To make such lending palatable, the tree crop would need to be insured. Drawing thousands of people at over 180 public events, the Rally became the largest public-endorsed, mass awareness campaign in history. Communications went out through Farmer Whatsapp groups, Facebook groups of Farming Communities, via SMS campaigns, local media and press, and through a massive reach-out through individual farmer leaders and influencers. Only Rudram chanting showers rains, but who is going to do that. 7. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve's as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Sadhguru's Free Guided Meditation - Isha Kriya in English: , , , , : : All rights reserved. With more than 50 lakh saplings picked up from Forest Nurseries in Karnataka and incessant demand for saplings in Ishas nurseries in Tamil Nadu, we are well on our way to achieving our target. This model, which in Sadhgurus words marries Ecology with Economy, has been presented and acclaimed at significant forums such as UNCCD, UNEP, UN Climate Action Summit in New York and World Economic Forum (WEF). It will initiate the revitalization of the Cauvery river and transform the lives of 84 million people. Consultations with American agricultural experts attempted to replicate farming methods developed in the United States and Mexico to Indian environments.1 The idea was to import High Yield Variety (HYV) seeds of wheat, rice, and other crops, however, these seeds were dependent on intensive irrigation, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. Even as the motorbike rally traced the course of the Cauvery, simultaneously a massive farmer outreach program was carried out in August and September 2019; our volunteers reached out to about 2,70,000 farmers in 7,000 villages in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Back to outreach Homepage. 11 September 2022, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: Soccer: Bundesliga, 1. Coimbatore, Jan 29 (PTI) Farmers in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have planted a record 2.1 crore tree-saplings in two years as part of Cauvery Calling, an initiative of Isha Foundation. In this scenario, once the rains stop, the soil dries out because water is not sequestered by tree roots and transferred to the groundwater table. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. 22. 20. ), Toxic Tears, 2011. In the absence of climate and other mitigating disasters, farmers can expect to earn roughly twice the amount they spend producing crops.8 Farmer suicides have become a national problem in recent decades, and this trend is more pronounced in the Southern states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh (including Chhattisgarh).9 The situation is especially pronounced in the State of Maharashtra, where in a span of four months in 2014, 559 farmers committed suicide.10 The actual number of farmer suicides has likely been higher than the official numbers due to reporting irregularities.11, The States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu heavily depend on water from the Cauvery River and a dispute between the two over water rights has a very long history, culminating in a seventeen-year deliberation by the Supreme Court. This will require a significant change in current credit policies. 2019- 2021 Isha Outreach. Following these activities, instructors could share the PowerPoint presentation found on the website, Cauvery Calling with the class. 2021 The Association for Asian Studies. 6. Back to outreach Homepage. Cauvery Calling aims at increasing the tree cover in Cauvery River Basin as it is reduced by 87% in 50 years. The core team re-strategized and shifted focus to what could be achieved through digital and electronic means and through traditional media. Read More. Back to outreach Homepage. Article Sep 19, 2019 Sadhguru: In Kannada language, the word "varsha" means rain. It is a FACT! Only rains provide sustenance. The Cauvery Calling Movement is an off-spring of the massive Rally for Rivers Campaign a nation-wide call for the Rejuvenation of Indian Rivers. FC Union Berlin, Matchday 6, RheinEnergieStadion. Back to outreach Homepage. In terms of numbers, the Cauvery Calling teams were prepared for a slow start. Sadhguru answers various questions from the Karnataka media on Cauvery Calling and its Great work Sadguru and I am highly impressed with the outreach to make people aware. Cauvery Calling. Search. And it will not only save the Cauvery but create, at a conservative estimate a quarter of a million jobs. A scholar of Modern Asian History with a focus on Japan, she graduated from Portland State University (B.A.-Political Science, 2006), Eastern Kentucky University (M.A.-American History, 2010), and Michigan State University (Ph.D.- East Asian History, 2017). But the plan, as it has been announced, is incomplete. State governments have expressed support, farmers have enrolled into the idea and UN bodies have backed its complementary model that marries economy and ecology. "Cauvery Calling" is the action phase of the earlier 'Rally For Rivers' (RFR) campaign that was launched in 2017. These have combined to make farming more and more hazardous. Bringing focus to the River Cauvery, which has faced severe depletion of over 40% in 70 years, this widespread Peoples Movement aims to revitalize the river and the life it supports. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. Contribute Rs 42 per tree. HYV seeds account for 11 percent, and pesticides make up an additional 7.5 percent. 4. This intensive irrigation meant that wells were pumping groundwater which otherwise would flow into rivers. Isha Cauvery Calling Sep 30 60.38 Million of 2.42 Billion Trees Cauvery Calling China - Action Now! Mazumdar-Shaw, Growing Money on Trees: Agroforestry Can Spark a New Economic Revolution for India. How has the pandemic impacted Cauvery Calling? It has emerged from a public campaign that elicited the support of an unprecedented 162 million people. It will initiate the revitalization of the Cauvery river and transform the lives of 84 million people. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The #CauveryCalling team, with the cooperation and support of farmers and the government, managed to get 11 million saplings ready for planting by farmers in. UN Environment's Compendium on Nature Based Solutions for desertification included the model articulated by Ishas environmental projects. Discussing their strategies, successes and failures; planning the way forward. A.R. Cauvery Callings Achievements So Far Sadhguru Explains. It aims to revive the Cauvery (Kaveri) river by restoring the natural biodiversity in this approx 1,50,000 river basin. In fact, the policy was initially very successful, especially in the Punjab region. This is what it takes on the ground. Discovery Channel, Cauvery Calling: A Race to Save a River, 2020. #CauveryCalling Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. Cauvery is Calling In the summer of 2019, the city of Chennai was hit by a water crisis of horrifying proportions. The vision is to facilitate the planting of 2.42 billion trees in the river basin, which will improve soil health and increase water retention, while improving the income of farmersby 3-8 times in 5-7 years,and transform the lives of 84 million people. All Rights Reserved. International partnerships include UNCCD, UNEP, IUCN, CGIAR, WEF and Back to outreach Homepage. 11. Sadhguru answers a question on the progress of Cauvery Calling, and why a few individuals are resisting the solution that Cauvery Calling proposes. Extreme Heat is affecting mostly Asia, India in particular, where the land and people are thirsty for sustenance. But this would still be half to a quarter of the rate farmers now pay to money lenders and micro-finance institutions. In the Cauvery River basin, underground water extraction is around 90 percent annually and much of this water is used to produce monocrops. Every possible avenue to spread the message was explored. As a result of this situation, and with external pressures from the United States and international organizations, the central government made a concerted effort to reform agricultural practices and ushered in what would come to be known as the Green Revolution. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Growing Money on Trees: Agroforestry Can Spark a New Economic Revolution for India, Times of India, December 11, 2019. Mazumdar-Shaw, Growing Money on Trees: Agroforestry Can Spark a New Economic Revolution for India. Sep 30, 2020 September 3rd, the anniversary of 'Rally For Rivers', also marks the day that 'Cauvery Calling' was launched two years later in 2019. 1 % Cauvery Calling Campaign . Cauvery Calling - The 1st Planting Season: An Update, Sadhguru on Cauvery Calling: Press Meet with Karnataka Media. Monthly donations: The first donation will be debited as per the mandate, for donations made using the Net-banking payment method, the first donation may be a little delayed due to the bank approval process. Back to outreach Homepage. In Tamil Nadu, Ishas nurseries with 15 years of experience behind them worked in full swing from December 2019 onwards to prepare saplings for the upcoming monsoon planting season. Isha Foundation, Two Weeks on Two Wheels-Cauvery Calling Glimpses, accessed February 3, 2021, Undaunted by torrential rains and the pandemic, #CauveryCalling team has been working in the Cauvery Basin districts to support sapling distribution for farmers. One way would be to grant rural youth Tree Pattas (leases) on denuded forest or revenue lands, advance them the saplings against future recovery of their cost by the forest department when the trees are sold, and give them access to low interest loans to meet their living expenses till the trees begin to be sold. Farmers were given the number 80009 80009 and over 120 trained volunteers prepared to answer farmers queries in Kannada and Tamil between 9 am and 9 pm every day. All on-ground activity came to a standstill and work was taken up digitally. Consequently, the foundation has worked to help farmers transition to agroforestry, a method of cultivation in which trees and shrubs are grown alongside cash crops. Action Now to save Cauvery! FC Cologne - 1. This activity might be followed with a discussion of the sorts of conflicts which are likely to erupt between states or nations dependent on the same river for survival in a time of severe drought. Cauvery Calling, an initiative taken by the Isha foundation, is a powerful reminder of how it can be used to improve peoples lives. Hence massive deforestation that has stripped the basin of 87 per cent of its tree cover; more frequent floods and droughts; repeated subdivision of land holdings till they become uneconomical; a sharp increase in the leasing out of land to tenants-at-will who face rising lease rates, increasing water, power, seed and fertiliser costs but, holding no title to the land. 12. Among the non-timber saplings, neem, almond, jackfruit, gooseberry, pomegranate and jacaranda have seen the most uptake. Jayaram, Litigation Over Cauvery Riots Case Comes to an End, The Hindu, March 10, 2004. This mismanagement of the underground water table is a major reason for the river drying up.4, As a result of generations of dividing family land in inheritances, 83 percent of Indian cultivators own less than five acres of land, with the average land holding at around three-and-one-quarter acres. A focused and impactful project, Cauvery Calling was initiated as part of the Rally for Rivers Campaign on 3rd September 2019 by Sadhguru. Back to outreach Homepage. Search. Increasingly, monsoons meant that topsoil was washed away causing problems seen with nitrogen fertilizers in many parts of the world: soil and water pollution. These will hold back 9 to 12 trillion litres of water and increase the availability of water in the Cauvery by 40 to 55 per cent. Bangalore and Tumkur Nadi Veeras having their meeting at Devarayana Durga. The farmer was touched and had tears in his eyes after learning that Sharath was a volunteer who had given 3 years of his life for Rally for Rivers. All rights reserved worldwide. 2019- 2021 Isha Outreach. Search. These will . As these HYV seeds required a consistent water supply, monsoon rains supplemented digging deep wells which greatly taxed the aquifers and began to deplete the underground water supply. One way to do that would be to add an insurance premium to the interest rate charged on loans to agriculture, which is akin to the hedging premia that international banks regularly attach to loans to borrowers from developing countries. I have just learned about it and intend to get involved right away. Their relentless commitment is Inspiring. This was crucial in mapping the system of supply and demand across the 29 Basin Districts and 166 taluks in the two states where the project is spread. It is a cry for help to save the agriculture, save the land, and save the lives of the farmers of the Cauvery basin, which stretches for 800 kilometres north-west to South-east across Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Launched last September, the movement has made significant headway locally and globally. Cauvery Calling is a carefully crafted model that can revitalize rivers, revive the soil, and increase farmer incomes, not just for India, but the entire tropical world. One approach to having high school and college students understand the need for Rally for Rivers could be to have them visit the projects main website ( and interact with the time lapse maps of the major, threatened Indian rivers to see the stunning visuals of these depleted waterways. A nearly 800-page document outlining how rivers can be saved using agroforestry delivered to Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been recommended by the government thinktank, Niti Aayog, for implementation across India.22. KAPY was involved in preparing approximately 70 lakh saplings from the high value and lucrative species list as recommended by the projects technical teams. AAS Takes Action to Build Diversity & Equity in Asian Studies, Cultivating the Humanities & Social Sciences Initiative Grants, Gosling-Lim Postdoctoral Fellowship in Southeast Asian Studies, Striving for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Asian Studies: Humanities Grants for Asian Studies Scholars, Distinguished Contributions to Asian Studies Award, Distinguished Service to the Association for Asian Studies Award, Re-envisioning Asia: Contestations and Struggles in the Visual Arts,, Volume 26:1 (Spring 2021) Asias Environments: National, Regional, and Global Perspectives. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. Cauvery Calling is a huge project of revitalization. Isha Foundation, What is Rally for Rivers?, accessed February 1, 2021, The initial plans included mobilizing farmers through large scale training events across all nine Cauvery basin districts followed by taluk level training programs and on-ground exposure visits to model farms. "just by doing cauvery calling project, that is 2.42 billion trees in 83,000 sq km, 5.2 million farmers will benefit, 9 to 12 trillion litres of water will be sequestered and 200 to 300 million. 15. All Rights Reserved. Search. 1. Search. This is such an important, worthwile project. There is another Vedic rejuvenation method that should be explored. We only think rivers are for our utility, nothing given to them. Cauvery Calling. Over 162 million people called the phone number, and due to this volume of calls, government officials at all levels backed it. For the RTLzwei documentary, the band members have traveled to locations of their career. At this time the government was unaware of the devastating ecological effects the Green Revolution would have. Although the sapling distribution points were closed in line with government directions, the saplings were tended by one or two persons who lived in each of the Isha nurseries permanently. Saplings can be obtained for Rs.15 per sapling in some of the road-side nurseries for common household plants. Cauvery Calling has presented one way out of this crisis. Over 250 farmers turned up and had the chance to have their questions answered by eminent Forest officials and expert farmers such as Kavitha Umashankar Mishra. About 11 million saplings will be planted on Cauvery Basin farmlands by the end of this first season. Cauvery Calling is a 12-year mission to restore the mighty river to her original glory. R. Avadhani, Drought, Debt Driving Farmers to Suicide, The Hindu, April 13, 2015. The Green Revolution also ushered in a shift away from animal power in favor of tractors. Search. On this International Day of Forests, join Sadhguru to celebrate the success of Cauvery Calling in 2020 along with Hon. Tom Dieters (Dir. Cauvery Calling. Cauvery Calling, an initiative taken by the Isha foundation, is a powerful reminder of how it can be used to improve peoples' lives. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. This campaign will support farmers to plant 6 Million (60 Lac) trees to revitalize Cauvery. Eighty-three per cent of all farmers are in chronic debt and 47,190 have taken their lives it in the past 15 years. Back to outreach Homepage. Saplings grew well this year in Cauvery Calling nurseries in Tamil Nadu. Donations for Cauvery Calling are tax-deductible under Section 80G for Indian Tax Payers. With over 162 million people participating, the month-long campaign in 2017 generated overwhelming support from the people of India and across the world. Cauvery Calling. Cauvery Calling is all-inclusive Peoples' movement with partnerships with farmers, civil society, concerned government bodies, and local NGOs. 29 August 2022, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: Patricia Kelly, member of the Kelly Family, comes to the presentation of the new documentary series "The Journey Continues" at the Residenz Theater. Cauvery Calling Movement, through farmers, had planted 2.1 crore trees in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, Isha Agroforestry Coordinator Tamil Maran said at a press meet held here on Saturday.The. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa - IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with the requirements of the . Sapling production was aimed at a conservative figure for the first year, which was further impeded by the COVID situation. 2. But what has been happening in the lead-up to this first Planting Season? Sadhguru has been emphatic that any plan to save the river cannot disrupt peoples livelihoods because it would ultimately fail if it did; and he is also disturbed by the suicide epidemic within the farming community. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. Hopefully, readers will enjoy the essay, the hoop-la surrounding the charismatic leader of the project, and be as intrigued by the variety of reactions as I was when exploring the . Back to outreach Homepage. It will initiate the revitalization of the Cauvery river and transform the lives of 84 million people. In the following months, from December 2019 to February 2020, this was followed up with a series of ground level awareness and training programs. Nadiveeras in the central nursery in Hunsur, Mysuru, counting and checking the saplings with the nursery in-charge. The government had to import large amounts of wheat from the United States to avoid calamity. Her teaching fields are: East Asian History, General Asian History, Asian American History, Modern American History, and Diplomatic History. Ishas plan is audacious. Cauvery Calling has presented one way out of this crisis. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. Vasavi, Killing Fields, The Hindu, May 2, 2015. Sadhguru JV update progress about Cauvery calling in this video and there is update about nadeeveeras and samplings that are happening all around this progra. At present, banks lend money only against the surety of fixed, tangible assets such as land or raw material inventories, but not against the future value of standing crops. Back to outreach Homepage. (Prem Shankar Jha is a veteran Indian journalist and writer, and is is the author of this article. P. Sainath, Farm Suicides Worse After 2001-Study, The Hindu, July 13, 2007. Reading the essay and learning about the defenders and opponents of "Cauvery Calling" is a useful exercise that encourages the development of critical thinking. In This Video Sadhguru tells Important update regarding Cauvery Calling Happening in the State of Karnataka And also tells What actually Rich life Mean Donations are not refundable. People like you and me come and go, but she has been flowing for a million years.. The main objective of the Green Revolution, food security, was met within a few years. It also means "year" and also "land", as in "Bharat Varsh". Cauvery Calling. Sg Cauvery Calling's Achievements So Far - Sadhguru Explains Watch on Tags Updates 2 Comments Cauvery Calling hosted its first-ever tree-based agriculture training in Karnataka on 14th Feb in Mysuru. The aim is to plant 242 crore saplings in Cauvery River Basin in a span of 12 years. Cauvery river is a river of southern India that is in dire straits, more recently, the river bed has all dried up and flow seldom reaches the ocean. This, if implemented, can benefit the environment and improve the livelihoods of Indias farmers, who account for nearly 50 percent of the workforce.16 Shifting to agroforestry will mean an increase of between 300 percent and 500 percent in farmers earnings after a five-to-seven-year transition period.17, The Isha Foundation has petitioned the government to support farmers in various capacities, including providing a living stipend while they are transitioning from cash crops to agroforestry, offer zero-interest, or low-interest loans for farmers to purchase items necessary to set up agroforestry, offer fruit crop and livestock insurance, facilitate, and incentivize the use of organic rather than chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and provide certification for organic produce.18 Moreover, the Isha Foundation has worked with the government to allow farmers to harvest trees they grow on their land, which will allow farmers to have a source of emergency income, if needed, and curb the importation of illegally-harvested timber which India consumes in large quantities annually.19, To raise awareness of the campaign, Sadhguru commenced Rally for Rivers in September 2017. Copyright CauveryHoldings LLC. As with every other area of life, the pandemic disrupted plans and the progress of Cauvery Calling teams. People's Republic of China Aug 15 76,547 of 6 Million Trees An interactive system was also put into place: a 12-hour farmers helpline was set up. Cauvery Calling is a first of its kind campaign, setting the standard for how India's rivers - the country's lifelines - can be revitalized. The Kelly Family unveils new docu-series. Sadhguru answers a question on the progress of Cauvery Calling, and why a few individuals are resisting the solution that Cauvery Calling proposes. With over 162 million people participating, the month-long campaign in 2017 generated overwhelming support from the people of India and across the world. Search. It will initiate the revitalization of the Cauvery river and transform the lives of 84 million people. It is to bring one-third of the Cauvery basin back under quick-growing forest cover by planting 2.42 billion (242 crore) trees. It will initiate the revitalization of the Cauvery river and transform the lives of 84 million people. So far, timber species teak, red sanders, mahogany, sandalwood, African mahogany, Melia dubia and rosewood have been popular with the farmers. Yet collectively, farmers lands account for 41 percent of all land holdings in the country. In spite of the vagaries of this first year, it has been a time of substantial learning. Plans for exponential growth in the second season are already being formulated. The state already had an existing scheme called the Krishi Aranya Protsaha Yojane (KAPY), which dovetailed seamlessly with Cauvery Callings move towards Agroforestry. Most of the blood flowing in my body is Cauvery. Cauvery Calling. The guru has dedicated this day, over the last few years, towards the rejuvenation of rivers worldwide. Back to outreach Homepage. 1. P. Sainath, Maharashtra: Graveyard of Framers, The Hindu, April 29, 2007. . So how will the labour be paid during the 5 to 7 years before the first thinning and sale of the tree crop? Cauvery Calling. Cauvery Calling Campaign will support farmers to plant 242 Cr trees to revitalize Cauvery. Its reliance on crowd funding through the internet is the first of its kind in India. Action Now to Save Cauvery! Nadi Veera Sharath visits influential farmer Satish in Seethakal, Tumkuru to inform him about Cauvery Calling and garner his support for the movement. 9. In decades past, there were on average 140 days of monsoon rains per year in the State of Tamil Nadu and it was easy to make use of water year-round as wells produced water when the rains stopped. The Isha Foundation has estimated that it will cost Rs 42 to plant a tree, so it needs to raise an initial investment of Rs 10,142 crores. The nurseries have since reopened in full strength after permission was granted. To date, the helpline has fielded over a whopping 26000 queries, and volunteers have been responding to questions, addressing farmer concerns as well as helping them locate nurseries closest to them. It is a cry for help to save the agriculture, save the land, and save the lives of the farmers of the Cauvery basin, which stretches for 800 kilometres north-west to South-east across Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Cauvery Calling. HELEN KAIBARA is Assistant Professor, History of Asia at Jacksonville State University. I have lived off this river many times by myself I never experienced the river as some kind of a natural resource. The Projects core methodology of River Revitalization through the economically viable process of tree-based agriculture or Agroforestry has achieved warm appreciation and recognition from some of the most important ecological platforms worldwide. Thank you Sadhguru for initiating Cauvery Calling! Search. 10. These had to be set aside. State governments have first ignored the crisis and then salvaged their conscience by announcing farm loan waivers that only benefit the rich farmers and the moneylenders who hold the rest in thrall. One desperate farmer even paid to have eight wells dug on his five-acre plot, but none of them provided water. Sadhguru answers a question on the progress of Cauvery Calling, and why a few individuals are resisting the solution that Cauvery Calling proposes. Farmers are unable repay moneylenders when crops fail.7 Despite these problems, the cost of irrigating High Yield Variety (HYV) seeds is not the largest cost for cultivators. This would allow for the formation of organic content in the soil, and this revitalized soil will be better-able to retain moisture in order to replenish the groundwater table.15 This in turn, will lead to an increase in water level of Cauvery, as rivers are feed via the underground water table in addition to rain. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript. Cauvery Calling. Due to practices such as these, 87 percent of the tree cover has been cleared in the Cauvery River basin, and this is compounded by the problem of the overuse of chemical fertilizers in hopes of getting a better yield. Students could be prompted to think about how they would cope if one summer no water came out of the faucets and the only way to get water for cooking, bathing, and cleaning, was to fill jugs at a neighborhood gathering spot where the government had arranged for a water truck delivery every three days. How would relations with neighbors be affected if the water truck ran out of its supply before everyone could fill jugs? 13. Most of these farms depend on rainwater for irrigation, so in recent years when rainfall has been erratic, farmers have greatly suffered.5 In 2015, for instance, during a drought in Andhra Pradesh, only 200 of the estimated 1,200 wells supplied watereven wells situated near a local water tank were dry. The state governments, especially those of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, pledged support for the program and spoke of hope that the people of their respective states could put aside memories of the Cauvery conflict.21 The Isha Foundation also launched a missed call campaign in which they asked people to call a number and then hung up in order to show their support. The project seeks to rejuvenate the Cauvery Basin by urging and supporting farmers in the Basin districts in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu to make a partial shift from conventional agri-crops to perennial Agroforestry. Recently, monsoons rains have been occurring over roughly every forty-one to seventy-five days, leading to devastating floods. FC Kln - 1. This incentive is crucial to tide the farmer through the initial three years of plantation till such time that they can start enjoying the yields. Sadhguru launched Rally for Rivers on September 3, 2017 to revitalize India's rapidly depleting rivers, and personally drove over 9300 kms through 16 states to raise awareness about the dire situation.