Chymotrypsin cleaves on the C-terminal side of Phe, Tyr, Leu, Trp, and Met residues; trypsin cleaves on the C-terminal side of Lys and Arg residues; LysC cleaves on the C-terminal side of Lys; and AspN cleaves on the N-terminal side of Asp. Cooper, C. A., Gasteiger, E., and Packer, N. (2001) GlycoModa software tool for determining glycosylation compositions from mass spectrometric data. Curr Protoc Mol Biol. 1.Protein identification and characterization. One can carry out fractionation or enrichment under denaturing or nondenaturing conditions; nondenaturing conditions preserve proteinprotein interactions. USA 101, 1078010785 (2004). In cases where a C18 spin column is used, the solution is added to the top of the column and then forced through the matrix by applying a vacuum, centrifugal force, or manual force. 3a). To deplete TRIM5, MDBK cells adjusted to 5105 cells per well in a 6-well plate were transfected with siRNA targeting bovine TRIM5 (5-AGAAUGAUCUGGUCCAAGA-3) (synthesized by Sigma-Aldrich) or scrambled negative control siRNA (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat# 465372) with TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System (TaKaRa, Cat# V6100) in Opti-MEM. pLionII (Cat# 1730;; RRID: Addgene_1730) and pCPRDEnv (Cat# 1732;; RRID: Addgene_1732) were gifts from Dr. Garry Nolan. Because Kim et al. Nucleic Acids Research; 40(1): W452W457). Introduction. The monophosphopeptides (IMACTFA 1% and IMAC-FT fractions) are now ready for LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. The infectivity was determined as relative light units (RLU) 2days after infection. 19, 19201932. However, HIV-1 vector infectivity was threefold higher in CsA-treated MDBK cells than in control cells. The infectivity of the HIV-1 vector was increased by approximately 100-fold by CsA treatment in OMK cells (Fig. Features of Commonly Used Protein Sequence Databases. Handbook of Proteomic Methods (Humana, Totowa, NJ: pp. Evolution of a cytoplasmic tripartite motif (TRIM) protein in cows that restricts retroviral infection. For Basic Protocol 1, a common issue is that insufficient protein is present in the gel spot or band for protein identification by MS. Google Scholar. Part C Toxicol. Similar disposal considerations must be applied to solutions containing K3[Fe(CN)6] or methanol. There are currently more than a dozen commercial or open-source search algorithms available. We used a Guide-it Complete sgRNA Screening System (TaKaRa, Cat# Z2636N) to prepare sgRNAs targeting bovine TRIM5. Consistent with previous studies6,7, HIV-1 infection was mainly blocked by bovine TRIM5 in MDBK cells. Proteins can be separated or fractionated based on any of their physical properties including size/mass, charge, or hydrophobicity. Wash the IMAC column with 50 l IMAC wash solution and pool the eluate with the IMAC-FT fraction from step 4. 2012. (a) Alignment of bovine TRIM5 and human TRIM5. A., et al. TRIM5alpha mediates the postentry block to N-tropic murine leukemia viruses in human cells. Mikesh LM, Ueberheide B, Chi A, Coon JJ, Syka JE, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF. Sequential extraction using increasingly stringent conditions can be helpful to indicate the efficiency of a given condition. The raw data on 4Peaks software (Nucleobytes) are presented. After Blast homology comparison with the amino acid sequences of the known species in GenBank, it was concluded that CYP4 gene of. J. Mol. Wilkins, M. R. and Williams, K. L. (1997) Cross-species protein identification using amino acid composition, peptide mass fingerprinting, isoelectric point and molecular mass: a theoretical evaluation. Thereby effector proteins are transported from the bacterial cytosol into the extracellular medium or directly into the eukaryotic host cell. At the same time, one should include a negative control, such as a piece of empty gel (i.e., a piece with no protein present), to determine any contamination that may have occurred during sample processing. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. To rescue an HIV-1based lentiviral vector, Lenti-X 293T cells were co-transfected with the psPAX2-IN/HiBiT, pLVSIN-CMV Hyg-ZsGreen or pWPI-Luc2, and pMD2.G plasmids using TransIT-293 Transfection Reagent (TaKaRa, Cat# V2700) in Opti-MEM I Reduced Serum Medium (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat# 31985062). Differences in infectivity between WT, V86M, and H87Q were evaluated by one-way ANOVA, followed by the Tukey test. Article However, all search algorithms are not created equal, and the outputs from each can vary widely depending on the type of data searched. In addition to molecular weight, other biophysical properties of the protein, such as hydrophobicity and sequence complexity, can influence expression yields. pMD2.G was a gift from Dr. Didier Trono. Viral vectors are indispensable for broad applications including gene therapy, cancer therapy, and vaccine development32. Allergenicity servers: AllerTOP (Reference: Dimitrov, I. et al. A truncated version of bovine TRIM5 lacking the SPRY domain was termed delSPRY. (c) Expression of each HA-tagged TRIM5 protein in CRFK cells was determined using Western blotting. USA 101, 1332413328 (2004). Citations, 3 Wilkins, M. R., Gasteiger, E., Sanchez, J.-C., Appel, R. D., and Hochstrasser, D. F. (1996) Protein identification with sequence tags. Humana Press. Acids Res. Keckesova, Z., Ylinen, L. M. J. 4.Pattern and profile searches. We demonstrated that bovine TRIM5 strongly inhibited HIV-1 infection (Fig. Elute and collect the multiply phosphorylated peptides using 70 l high-pH elution solution. You can also specify post-translational modifications, such as N- and C- terminal modifications and positioning of disulfide bridges, to obtain more accurate outputs. VBLAST: Customized BLAST Search for Vaccine Research allows various search strategies against against 77 genomes of 34 pathogens. (a) OMK (left), Lenti-X 293T (center), and MDBK cells (right) were infected with the WT virus or RGDA/Q112D+Q4R CA mutant encoding luciferase reporter protein. These epitopes have been predicted against the virulence factor and essentail genes of 14 bacterial species. Precautionary Quote: " We should be quite remiss not to emphasize that despite the popularity of secondary structural prediction schemes, and the almost ritual performance of these calculations, the information available from this is of limited reliability. The hydrophobicity prediction results revealed that the hydrophobicity of the amino acid sites, the grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) of the whole molecule and the spatial arrangement of the hydrophobic domain all influenced the air-water interface properties of these key proteins. (Reference: M. Gruber et al. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 12, 120-126. The most frequently used scales are the hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity scales and the secondary structure conformational Although the information necessary for life to go on is encoded by the DNA molecule, the dynamic process of life maintenance, replication, defense and reproduction are carried out This suggests that although the RGDA/Q112D+Q4R mutations conferred resistance to TRIMCyp in OMK cells, these mutations sensitized HIV-1 to restriction factors in human and bovine cells. paper provides an outlook on future directions of research or possible applications. Briefly, PCR was performed using PrimeSTAR Max Premix (2), Guide-it Scaffold Template, and the following oligos: sgRNA #1 (5-CCTCTAATACGACTCACTATAGGAACAACAAGGAATCCATAATGTTTAAGAGCTATGC-3), sgRNA #2 (5-CCTCTAATACGACTCACTATAGGCTTCCCCTCTTGGCCAATTAGTTTAAGAGCTATGC-3), sgRNA #3 (5-CCTCTAATACGACTCACTATAGGTCGGAGCCTCTGCACTATATGTTTAAGAGCTATGC-3), sgRNA #4 (5-CCTCTAATACGACTCACTATAGGCAGAGGCTCCGAGAGGTTAGTTTAAGAGCTATGC-3), and sgRNA #5 (5-CCTCTAATACGACTCACTATAGGTTGGCTTTGTGAGCGATCTCGTTTAAGAGCTATGC-3). However, if using CNBr for digestion, one can proceed directly to step 5, as reduction/alkylation is not required. 3.Similarity searches. The Proteomics Protocols Handbook pp 571607Cite as, 3305 The sequences of bovine TRIM5 mRNA (Accession# LC727630) and human TRIM5 mRNA (Accession# LC727631) were deposited in the GenBank. In addition to molecular weight, other biophysical properties of the protein, such as hydrophobicity and sequence complexity, can influence expression yields. Proc. Lewis, P. F. & Emerman, M. Passage through mitosis is required for oncoretroviruses but not for the human immunodeficiency virus. The second step is the mass filter or mass analyzer, which functions to separate the ions by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). If sufficient representation of the appropriate taxonomy is included in the selected protein database, the peptide database can often be restricted at the species level (e.g., Homo sapiens) or class level (e.g., mammals). In addition to HIV-1 vectors, the anti-viral activity of chimeric TRIM5 molecules against other lentiviruses including simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac, Fig. It is important to have fresh buffers with the correct pH. Sometimes it is necessary to further concentrate the eluate, using a vacuum centrifuge to reduce the volume, prior to analysis by MS. (a) (left) CRFK cells expressing TRIM5 proteins were infected with an HIV-1 vector encoding luciferase reporter protein. As such, proteins with disulfide bonds may be reduced and alkylated prior to enzymatic digestion in order to enhance the efficiency of cleavage. J. Biol. The cyclophilins. Collectively, CsA treatment significantly rescued HIV-1 infection in MDBK cells. The infectivity was determined as relative light units (RLU) 2days after infection. Although these methods are not, in themselves, part of genomics, no reasonable genome analysis and annotation would be possible without understanding how these methods work and having some practical DiANNA - will predict cysteine oxidation state (76% accuracy), cysteine pairs (81% accuracy) and disulfide bond connectivity (86% accuracy). Thingholm TE, Jorgensen TJ, Jensen ON, Larsen MR. Accordingly, 49 SlHDZs were divided into 4 distinctive subfamilies, namely subfamily I-IV, and each was supported by a high bootstrap value (Fig. & Sodroski, J. TiO2 beads are light sensitive, and the efficiency of TiO2 beads to select for phosphorylated peptides will decrease over time. Scientific Reports (Sci Rep) To test the in vitro cleavage efficiency of each sgRNA, genomic DNA was extracted from MDBK cells using DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN, Cat# 69506). To rescue an FIV-based lentiviral vector, Lenti-X 293T cells were co-transfected with the pCPRDEnv, pLionII-luc2, and pMD2.G plasmids. FEBS J. Squeeze the tip of the narrow-bore P-20 pipet tip nearly shut, as this will prevent bead loss. Elute the phosphopeptides using 30 l high-pH elution solution. Though traditional ion traps have a lower resolving power than TOF, the recently invented Orbitrap (Thermo) breaks this rule and offers mass resolution up to 100,000 Da. Distribution, potential sources and ecological risks of two persistent organic pollutants in the intertidal sediment at the Shuangtaizi Estuary, Bohai Sea of China. Prepare the column by washing three times with 200 l 100% acetonitrile. ; Lee, Y.-M.; Lee, J.-S. A newer version Vaxign 2 Beta is available here. Collectively, CA mutations that confer partial resistance to HIV-1 in monkey cells failed to rescue HIV-1 infectivity in MDBK cells. Three parallel repeats were performed for each sample. We also thank the editors and reviewers who helped improve this manuscript. ; Guo, H.; Zhou, Y.B. (2004) UniProt: the Universal Protein knowledgebase. Thus, HIV-1-based lentiviral vector has been widely used in broad fields including gene therapy in humans and gene modification of animals5. Elute protein from the matrix using a 5 volume of 0.1 M glycine, pH 2.5. Important performance characteristics include whether the instrument is capable of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), which is becoming a routine requirement for reporting peptide identifications, and is often used instead of or in addition to peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF), where patterns of peptide masses are used to obtain the identification. Feature Papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. Figure 10.25.3 shows a 2-DE gel, which illustrates those proteins that will likely result in an identification from a single gel compared to spots which may need to be pooled from multiple gels. As needed, cells were cultured in the presence of 2M Cyclosporin A(CsA) (Selleck, Cat# S2286). 42(Database issue): D1124-32). 11c) and determined the relationship between the hydrophobicity network map and hemolytic activity. It is possible to perform either IMAC enrichment or TiO2 enrichment alone, or in combination (SIMAC strategy). It is a cysteine protease and a member of the PA clan of proteases.It has a cysteine-histidine catalytic dyad at its active site and cleaves a For Basic Protocols 2 and 3, one of the most important factors that can affect the efficiency of a trypsin digestion is pH. Guruprasad, K., Reddy, B. V. B., and Pandit, M. W. (1990) Correlation between stability of a protein and its dipeptide composition: a novel approach for predicting in vivo stability of a protein from its primary sequence. The pH may be checked by applying a small drop of the solution to pH paper. Therefore, mutations in CA can alter the susceptibility to TRIM5-mediated inhibition. Diaz-Griffero, F. et al. 3b), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV, Fig. The halophilic behavior of the enzyme was confirmed by the analysis of its amino acid composition; like other halophilic proteins studied in Archaea and in some bacteria, the 53D1 protein has an increased content of acidic amino acid residues and a decreased hydrophobicity (Reed et al. The B-box and Coiled-coil domains are responsible for the dimerization and higher-order association of TRIM5 protein11,12,13. (2012) PLoS One 7(9): e45152). Nucleic Acids Res. The PX459-TRIM5-sgRNA#4 plasmid was used for transfection on MDBK cells using TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System. (1990) Basic local alignment search tool. Gattiker, A., Bienvenut, W. V., Bairoch, A., and Gasteiger, E. (2002) FindPept, a tool to identify unmatched masses in peptide mass fingerprinting protein identification. 1.Protein identification and characterization. ; Zhu, Y.Z. Notably, HIV-1 infectivity was threefold higher in CsA-treated MDBK cells than in control cells. Based on previous findings that mutations in CA can change the sensitivity to TRIM5/TRIMCyp, we tested whether V86M and H87Q mutations rescued HIV-1 infectivity in MDBK cells. Tyrosine kinase receptors as attractive targets of cancer therapy. (1989) Universality and structure of the N-end rule. [, Data related to the content of PAHs and the relative expression of the CYP4 gene of, The secondary structure of the protein was composed of 43.42% -helix, 9.04% extended strand, and 47.54% random coil. If a centrifuge is used, a microcentrifuge tube can be used as the flow through receptacle. 16:1569-1576). While protein and peptide separation in the context of proteomics continues to evolve, this unit outlines the most useful methods that have been extensively used to date. Veillette, M. et al. PubMedGoogle Scholar, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, Gasteiger, E. et al. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in 2c and Supplemental Fig. Li, X. Scratch Protein Predictor - (Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, University California, Irvine) - programs include: ACCpro: the relative solvent accessibility of protein residues; CMAPpro: Prediction of amino acid contact maps; COBEpro: Prediction of continuous B-cell epitopes; CONpro: predicts whether the number of contacts of each residue in a protein is above or below the average for that residue; DIpro: Prediction of disulphide bridges; DISpro: Prediction of disordered regions; DOMpro: Prediction of domains; SSpro: Prediction of protein secondary structure; SVMcon: Prediction of amino acid contact maps using Support Vector Machines; and, 3Dpro: Prediction of protein tertiary structure (Ab Initio). Third, we demonstrated that HIV-1 infection was significantly enhanced by CsA in MDBK cells. ExPASythe proteomics server for in-depth protein knowledge and analysis. The parameters of alignment were as follows: gap open, 2.90; gap extend, 0.00; and hydrophobicity multiplier, 1.20. EMBO J. (1991) The N-end rule in bacteria. The 6890N/5975B gas chromatographmass spectrometer was used to analyze 16 PAH components under priority control of US EPA. 1a illustrate that siRNA transfection decreased TRIM5 mRNA levels by 75% versus those in normal MDBK cells. and D.L. Useful Expasy tool to clave your protein with a selected enzyme and get masses of peptides generated. The results are presented as the mean and standard deviation of hexaplicate measurements from one assay, and they are representative of at least three independent experiments. Proc. The full-length cDNA The relative infectivity was calculated according to the control values. Integration of murine leukemia virus DNA depends on mitosis. 19, 31993206. ProtScale. Then, the plasmid was amplified using NEB 5-alpha FIq Competent E. coli (High Efficiency) (NEB, Cat# C2992H). For specific methods, see Yuan et al. volume12, Articlenumber:16952 (2022) Cl can be used. EpiToolKit - is a virtual workbench for immunological questions with a focus on vaccine design. (c) (left) CRFK cells expressing TRIM5 proteins were infected with an FIV vector encoding luciferase reporter protein. Dilute IMAC1% TFA and IMAC-FT samples each in 5 volumes (i.e., 15 l) of TiO, 12. A small amount of wash solution should be left in the tube with the beads, to avoid aspirating the beads. Exp. These PCR fragments were mixed and amplified with hT5-F and bT5-R and then cloned into the pDON-5 Neo vector. BMC StructuralBiology 9: 50); and, PPCpred - sequence-based prediction of propensity for production of diffraction-quality crystals, production of crystals, purification and production of the protein material. The SIEVE Server requires only protein sequences of proteins to be screened and returns a conservative probability that each input protein is a type III secreted effector. (a) The mRNA expression of TRIM5 in MDBK cells transfected with siRNA targeting TRIM5 or control siRNA was measured by qRT-PCR. Akatsuki Saito. Virology 408, 204212 (2010). Role of chloroplast RNA editing in the albino process of tea plants. Other characteristics include the resolving power, mass accuracy, and linear dynamic range. 20. Science p0.05 were considered statistically significant. Zhao, H.; Wang, L.; Lei, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yang, D.; Zhou, Y.; Yuan, X. They are divided into subfamilies by sequence similarity, corresponding to the family of viruses they are found in:[27], Additional members are known from Potyviridae and non-Coronaviridae Nidovirales. and JavaScript. 82, 1149511502 (2008). Stop reaction by adding 5 l of 1.0% TFA (pH after TFA addition should be ~2 to 3). These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Excellent repository of lecture notes for proteomics, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics courses designed for beginners, taught at the Institute for Systems Biology at the Seattle Proteome Center. (. Vaccines 20, 15711586 (2021). K2D2: Prediction of percentages of protein secondary structure from CD spectra - allows analysis of 41 CD spectrum data points ranging from 200 nm to 240 nm or or 51 data points for the 190-240 nm range (Reference: Perez-Iratxeta C & Andrade-Navarro MA. Acad. 10.25.2). The divergence time was estimated using the program MCMCtree in PAML4.9 [].Two nodes were used as calibrations, one of which was from the fossil recode data of Modiolinae (393408 Mya) and the other was from previous studies [28, 60, 61], the time of divergence between B. themophilus and G. childressi was approximately 21.133.0 For ZsGreen-encoding virus, ZsGreen positivity in the infected cells was measured 2days after infection using an Attune NxT Flow Cytometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and a CytKick Autosampler (Thermo Fisher Scientific). 2005. (This article belongs to the Special Issue, Polychaete worms are the most abundant taxa in the benthic community, and they play an important role in the energy flow and nutrient cycle of marine ecosystems [, In polychaetes, numerous CYP genes have been identified, and their functions were analyzed by mRNA expression research, with most of them being CYP4, and a few being CYP3 [, At present, the relevant research is mainly concentrated in the laboratory, while field research is lacking. [19][20][21][22][1] The intravenous administered prodrug PF-07304814 (lufotrelvir) entered clinical trials in September 2020. 1.Protein identification and characterization. Also, if it is suspected that the peptides did not initially bind to the resin (e.g., fewer peptides observed than expected), save the non-bound fraction and reprocess it with a new column. Database of protein 3D structures. Ku, M.-W., Charneau, P. & Majlessi, L. Use of lentiviral vectors in vaccination. Not all databases are curated rigorously, and some are combinations of multiple databases. Wang, P. & Heitman, J. Proteins can be separated or fractionated based on any of their physical properties including size/mass, charge, or hydrophobicity. Based on this finding, we tested whether CsA treatment rescued HIV-1 infectivity in MDBK cells. The answer (by email) indicates whether the protein is more or less stable, a fact which could be of use in designing "better" proteins. This was true for infection in OMK and Lenti-X 293T cells. The heme binding region (FxxGxxxxCxG), hydrophobic helix I region (EVDTFMFEGHDTT), and K helix region (ExxR) are ubiquitous characteristic sequences in the P450 family. To develop tools specifically, but not exclusively, applicable to proteins prepared by twodimensional gel electrophoresis and peptide mass fingerprinting experiments. REPPER (REPeats and their PERiodicities) - detects and analyzes regions with short gapless repeats in proteins. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. This is true even of the best methods now known, and much more so of the less successful It acts as an inhibitor and binds to 3C-like proteases of SARS-COV-2 and MERS viruses, disabling them and inhibiting viral replication. A family of plant guanylate-binding protein-like GTPases controls phase separation and assembly of condensates, thereby forming a circuit that regulates transcriptional responses to biotic stress. Nucleic Acids Res. J. Virol. Gasteiger, E., Gattiker, A., Hoogland, C., Ivanyi, I., Appel, R. D. and Bairoch, A. National Library of Medicine Feature Conversely, CypA sensitizes HIV-1 to TRIM5 in monkey cells17; thus, interruption of the CACypA interaction rescued HIV-1 infectivity in monkey cells. The divergence time was estimated using the program MCMCtree in PAML4.9 [].Two nodes were used as calibrations, one of which was from the fossil recode data of Modiolinae (393408 Mya) and the other was from previous studies [28, 60, 61], the time of divergence between B. themophilus and G. childressi was approximately 21.133.0 REPwin uses self-alignments and displays repeats that reveal significant internal similarities. We hypothesized that CsA treatment would exert a similar or identical effect as RGDA/Q112D+Q4R mutations. Retrovirology 10, 25 (2013). 432, D115D119. Consistent with previous reports6,7,22, both bovine TRIM5 and human TRIM5 blocked EIAV infection (Fig. Acad. Finally, we generated a MDBK cell line lacking intact TRIM5 using the CRISPR/Cas9 method. 6, 226 (2005). This step should be performed slowly using a Combi-Syringe to apply pressure. These affect the mass type (e.g., monoisotopic versus average) and mass tolerances (e.g., parent and fragment mass tolerances) allowed during the search. Based on these observations, we tested whether the disruption of CypACA binding rescues HIV-1 infection in bovine cells. Studies on Nereidae in the Coastal Waters of China, Polychaete Annelids in the Coastal Waters of China. CamSol - for the rational design of protein variants with enhanced solubility. Google Scholar. Isoelectric Point Calculator 2.0 (IPC 2.0) - is a server for the prediction of isoelectric points and pKa values using a mixture of deep learning and support vector regression models. The "3C" in the common name refers to the 3C protease (3Cpro) which is a homologous protease found in picornaviruses. Berthoux, L., Sebastian, S., Sokolskaja, E. & Luban, J. Cyclophilin A is required for TRIM5-mediated resistance to HIV-1 in Old World monkey cells. Shevchenko A, Wilm M, Vorm O, Mann M. Mass spectrometric sequencing of proteins silver-stained polyacrylamide gels. 25: 515-517). Blue silver: A very sensitive colloidal Coomassie G-250 staining for proteome analysis. SwissModel. Requires registration. Physiol. Remove supernatant, which now contains peptides, to a new clean microcentrifuge tube. Each of these enzymes cleaves most efficiently at a particular pH. In this study, we addressed this point using chimeric molecules between human TRIM5 and bovine TRIM5. Nevertheless, our finding suggests that CsA treatment is useful when bovine cells need to be transduced by an HIV-1-based lentiviral vector. 9: 2280). We used a TRIM5-null CrandellRees feline kidney (CRFK) cell line to generate cells stably expressing these molecules. 10, 16. Pacheco, B., Finzi, A., Stremlau, M. & Sodroski, J. Third, we demonstrated that cyclosporine A (CsA), which relieves the inhibition of HIV-1 infection in monkey cells16,17, could rescue the impaired HIV-1 infectivity in MDBK cells. By contrast, the mutations decreased HIV-1 infectivity in Lenti-X 293T cells. However, transduction by HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors is severely inhibited in bovine cells during the step of reverse transcription6,7, hampering this strategy. 4.Pattern and profile searches. Protein identification and analysis software performs a central role in the investigation of proteins from two-dimensional (2-D) gels and mass spectrometry. 93, e00986-e1019 (2019). It has been demonstrated that the inhibition of HIV-1 infection in OMK cells was canceled by treatment with Cyclosporin A (CsA), which specifically disrupts the CypACA interaction16,30,31. The amplified fragments were ligated into a pDON-5 Neo vector (TaKaRa, Cat# 3657), which was pre-linearized with NotI-HF (NEB, Cat# R3189L) and BamHI-HF (NEB, Cat# R3136L) using an In-Fusion HD Cloning Kit (TaKaRa, Cat# Z9633N). 7. The following plasmids were kind gifts from Dr. Kenzo Tokunaga: psPAX2-IN/HiBiT plasmid36 and pWPI-Luc2 plasmid36. (right) Relative infectivity was calculated using the values in the left panel. The supernatant was collected and filtered 2days after transfection.