Traffic, parking, speeding, and most other tickets and court payments can be paid online here. While I am inclined to pay the speeding ticket, I really don't see the sense in paying Avis to rat me out! This means that you may have to pay even more money to get your vehicle back. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. No se cedern datos a terceros distintos a la entidad gestora del GRUPO MARCOS, con fines administrativos, salvo obligacin legal o prestacin necesaria de servicio. La instalacin del mismo ser nicamente responsabilidad del arrendatario. Drivalia se reserva el derecho de resolver este contrato anticipadamente con carcter inminente y sin ningn tipo de indemnizacin en cualquiera de estos casos: 0. En el momento de la firma del contrato, el arrendatario abonar a Drivalia, adems del importe de la liquidacin del contrato correspondiente, una cantidad de hasta 3000 Euros, dependiendo del modelo del vehculo, en concepto de caucin / depsito o fianza. Los peajes, multas, sanciones y gastos judiciales motivados por infracciones de trfico o de leyes, reglamentos u ordenanzas, (incluidos los cargos por congestin o limitacin de trfico rodado donde existieren,) incurridos por el cliente durante la duracin del presente Contrato que hayan sido satisfechos por Drivalia. Mine was looking for a number to, I'm not sure if it said ID number, or passport number but after putting in everything I could think of, I used the driver's license number without the preceding alpha character. Existe un margen de cortesa de 59 minutos de retraso en la devolucin del vehculo con respecto a la hora pactada, por lo que si el mismo se devuelve fuera de ese margen el arrendatario abonar un importe extra correspondiente como mnimo a un da de alquiler. Then click continue and a form will appear where you enter your credit card information. I was able to pay with a credit card and was sent a receipt. The sticking place was the "record number" which was supposed to have a certain number of digits and decimal places. (Super Collision Damage Waiver) or ULTIMATE rate has been subscribed, the lessor will charge the lessee for the administrative management procedures of accidents an amount of 60. o That the damages are a result of an accident where the lessee did not correctly judge the height and width of the vehicle. Just 1Km/h over the limit can attract a fine. This looks to be a bit of a grey area. This compensation fee will be calculated based on the number of days needed to repair the vehicle, established by an expert department independent of Drivalia, or, once the repairs have been made, counting 8 hours of work done by the garage carrying out the repairs as one day and using the daily rates contracted as a basis for the valuation. Thats my advice but act quickly. If you paid within 60 days, you will pay the total amount of your ticket. Por motivos de seguridad, nicamente se aceptar el pago mediante tarjeta de crdito VISA o MASTERCARD. Visit the Drivalia website for moretips on driving in Spain. Not to park, load and/or drive the vehicle on any type of maritime transport and/or railway. In no case will Drivaliabe responsible for those personal belongings stolen, forgotten or lost inside the vehicle. No permitir que el vehculo sea conducido por personas no autorizadas en el contrato. For insurance policy purposes, the spouse, ancestors, descendants and siblings or relatives of the lessee or authorised drivers or their partners or person with whom they have a business, employment or dependant relationship with are not considered third parties. 1. We received notice from Hertz and a few weeks later received a certified letter from Direccion General de Trafico. The police also have the right to escort you to a hotel or holiday accommodation you are staying in or even a cash machine to collect payment. De forma excepcional, nicamente se aceptar el pago mediante tarjeta de dbito para los arrendamientos contratados con tarifa Ultimate. The majority of fines are for parking in a prohibited area. No estn cubiertos los daos al vehculo si el mismo no se utiliza de acuerdo a las condiciones expresadas en la clusula primera sobre utilizacin del mismo. I did not get a fee from Hertz for the Italian infraction, but please don't tell the Italians, or they will start. Usually, the hiring company will use it as a good opportunity to make a little extra with the "admin fee". (general) a. multa por exceso de velocidad. By paying the fine on the spot you only have to pay 50% of the full fine. A failure to comply with this condition entitles the lessor to take back the vehicle without notice or to claim it back by means of legal action. 4.1 Cargos por alquiler The application we use to obtain and analyze navigation information is: GOOGLE ANALYTICS: This application has been developed by Google, which provides us with the analysis service of the audience of our page. In case of breach of any of these clauses, the lessee assumes all responsibility for damages resulting from said breach with regards to both the lessor and third parties. Very annoying. Based on trying to buy train tickets online prior to our trip, I am not sure it is possible to get anything done via the internet with any Spanish government agency. JURISDICCION Y LEY APLICABLE They are not always up to date with things like speed of roads as these can change without notice. 5.4. Son recogidos a travs de formularios en soporte documental e informatizado. From we want to inform you that our website uses cookies to analyze user navigation. Drivalia se reserva as mismo la potestad de cobrar al arrendatario una indemnizacin por la prdida de beneficios por la inmovilizacin del vehculo como consecuencia de los daos sufridos (paralizacin). No estn incluidos los daos producidos en los bajos del vehculo, incluidos las aletas inferiores/faldillas. Fines issued via speeding camera will be sent to you in the post. Spanish Fort Municipal Court. Follow the directions below and you should get to the payment form. The data that you provide us through our profiles on social networks will be communicated and processed on servers that are located in the United States. 184 Posts. The fines for a parking violation will be much smaller than the fines for a speeding violation, for example: these can run from between 100 to 600 Euros. If you didn't pay - did it affect your ability to travel to other Schengen countries and/or rent a car there? 2.- By bank transfer to the DGT bank account at CAIXABANK: Have you tried working through Hertz? Which Tourists Need An International Driving Permit To Drive In Spain? The lessor may require the lessee, at the time the contract is executed, to deposit an amount of up to 3,000, not eligible for exemption, as a deductible, up to which the lessee shall bear the damages and/or losses caused to the vehicle not covered in the accident coverage or in the coverage for theft or fire. or third parties, or that in any other way overload, damage or disable networks, servers and other IT equipment of Drivalia Espaa S.L.U. If anyone has any pointers on getting this paid, I am open to suggestions. With over 300 days of glorious sunshine each year, Spain is the obvious choice for those looking to install solar panels in their homes. Dicha indemnizacin ser calculada sobre el nmero de das que sea necesario invertir en la reparacin del vehculo, establecidos por perito externo a Drivalia o, una vez realizada la reparacin, computando un da por cada ocho horas de trabajo invertidas por el taller reparador y utilizado como base de cuantificacin la tarifa diaria de ocupacin contratada. You may want to read the following article on How To Identify An Unmarked Spanish Police Car. Whether it's a Spanish speeding fine, a ticket for parking illegally or some other minor infringement, most of us fall foul of the law at one time or another. Alternatively, you can visit direct, and fill out your details on their website. You can now pay online at the Direccin General de Trfico's official website. Spanish speeding fines. The deposit amount and excess applicable will be shown on the contract as "Excess XXXX ". This is why we are getting frustrated - We are willing to pay, but can't figure out how and no one seems to be able to explain/help. If you do not have a spanish identity , all fines are to be paid on-the-spot. Again, thanks for your help. 6. This also goes for payments on-the-spot. CARGOS EXTRAS That's not in the spirit of our helpline. There are several methods of speed traps used in (ta && ta.queueForLoad ? - cuando el arrendatario este haciendo un uso no autorizado del vehculo. Your data always comes from the completion of our web forms by the user or from information provided to us by telephone, electronic communication or presencially in one of our offices. In compliance with the provisions of article 5 of the LOPD, it is reported that the personal data that is collected directly from the user through the different resources available on the web, will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the respective files for which the member companies of Drivalia Espaa S.L.U. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the free and unequivocal request of the users through our contact forms, and the express acceptance of this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. You may want to share, bookmark or save this page for future reference in case you receive a fine. I'm not saying that I don't want to pay at all - but I'm mostly concerned because I'm going to Austria and Czech Republic in less than 2 months from now, and will need to (ta && ta.queueForLoad ? 9. Important Update: Under a new EU cross-border agreement (2015/413), each Member State of the European Union will have the power to track down and identify a driver regardless of whether they are resident or not. If no extra charges are made, the lessor will release or return, as appropriate, said deposit to the lessee once the contract has expired, within three (3) working days. 1 - this field is set to NIF by default. This is amazing. ta.queueForLoad : function(f, g){document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', f);})(function(){ta.trackEventOnPage('postLinkInline', 'impression', 'postLinks-45538615', '');}, 'log_autolink_impression');Spain. They are:-. The vehicle shall be returned with at least the amount of fuel in the tank indicated in the "returns" section. CAUCION / DEPOSITO O FIANZA Previous Post En caso de no producirse ningn dao y/o prdida o, de producirse, se documente la responsabilidad de un tercero y exista aceptacin firme o resolucin judicial en perjuicio de ese tercero, el arrendador devolver dicha franquicia, cuando ste la haya cobrado por adelantado, al arrendatario una vez finalizado el contrato. If you pay the fine within 20 days of receipt, you will usually be given a discount of around 50%. Is this the website you tried? I just got a invoice from Hertz for 36 Euros for a processing fee to the Spanish government for some sort of traffic violation in October of 2012 ( I have no notification of the violation yet). I just wonder what happened to you? The types of violation are minor, major, and very serious. Todo lo anterior es de aplicacin sin perjuicio de una posterior liquidacin y ajuste, una vez obtenido un presupuesto de reparacin realizado por un taller o una tasacin realizada por un gabinete pericial, externo a Drivalia. If you have a spanish identity card (for foreigners this is NIE - Nmero de Identidad de Extranjero) you are wise to pay all fines within 20 days, you will then be given a discount of 50% - except for very serious offences. El arrendatario podr liberarse del pago de la franquicia de hasta 3.000 Euros, del cargo por gestin de accidentes y de otras exclusiones del seguro ordinario, contratando y abonando, de forma opcional, el suplemento especial de la cobertura Premium, el S.C.D.W (Cobertura de Colisin) o la tarifa Ultimate, cuya contratacin e importe figurar expresamente en el contrato. Es responsabilidad del arrendatario repostar el vehculo con el tipo de combustible adecuado, cuyo importe ser siempre a su cargo. Then click: Pago de Multas Then click: Pago de Multas (sin certificado digital ni DNI eletronico) Then click: Alguna Multa - Mas Info Then click: Pago de Multas Then click: Pago de Multas en Internet Then click: Pago de multas (sin certificado ni DNI eletronico) Then you should arrive at a form that asks you for your passport number and other information. If the system does not accept your document number, try all zeros or all 9's. Receive our newsletter and be amongst the first to know about our latest offers and promotions. Expediente (without hyphens and decimal points) 11. El arrendatario se compromete expresa pero no exclusivamente a: 2. If the lessee wishes to extend the rental time of their vehicle, they should give sufficient notice to the lessor, sign a new contract for the extra days at the time such decision is made and immediately pay the new amount to cover this new service. You may also want to read our related posts about Car Road Tax in Spain,How To Deal With A Road Traffic Accident,Spanish Driving Licencesand Expats In Spain Must Renew Driving Licences After 2 Years. I had a parking ticket in Fl. holdingCIF [Spanish Tax Code Number] B-54509971 and with registered office in Calle Arquitecto Urteaga 21, Local C 03730 JVEA (Alicante) - Espaa hereinafter Drivalia(also known as the lessor) and the Lessee, whose identification data is included on the front page of the Contract, (hereinafter thelessee). If that is the case you can pay online, using a debit or a credit card, or by bank transfer. You can also be fined 200 Euros if you have an invalid driving licence. It is not only done for hire cars. Pay up. En caso de avera mecnica las oficinas de Drivalia disponen de los telfonos de asistencia propios de cada marca de vehculo a los cuales deber acudir el arrendatario en caso de no poder conducir el mismo hasta un taller cercano para el reconocimiento de la avera o hasta la oficina de Drivalia ms prxima. 03 Mar 2014 --. The information obtained is related, for example, to the number of pages visited, the language, the social network in which our news is published, the city to which the IP address from which users access is assigned, the number of users that visit us, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the time of visit, the browser they use, the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made. Instead, ask for the fine to be processed and signed by the accompanying officer on the scene. 3 - the calendar will apply the Spanish date format. Time limit in Italy you are in the contract, so it immobilised This right otherwise the fine is revoked of 300 ( 260 ), 400 ( 350 ) 500. 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