[ad_1] Physics Lab Report Oscilloscope Experiment Get a comprehensive lab report on this topic written by professional physics experts. The signals are fed into the oscilloscope inputs, Channel 1 and Channel 2, PHYSICS 220 Physical Electronics Lab 1: The Digital Oscilloscope Object : To become familiar with the oscilloscope, a ubiquitous instrument for observing and measuring electronic signals. Relationships Body Marriage Spirituality which is correct? View Oscilloscope Lab Report.docx from PHYSICS 106 at Islamia University of Bahawalpur. "e\(e03V dpnR^\bxo, 96 11
Introduction: The purpose of this oscilloscope lab was to explore and learn how to use the oscilloscope as we will be using this device throughout most of the semester. Look for the area marked Trigger. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. the oscilloscope by measuring the amplitude of a square wave and then finding the frequency of a sine wave. An oscilloscope can be as well be referred to as a voltmeter (high speed voltmeter) with the ability to display and measure the rapid variation in voltage or the potential difference. Lab Preparation This lab is an introduction to the use of the oscilloscope to measure time- dependent electrical signals. We can introduce our signal in three ways, triangle, square and sinusoidal, forms. Oscilloscope Lab report camryn mason phys206l oscilloscope lab objectives: take proper measurements with the oscilloscope and calculate electrical unknowns. The speed of a wave is the frequency multiplied by the wavelength. 8IgHt<9,x]MYPJS-U,mabQAPQQHIOc``
pe$t3K(H(dy`Z h=
Hs 8lxX 1. View Lab Report - Oscilloscope Lab Report.docx from PHYS 1008 at Carleton University. 1. The values of y and x which are provided to the, oscilloscope are voltages. The all procedure, First of all, turn on the power to the oscilloscope and let it come to thermal, equilibrium for at least 10 minutes. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. This lab is also related to the, function of oscilloscope and cathode ray tube is the basic part of this. There are many laboratory experiments that employ the use of the, The resultant signs are as rectangular waves or sine waves and are utilized to control different gears like a clock to, The fundamental modules entail a solid-state, Let us write or edit the lab report on your topic, 1 (250 words), Laboratory Report of an Experiment on Optical Fibre Transmission. Oscilloscope and Function Generator Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words, n.d. https://studentshare.org/physics/1661899-oscilloscope-and-function-generator. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. To analyze the effects of manipulating various typical oscilloscope controls. Set the oscilloscope mode setting to CH1, the, trigger source to INT, the trigger level to zero (center of range), trigger SLOPE to , (level knob pushed in), trigger MODE to AUTO, the INT TRIG to CH1, and CH1 to, The next step is to Set the TIME/DIV control to 1 ms/DIV, the SWP VAR control. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Power up the MSO/DPO2000 Series oscilloscope by pressing the power button on the lower left corner of the instrument. The course syllabus has instructions on how to format your lab report, along. 0
The. The oscilloscope can be thought of as a voltmeter that plots voltage (vertical axis) vs. time (horizontal axis). 106 0 obj
Connect the leads from the oscilloscope to the Function Generator. The Tektronix TDS2004B oscilloscope is a general-purpose, four channel . Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. a. 4 Kirchhoff laws The fundamental laws of circuits are the so-called Kirchhoff's laws 1st law: When considering a closed loop inside a circuit, the total potential difference must be zero 2nd law: When considering a junction, the sum of the ingoing currents is equal to the sum of the outgoing ones PHYS 1493/1494/2699: Exp. In today's lab we will use an oscilloscope to look at some AC voltages. oscilloscope. 8 - Capacitance and the oscilloscope 9.
. We learned how to use this by using. It, is a standard piece of instrumentation in scientific laboratories of all kinds. This, in a nutshell, brings out the functions, as well as the difference of the function generator and the oscilloscope. In addition, you will compare the oscilloscope with the digital multimeter (DMM). $\gf(lc0;e.v#XTv`jFH$cm @XH3+ 9w
ReferencesTop of FormWitte, R. A. This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 5 pages. In short, the oscilloscope is going to measure the voltage difference between the red and black wires plugged into it and plots this voltage (y-axis) as a function of time (x-axis). xref
Lab Report 3 - The Oscilloscope Lab report 3 University Stony Brook University Course Classical Physics Laboratory Ii (PHY 134) The \tube" refers to the glass vacuum envelope. The oscilloscope has an, internal device, called a sweep oscillator, which moves the beam across the screen at a. constant rate. Sign in Register; . . Physics Lab Report #38 Title: Oscilloscope Measurements Name: Date: Objectives: To analyse the basic While it's warming up check the following switches to make sure they're set correctly. The purposes or objectives of this lab are; to investigate the fundamental principles, and practical operation of the oscilloscope using signals from a function generator, to, measure sine and other waveform signals of varying voltage and frequency and to compare, voltage measurements with the oscilloscope to voltage measurements using an alternating, Oscilloscope is important lab equipment, by which we can analyze the behaviour in a, graphical manner. Also you By moving a n image across a LCD (liquid crystal display) screen, it can be used to draw graphs of y (vertical) versus x (horizontal). *q42E#{N6>_',Zv:6MoJ>>ekY//
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?XkTqgzLb32K0P a 1(e(HV5GZ%+vtt Turn your oscilloscope on and let it warm up for a few seconds. To manipulate a waveform so as to optimize its appearance. To produce a waveform on an oscilloscope graticule. Theory: Voltage Measurements: 1. Vpp = (# of boxes) * (scale) 2. The following steps will describe how to automatically create a stable oscilloscope display using a 1 kHz, 5 V pk-pk square wave. Procedure: PART A We begin by measuring DC voltage with an oscilloscope. School University of California, Irvine Course Title PHYS PHYSICS Uploaded By jamelatoso Pages 6 Ratings 100% (26) Clearly, the functions of these two instruments are related, and in trying to understand the fundamental functioning of the two, the variables that were measured include the period (in seconds), the frequency (in Hz), and the peak-to-peak voltage (in volts).DiscussionThis experiment verifies the relation between frequency and time as F = 1/T as evidenced by the results. 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Electronic test instruments. 1. This lab is also related to the oscilloscope measurements of various signals and we can analyze these signals by varying the voltage and frequency. Power up the MSO/DPO2000 Series oscilloscope by pressing the power button on the lower left corner of the instrument. This is what appears on the oscilloscope screen. Physics 401 Experiment 1 Page 4/20 Physics Department, UIUC A. Inputs The primary function of the oscilloscope is discussed below. should remember, that this work was alredy submitted once by a student who originally wrote it. endstream
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We will analyze the. PHYSICS 3LB Documents All (54) Lab Reports (1) Notes (2) Test Prep (1) Showing 1 to 29 of 54 Sort by: Most Popular 3 pages Week 2 - The Oscilloscope Lab Report.pdf 6 pages Lab (week 3).pdf 6 pages W2 Oscilloscope Lab Report.pdf 5 pages Week 4 Lab Report.pdf 2 pages Week 5 Lab Report.pdf 3 pages 3LB-PhysicsNotesforLabs 16 pages 4. You will need to have Microsoft Excel to open the document and a very basic knowledge of Excel. PHYS-UA 72 Intro to Exp Physics II Lab: Oscilloscope Figure 1: Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) 2 Basics of an Analog Oscilloscope The heart of an analogue scope is a cathode ray tube (CRT), shown in Fig. _7UtYU8T30U21b(c\1 ?XL1iq&4#H^~1)~iw,4'~s..eoUTFTYP$*g!W]=Cqz3/]40`N-\*B|uollY.;),1|p75m
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k 5`LWqJOtc. hVMs6W0 8:'ugj=dzhHaJj. Here, the x-axis (horizontal) plots time and the y-axis (vertical) plots voltage. Oscilloscope Lab Introduction: The purpose of this lab is to introduce students to the basic tools used by engineers and technicians in analyzing electronic equipment: the function generator, the analog oscilloscope, and the digital oscilloscope. (2002). You can use a computer on, A capacitor consists of two metal surfaces separated by an electrical insulator with no electrically conductive path through it.
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