Answer: Their genetic material is protected by a protein coat called capsid. 2. Euglenoids: Question 36. Balbharati solutions for Biology 11th Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 (Systematics of Living Organisms) include all questions with solution and detail explanation. Answer: (D) Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell in all kingdoms except Monera. The major characteristics used in classifying the organisms into 5 kingdoms are. (i) Species: Explain the term taxonomic category. family Felidae and dog belongs to different family i.e. Step 5: It belongs to kingdom Protista. Kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia are included under domain These are commonly found in warm and humid places. In plant kingdom, each taxonomic group such as angiospermae, dicotyledonae, polypetalae, malvaceae represents a taxon. Answer: What is the use of DNA barcoding? Question 61. This system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. (C) Bacteria Animalia. (B) order 1. Question 1. It is a representation of hypothetical relationship denoting a comparison of organisms and their common ancestors. (A) Taxonomy Answer: (B) Three domain system of classification Adolf Mayr 1. Maharashtra state board 11th textbook for Biology includes in-depth knowledge of topics such as the living world, systematics of living organisms, kingdom Plantae and Animalia . Question 31. Question 9. Amoeba is free living form, but Entamoeba is endoparasite and causes amoebic dysentery. In five kingdom classification, unicellular prokaryotes are included in kingdom They are resistant to common antibiotics because they lack cell wall. DNA barcoding helps to study newly identified species as well as understanding ecological and evolutionary relationships between living organisms. Give some examples of taxa at different hierarchical levels. Linnaeus system of classification. (B) rod shaped, Question 23. (B) division, class, order, family, Question 10. 11th Biology syllabus requires a student to first understand the concepts thoroughly, broaden ones mind by seeing the examples around oneself and then memorize the concepts so that they can be implemented directly in the questions that appear in the examination. Write a short note on chemotaxonomy. (D) All of these, Question 31. (i) Plant like protists (Photosynthetic protists): They have cell wall made up of peptidoglycan. Why a unique name for a particular individual is essential in a multilingual country like India? (d) Amoeboid protozoans have pseudopodia as locomotory organs. What is the algal partner in lichen called? Answer: Explain different methods of classification. (D) Basidiomycetes Answer: Question 7. Identify the following diagram, label it and write detail information in your words. They are very sensitive to pollutions, hence not found in polluted areas. Systematics Of Living Organisms. Which of the following is harmful fungus that causes diseases in plants? (B) class The generic and specific epithet must be underlined separately if hand written or in italics when printed. Systematics of Living Organisms, Lecture 2 | Class 11 Biology | Maharashtra State BoardWebsite: channel: 2 Systematics of Living World; __Ch. They are mainly decomposers, while few are parasitic, e.g. Question 3. Some varieties of this class are consumed as delicacies such as morels and truffles. (c) These are heterotrophic and lack cell wall. Some fungi are symbiotic. They cause various diseases like typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, tetanus, etc. Maharashtra State Board 11th Std Biology Textbook Solutions Digest. A family represents a group of closely related genera. (D) Mycobacteria Answer: Answer: Question 37. However, few like sponges are sedentary. The non-septate multinucleated hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae. E.g. Vernacular names do not indicate the necessary information about the organism. (C) Cell wall is present in members of Fungi and Plantae. Characteristics of Life Living organisms exhibit undisputable signs of life - such as growth, reproduction and metabolism. Question 16. (C) Carl Woese Cobra, Question 13. (D) chemotaxonomy, Question 7. (C) mycobiont Chapters in Maharashtra State Board 11th Biology Textbook pdf download, Also check - (D) Ascomycetes Write the classification of: Five kingdom system of classification was proposed by R.H. Whittaker in 1969. Answer: Question 36. (A) Species Plantarum, Question 16. Which organism belongs Monera? (D) Mangifera indica Linn. The bacteria that can withstand extreme temperature are known as As living things are constantly being investigated, new attributes are revealed that affect how organisms are placed in a standard classification system. . Bentham and Hookers system of classification. Agaricus (mushrooms), Ganoderma (bracket fungi), Ustilago (smuts), Puccinia (rusts), etc. (C) i p, ii q, iii r, iv s Phylogeny: Question 10. Mycelium is made up of aseptate coenocytic hyphae. Answer: In plant kingdom, each taxonomic group such as angiospermae, dicotyledonae, polypetalae, malvaceae represents a taxon. All categories together constitute the taxonomic hierarchy. Thus monkeys, gorillas, gibbons (Primates) and dogs, cats, tigers (Carnivora) belong to same class. (D) Classification, Question 3. Archaebacteria: e.g. maharashtra board class 12th maharashtra board new syllabus free SOLUTION AND maharashtra board maharashtra state board question bank . (a) Bacteriophage (b) Plant virus (c) Viroid (d) Animal virus Answer: (c) Viroid Question (B) Causative agent of red tide is ________ . Step 6: Quesiton 2. Answer: It makes sea appear red. They absorb food which is decomposed (digested) outside. (i) Artificial system: (D) class Maharashtra board Books Give the classification of china-rose. (B) thermophiles Thus, it is a classification based on chemical constituents of organisms. 2. (a) They are the primitive animal forms. You observe the following features: As we go higher in taxonomical ladder i.e. Answer: Write a short note on phylogeny. (C) goes on decreasing (A) Eukarya Few are autotrophic that can be either photoautotrophs or chemoautotrophs. All unicellular eukaryotes form a connecting link between prokaryotic Kingdom Monera and complex eukaryotic Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. Who coined the term taxonomy? In the system of classification, which one of the following is NOT a category? Diseases caused by viruses in plants: Leaf curling, yellowing, mosaic formation, etc. Chapter 5 Cell Structure and Organization. E.g. Question 49. (C) family It is the evolutionary relationship of organism. Chapter 2 Systematics of Living Organisms. Students can learn the subject well by referring to these MSBSHSE Class 9 Solutions of Science Chapter 15 Life Processes In Living Organisms. Nutrition These names avoid confusion and uncertainty created by local or vernacular names. genera like Hibiscus, Gossypium, Sida, Bombax are included in same family Malvaceae. (B) Polypetalae (i) Nucleus: These organisms do not have well defined nucleus. Observe and discuss: Identify the different shapes of bacterial cells shown in the given figures: Question 43. Question 15. These are infectious single stranded RNA, smaller than virus Welcome to Sarthaks eConnect: A unique platform where students can interact with teachers/experts/students to get solutions to their queries. Answer: (a) Genus is a taxonomic rank or category larger than species used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms. (B) division, class, order, family Answer: Our Class 11 Biology textbook solutions provide a detailed approach, which helps students and makes the exam preparation better for them.By using these class 11 Biology books you can find several questions, enough to practice through the whole academic year. Numerical taxonomy: Question 8. (d) Amoeboid protozoans have pseudopodia as locomotory organs. Kingdom plantae is dominated by autotrophs. Genus What is the structure of virus? Give examples of archaebacteria and eubacteria. (D) taxon, Question 9. (D) RNA molecules without protein coat Phycomycetes: Eubacteria: e.g. Consciousness: Ability to sense environment & respond to environmental factors -Living beings sense& respond to environmental factors viz. The given figure represents Agaricus (Mushroom). What are the applications of DNA barcoding? Explain animal like protists. Questions in the Class 11th biology paper conducted by the Maharashtra state board are divided into three sections on the basis of marks they carry. Answer: 1. The art of giving name to the organism is called nomenclature. (D) R.H Whittaker (1) Sexual reproduction occurs due to two different gametes. Answer: Some are parasitic or predators. They have branched septate hyphae. They may be unicellular or multicellular and filamentous. (C) kingdom The question have been saved in answer later, you can access it from your profile anytime. Complexity of cells (either unicellular or multicellular). A taxonomic group of any rank is called The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clear your . Answer: (c) In animal classification, instead of division, the category Phylum is used. (f) Cilliated protozoans have cilia for locomotion. Basics of Study 4. Agrobacterium , Erwinia, etc are the pathogenic bacteria causing plant diseases. Question 11. (d) The spores of plasmodium are very tough and survive extreme conditions, e.g. In fungi, chloroplast is absent, thus they cannot synthesize their own food by photosynthesis. Answer: Answer: Light,water,temperature,other organisms, pollutants etc. Arrangement of organisms into distinct categories is called Write in detail about the Phylogeny. What are the steps involved in the process of DNA barcoding? Complete the following table on the basis of previous knowledge. (D) IBA E.g. Systematics is the study of kinds and diversity of organisms and their comparative and evolutionary relationship. Vernacular names are the names which are given to organisms in a particular region and language by local people. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. He gave certain principles for this nomenclature in his book Species Plantarum. Alternaria. Characteristics: Question 53. What was the drawback of this system? (B) They can be crystallised. (A) Malvales Why lichens are considered as pollution indicators? Unicellular eukaryotic organisms are included in kingdom Protista. (A) Deuteromycetes Amoeba, Entamoeba. 3. 2. Question 6. e.g. Answer: Hint: Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structures in Protozoans. Answer: Most of the members of kingdom fungi are saprophytes. Matching the barcode sequence of the unknown sample against the barcode library for identification. (B) DNA molecules without protein coat It helps in curdling of milk. 1. (d) Although, there are many similarities between cat and dog, cat belongs to the family of leopards, tigers and lions, i.e. Question 50. -living organisms consist of cells & their products. 3. Question 10. (A) Protista (C) Algal component of lichens is called mycobiont., Figure c: Vibrio family Papaveraceae, Brassicaceae, Capparidaceae, etc with parietal placentation are grouped in order Parietales. What are the disadvantages of vernacular names of organisms? It forms spores in one of its life stages. Answer: (A) genus Match Column I with Column II. (B) Pseudomonas 2. (3) When the gametes unite it is called process of fertilization which produces diploid zygote. (A) i b, ii d, iii c, iv a The algal component of lichen is phycobiont, mostly belongs to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) or green algae and fungal component is mycobiont. (D) Most of the members have capacity of locomotion. (C) Monera (C) i a, ii b, iii c, iv d Why deuteromycetes are called imperfect fungi? (A) Shrimanti Step 7: (D) Species Linnaeus The term taxonomy was coined by A.P. It has gullet (a cavity) which opens on the cell surface. Lowest category in the hierarchial system of classification is Give one example to justify the statement. Answer: Answer: (C) Growth is indeterminate. Students (upto class 10+2) preparing for All Government Exams, CBSE Board Exam, ICSE Board Exam, State Board Exam, JEE (Mains+Advance) and NEET can ask questions . Question 9. 1. Select the correctly written scientific name of Mango which was first described by Carolus Linnaeus: [NEET Odisha 2019] Apart from the nucleoid they often show presence of extrachromosomal DNA which is small circular called plasmids. Question 23. (C) Angiospermae. Which one of the following characteristics is NOT shown by a virus? The entire living world was divided into five kingdoms: Monera. Rarely they are unicellular (e.g. (A) ICBN E.g. One of the following has correct descending sequence hierarchy (c) Bacteriophages were discovered by Twort. Nostoc, Azotobacter, etc. (B) Phylogeny Examples: Answer: (C) Nomenclature These are the smallest living cells known. (B) Series Good day.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instagram handle: collaboration/ Business inquiry: momayaparth@gmail.comTelegram channel: #HSC #Class11 #Science #ParthMomaya #HiteshKaria #MaharashtraStateBoard It causes malaria. Which domain has eukaryotic cells? (B) IBC Nerve cell Answer: Life Processes In Living Organisms Class 9 Solutions Question 5. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands. Why do fungi exhibit heterotrophic mode of nutrition? Find ppt, mcq tests, lecture videos and search board question papers, notes at online science study. Very rarely, sexual reproduction occurs by conjugation method. (c) These are heterotrophic and lack cell wall. In Mangifera indica L., letter L indicates authors name i.e. (D) chemotaxonomy Enlist different types of protozoa. What is the genetic material in viruses? Question 45. Give the general characters of Kingdom Fungi with examples. Question 44. Woeses three domain and Whittakers five kingdom concept is based upon (A) Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structures in Sporozoans. (A) Cyanobacteria (A) Saltophiles Answer: Question 21. Gonyaulax. Which system of classification was based upon easily observable characters? (C) family Domain Eukarya has eukaryotic cells. New Systematics or Modern Taxonomy. It is an important tool in classification as it considers not merely the morphological status but also the relationship of one group of organisms with other groups of life. Animals and pets also suffer from bacterial infections caused by Brucella, Pastrurella, etc. Systematics of Living Organisms (Introduction) Systematics of Living Organisms (Introduction) . Canidae. Engler and Prantls classification. 1. Explain DNA barcoding. E.g. Growth: It is determinate, (follow definite pattern). Lichen is an association of an alga and fungus. They are very sensitive to pollutions, hence not found in polluted areas. What is the basis of classification? Characteristics of Kingdom plantae: Question 49. (a) Species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus. Which of the following are found in extreme saline conditions? Viruses are acellular and ultramicroscopic. Vibrio cholerae: It causes cholera. Answer: The two-kingdom system of classification included Kingdom plantae and Kingdom animalia. (A) Generic and specific names should be written starting with small letters. Cell wall with peptidoglycan is present in Bacteria while it is absent in Archaea. Question 3. Question 44. Match Column I with Column II. (B) They lack chlorophyll as well as cell wall. The protists which behave as heterotroph in absence of light but performs photosynthesis in presence of light As we go higher in taxonomical ladder i.e. (e) Flagellated protozoans have flagella as locomotory organ. (iii) Fungi like protists (Consumer decomposer protists): de Candolle (Swiss Botanist) [1778-1841]. These are commonly called as club fungi. Euglenoids: (ii) Reproduction: The mode of reproduction is asexual or with the help of binary fission or budding. (C) Halophiles How to download Maharashtra State Board 11th Biology books pdf? 2. (d) However, in the modem taxonomy, subdivision of species such as sub-species, varities and populations are seen and given more importance. Capsomeres are arranged in polyhedral or helical forms thus, imparting that particular shape to the virus. Mucor, Rhizopus (bread mold), Albugo (parasitic fungus on mustard). Question 18. (b) The divisions Angiospermae and Gymnospermae forms the sub-kingdom Phanerogams or Spermatophyta (all seed producing plants). Give example of viral disease caused in humans. (A) genus 3. Question 1. 7. The given figure represents Aspergillus. Answer: Answer: They behave as heterotrophs in absence of light but possess pigments, similar to that of higher plants, for photosynthesis. (ii) Animal like protists (Consumer protists): Answer: (c)Most of them are referred as Diatoms because they have body wall made up of two soap-box like fitting silica covers. They can be decomposers, parasites or coprophilous (grow on dung). In animals, growth is definite and occurs for some period. (D) symbiont Growth: Growth is an intrinsic property of all living organisms through which they can increase cells both in number and mass. Question 42. (ii) Pellicle covering provides flexibility and contractibility to Euglena. (A) Puccinia. (B) A.P. They are regarded as sub-viral agents or free RNA, without protein coat (usually found in viruses). The algal component of lichen is phycobiont, mostly belongs to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) or green algae and fungal component is mycobiont. Taxonomic Hierarchy, Kingdom Sub-kingdom Division/phylum Class Cohort /order Family Genus Species. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1. ii. (A) Species Plantarum Some varieties of this class are consumed as delicacies such as morels and truffles. Well-organized nucleus (d) However, in the modem taxonomy, subdivision of species such as sub-species, varities and populations are seen and given more importance. The algal component of lichen is phycobiont, mostly belongs to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) or green algae and fungal component is mycobiont. Select the biology textbook. Answer: Question 5. A pair of flagella is present, hence they are motile. Question 48. Answer: Quesiton 54. It helps in anabolism of protein and carbohydrates. 1. _________ is an example of plant like protists. Protists are of different types: (A) Mangifera indica Question 1. 1. The word taxonomy comes from two Greek words, taxis meaning arrangement and nomous meaning law or rule. (B) photobiont (B) Phylogenetic relationship, Question 8. In your laboratory you accidentally discover an old permanent slide without a label. Diseases caused by viruses in plants: The body of a fungus is made up of (B) Three domain system of classification Adolf Mayr, Question 9. 9 Morphology of Living Organisms _11 Bio MCQ Tests _11 Biology . Many forms are pathogenic. (D) Two kingdom system of classification Carolus Linnaeus General characters of Kingdom Fungi: (iii) Nutrition: Majority are heterotrophic, parasitic or saprophytic in nutrition. (iii) They possess two flagella, one short and other long. The given figure represents Paramoecium. Protists are of different types: Choose correct option. (a) They have tadpole-like shape. (a) It is the highest taxonomic category composed of different sub-kingdoms. (D) family (C) Artificial, Question 6. Question 4. The body is covered by mucilaginous sheath. (B) sporangium Answer: Question 11. Bacteria that can withstand high salinities are called halophiles, while those that withstand extreme temperature are known as thermophiles. Diatoms forms a substance called Diatomaceous earth. Question (A) Which of the following shows single stranded RNA and lacks protein coat? The process of DNA barcoding includes two basic steps: Answer: Classification of Living Organisms 2. The process of DNA barcoding includes two basic steps: Biflagellate one placed longitudinally and the other transversely. Page 1 : [], , XI BIOLOGY, CHAPTER NO.2, , SYSTEMATICS IN, LIVING ORGANISMS, o, , Systematics: It is branch of biology which deals with study of, similarities and differences among different kind of organisms., It also includes their identification, nomenclature and, classification, Systematics is the study of kind and diversity of organisms, and their comparative and evolutionary relationship . Chapter 3 Kingdom Plantae. Define the term classification. 1. (a) They are termed as phytoplanktons, also known as Chrysophytes. Write a short note on numerical taxonomy. Which of the following is NOT true about kingdom animalia? (B) Mangifera Indica Answer: (a) It is based on few visible, easily observable characters, which are non-evolutionary such as habit, colour, form, etc. Filaments show heterocyst which helps in nitrogen fixation. 2. Answer: Asexual reproduction takes place by spores called conidia which are produced at the tip of hyphae called conidiophores. It was important to name animals, plants or any other living organisms in such a way to prevent any confusion which was caused before. Question 26. From "Medium", select the medium suitable to you. Explain in detail the class of kingdom fungi which includes yeast. Members of this kingdom are eukaryotic, multicellular, having eukaryotic cells containing chlorophyll. Taxonomy means classification following certain rules or principles. Your brochure has been successfully mailed to your registered email id . (B) ICBN Woeses three domain concept as well as Whittakers five kingdom system are examples of phylogenetic relationship. Answer: Give examples of: Answer: Among Eukarya, fungi have chitinous cell wall, while plants have cellulosic cell wall. (a) They are the primitive animal forms. Linnaeus system of classification. 1. It can also reproduce by sexual means. Question 12. E.g. 1. They lack cell wall but have a tough covering of proteinaceous pellicle. (B) species (e) Families of dogs and cats though are different, they belong to same order Carnivora. The applications of DNA barcoding are as follows: Question 17. M. W. Beijerinck referred virus as contagium vivum fluidum (infectious living fluid)., Question 58. The generic and specific epithet must be underlined separately if hand written or in italics when printed. Which kingdom shows link with all eukaryotic members? E.g. (C) Bacteria (A) Generic and specific names should be written starting with small letters. The basic unit of classification Give examples of insectivorous plants. Answer: History of Systematics 3. [Note: Students can scan the adjacent QR code for detail classification of given tree diagram.]. Human brain Answer: Life Processes In Living Organisms 9th Class Notes Question 3. Best school in Maharashtra 2022, Download the textbook PDF in English and Regional Languages from below of 11th Biology book pdf Maharashtra board, Maharashtra State Board Class 11th Biology Books pdf for free - English Medium. They differ in their cell wall structures. What are Archaebacteria? (a) The class is the distinct taxonomic rank of biological classification having its own distinctive name. 6. (B) category (ii) All kinds of organisms do not occur in one locality. Hyphae are branched and septate. Question 13. Euglena (A) Archaebacteria, Question 13. (D) All of these (D) Scientific names are in Latin and should be italized. Among Eukarya, fungi have chitinous cell wall, while plants have cellulosic cell wall. Hint: Angiospermae is a taxon. On the top of the screen, select "Download PDF textbooks", Step 3: What was the drawback of two kingdom system of classification? Answer: Deuteromycetes: Question 40. (A) phycobiont : It causes food poisoning. Answer: Answer: They breakdown large molecules in simple molecules or minerals. One male gamete is from father while the other female gamete is from mother. (D) DNA barcoding (iv) They behave as heterotrophs in absence of light but possess pigments, similar to that of higher plants, for photosynthesis. Trypanosoma. 3. Which group of fungi is called imperfect fungi? (D) Hibiscus Answer: Question 41. are examples of Monera. Kingdom Protista shows link with all eukaryotic kingdoms such as kingdom plantae, fungi and animalia. These are the most primitive type of bacteria. Introduction: Biology is the field of science that helps us in the organized study of living organisms which are categorized into various sections on the basis of their characteristics, behavior, origin, and anatomy. Identify the following diagram, label it and write detail information in your words. (i) Plant like protists (Photosynthetic protists): (A) Myxomycetes, Quesiton 26. Unicellular and multicellular organisms grow by cell division. Autotrophic (Photoautotrophic/ Chemoautotrophic), Question 57. Many forms of mycoplasma are pathogenic. Quick Review Potato spindle tuber disease. - It is defining property of living beings. (ii) Animal like protists (Consumer protists): Some have cell walls other lacks it. DNA exists as a simple double stranded circular single chromosome called as nucleoid. Similarly, consciousness may be observable in many lower forms of life such as bacteria and protozoa. (f) Cilliated protozoans have cilia for locomotion. sub-kingdom Phanerogams and Cryptogams form the Plant kingdom or Plantae which includes all the plants, while all animals are included in kingdom Animalia. Hint: Lichens bare good pollution indicators as they do not grow in polluted areas. Question 29. (a) Species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus. Question 2. (c)Most of them are referred as Diatoms because they have body wall made up of two soap-box like fitting silica covers. Answer: (A) Saltophiles Higher organisms such as humans showcase consciousness - where we become aware of our surroundings. Examples of some harmful bacteria: (B) Mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes. (B) IBC, Question 18. What is taxon? Bacillus is2.Which of the following is harmful fungus that causes diseases in plants? The first viroid discovered was PSTV (Potato spindle tuber viroid) which causes a disease in potato. (d) The spores of plasmodium are very tough and survive extreme conditions, e.g. Orders Carnivora and order Primates belong to class Mammalia. (B) A.P. (A) species (D) RNA molecules without protein coat, Maharashtra State Board 11th Biology Important Questions, Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 6 Institutes Supporting Business, Maharashtra Board 11th OCM Important Questions Chapter 5 Forms of Business Organisation II, Balbharati Solutions for Std 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5th Class Digest Answers, Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1, Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8, Autotrophic Photosynthetic, Heterotrophic, (a) Symbiotic association of fungi with plants roots, (d) Symbiotic association of algae and fungi. The photosynthetic pigments include Chl-a, Chl-b, carotenes and xanthophylls. Answer: Answer: General characters of Kingdom Animalia: Question 56. Reproduction: They mostly reproduce sexually by producing gametes, while some can reproduce asexually. They have common characters yet are different from each other because their genus is same but species is different. Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Notes Keeping & Accountancy Chapter 4 Reconstitution of Partnership (Retirement of Partner) . Visit the official website -, Step 2: The organisms are known by the same name throughout the world. The word taxonomy comes from two Greek words, taxis meaning arrangement and nomous meaning law or rule. This system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. Answer: Answer: Unicellular Paramoecium. Archaebacteria includes bacteria that survive in most harsh habitats such as extreme salty area, hot springs and marshy area. 3. (C) Cyanobacteria Answer: 1. Monera Kingdom: They are unicellular prokaryotes. (A) Cladogram Also, post it in the comments if you have any suggestions. Question 34. They can be decomposers, parasites or coprophilous (grow on dung).
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