are charged with a regular charger, then it shouldn't affect the life of the phone battery any more than regular power would. Current flows from higher voltage to lower voltage, like from a tall bucket into a shorter bucket. I have been confused for a long time about charging and howbit affects battery life, especially Li-ion batteries, now I have digested this article and I understand how it works. Yes, that sounds correct. Thanks very much in advance. Or just hotwire it to 3 fresh alkalines in series, giving you 4.5v. I have a problem with my li ion battery of my mobile. Because of this, many devices sample the current being used, and use this to count how much energy is used and remaining. to most dynamo give an AC ourput, you could try to use a transformer to UP the voltaje Michel Kun. I need help! Charging current 2.2A Max. PWM vs. DC Fans: Fan Speed Control Strategies for CPU Cooling and Case Ventilation. (some evidence-based explanation similarly like figure 6 in "bu-808-how-to-prolong-lithium-based-batteries" would be very helpful). again, huge amount of misleading info here doesn't mean everything is wrong.