1, pp. The periodic structure consists of lossless dielectric and, 2010 International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, Transfer Matrix Method is used to study the dispersion relation of one-dimensional plasma photonic crystals. 4, no. The coupling between the low frequency branch and the betatron wave especially is a new phenomenon and the details still need further study. Properties of possible electrostatic and electromagnetic wave propa-gation in hot space plasmas can be described by plasma dispersion relation. Based on this point it can be classified as strong and weak ion channel and in the cases of the weak and strong ion channel, which meet and , respectively. 2017. 593599, 1994. However, the rotational motion of charged particles in an external magnetic field makes it more natural to use the circularly polarized fields. Parameter dependence of the effects is calculated and discussed. G. I. Zaginaylov, V. I. Shcherbinin, K. Schenemann, and M. K. Thumm, Influence of background plasma on electromagnetic properties of "Cold" gyrotron cavity, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences, vol. Initially, we outline the well-known generalized linear dispersion description 1,5,25 1. plasma 2, because it is important to study electromagnetic waves in plasma forunderstandi ng of electromagnetic environment around the Earth. View all Google Scholar citations The dispersion relations for electromagnetic wave propagation in chiral plasmas are derived using a simplified method and investigated in detail. With the increasing of , there will be two branches for TM modes and a low frequency (LF) mode with a lower cutoff frequency emerged as the new branch. the new notation, k gives a measure of how fast the wave oscillates as a function of x. k and dier simply by a factor of the bead spacing, '. Plasmas 9, 701 (2002)], is incorrect. The dispersion relation is obtained by solving a Maxwell wave equation using a method analogous to Kronig-Pennys problem in quantum mechanics, and it is found that the frequency gap and cut-off appear in the dispersion relation. My work on chiral metamaterials will be presented in Chapter 4. It is supposed that the reason of this phenomenon is that the dispersion equation (34) will have a new solution with the increase of the betatron oscillation frequency. A linear theory for the electromagnetic properties and interactions of an annular beam-ion channel system in plasma waveguide is presented. X. Wenkai, Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams, Science Press, Beijing, China, 2009. Both increasing the degree of chirality and reducing the, The problem of waves in a magnetized plasma is generally formulated in terms of the Cartesian components of the electromagnetic field. Qamar, A. The absorption of transverse radiation is also considered. The Poisson equation is The linearized continuity equation iswhere is the unperturbed density of the REB in the beam frame. The typical reader's information overload is so huge at present that large reviews might seem to be of limited value -because nobody will have enough motivation to read them in their entirety. "displayNetworkMapGraph": false, The dispersion relation of electrostatic waves with phase velocities smaller than the electron thermal velocity is investigated in relativistic temperature plasmas. November 07 2022, 21:48:09 UTC. The TM modes normalized dispersion frequencies as a function of the ratio of the outer radius to the waveguide radius are illustrated in Figure 12. 5157, 2016. X. Renzhen, L. Yuzheng, S. Zhimin, C. Changhua, and L. Guozhi, Theoretical study of a plasma-filled relativistic Cerenkov generator with coaxial slow-wave structure, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences, vol. Figures 29 also show that, in both of the strong and weak ion channel case, the asymptotic behaviors of the SC01 and Be01 modes for the case of the solid beam in [15] coincide with the annular beam case in this paper. Here, is Lorentz factor of the beam. However, in the strong ion channel situation, the transverse magnetic modes will have two branches and a low frequency mode emerged as the new branch. Thus, it was observed that for circularly polarized fields the dielectric tensor becomes diagonal. "isUnsiloEnabled": true, Akbari-Moghanjoughi, M In the past years, most of the published papers concentrated on the case of the relativistic electron beam (REB) with an external magnetic field guiding. PDF | The propagation of a quasi-harmonic electromagnetic wave in a bulk hyperbolic dielectric metamaterial is considered. The results show that chirality can induce negative refraction in . 6, no. It is shown that the combined plasma and quantum electrodynamic effect is important for understanding the mode-structures in magnetar and pulsar atmospheres. Consider scattering of the electromagnetic wave by the helical medium constituting a thin plate orthogonal to the z axis. "displayNetworkTab": true, Response to "Comment on 'Dispersion relation for the dust ionization and dust acoustic waves in the gas discharge complex plasma'" [Phys. In this figure, .6205 and correspond to and , respectively. "shouldUseHypothesis": true, Dispersion relations for elliptically polarized extraordinary as well as linearly polarized ordinary electromagnetic waves propagating across an external magnetic field in a dense magnetoplasma are derived, taking into account the combined effects of the quantum electrodynamical (QED) field, as well as the quantum forces associated with the Bohm potential and the magnetization energy of the electrons due to the electron-1/2 spin effect. Varactor based nonlinear SRRs are built and modeled to study the nonlinearity in magnetic metamaterials and the results will be presented in Chapter 3. The top of the graphic shows the dispersion relation, while the bottom shows an animation of the collective vibration of the atoms in the crystal. PAVLENKO, I. 15, no. Zero-dispersion phenomena in oscillatory systems. E^~ = E_0exp (i (kx-t))z^. The dependencies of the dispersion behavior and interaction for different wave modes on the thickness of the annular . In plasma physics, waves in plasmas are an interconnected set of particles and fields which propagate in a periodically repeating fashion. A plasma is a quasineutral, electrically conductive fluid.In the simplest case, it is composed of electrons and a single species of positive ions, but it may also contain multiple ion species including negative ions as well as neutral particles. and k:! w = w + ck, Wo = constant (a) find the phase V velocity of this particle. This is very different from the solid beam case and we did not find similar phenomenon in that case. The investigation of the interaction between the ES waves and TM waves for strong and weak ion channel indicates that there is no coupling between the two families propagating modes in weak ion channel case but the Be01 modes can interact with the both of the two branches of the TM01 waves in the strong ion channel case. What is dispersion relation in plasma? , 2010 ]. As a REB passes through the preformed plasma, the beam front will push out the plasma electrons continuously by the space charge force induced by beam electron, leaving the almost immobile positive ions to form the so-called ion channel. H.-R. Li, C.-J. The results show that chirality can induce negative refraction in plasmas. M. H. Rouhani and B. Maraghechi, Wave-mode dispersions in a relativistic electron beam with ion-channel guiding, Physics of Plasmas, vol. hasContentIssue true. Ask Question . "shouldUseShareProductTool": true, As the betatron waves are backward waves and have negative group velocity, the coupling between betatron and TM wave may produce absolute instability and this interaction can be used for microwave generation [23]. The frequency gap is shown to become larger with the, 2010 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), Dispersion relations of electromagnetic wave in one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional(2D) magnetized plasma dielectric photonic crystal (PDPC) are studied, where external magnetic field is set to, 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, A tunable one-dimensional plasma photonic crystal is obtained by using a dielectric barrier discharge with two liquid electrodes. Metallic split-ring resonators (SRRs) and variants are widely used to build magnetic metamaterials with effective < 1 or even < 0. Although the asymptotic frequency of the SC01 modes is far smaller than the cutoff frequency of the TM modes and it cannot interact with the TM modes, the Be01 modes can interact with the TM modes for both the annular and solid beam cases. Compared with the cold plasma dispersion relation, the derived dispersion relation is in much better agreement with the full hot plasma dispersion relation (including the wave . A, B, and C are Sellmeier coefficients and are given in Table A. Cauchy developed the first dispersion relation equation [5]. As is well known, plasma filling has a variety of advantages in increasing the space charge limited current, overall energy conversion efficiency, and radiation bandwidth dramatically [13] and it has been widely used in many plasma microwave radiation sources, such as traveling-wave tubes (TWT) [4], backward-wave oscillators (BWO) [5], klystrons [6], and gyrotrons [7]. 2003, Physics Reports. 17, no. For the convenience of the numerical calculation, The dispersion frequency and the wavenumber are normalized by the beam frequency and the speed of the light in vacuum; that is, and . Plasmas 29, 114701 . (d) do we have normal or anomalous dispersion in the . In addition, by injecting a finite thick annular intense relativistic electron beam in this waveguide, the excitation of these waves is investigated. Section 2gives basic equations for electromagnetic waves in collisionless plasma. Request PDF | On Nov 1, 2022, D. I. Zhukhovitskii published Response to "Comment on 'Dispersion relation for the dust ionization and dust acoustic waves in the gas discharge complex plasma . There are three types of eigenmodes that will be discussed and the electrostatic (ES) and EM approximation will be used to study the space charge modes, betatron modes, and transverse magnetic (TM) modes, respectively. W. Fu and Y. Yan, Harmonic generation of high-power microwave in plasma filled waveguide, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. This new focusing method has been experimentally demonstrated in plasma wave tubes (PWT) [12], free electron lasers (FEL) [13], and charged particle accelerators [14] successfully. It is the purpose of the present Comment to point out that the dispersion relation for surface waves propagating along a semi-bounded plasma jet, derived in a recent work [Phys. frequency within the range of the band-gap are suppressed from propagating in the photonic crystal. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Pandey, R. S.; Singh, Vikrant; Rani, An Besides, compared with the solid beam case, the SC01 modes have higher frequencies and the Be01 modes have lower frequencies in the annular beam case. To illustrate the application of these techniques to degenerate, low-temperature systems, the absorption process in a highdensity electron gas is briefly considered. L. Guo, T. Shu, Z. Li, H. Zhang, and J. Ju, An efficient gigawatt level X -band Cerenkov type oscillator without guiding magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas, vol. Mushtaq, A. From (14) and (27), we can find that the transverse oscillation characteristic frequency has important influence on the solution of the ES and TM mode dispersion equation. The study of surface modes and waveguiding properties of a 2D photonic crystal will be presented in Chapter 1. Electronion collisions produce a damping effect, which remains finite for long wavelengths. The dispersion relation of electromagnetic waves in a rippled-wall elliptical waveguide with a degenerate plasma column protected by an elliptical annular dielectric layer is theoretically investigated. and A cylindrical metallic waveguide with radius R is completely filled with an annular plasma column. This is known as the dispersion relation for our beaded . The radial force balance equation isIf the inner radius approaches zero, the annular beam will reduce to the solid beam case and the solution has been given in [15], which can be written as , and denotes the initial radial coordinate. , 2010 ; Pickett et al. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/8/1/016 from Copyright Cambridge University Press 2008. 1) Determine the dispersion relation for the wave. In . This approach also substantially simplifies the general problem of waves in a magnetized plasma. Consider the following dispersion relation for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma. In this case the dispersion curves of the SC01 waves will shift to the beam frequency as the wavenumber is close to infinity and the Be01 waves have upper hybrid frequency [15]. The dispersion relation is obtained by solving a Maxwell wave equation using a method analogous to Kronig-Penny's problem in quantum mechanics, and it is found that the frequency . It is simple but only works for a limited range of energy values, as shown in Table B. Cauchy dispersion relation equation: (12) n = n 1 ( h ) 2 + n 2 + n 3 ( h ) 2 + n 4 ( h ) 4. We can also see that from the figures, in contrast to the strong channel case, the roles of the space charge and betatron modes will be exchanged in weak ion channel so that the effects of the inner and outer radii on the space charge and betatron modes are also exchanged. 34, no. The problem of propagation of electromagnetic waves near periodically corrugated conducting surface has attracted attention since the 1940s [1,2] in the context of slow waves and nowadays scattering of electromagnetic waves on a corrugated surface of a perfect electric conductor is one of the standard topics of textbooks on electromagnetic theory. (auth), Chirality-induced negative refraction in magnetized plasma, Dispersion relation for waves in a magnetized plasma (comments regarding techniques), The dispersion relation and excitation of transverse magnetic mode electromagnetic waves in rippled-wall waveguide with a plasma rod and an annular dielectric, Wave propagation in photonic crystals and metamaterials: Surface waves, nonlinearity and chirality, PROPAGATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN PLASMAS, School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070 (China).
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