| Detail , ,, 2010: Climate Change Adaptation in New York City: Building a Risk Management Response: New York City Panel on Climate Change 2009 Report. Reschedule or cancel outdoor activity. Retain two cores, one for verification testing and one for independent third-party testing. If there is a bid item for data cores, discuss the requirements for pulling the data cores and the requirements for submitting the data core summary and photographic record to the engineer and. Abu-Asab, M. S., P. M. Peterson, S. G. Shetler, and S. S. Orli, 2001: Earlier plant flowering in spring as a response to global warming in the Washington, DC, area. At completion of the lot, and within 7 days of receiving all of the quality control test data for the lot, the engineer runs a verification check of the contractors quality control data and provides the results of the verification check to the contractor. Verify with the district weights and measures coordinator that the proposed liquid antistrip metering device and storage tank are Caltrans-qualified under the. Assure the proper chain of custody is maintained throughout the process, including delivery to and receipt from a commercial shipping service. Check the acceptance tests box on the TL-0101. | Detail , ,, 2011: Inventory of New York City Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Check the box on the sample TL-0101 for acceptance test. Climatic Change, 71, 175-201, doi:10.1007/s10584-005-5931-2. To meet these timelines, ship samples immediately. For example, when Chicago, Denver, or New York experience unusually hot summertime temperatures, elevated levels of illness and death are predicted. Hot pavement and rooftop surfaces transfer their excess heat to stormwater, which then drains into storm sewers and raises water temperatures as it is released into streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. ), high consensus, Moderate evidence (several sources, some consistency, methods vary and/or documentation limited, etc. For HMA placed using the SPF process, once a lot has been completed and you have received all of the contractors test results, immediately share your verification test results with the contractor. Sea Level Rise Initiative Project Compendium. The evaluation is also required when production has stopped for more than 30 days and if a new job mix formula is being used. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 57, 1-9. Global Change Research Program. The spreadsheet is available at: The SPF specifications require that the quality control manager enter the quality control test data into the SPFPay spreadsheet after each sublot. If determined that the contractor-defined areas can be corrected by prepaving grinding, assure that the response defines the reasoning. For method process, make sure the specified number of rollers will be used based on the type of HMA being placed. Planning and Development-City of Berkeley, CA. Newton, Carran, R.A., Edwards, G.R., and Niklaus, P.A., Eds., CRC Press, 261-287. Examples of Cooler Reflective Streets for Urban Heat-Island Mitigation: Portland Cement Concrete and Chip Seals. Upon completion of the final HMA surface, use these stations to define leave-out sections in the profile data file covering the final HMA surface. Verifies that the contractor is adjusting the HMA plant controller based on the contractors aggregate moisture quality control testing. For HMA placed using the SPF process, verify contractors quality control testing laboratory and quality testing personnel are accredited and qualified under the Independent Assurance Program. Verify that the profile data file covering the surface of the completed prepaving grinding work defines lane sections where the final pavement surface will and will not have the smoothness specifications applied to it. For pay factor quality characteristics, when the engineer does not verify the contractors quality control test results, the resident engineer notifies the contractor of the failed verification. Over time spent living in urban habitats, they have adapted to thrive in warmer climates than in cooler ones.[43]. One way to speed up your propertys asphalt cure is to keep it cool, as colder temperatures help asphalt harden and set, as said. Form CEM-3512, Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data, which documents the testing data developed by the mix design laboratory. Under the standard process, HMA represented by a single failed Caltrans test is noncompliant. The new sources above relied on improved models that have been calibrated to new observational data across the region. This risk is not limited to the 1-in-100-year flood zone; in the Mid-Atlantic part of the region alone, estimates suggest that between 450,000 and 2.3 million people are at risk from a three foot sea level rise,52 which is in the range of projections for this century. Social Science Quarterly, 84, 242-261, doi:10.1111/1540-6237.8402002. There may be additional samples that have not been tested. Method. Monitoring lost water weight can help you determine how much fluid you need to drink. [35] An alternative is to use a complex simulation of the location to calculate the UHI, or to use an approximate empirical method. If cold planing is required, discuss the requirement that the cold planer be equipped with automatic controls, such as a ski device or averaging system. The average maximum temperature, or the average of how hot it got each day, ended up at 87.8 degrees, narrowly edging 1979's record of 87.5 degrees. Seed for new stress-tolerant varieties is sometimes expensive or regionally unavailable, and new varieties often require investments in new planting equipment or require adjustment in a wide range of farming practices. Many Northeast cities, including New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, are served by combined sewer systems that collect and treat both stormwater and municipal wastewater. If the resident engineer finds these stop notifications and that the quality control manager did not stop production or notify the engineer of the need to stop production, the resident engineer stops production, and does not allow production to proceed until the contractor identifies the sublot or sublots of material that will be rejected from the lot. These stakeholder interactions were surveyed and engaged in the preparation of this chapter. In the evening, the difference can be as high as 22F (12C). If a city or town has a good system of taking weather observations the UHI can be measured directly. | Detail , Beckage, B., B. Osborne, D. G. Gavin, C. Pucko, T. Siccama, and T. Perkins, 2008: A rapid upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont. To keep that foundation or base in good condition, wait until the rain stops and the ground dries before new asphalt installation or repairs. When HMA is produced and placed using the SPF process, the sampling requirements for pay factor and non-pay factor quality characteristics differ. [79] Rapid temperature changes can be stressful to aquatic ecosystems. American Journal of Public Health, 97, 2028-2034, doi:10.2105/Ajph.2006.102947. Hot mix asphalt aggregate lime treatmentslurry method, Hot mix asphalt aggregate lime treatmentdry lime method, Verify with the district weights and measures coordinator that the proposed lime treatment plant is Caltrans-qualified in accordance with the. This assessment of confidence is based on our review of the literature and submitted input and has been defended internally and externally in conversation with local decision-makers and representatives of interested NGOs, as well as the extensive interactions with stakeholders across the region reported in the Northeast TIR.17, Very high confidence that infrastructure will be increasingly compromised, based on the clear evidence of impacts on current infrastructure from hazards such as Hurricane Irene, and from the huge deficit of needed renewal identified by a diverse engineering community.57. When the HMA is run through the material transfer vehicle, paver, or both, the mat temperature may be above the minimum specified breakdown temperature. If No ones ever really ready for winter to move inthe cold weather, snow and wind that hurts your face, not to mention the slush and Technology has been propelling human innovation since our first ancestors picked up a bone and used it as a hammer. Make sure that tack coat is applied to surfaces to be paved and at a high enough rate to meet the minimum residual rate specified. The terms blacktop and asphalt are often used interchangeably; however, blacktop technically refers to an asphalt mixture with a higher concentration of crushed stone. AMETEK Land (Land Instruments International) is the worlds leading manufacturer of monitors and analysers for industrial infrared non-contact temperature measurement, combustion efficiency and environmental pollutant emissions. Notifies both the contractor and the resident engineer if the test results are significantly different. American Journal of Epidemiology, 157, 531-538, doi:10.1093/aje/kwg014. Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. If the person is young and healthy and suffered heat stroke while exercising vigorously -- whats known as exertional heat stroke -- you can use an ice bath to help cool the body. Under the standard process, for most tests, test a minimum of every fifth sample, but not less than once per day. Record the type of mix, the HMA producer, the producers mix identification number, and the production tonnage that this sample represents. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39, 231-248, doi:10.1139/X08-171. Determine early if the contractor plans to perform inertial profiling as a means to control quality of smoothness or when the paving is completed. With attempts to mitigate and manage urban heat islands, temperature changes and the availability of food and water are reduced. Tests aggregate samples for sand equivalent at the frequency shown in Table 61.13 of this manual. Specific heat is the energy needed to raise a unit mass of a substance by one unit of temperature, typically expressed in units of J/kgK. Asphalt is heated during its composition to keep it pliable and easy to spread, as said. Type A HMA may be rejected for not meeting minimum first coverage of breakdown surface temperature shown in Section 39-2.02C, Construction, of the. Of the 12 states in the Northeast, 11 have developed adaptation plans for several sectors and 10 have released, or plan to release, statewide adaptation plans.102 Given the interconnectedness of climate change impacts and adaptation, multi-state coordination could help to ensure that information is shared efficiently and that emissions reduction and adaptation strategies do not operate at cross-purposes. 8, No. If rain is anticipated during the marination period, the contractor must protect the stockpiles. The opposite is true for skin temperatures of the urban landscape within the UHI. Under the dry lime method, if the plasticity index is 4 through 10, aggregates must be marinated. T.R. issue of the ABA Banking Journal. Check with your doctor to see if your health conditions and medications are likely to affect your ability to cope with extreme heat and humidity. The job mix formula verification and production start-up evaluation both offer early opportunities for the contractor to compare quality control test results with acceptance test results. Make sure that aggregate treatment is adequate by witnessing contractor quality control testing, and that the contractor enters the treatment data specified in the special provisions into a log. There are strict guidelines for any new construction that exceeds roughly 20 parking spaces, and this platform helps developers physically see their levels of pollution while trying different methods of construction to figure out the most effective course of action. Make sure the contractors prepaving inertial profiles are used to determine where prepaving grinding work is required. For non-pay factor quality characteristics, always pull at least two samples from two consecutive sublots. Caltrans requires that these same quality assurance standards be met for state-funded projects. [92], Assembly Bill (AB) 32 required the California Air Resources Board to create a scoping plan. Pay factor quality characteristic tests for each lot are statistically evaluated to determine the PWL after completing each sublot. The authors also considered many recent peer-reviewed publications29,30,31,32,33,34,35 that describe how human vulnerabilities to climate hazards in the region can be increased by socioeconomic and other factors. "[27] For example, Barcelona, Spain is 0.2C (0.36F) cooler for daily maxima and 2.9C (5.2F) warmer for minima than a nearby rural station. For Caltrans acceptance sampling and testing, test at the frequency shown in Section 6-1, Sample Types and Frequencies, of this manual. Hall, R. Horton, K. Knuuti, R. Moss, J. Obeysekera, A. Sallenger, and J. Weiss, Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment. Before shift production begins, the plant inspector generally takes the following steps related to HMA plant operations: During production, the plant inspector generally takes the following steps related to HMA plant operations: The plant inspector performs the following additional duties: The HMA may be sensitive to moisture damage and may require one of the following antistrip treatments: Aggregate that has been lime treated and stockpiled for marination is handled in the HMA production process in the same manner as untreated aggregates. 2014. For samples that will be shipped to the district material laboratory or field construction laboratory for testing, completes Form TL-0101, Sample Identification Card. Follows the instructions printed in the booklet that contains the form and the information in Section 6-103, Field Sampled Material Identification for Testing, of this manual. Agriculture, fisheries, and ecosystems will be increasingly compromised over the next century by climate change impacts. If requested, split acceptance samples into four parts: test one, provide one to the contractor, and store two for dispute resolution. Doing so can be dangerous. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 25, 227-234. Check the acceptance tests box on the TL-0101, and identify the acceptance tests to be performed under Remarks. | Detail , Liu, J., J. HMA is placed using one of two specified quality assurance processes: The standard process or statistical pay factor (SPF) process. Web. Both also depend on aging infrastructure that has already been stressed by climate hazards including heat waves, as well as coastal and riverine flooding due to a combination of sea level rise, storm surge, and extreme precipitation events. Sources: Horton and Rosenzweig 2010, Zimmerman and Faris 2010, and Ch. Kirshen, P., C. Watson, E. Douglas, A. Gontz, J. Lee, and Y. Tian, Coastal flooding in the Northeastern United States due to climate change, Knowlton, K., B. Lynn, R. A. Goldberg, C. Rosenzweig, C. Hogrefe, J. K. Rosenthal, and P. L. Kinney, Projecting heat-related mortality impacts under a changing climate in the New York City region, Kunkel, K. E., L. E. Stevens, S. E. Stevens, L. Sun, E. Janssen, D. Wuebbles, J. Rennells, A. DeGaetano, and J. G. Dobson, Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 1. The resident engineer then uses the composite quality factor for the lot and the contractors bid item price to determine the unit price adjustment. 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Store the remaining samples in case additional acceptance testing is necessary. During extreme heat events, nighttime temperatures in the regions big cities are generally several degrees higher28 than surrounding regions, leading to increased heat-related death among those less able to recover from the heat of the day.36 Since the hottest days in the Northeast are often associated with high concentrations of ground-level ozone and other pollutants,37 the combination of heat stress and poor air quality can pose a major health risk to vulnerable groups: young children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions including asthma.29 Vulnerability is further increased as key infrastructure, including electricity for potentially life-saving air conditioning, is more likely to fail precisely when it is most needed when demand exceeds available supply. The Packer,. Samples asphalt modifier binder at the frequencies shown in Section 6-1, Samples Types and Frequencies, of this manual. 17: Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and capacity. HMA plants must comply with the Material Plant Quality Program (MPQP) manual guidelines. Samples asphalt binder at the frequencies shown in Section 6-1, Sample Types and Frequencies, and in accordance with Section 6-2, Acceptance of Manufactured or Fabricated Materials and Products, of this manual, and fills out Form TL-0101 before shipping samples to METS for testing. [87] However, research into the interaction between reflective pavements and buildings has found that, unless the nearby buildings are fitted with reflective glass, solar radiation reflected off light-colored pavements can increase building temperatures, increasing air conditioning demands. You may think that the tire is underinflated but is not. For distributor attributes, refer to Section 37-1.03B, Equipment, of the. Asphalt rubber binder with the components blended in the proportions to be used. Playgrounds, sidewalks, basketball and tennis courts, and other such areas are often paved with blacktop rather than asphalt, to reduce skidding and sliding during play and to provide a safer surface for pedestrian traffic. As soon as it warms back up to 70 degrees F, the tire pressure will be back to the specified 100 PSI. In general, reduced evaporation in the city center and the thermal properties of the city building and paving materials are the dominant parameters. Heat keeps that bitumen pliable so that asphalt can be spread over a surface and then pressed or compacted into place; as it dries, that mixture hardens and becomes the dense pavement you drive over! While some of these functions may seem redundant, each serves a separate purpose. 45 pp., National Hurricane Center. Unless authorized by a change order, reject any HMA placed over an existing asphalt concrete surface that is required to, but does not meet the prepaving grinding smoothness requirements. Discuss the contractors plans for scheduling paving after cold planing to meet the time requirements specified in Section 39-3.04, Cold Planing Asphalt Concrete Pavement, of the. Summers are warm and humid, especially to the south. Cooling Summertime Temperatures: Strategies to Reduce Urban Heat Islands (.pdf). Return-to-home operations. | Detail , Frumhoff, P. C., J. J. McCarthy, J. M. Melillo, S. C. Moser, and D. J. Wuebbles, 2007: Ch. Monitor the contractors planning for prepaving grinding. Verify that the contractor follows the QCP, and when required, makes any necessary changes to the QCP. Quality control testing of aggregates and HMA quality characteristics must be performed at a specified minimum frequency. Infrastructure will be increasingly compromised by climate-related hazards, including sea level rise, coastal flooding, and intense precipitation events. Refer to Section 7-108, Crumb Rubber Usage Reporting, of this manual for more information. URL This may include witness testing and sharing of test data worksheets. While you dont need to wait for perfect weather to fill potholes or schedule asphalt installation, you might consider at what temperature you can lay asphalt and what extremes to avoid. N.p., n.d. For a general discussion on the purpose of this plan, refer to Section 4-3901D, Hot Mix Asphalt Quality Assurance Processes, of this manual. Is it time for fleets to rethink their charging responsibility? If the requirements are not met, there is a risk that federal funds will be withheld or withdrawn. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. A U.S. study suggests that heat can make people more irritable and aggressive, noting that violent crimes increased by 4.58 out of 100,000 for every one degree increase in temperature.[66]. Many of the key references cited in the TIR reflected experiences and processes developed in iterative stakeholder engagement concerning risk management97,98 that have been heavily cited and employed in new venues local communities like Keane (NH) and New York City, for example. If emergency response is delayed, call the hospital emergency room for additional instructions. We offer FREE quotes and no-hassle, no-obligation appointments, and stand behind all our work with a full guarantee you can trust! These include antihistamines, diet pills, diuretics, sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants, seizure medications (anticonvulsants), heart and blood pressure medications such as beta-blockers and vasoconstrictors, and medications for psychiatric illnesses such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. | Detail , Li, T., R. M. Horton, and P. L. Kinney, 2013: Projections of seasonal patterns in temperature-related deaths for Manhattan, New York. The acceptance decision is based on Caltrans test results only. Behavior following the seizure is known as postictal behavior, and includes periods of confusion and disorientation, aimless wandering, compulsive behavior, blindness, pacing, increased thirst (polydipsia) and increased appetite (polyphagia). | Detail , Ruth, M., and A. C. Lin, 2006: Regional energy demand and adaptations to climate change: Methodology and application to the state of Maryland, USA. Makes sure that aggregate is stored separately, according to proposed sizes by comparing the material from each bin with Chapter 2, Section II-E, Aggregate Storage, of the, Checks that supplemental fine aggregate remains dry and is stored separately as specified in, Records daily HMA plant production information on Form CEM3501, Hot Mix Asphalt Production Report.. If this material is incorporated into the paving, additional inspection and testing may be necessary to determine if the mix is acceptable. Volume 347, No. Bill S.4280,[105] introduced to the U.S. Senate in 2020, would authorize the National Integrated Heat Health Information System Interagency Committee (NIHHIS) to tackle extreme heat in the United States. Refer to Section 4-3902C Job Mix Formula Review, of this manual for guidelines on reviewing Form CEM-3511. When the SPF process is specified, discuss the three-day look-ahead HMA production and paving schedule submittal. Justification for any adjustments outside the target values shown on Form CEM3512, Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data, must be listed on the modified Form CEM-3511, Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal.. Throughout the Northeast, populations are also concentrated along rivers and their flood plains. McPherson, Gregory, James Simpson, Paula Peper, Shelley Gardner, Kelaine Vargas, Scott Maco, and Qingfu Xiao. Under the SPF process, the contractor performs quality control inspection, sampling and testing. 25: Coasts, Key Message 4). The contractor may not use this core as part of their reported quality control testing. Do not allow traffic on new HMA until its mid-depth temperature is below 160 degrees Fahrenheit. URL Direct the testing labs to test all samples between the first and second out-of-specification acceptance tests and any remaining samples immediately before or after any failure. Fan air over the patient while wetting their skin with water from a sponge or garden hose. URL This decreases the albedo of the city and thereby magnifies the heating effect. For instance, there is a difference between running on concrete and asphalt. Test within 1 business day from sampling for projects within 50 miles of the testing laboratory or within 2 business days from sampling for projects more than 50 miles from the testing laboratory. Asphalt mixtures have been used in pavement construction since the Surfaces in the urban areas tend to warm faster than those of the surrounding rural areas. The number 8 sieve is less critical, and requires the quality factor to remain above 0.75, which is also expressed as PWL threshold of 45 percent. Some figures and images are copyright protected. | Detail , Boon, J. D., J. M. Brubaker, and D. R. Forrest, 2010: Chesapeake Bay Land Subsidence and Sea Level Change: An Evaluation of Past and Present Trends and Future Outlook. Make sure that rubberized HMA gap-graded and open-graded friction course loads are completely covered with tarpaulins when the atmospheric temperature is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If resurfacing under structures will result in reduced clearance, follow the procedures in Section 3-703B, Permanent Clearance and Bridge Permit Rating Changes, of this manual. | Detail , ,, 2013: Report Card for America's Infrastructure. Disruptions to services provided by public and private infrastructure in the Northeast both interrupt commerce and threaten public health and safety (see also Ch. | Detail , ,, 2009: United States Summary and State Data. ASPHALT PATCH works at any temperature above 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Karl, Melillo, J.T., and Peterson, T.C., Eds. Federal Highway Administration The driver now gets back on the highway and runs for another hour before checking the tire pressure again; pressure is still 118 PSI. Test the HMA production start-up evaluation sample for quality characteristics shown in Section 4-3903D (5), Sampling and Testing Hot Mix Asphalt, of this manual. "[72] Low-income neighborhoods tend to have significantly fewer trees than neighborhoods with higher incomes. These initiatives led to adaptation efforts, including elevating infrastructure, restoring green spaces, and developing evacuation plans that helped reduce damage and save lives during Irene and Sandy (also see discussion of Hurricane Sandy in Ch. Test aggregate at the frequency shown in Table 6-1.13 of this manual. If the trucks are tarped, record that information on Form CEM-3501, Hot Mix Asphalt Production Report.. To know at what temperature you can lay asphalt, first note that asphalt is mixed in a drum, typically at 280 degrees Fahrenheit on average, and then installed while still warm. The contract may include special provisions that require the use of WMA additive technology. IOP Publishing, Ltd., Bristol, UK. Global Systems Science. When the resident engineer determines that a non-pay factor quality characteristic is to be tested, samples are pulled from two consecutive contractor defined sublots. Under both emissions scenarios, the frequency, intensity, and duration of heat waves is expected to increase, with larger increases under higher emissions (Ch. Obtain split samples of HMA from the mat behind the paver or other location approved by the resident engineer, in accordance with California Test 125, Method of Test for Sampling Highway Materials and Products Used in the Roadway Pavement Structure Sections. Table 6-1.13, Materials Acceptance Sampling and Testing Requirements, of this manual provides the frequency for sampling HMA mix.