Yes, a urine sample that tests preliminary positive must be sent to a lab for evaluation to confirm the presence of drugs. The intensity of the color of a line on the drug test should not be interpreted as a measure of the amount of drugs present. This negative result indicates that the drug concentration is below the detectable level. Get fast results in the privacy of your own home with the Equate Home Drug Test. It is very common to have faint lines on drug tests. The test is not considered valid without this line. Perhaps, they may have never used a drug in their life, but after using opioid pain killers after surgery, they looked for more when the prescription ran out. 1 time only. You should also consider testing other types of drugs. 11-18 days. Hopefully, it uses the levels set by SAMHSA. A false positive result is a screening test read positive when the drug or drug metabolite is not present or its concentration is less than the cutoff level. A positive urine drug test requires that a specific amount of the drug is present. It makes sense that what you put in affects what comes out. Don't listen to anyone who says a faint line is a "borderline" result - the EMIT test cannot infer the level of metabolites in your sample. A NEGATIVE result rules out the presence of drugs above the cutoff limit, while a POSITIVE indicates there may be drugs present in a higher concentration. When you see them, you are looking at a negative result. Why? Urine Drug Test. In this case, it is important to note that the concentration of the drug is below the predetermined cutoff level of the test, suggesting negative test result. Individual factors can cause a faint line to appear on a drug test. New Member. The possible shades of colored lines in the T Region may vary from person to person. Positive means that the drug concentration in the urine sample is greater than the designated cut-off level for a specific drug and additional confirmatory drug testing may be needed. You should interpret all Drug tests on a pass / fail basis. This is one of the main reasons why counter checking with other techniques is often necessary. In this table you can find general detection times for weed. The reason for this is because the cutoff level of THC on the tests is at 50ng/mL, compared to 500+ on some others drugs. Drug and Alcohol Test Answers You Should Know. The Control Region (C) line must appear at the top of each testing window. Something in the urine other than the drug is causing a faint test line. A positive urine drug test requires presence of minimum drug quantity in the urine specimen. Those used by law enforcement often have a lower cut-off level. If there is any present, it is below the minimum level for the test. Urine excretion cleanses the body of unnecessary substances. The other fifty percent of addicts have poor coping skills. Advantages of Using Urine Cups What should I do in case of positive results? If you get a negative result, but still suspect drug abuse, you can test again at a later time. The urine test result of the donor may exhibit faint lines within the time limit on some immunoassays. 1,500 compounds are created by the body alone and an additional 2,300 compounds come from diet, cosmetics, drugs and the environment. Marijuana Detection Time Chart. In the test line (T), an absence of a line is a sign of a positive result. ". As a matter of fact, fifty percent of drug addicts are genetically predispositioned to be so. Try following the instruction when doing the drug testing. Advantages of Using Urine Cups Its advised to test every panel equally for 10 seconds before rushing for the results. 4. Again, if that amountor a higher amountof the drug is contained in the specimen, no line shows up. It tests for four illicit drugs: marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamine. There are valid reasons that the line in the test portion of the drug test is faint. There is no for-sure amount of time for any drug to show up, however there are estimated windows of probability. Current time: 11/08/2022 12:53:50 a.m. UTC Follow the instructions on this page to interpret the test strips. My child confessed he used drugs a week back. 1. The one substance must be present at 15ng/mL in order for the lab to consider the urine positive. Over the counter medications abound. The Multi-Drug Urine Test is a preliminary drug screening test. The lab uses very accurate and reliable equipment to run the tests. Most at home drug tests explicitly state that a faint line is a negative result, but customers still assume that it means there is some level of the drug present. No line at all indicates drug use. The chemical makeup of urine alone can lead to test lines showing lighter or darker from one person to the next. The test results will be considered negative of course. Need Help AS. Drug test results do not vary based on the intensity of the colored lines. This leads to a loss of self-control and damaging behaviors. You should consult with your doctor to better understand how substances might cross-react or interfere with this test. the slightest resemblance or "faintness" of a line = negative. Some OTC drugs are chemically similar to the drugs that are screened in the rapid drug test. Consider all amphetamine results carefully, even those from the lab. The thought of where such a dark path leads is terrifying. This determines the positive or negative. A faint line, NO MATTER HOW FAINT, means that the test is negative and there is not enough of (the drug being tested) in your system. These test cups also come with the option of detecting up to 6 adulterants in one test, helping to all but eliminate urine specimen tampering. If a faint line appears in the Test Region of a drug test, this still counts as a NEGATIVE TEST RESULT. If I drink plenty of water, will it affect my result of the urine test? Parents and drug-using employees often become unnerved, however, when the line is so faint that its nearly non-existent. Home drug-test kits are commonly sold online and in stores. Copyright WWW.NEWHEALTHADVISOR.ORG 2014, All rights Reserved. Any line, no matter how light or dark, in the T area of a drug test indicates a negative drug screen result. NWBestBud. However, it has no way to detect the precise amount of a drugremember, the method is either pass or fail. Remember that these are not a guarantee and can vary by person. It usually begins as a thrill-seeking adventure or perhaps someone chooses to self-medicate when faced with uncomfortable situations. Addiction is a disease, not a weakness. When reading the test result, there should be two colored lines present. It is important to send any sample giving positive results to the laboratory for further evaluation. Some small businesses use them instead of incurring the expense of laboratory testing. Not all drug test have equal footing. 11016 N Dale Mabry Hwy #204Tampa, FL 33618. Discussion in ' Pregnancy Tests ' started by ohio-mom-of-2, Oct 15, 2009 . I have a very faint line on my test kit. In the case of a positive result, parents can trust the accuracy and begin seeking outside help for their child. Most workplace drug testing programs use a standard set of cutoff levels, however, law enforcement and addiction treatment programs will sometimes use a lower cutoff level in their testing since they have a zero tolerance policy. Get fast results in the privacy of your own home with Equate 4 Panel Home Drug Test. There are a small number of substances which could interfere with the drug test strip result, but lab testing of the specimen will clarify the substances which caused the preliminary positive. Due to the similar compound as that present in the drug being tested, the faint line might appear in the test region (T) or may even lead to false positive result. Instant results populate in under 5 minutes and provide up to 99% accuracy while the flat sided results panel makes for ease of photocopying drug test results. As you can see in the negative test results photos below, the THC strip is much lighter in color than the OXY test strip, but the test result is still negative. A faint line on the test result doesnt cause concern. It will not be faint but bold and strong. Wait until you get the laboratorys result. 3. Rapid drug tests are testing for metabolites that those drugs are broken down into and not the drug itself . No Drugs Detected Negative means that the concentrations in the urine sample are below the designated cutoff levels for a particular drug tested. Positive results are further confirmed for the identification of the drug used via gas and liquid chromatography or mass spectrometry, but thats rather an expensive procedure. The second line appears in the test (T) region. Urine drug test strips are an easy way to detect whether commonly abused drugs are present above the listed cutoff level in someones urine. This home testing kit can screen for up to 12 drugsin five to 10 minutes to give you results that are accurate up to 99 percent of the time. One Line appears in the Control Region (C) and NO line appears in the Test Region (T) to indicate a positive result. Cleared by the FDA, this kit comes with a home drug test cup that is a fully integrated, self-contained drug screening cup for detecting drugs and drug metabolites in urine. A faint line on a home test doesn't necessarily mean you're 100% squeaky clean, but it does mean you made it under the cutoff (usually 50ng) for that particular test. Equate Home Drug Test Tests for up to 12 illicit drugs Results in 5-10 minutes Up to 99% accurate results FDA cleared Includes: home drug test urine specimen cup and instruction booklet Also includes identification label for confidential laboratory confirmation of positive results, plastic sealable bag, and pre-addressed mailing pouch We must draw a line in the sand. Consistently read results at the 5 minute mark. Instead, drug tests with faint lines mean the result is negative. And, all too often, death. A big fat no! Laboratory technicians are experts when it comes to reading drug test resultsany red flag causes them to look a little deeper. Its always the first instinct of someone to believe trace levels are what causes faint lines on drug tests, and in some cases thats true. A follow-up lab test is required in order to confirm the presence of drugs in a persons system. Instant results populate in under 5 minutes and provide up to 99% accuracy while the flat sided results panel makes for ease of photocopying drug test results. Dilution is also considered to be a cause of faint line on drug test. The urine must be fresh and undiluted, dipped up for 10 seconds at least. SAMHSA approved laboratories earned their government rating. Parents and drug-using employees often become unnerved, however, when the line is so faint that it's nearly non-existent. Every drug test has a pre-set detection level. So in short, I want there to be two lines on this test. Have subjects report all medications, supplements, and energy drink consumption. Remember that many factors may cause a false positive result in the home test. When thats the case, it may be because the test result shows a faint line. How Long Do Amphetamines Stay In Your System? The nervous employee probably wont though. What to Do. The color intensity of the line in a drug test result must not be confused with the quantity of drug present in the body. Yes, a negative result on a drug screening or a laboratory test means the individual passed the drug test because the test did not indicate the presence of drugs. Parentsor anyone elsewho need peace of mind can contact a SAMHSA approved laboratory to determine test results. Possible Causes of Faint Line on Drug Test 1. " (Taken from the directions) So, yes, if this is a trustworthy test, you've got yourself a negative result. You should interpret all Drug tests on a pass / fail basis. cannabis can stay in your urine anytime from 5 - 95 days. What if the lab test confirms a positive result? If an employee tests positiveand its documented in the companys drug-free policya drug test must be submitted for laboratory testing. Call us at and we will dispatch a mobile collection specialist to administer your drug tests at any location, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, the appearance of a test line indicates only negative test . Kai Ventures, LLC DBA Home Health Testing 44 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403, Monday - Friday 10AM - 3PM EST (closed on holidays). Certain batches or "lots" of these types of test can be more prone to having fainter lines than others. Drugs eventually change how the brain works. Some worried employees who are facing a workplace drug test might choose to purchase a home test kit for a trial run. The minimum drug quantity required to obtain a positive result differs depending on the drug. There are several factors that can make the test results negative even though the person is using drugs. Therefore any line, no matter how faint, is a negative result, and no drugs were present. If you are using a home drug test, you will want to make sure the cut off level of the test you are using is the same as the one you will be taking elsewhere. These test cups also come with the option of detecting up to 6 adulterants in one test, helping to all but eliminate urine specimen tampering. When performing a drug test, screening for multiple drugs, up to twelve, may be done simultaneously. So now I'm wondering whether I can trust it since it's a blue dye test and since the line is so faint. This home testing kit can screen for marijuana in five to 10 minutes to give you results that are accurate 99 percent of the time. Get fast results in the privacy of your own home with the Equate 1 Panel Home Drug Test. At times, false results are a consequence of saturation. Special discounts & rewards, product updatess and white glove customer status. BUT here's the kicker: Even if the second line is FEINT, it is still a negative. Less reputable companies may have substandard ratings. No. Urine is a complex substance that varies in makeup from person to person. At times, people get a faint lineon drug test which may be due to several possible reasons that will be further discussed here. Even though you will always have to deal with faint lines you can do things to make sure your results are as accurate as possible. However, the test result was negative. In rare cases it could be the result of a faulty test. THC tests are notorious for having faint lines even for donors that have never smoked in their lives. When you see two lines (no matter if it's a very faint line on a drug test for THC or a dark line), it means that the result of your test is negative.If you're using an Exploro THC test and see that the bottom . If the minimum amount is low, there will be a faint line on drug test. The most likely reasons for an invalid result are insufficient specimen volume or incorrect procedure. EvangelicalLinux 5 yr. ago Adding on to this: The kit employed for urine drug test is reliable yet a cheaper way of screening the drug abuse. It will alleviate the concern equated with the faint line because they guarantee accurate results. The appearance of line in the test region will indicate negative results whereas no line will appear if the result is positive. Even if the "T" line is seen faintly. You should not wait longer than 10 minutes to read the results. ANY register-able line on the second line means that it is negative (or if your test is only one line, . As a result of this, it becomes difficult to remember each assay as an individual diagnostic test like some drugs may exhibit a lighter line.Due to this assays of tricyclic, antidepressants and benzodiazepines may also get affected. It would be more accurate to compare the darkness of strips testing the same drug than different strips on a multi-panel cup. I had a pre-employment drug screening today and I am a little concerned about my results. At times, faint line on drug test maybe due to the presence of a little quantity of drug remaining in the urine sample especially in TCH screening test. What Does a Faint Line on a Drug Test mean? No line appears in the Control Region (C). Keep in mind on a 12 panel drug test you are actually performing 12 assays at once. Ineedhelp324 Looking for alternatives! In case of some drugs, the minimum drug quantity is rather high such as amphetamines (1000ng/ml) whereas its low in other drugs such as marijuana (50ng/ml). Its equally important for parents who need to know the truth about their child and drug use. Allowing a laboratory to determine whether or not a child is using drugs rather than trusting a home test kit grabbed at the local shopping center brings peace of mind. Our bodies naturally produce about 4 grams of alcohol every day. If both the "C" (Control) line and the "T" (Test) line appear, it is a Negative result. Continued education, employers who promote drug-free workplaces, and parents that promote drug-free homes are all sound ways for us to leave our mark. Purchase our 12 panel cups to see for sure what is on a 12 panel drug test . Since home drug test kits are strictly pass or fail, there is no in-between. People take more prescription medication, over the counter medication, supplements and vitamins these days. Last Updated 08 November, 2022. 2-4 times per month. If the test results are negative, can you be sure that the person did not take drugs? The purpose of a drug test is to determine whether there is less or more of a certain concentration of metabolite present in the urine. A representative will be happy to help you. This is especially important for employers who utilize employee drug testing. The intensity of the line on a drug test result is not an indication of how much of a drug is present in that person. Some drugs take a few days to eliminate from the body, except marijuana when used chronically. It is possible for a screening test strip to indicate POSITIVE, and a lab to find that an interfering substance other than the drug indicated caused it. If the drug concentration is below the cut-off level, the result will be considered negative. 5. When reading the drug test result, you will find a line at the very top of every testing window and that is the control region (C). Some over-the-counter medications contain amphetamines that cannot be distinguished from illegally abused amphetamines. Parents purchase them to drop a test on a child when they suspect drug use. The urine test result of the donor may exhibit faint lines within the time limit on some immunoassays. What Does a Faint Line on a Drug Test Mean. So you need to keep doing what your doing to stay safe, you should be fine though with your diet and activity. If the "C" (Control) line does not show up, results are considered Invalid. Do you need a drug test conducted at a certain date and time? The test is considered invalid if there is not a line in the control region. See our Drug Detection Times Chart to get an idea of how long different substances will show up in a drug screen. Faint lines are always negative. Quick answer: A faint line on a drug test is deemed a NEGATIVE TEST RESULT, which suggests that the test did not discover any trace of that substance above the test's cutoff level. If the lab reports a positive result, it means the drug was present in the urine sample. If that level is reached, there will be no line at all. No line at all indicates drug use. Drug testing cups are not quantitative and cannot indicate the amount of a drug that is present in the sample. If only the "C" (Control) line appears the test result is Positive. Can I get a positive TCH result because of secondary smoke? A line that is only faint is still a line and a faint line in the "T" area of the drug test indicates that the result of the test is negative. One band came in clear the other is faint, is this a - Answered by a verified Drug Testing Expert . Even if the line that appears is very faint, the result should be considered negative. A red or pink line must appear next to the word "Control" to indicate the test has worked correctly. It was a very faint line but definitely there and blue. Last used THC 23 days ago after smoking small amounts each evening for about 8 days. Any false positive result will be revealed through a follow-up lab evaluation of the urine sample. Tests are designed for consistent results display, but each assay is never going to have identical line darkness. A faint line on a drug test is still a line, so if you have a faint line in the Test Region (T) then you have a negative drug screen result. You passed. This pertains to everything, not just drugs. People can test positive THC (or marijuana) because they have been repeatedly around heavy marijuana smoke even they did not smoke marijuana themselves. The target metabolites are far more reactive than any other substance that could be found in the urine. How Many Weeks into Pregnancy Can You Get an Abortion? 12 Panel Drug Tests Lowest Price Online, for metabolites that those drugs are broken down into and not the drug itself, T-CUP 14 Panel Urine Drug Test w/ Fentanyl & Alcohol CASE of 100 (TDOA-8145EF), 10 Panel Saliva Drug Test T-Square w/ Indicator, Amount of time the cup has sat before reading results. That is the control region (C). Cleared by the FDA, this kit comes with a home drug test cup that is a fully integrated, self-contained drug screening cup for . If the result is still invalid, contact us. This home testing kit can screen for four commonly abused drugs in five to 10 minutes to give you results that are accurate 99 percent of the time. Finally trace levels of the metabolite can cause a minor fading of the assay line. A faint line on a drug test is still a line, so if you have a faint line in the Test Region (T) then you have a negative drug screen result. So before you panic and Google "extremely faint line on drug test Reddit," remember there is no such thing as a faint positive. Are you looking for more information about drug testing, a drug free workplace program, or compliance? View Full Training PDF and Take Certification Quiz, Includes: home drug test urine specimen cup and instruction booklet, Also includes identification label for confidential laboratory confirmation of positive results, plastic sealable bag, and pre-addressed mailing pouch. If its the case of an employee, follow the company protocol. This said, no matter how faint the line is in the test region, its still negative. The results are read for each numbered line below the (C) line and the number corresponds to the drug letters printed below the window. i jus took a home drug . "A red or pink colored line next to the word Control AND a red or pink colored line next to the word Drug indicates a Negative Result for that drug, regardless of how dark or faint the lines may appear. Some of them are chemically similar to the illicit or abused drugs identified on drug screens. Can urine be scooped out of the toilet for drug screening test? It does not always mean there are absolutely no drugs present in the person being tested, only that drugs are not present above the cut off limit. The lab test detects the concentration of one or two substances in the sample. All of these combine together to cause a SCREEN test to read preliminary (or positive). However a faint line is still a line and indicates a negative result. Toilet urine may become diluted and has a chance of exposure to cleaning agents that may alter the result. If your child isnt a chronic smoker, chances are the drug eliminated from his bodybefore the test. Memory usage: 66260.0KB, Faint Line on Drug Test: Meaning and Causes. It only works if you are really close to the cut-off level. At the laboratory, the confirmation test is designed to detect only ONE. Get privacy and peace of mind with the Equate Home Drug Test. Preliminary screening tests are not as accurate as laboratoryconfirmation tests. I just bought the Equate Early Response (blue dye) test today and got a faint positive result. 5-8 days. If the colored line appears in the control region but not in the test region, the test is considered to be positive. Re: My home test shows a Very faint negative line but test is in 2 days! Your First Check Home Drug Test will provide you with results in 5 minutes. The staff is aware of the possibility of varying test results. Even with a very faint line, it's a pass. Any line, regardless of its intensity, is considered a negative. Please carefully read the directions again and repeat the test with a new test card. However, its important to note that these tests do not give any information regarding the amount of drug present within the body. If you have an employee test for marijuana and opioids in their test and there are faint lines on both, the test is negative. Moreover, they ascertain that their sample cups and saliva test swabs match government standards. Home drug tests have a cut off level of say 50-100 ng/ml and lab tests can have a screen so low as .2-.5 ng/ml. . The detection level listed in the instructions tells you how much of the drug being tested is required to trigger a positive test result. Each test uses its own regeant and calibration. And, of course, a negative result brings a sigh of relief. After seeing the damage caused by drug use first-hand, David sold his previous company and worked his way up through the ranks in the drug testing industry to help employers keep drugs and alcohol out of the workplace. Faint lines are always negative. If there is a colored line in the control region and none in the test region, the result is positive. But do not assume the urine sample came from a drug abuser. For example, the cutoff level for marijuana is 50 ng/mL, therefore a person with only 30 ng/mL of THC in their system would test negative on a marijuana drug test. A colored line appears in the Control Region (C) and a colored line appears in the Test Region (T). If possible test first thing in the morning before the subject can ingest water. Mind on a 12 panel drug test resultsany red flag causes them drop. 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