Another promising candidate is the HvP5CS1 gene, variations of which are associated with good drought resistance. PubMed For example, in wheat, sorghum, maize, and rice yield of early maturing varieties is less affected by severe drought than late maturing varieties. Cultivar difference in ABA content was found during drought stress and recovery periods with the ABA content in Van Gogh being higher than that in AST7002. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), A. Funct Integr Genomics 10:293306, Foulkes MJ, Sylvester-Bradley R, Worland AJ, Snape JW (2004) Effects of a photoperiod-response gene Ppd-D1 on yield potential and drought resistance in UK winter wheat. Nordstrom, A., Jacobs, F.A. Pod harvest index could be a useful selection criteria for drought resistance, to improve the efficiency of breeding programs for selecting superior genotypes of common bean. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; - Stay tuned for learning! Part of Springer Nature. Grain yield; maximum root length, Root volume, Root dry weight, Root thickness, Root surface area, above ground biomass, Harvest index, Leaf drying, Leaf tip firing, Delay in flowering, Aerenchyma, Leaf pubescence. "European beech harbours substantial genetic variation at genomic loci associated to drought resistance and the loci identified in this study can help to accelerate and monitor this . & Aspinal D. The physiology and biochemistry of drought resistance in plants Academic Press Sydney, NY, Kriedmann, P.E., Loveys, B.R., Fuller, G.L. No difference in ABA content was observed between cultivars under well-watered conditions. 53 247 273. Funct Plant Biol 37:8597, Ruuska SA, Rebetzke GJ, van Herwaarden AF, Richards RA, Fettell NA, Tabe L, Jenkins CLD (2006) Genotypic variation in water-soluble carbohydrate accumulation in wheat. It contains information from experimentally verified protein-coding sequences (CDS), expression profiling under several abiotic stresses (drought, salinity, dehydration and ABA), and computationally predicted protein subcellular localization and cis -regulatory elements (CREs) analysis. It contains information from experimentally verified protein-coding sequences (CDS), expression profiling under several abiotic stresses (drought, salinity, dehydration and ABA), and computationally predicted protein subcellular localization and cis . var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); 2010 Abscisic acid application enhances drought stress tolerance in bedding plants HortScience 45 409 413, Xiao, L.T., Lovatt, C.J., Bertling, I. Nature 422:719722, Hickman R, Hill C, Penfold CA, Breeze E, Bowden L, Moore JD, Zhang P, Jackson A, Cooke E, Bewicke-Copley F, Mead A, Beynan J, Wild DL, Denby KJ, Ott S, BuchananWollaston V (2013) A local regulatory network around three NAC transcription factors in stress responses and senescence in Arabidopsis leaves. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Crop Sci 47:1518. doi:10.2135/cropsci2006.06.0383, Beebe S, Skroch PW, Tohme J, Duque MC, Pedraza F, Nienhuis J (2000) Structure of genetic diversity among common bean landraces of middle American origin based on correspondence analysis of RAPD. Zhang and Ervin (2004) reported that exogenous application of ZR can increase endogenous ZR content and improve drought tolerance in creeping bentgrass. Drought is the main abiotic constraint of the production of common bean. Mol Breed 34:283295, Tsuji H, Taoka KI, Shimamoto K (2013) Florigen in rice: complex gene network for florigen transcription, florigen activation complex, and multiple functions. At the end of 2025, this blog will be at the top #10 Agricultural Study blog in the world and by 2030 the #1 resource hub for young agriculturists! Diapause was not mentioned as part of the life history of these species. min1 at 30 C using methanol and 0.075% acetic acid as a mobile phase (45:55, v/v). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The interactions between the cultivar and the soil moisture treatment were not statistically significant for all parameters examined in this study. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Acosta-Gallegos JA, White JW (1995) Phenological plasticity as an adaptation by common bean to rainfed environments. & Li, C.H. Bars marked with the same letter for each sampling date are not significantly different at P 0.05. Wageningen UR Frontis Series, pp 127144, Rosales MA, Ocampo E, Rodrguez-Valentn R, Olvera-Carrillo Y, Acosta-Gallegos JA, Covarrubias AA (2012) Physiological analysis of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars uncovers characteristics related to terminal drought resistance. These are called water savers or Accelerating water uptake sufficiently so as to replenish the lost water called as water spenders. Observed levels of drought resistance had no significant relation with morphological traits such as leaf width and internode length but were found to be associated with various physiological traits. } Abscisic acid accumulation and osmotic adjustment in cassava under water deficit, Bascisic acid and cytokinins as possible root-to-shoot signals in xylem sap of rice plants grown in drying soil, Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies, Relationship between leaf water status, abscisic acid levels and stomatal resistance in maize and sorghum, Improving drought resistance and persistence in turf-type tall fescue, ABA, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide signaling in stomatal quard cells, Comparison of hormonal responses to heat, drought and combined stress in tobacco plants with elevated proline content, The content of abscisic acid and the activities of proteinases and trypsin inhibitory proteins, in the germinating seed of common beans under water stress conditions, A microscale technique for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry measurements of picogram amounts of indole-3-acetic acid in plant tissues, Handbook of plant ecophysiology techniques, The involvement of cytokinins in plant responses to environmental stress, Heat shock protein 70 regulates the abscisic acid-induced antioxidant response of maize to combined drought and heat stress, Role of phytohormones in plant responses to stresses, Plant response to environmental stresses: From phytohormones to genome reorganization, The physiology and biochemistry of drought resistance in plants, Changes in cell ultrastructure and endogenous abscisic acid and indole-3-acetic acid concentration in, leaves under polyethylene glycol induced water stress, Cytokinins: Chemistry, activity, and function, Effect of exogenous indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid on internal levels of the respective auxins and their conjugation with aspartic acid during adventitious root formation in pea cuttings, The auxin-like effects of humic preparations from leonardite, Changes in the levels of IAA and ABA in cucumber leaves under progressive soil drought, Relationships among drought resistance, transpiration rates, and abscisic acid levels in three northern conifers, Role of antioxidant systems in wheat genotypes tolerance to water stress, Role of abscisic acid and indole acetic acid in the stunted growth of water-stressed, etiolated squash hypocotyls, Regulatory metabolic networks in drought stress responses, Plant growth and development: Hormones and environment, Plant senescence: A proposed integration of the constituent processes, Plant senescence: Its biochemistry and physiology, Influence of water stress on endogenous hormone contents and cell damage of maize seedlings, Abscisic acid application enhances drought stress tolerance in bedding plants, Differences in endogenous hormones between normal and dwarfing trifoliate orange, Relationships of endogenous plant hormones to accumulation of grain protein and starch in winter wheat under different post-anthesis soil water statuses, Cell signaling during cold, drought, and salt stress, Hormonal changes in the grains of rice subjected to water stress during grain filling, Simultaneous determination of 8 endogenous hormones in apricot floral bud by high performance liquid chromatography, Cytokinin-containing seaweed and humic acid extracts associated with creeping bentgrass leaf cytokinins and drought resistance, Impact of biosolids on hormone metabolism in drought-stressed tall fescue, Biosolids impact on tall fescue drought resistance, Antioxidant responses to hormone-containing product in kentucky bluegrass subjected to drought, Hormone-containing products' impact on antioxidant status of tall fescue and creeping bentgrass subjected to drought, Salt and drought stress signal transduction in plants,, National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, 2008,, American Society for Horticultural Science. Leaf proline content increased in response to drought stress (Fig. Theor Appl Genet 120:527541, McIntyre CL, Seung D, Casu RE, Rebetzke GJ, Shorter R, Xue GP (2012) Genotypic variation in the accumulation of water soluble carbohydrates in wheat. Nat Genet 45:10971102, Valluru R, Reynolds MP, Salse J (2014) Genetic and molecular bases of yield-associated traits: a translational biology approach between rice and wheat. Sunken, small size and less number of stomata are associated with drought resistance. The ability of many mycorrhizal fungi to form mycelial networks, in which an individual mycelium connects to the roots of multiple host plants, provides a mechanism for the redistribution of water into upper soil layers experiencing low soil water potential. Plants have evolved several mechanisms to cope with water deficit stress which includes drought escape and drought tolerance. Alves, A.A.G. doi:10.1093/jxb/eru054, Pinto RS, Reynolds MP, Mathews KL, McIntyre CL, Olivares-Villegas JJ, Chapman SC (2010) Heat and drought adaptive QTL in a wheat population designed to minimize confounding agronomic effects. Among the different abiotic stresses, at the top of the list are salinity, drought, temperature extremes, heavy metals and nutrient imbalances, which contribute to large yield losses of crops in various parts of the world, thereby leading to food insecurity issues. J Cell Sci 126:48234833, Worland AJ (1996) The influence of flowering time genes on environmental adaptability in European wheats. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Potassium In Plants: Function And Deficiency Symptoms, Shrubs Arrangement, Classification, Selection, Planting, How to Come Up with a Farm Name Best Ideas & Tips. Drought tolerance is defined as the ability of plants to continue to be functional at reduced tissue water potentials. The two cultivars, Van Gogh (relatively drought-tolerant . Crop Sci 40:264273. 40 1344 1349, Zhu, J.K. 2002 Salt and drought stress signal transduction in plants Annu. Now infrared thermometers are used to measure leaf water status and stomatal activity. Theor Appl Genet 110:106115, Hayama R, Yokoi S, Tamaki S, Yano M, Shimamoto K (2003) Adaptation of photoperiodic control pathways produces short-day flowering in rice. Mol Plant 4:319330, Yang DL, Jing RL, Chang XP, Li W (2007) Identification of quantitative trait loci, environmental interactions for accumulation, remobilization of water-soluble carbohydrates in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) stems. Field Crop Res 148:2433. New Phytol 195:574584, Stress Physiology Laboratory, Water Technology Centre, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, Delhi, 110 012, India, You can also search for this author in 2003 Improving drought resistance and persistence in turf-type tall fescue Crop Sci. Google Scholar, Bernier J, Kumar A, Venuprasad R, Spaner D, Atlin GN (2007) A large-effect QTL for grain yield under reproductive-stage drought stress in upland rice. 56 207 212, Carrow, R.N. Theor Appl Genet 127:791807, Faricelli ME, Valarik M, Dubcovsky J (2010) Control of flowering time and spike development in cereals: the earliness per se Eps-1 region in wheat, rice and Brachypodium. CAS Plant Mol Biol 82:603622, Guo Y, Cai Z, Gan S (2004) Transcriptome of Arabidopsis leaf senescence. Science 309:741745, CAS Improved adaptation to drought environments has become a main goal of crop breeding due to the increasing scarcity of water that will occur in the future. I am publishing resources regularly on basic agriculture to make a positive footprint in the agriculturists community! However, it is not necessarily crucial in crop resistance to drought if we take into account agronomic criteria (agricultural resistance). In . This is in agreement with previous studies in tall fescue (Zhang et al., 2009) and tobacco (Dobra et al., 2010). Lehr-und Forschungszentrum fr Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Physiological features of drought resistant plants, Shrubs Arrangement, Classification, Selection, Planting, How to Come Up with a Farm Name Best Ideas & Tips. & Zhu, J.K. 2002 Cell signaling during cold, drought, and salt stress Plant Cell 14 suppl 165 183, Yang, J.C., Zhang, J.H., Wang, Z.Q., Zhu, Q.S. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Chitosan and spermine enhance drought resistance in white clover, associated with changes in endogenous phytohormones and polyamines, and antioxidant metabolism., DOI: The physiological and genetic basis of traits is discussed to highlight the complexity of the quantitative traits and the need to integrate this information in breeding drought-resistant crops. This is consistent with previous studies (Bano et al., 1993; Roberts and Dumbroff, 1986; Zhang et al., 2009; Zhang and Ervin, 2004). Many of these traits relate to making appropriate use of water when it is available, often with the aim of ensuring reproductive success and grain yield. No difference in LWC was observed between the two cultivars under well-watered conditions (Fig. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); 23 79 103, Hu, X.L., Liu, R.X., Li, Y.H., Wang, W., Tai, F.J., Xue, R.L. 43 978 984, Desikan, R., Cheung, M., Bright, J., Henson, D., Hancock, J.T. Rockville, MD, Waddington, D.V., Carrow, R.N. The OsRINGzf1 OE plants, with higher leaf-related water content (LRWC) and lower leaf water loss rate (LWLR), exhibited enhanced drought resistance, whereas the RNAi and knockout plants of OsRINGzf1 were more sensitive to drought. PubMed Central doi:10.1046/j.1365-313X.2002.01322.x, Mir RR, Zaman-Allah M, Sreenivasulu N, Trethowan RM, Varshney RK (2012) Integrated genomics, physiology and breeding approaches for improving drought tolerance in crops. Turfgrass quality (1 to 9, with 9 indicating the best) in two tall fescue cultivars under well-watered (90% container capacity) and drought stress conditions (the soil moisture content reduced to 26% container capacity in 8 d and then re-watered at Day 10 and brought back to 90% container capacity for recovery). Euphytica 135:255263, Vijayalakshmi K, Fritz AK, Paulsen GM, Bai G, Pandravada S, Gill BS (2010) Modeling and mapping QTL for senescence-related traits in winter wheat under high temperature. The four treatments were compared based on the data at each sampling date at the 5% probability level. Funct Integr Genomics 12:447464, Kamran A, Iqbal M, Navabi A, Randhawa H, Pozniak C, Spaner D (2013) Earliness per se QTLs and their interaction with the photoperiod insensitive allele Ppd-D1a in the CutlerAC Barrie spring wheat population. Theor Appl Genet 125:625645. Russian 51 513 517, Roberts, D.R. The overall objective of our study was to identify genomic regions associated with drought resistance based on root . & Liao, Z.K. Exp. J Exp Bot. Leaf proline content in two tall fescue cultivars under well-watered (90% container capacity) and drought stress conditions (the soil moisture reduced to 26% container capacity in 8 d and then re-watered at Day 10 and brought back to 90% container capacity for recovery). Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Heat shock proteins, Cell wall proteins, Leaf water potential, Water use efficiency, Aquaporins, Nitrogen use efficiency, Dehydrins. three key processes contribute to improved drought resistance: (i) acquiring greater amount of water by the root system from the soil profile to facilitate transpiration, (ii) acquiring more carbon (biomass) in exchange for the water transpired by crop, e.g. One key gene is HVA1, which shows a linear relationship with drought response - the more highly expressed the HVA1 gene is, the better the drought resistance of the plant. 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The smaller harvest is driving up prices, according to Italian olive oil producer Filippo Berio. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Cuticular thickness and Waxiness of leaf surface help in reducing transpiration. Field Crops Res 13:289299, Song XJ, Huang W, Shi M, Zhu MZ, Lin HX (2007) A QTL for rice grain width and weight encodes a previously unknown RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. Field Crops Res 32:181192, Rebetzke GJ, Appels R, Morrison AD, Richards RA, McDonald G, Ellis MH, Spielmeyer W, Bonnet DG (2001) Quantitative trait loci on chromosome 4B for coleoptile length and early vigour in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Drought resistance (DR) is defined as the mechanism causing minimum loss of yield in a water deficit environment relative to the maximum yield in a water constraint free management of the crop. if(ffid == 2){ Correspondence to Field Crop Res 85:203211. Nat Genet 40:761767, Yan WH, Wang P, Chen HX, Zhou HJ, Li QP, Wang CR, Ding ZH, Zhang YS, Yu SB, Xing YZ, Zhang QF (2011) A major QTL, Ghd8, plays pleiotropic roles in regulating grain productivity, plant height, and heading date in rice. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. The results of our study suggest that IAA may not be consistently related to root biomass and drought tolerance. Drought stress reduced turfgrass quality in both cultivars (Fig. Crop Pasture Sci 65:8095, Gregersen PL, Culetic A, Boschian L, Krupinska K (2013) Plant senescence and crop productivity., Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; var cid = '6584736094'; Genetics 182:13231334, Tester M, Langridge P (2010) Breeding technologies to increase crop production in a changing world. Awns play important role in growth and development of seeds through increase in photosynthetic surface of spike. Drought resistance Drought resistance is mechanisms causing minimum loss of yield in a drought environment. 1) Viscous flow porometers which measure out flow rate of air through the leaf, and.