This cookie is set by Stripe payment gateway. [37][38], When he came to power in 2003, then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan initially promised to strengthen the rights of minorities. The following are major crimes that cause an Alevi to be declared dkn (shunned):[31], Most Alevi activity takes place in the context of the second gate (spiritual brotherhood), during which one submits to a living spiritual guide (dede, pir, mrid). After the 1826 disbanding of the Janissary Corps, the now-proscribed Bektashi order began to meet underground, like the Alevis. The goal of spiritual life is to follow this path in the reverse direction, to unity with God, or Haqq (Reality, Truth). Vorhoff, Karin. The share of the dependent population is calculated as total elderly and youth population expressed as a ratio of the total population. There are many other practices and ceremonies that share similarity with other faiths, such as a ritual meal (muhabbet) and yearly confession of sins to a baba (magfirat-i zunub ). Anatolia was then entirely Christian. Selim I. The list is probably an inventory of common local practices the authorities wish to prevent from re-emerging. Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc, 2006. In Turkey, 15 percent of Turkey's population (approx. THE ALEVI COMMUNITY IN AUSTRALIA The majority of Alevi people in Australia are from Turkey. Following the severe persecution and massacres by the Ottomans which went on into the 18th century, Alevis went underground using taqiya, religious dissimulation permitted by all Shi`a groups, to conceal their faith (pretending to be Sunnis) and survive in a hostile environment. This article is about the religious group in Turkey. stanbul: letiim. Alevis remain economically underprivileged. In this connection, scholar Martin van Bruinessen notes a sign from Turkey's Ministry of Religion, attached to Istanbul's shrine of Eyp Sultan, which presents. After the foundation of the Safavid Persian state, the new Turkmen Shahs gradually rid themselves of their tribal and sectarian origins in their bid to build a unified Iranian state. Population Population, by age group, per cent Population aged 0-14 Population aged 15-64 Population aged 65+ Sexual and Reproductive Health Births attended by skilled health personnel, per cent, 2004-2020 Births attended by skilled health personnel Family Planning Proportion of demand satisfied with modern methods, women aged 15-49, per cent, 2022 Ritual, Identity and the State: An Alevi (Shia) Cem Ceremony.In Kirsten E. Schulze et al. II, (London: Facts on file, 1987), p. (ed.). The Alevis (Kizilbash) are traditionally predominantly rural and acquire identity by parentage. An Esoteric Sufi Ceremony. In contrast with the traditional secrecy of the Cem ceremony ritual, the events at these cultural centers and sites are open to the public. [17], Like Islam, all Alevis acknowledge at least the four scriptures revealed from heaven. ~4-5% of total population of Turkey Konda Research (2021). We hope you find it interesting. As neither they nor their places of worship are recognized by the government, essentially, they call for the right to hold an interpretation of Islam that is different from that of the mainstream. The result was the founding of the Safavid dynasty, and the conversion of Iran to Shiism. From the highest perspective, all is God (see Wahdat-ul-Wujood). Turkeys Alevi Enigma: A Comprehensive Overview, Leiden: Brill, pp. The religion of the Iranian populace, however, fell under the domination of Shia Arab clerics who downplayed the ghulat beliefs of the Turkish warrior class. This application presents data for 228 countries and areas of the world with a 2022 population of 5,000 or more. In 1826 Sultan Mahmud II massacred the Janissaries and suppressed the Bektashi order. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. Newroz (Persian: Nowroz, literally "New Day") is the ancient Iranian New Year, observed and practiced by Iranians and many ethnic groups(Ulghurs, Kurds, Uzbeks)on 21 March (the Spring equinox) as a celebration of newness and reconciliation. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 241260. 10.6 million) David Shankland. Alevis believe in the unity of Allah, Muhammad, and Ali, but this is not a trinity composed of God and the historical figures of Muhammad and Ali. In Turkey, different estimations exist on the Kurdish Alevi population. The average annual growth rate was around 1.1% in 2015-2020, which steadily decreased after it peaked at 2.3% in the late 1960s. This order gained a great following in rural areas and it later developed in two branches: the Celebi clan, who claimed to be physical descendants of Haji Bektash Veli, were called Bel evladlar (children of the loins), and became the hereditary spiritual leaders of the rural Alevis; and the Babaan, those faithful to the path (yol evladlar children of the way) who dominated the official Bektashi Sufi order with its elected leadership.[45]. He pronounced that they are technically considered Muslims even if they have differing beliefs to the Usoolis. It is seen as a curtain alienating creation from the divine source and an illusion which called the Zher or exoteric side to reality. Most Alevis would think first of Ali, Hajji Bektash Wali, or the other saints. Some Alevis make pilgrimages to mountains and other natural sites believed to be imbued with holiness. [2], The return of many Turks to their religious roots and the politicization of their communal identities were a crisis response to modernity and the accelerated rate of change it forced on Turkish society. They are demanding that the state recognize Alevism as an official Islamic community equal to, but different from, Sunnism. This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. According to more orthodox Shia Muslims, Alevis are labeled as "Batiniyya" groups since Alevis praise Ali beyond what mainstream Shia Muslims expect. Din, Toplum ve Siyasal Sistem, stanbul: Balam, pp. The History of the Shah Imm Alev arqah or The History of the Alevism is that of a community of Shias of Anatolia and neighbouring regions. Religious practices in the Turco-Iranian world: continuity and change, Anadolu Aleviliinde Ocak Sistemi Ve Dedelik Kurumu, Love and respect for all people (The important thing is not religion, but being a human being), Tolerance towards other religions and ethnic groups (If you hurt another person, the ritual prayers you have done are counted as worthless), Respect for working people ("The greatest act of worship is to work). However, Turkish Alevism also contains traces of Buddhism, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism and Shamanism and rejects some basic tenets considered to be normative in Islam, such as the pilgrimage to Mecca, the five daily prayers, and fasting during Ramadan. "approx. Pir Sultan Abdal (ca. This culminates in the festival of Ashura (Aure), which commemorates the martyrdom of Husayn at Karbala. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The festival is also celebrated in parts of the Balkans by the name of "Erdelez," where it falls on the same day as urevdan or St. George's Day. A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population, Pew Research Center" (PDF). There are many regional variants of sema, but the most widespread and important are the Dance of the Forty (Krklar Semah) and the Dance of the Cranes (Turnalar Semah). His missionaries spread a message of revolt against the Sunni Ottomans in Anatolia, claiming that Isma`il was the awaited mahdi (messiah), and Anatolia became the scene of protracted warfare between Ottomans and Safavids. Arab Twelver theologians were recruited from Jabal Amil in Lebanon and from Bahrain, and most Iranians were forcibly converted to Twelver Shiism. "In C.N. Many of the major traditional musicians in Turkey are Alevi, including Arif Sa, Musa Erolu, Erdal Erzincan, Neet Erta, Muharrem Erta, Ak Mahzuni erif, Ak Feyzullah nar, Ak Veysel atrolu, Ali Ekber iek, Sabahat Akkiraz, Belks Akkale, and Ula zdemir. [45], Qizilbash and Bektashi tariqah shared common religious beliefs and practices becoming intermingled as Alevis in spite of many local variations. Many Alevis would define the Perfect Human Being in practical terms, as one who is in full moral control of his or her hands, tongue and loins (eline diline beline sahip); treats all kinds of people equally (yetmi iki millete ayn gzle bakar); and serves the interests of others. A key component of the Turkification process was the policy of massive population resettlement, a result of the 1934 law on resettlement, a policy targeting the region of Dersim as one of its first test cases with disastrous consequences for the local population. Alevism is a branch ofShia Islam that is practiced in Turkey and the Balkans among ethnic Turks and Kurds, and is related tothough distinct fromAlawism in Syria. "Review of Emile Janssens', Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Turkey's Alevis, a Muslim Minority, Fear a Policy of Denying Their Existence", "Are Syrian Alawites and Turkish Alevis the same? The Alevi spiritual path (yol) is commonly understood to take place through four major life-stages, or "gates". The name represents a Turkish form of the word Alawi (Arabic: ) "of or pertaining to Ali". Many other names exist (often for subgroupings), among them "Woodcutters", "Bards" and . ahhseyinolu, Nedim. [2], The 1980 military takeover brought all Turkish secularist movements under pressure due to the growing Islamization of public and private life. Bektashis generally revere Sufi mystics outside of their own order, such as Ibn Arabi, Al-Ghazali and Jelalludin Rumi who are close in spirit to them. "In Kirsten E. Schulze et al. [35], Many folk practices may be identified, though few of them are specific to the Alevis. Until relatively recently Alevis survived by living in remote areas. Some Alevi groups accepted this Bektashi authority, while others did not. Vergin, Nur (2000, [1981]) Din ve Muhalif Olmak: Bir Halk Dini Olarak Alevilik. In: Nur Vergin (ed.) The Alevi dargahs (shrines built over the graves of revered religious figures) have been raided, plundered, burnt down, and destroyed." The population of Alevis in Turkey is estimated to be. These tribes dominated Anatolia for centuries with their religious warriors (ghazi) spearheading the drive against Byzantines and Crusaders.[39]. Like mainstream Shia they are known as "Twelvers" as they both recognize the Twelve Imams. [47] However, Alevi philosophies, customs, and rituals are appreciably different than those of mainstream, orthodox Ja'fari-Twelver Shiah. They have been combating discrimination there for decades, calling for Alevism to be portrayed differently school books and for the state officially. There was a growing state interest in dividing Alevis from Kurds and manipulating them to further the regime's aims. In a ceremony in the presence of a dede the partners make a lifelong commitment to care for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of each other and their children. The Qizilbash of Anatolia found themselves on the "wrong" side of the Ottoman-Persian border after the 1555 Peace of Amasya. Kaleli, Ltf. Adherents of the two groups blurred together to some extent. A recount of the Quranic story, one of the archangels refused to prostrate before the light, arguing, that the light is a created body just like him and therefore inappropriate to worship. [2], Kemalism turned Alevis into legally equal citizens, and its reforms had a radical impact on them as roads were built through their formerly isolated areas, compulsory schooling was introduced, and communications improved, drawing them out of their marginalisation into active engagement in social and political life and into deeper contact with the outside world and the state centre. [4] In October 2013, tens of thousands of Alevis protested the lack of Alevi rights in a series of reforms introduced by Erdoan. Others view this as a pejorative implying that their allegiance lies with Iran rather than Turkey. Our growing population. As a reaction, community identification intensified and religious and cultural boundary markers against the Sunni majority regained importance. The Ottomans had accepted Sunni Islam in the 13th century as a means to unifying their empire, and later proclaimed themselves its defenders against the Safavid Shia state and related heretical sects. [21], Renewed inter-communal violence is sadly on the rise. Thanks for using our World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples! ), Wilpert, Czarina (1990) "Religion and Ethnicity: Orientations, Perceptions and Strategies among Turkish Alevi and Sunni Migrants in Berlin." Although driven underground, the orders continued to enjoy popularity in secret. Nasr, V: "The Shia Revival," page 1. Consisting primarily of ethnic Turks and Kurds, the Alevi make up 11-12% of the nation's population. It is performed by men and women, to the accompaniment of the balama. The Alevi spiritual path (yol) is commonly understood to take place through four major life-stages, or "gates": These may be further subdivided into "four gates, forty levels (drt kap krk makam). Secularist ideologies such as Kemalism and socialism seemed to have failed and not delivered the hoped for goods. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Atatrk on his part saw the Alevis as allies in his struggle against the traditional Ottoman elite and for secularism and Turkish nationalism. Two of the most iconic rebellions against Turkey are of Alevi Kurdish origin, the Kogiri rebellion in 1921 and the Dersim rebellion in 1937-1938. . The vast majority of Alevis are probably of Kizilbash or Bektashi origin, two groups subscribing to virtually the same system of beliefs but separately organized. Aydn, Ayhan. There are twelve services (Turkish: On ki hizmet) performed by the twelve ministers of the cem. Alevi publications multiplied, and Alevis supported the claims of other minorities such as the Laz and the Kurds. Alevis are estimated to constitute between a tenth and a fifth of the Turkish population. An important milestone for the Alevi community came with the announcement in December 2015 of a range of expanded rights for Alevis, including legal recognition of cemevis, their houses of worship a long-standing area of discrimination. There was a generation gap in Alevism: the older generation remained Kemalist and hoped for the official reopening of the Bektashi order whilst the young generation became very politicized as they came in contact with revolutionary thought in universities, high schools, and trade unions. The phrase mum snd ("The candle went out") alludes to an accusation about a holy moment of some cem rituals in which twelve candles (representing the Twelve Imams) are doused with water. He selectively included Alevi cultural markers in his construct of the new Turkish national collective identity. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Kapc: this position represents Ghulam Kaysan. The largest Alevi diaspora, with an estimate of over half a million people, lives in Germany; about 70,000 reside in Berlin according to official statements provided by members of the Alevi community center. This demographic change has resulted in increasing numbers and proportions of people who are over 60. stanbul: Can Yaynlar. A lesser known minority is the Alevi community. The Alevi dargahs (shrines built over the graves of revered religious figures) have been raided, plundered, burnt down, and destroyed." The population of Alevis in Turkey is estimated to be more than ten million, but the number is only approximate. The plurality in nature is attributed to the infinite potential energy of Kull-i Nafs when it takes corporeal form as it descends into being from Allah. In Alevi writings are many references to the unity of Muhammad and Ali, such as: Ali Muhammed'dir uh dur fah'ad, Muhammad Ali, (Ali is Muhammad, Muhammad is Ali) "Tradition and Modernity: Alevis' Ambiguous Terms and Turkey's Ambivalent Subjects". Other uncategorised cookies are those that are being analysed and have not been classified into a category as yet. briki: this position represents Kamber. Many belonging to the majority have viewed Alevis as non-Muslims and questioned their loyalties, as well as targeted them with unfounded and scurrilous libels. rat, Ali Murat. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [citation needed] (Even Kurdish and Balkan Alevi populations pray in Turkish. Many teachings are based on an orally transmitted tradition which has traditionally been kept secret from outsiders (but is now widely accessible). A levism: Alevis are the second largest belief community in Turkey. Isolated from both the Sunni Ottomans and the Twelver Shi`a Safavids, Alevis developed traditions, practices, and doctrines by the early 17th century which marked them as a closed autonomous religious community. Entry into the third gate dissolves the msahiplik relationship (which otherwise persists unto death), in a ceremony called z Verme yini ("ceremony of giving up the self"). [citation needed], Sources differ on how important formal doctrine is among contemporary Alevi. However, Alevi worship takes place in assembly houses (cemevi) rather than mosques. "afavid Dynasty". We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Alevis harassed by Sunnis have seldom sought redress either from the police or the law courts since they believe the latter to be deeply prejudiced against them. This created a gap between the Sunni Ottoman ruling elite and the Alevi Anatolian population. Some of the most frequently visited sites are the shrines of ahkulu and Karacaahmet (both in Istanbul), Abdal Musa (Antalya), Battal Gazi (Eskiehir), the annual celebrations held at Hacbekta (16 August) and Sivas (the Pir Sultan Abdal Kltr Etkinlikleri, 2324 June). With conscription and the drift towards towns in search of work, Alevis, especially Kurds, have increasingly been exposed to Sunni prejudice and animosity. Recent estimates of the Alevi population in Turkey range from 10 to 18 million (MEI 17 Mar. (2007), Alevilerin lk Siyasal Denemesi: (Trkiye Birlik Partisi) (19661980). (2002), Pir Sultanda Birlik Mcadelesi (Hzr Paalara Yant). Targeting and attacks against Alevis have continued. Finally in 1555 the peace of Amasya recognised Ottoman rule over Iraq and Eastern Anatolia and Iranian rule over Azerbaijan and Caucasia.[2]. According to Population Division of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs , these are the main milestones: 1 billion - 1804 2 billion - 1927 (in 123 years) [39] The Ottoman Empire later proclaimed themselves its defenders against the Safavid Shia state and related sects. In this connection, scholar Martin van Bruinessen notes a sign from Turkey's Ministry of Religion, attached to Istanbul's shrine of Eyp Sultan, which presents, a long list of superstitious practices that are emphatically declared to be non-Islamic and objectionable, such as lighting candles or placing wishing stones on the tomb, tying pieces of cloth to the shrine or to the trees in front of it, throwing money on the tomb, asking the dead directly for help, circling seven times around the trees in the courtyard or pressing ones face against the walls of the trbe in the hope of a supernatural cure, tying beads to the shrine and expecting supernatural support from them, sacrificing roosters or turkeys as a vow to the shrine. In the Alevi faith of the mainly Kurdish local population, wild goats are considered sacred, and hunting them has been forbidden by centuries-old unwritten rules. Greve, Martin and Ulas zdemir and Raoul Motika, eds. The doctrine of Qizilbashism is well explained in the following poem written by the Shaykh of Safaviyya tariqah Ismail I: / Mn daha nsn bilmzm, // I don't know any other object. Kizilbash and Bektashis shared common religious beliefs and practices becoming intermingled as Alevis in spite of many local variations. The Alevi population has been estimated as follows: In June 2008, several Turkish newspapers reported that the Turkish military had commissioned 3 universities to research the ethnic demographics of Turkey. His missionaries spread a message of revolt against the Sunni Ottomans in Anatolia, claiming that Ism`il was the awaited "mahdi" (massiah), and Anatolia became the scene of protracted warfare between Ottomans and Safavids.[2]. Later, during the 1960s70s, the politicization of Alevi communities within the Turkish leftist movement angered right-wingers, ultra-nationalists and Islamists, who cooperated in carrying out pogroms of Alevis in the late 1970s. Many other names exist (often for subgroupings), among them Tahtac "Woodcutters", Abdal "Bards" and epni. "Alevism," from. When the protests were over there were a total of fifteen Alevis killed. Alevism or Anatolian Alevism (/lvzm/; Turkish: Alevilik, Anadolu Alevilii or Kzlbalk; Kurdish: Rya Heq;[2][3] Azerbaijani: lvilik) is a local Islamic tradition,[4] whose adherents follow the mystical Alevi Islamic (ben)[5] teachings of Haji Bektash Veli, who is supposed to have taught the teachings of Ali and the Twelve Imams. He is known by `Alawis as a pupil of the 11th Shi'i Imam Hasan al-`Askari . The riots began after a provocative gunned attack on several cafs at the same time, and spread over other places in Istanbul and also in Ankara in the next days. The ceremony's prototype is the Muhammad's nocturnal ascent into heaven, where he beheld a gathering of forty saints (Krklar Meclisi), and the Divine Reality made manifest in their leader, Ali. Despite this progress, however, problems persist, with periodic reports of Alevi homes being vandalized with derogatory or nationalistic slogans. Such centers no longer feature community business or deliberation, such as the old ritual of reconciliation, but emphasize musical and dance performance to the exclusion of these. Bektashis, however, are predominantly urban, and formally claim that membership is open to any Muslim. Many times, Ottoman campaigns were [2], Sufism stressed esoteric, allegoric and multiple interpretations of scripture combined to intuitive faith and a search for ecstatic experiences, and was spread by wandering dervishes believed to possess "bereket" (baraqat spiritual power) and "keramet" (qaramat miraculous powers) due to their special nearness to God. [2], Alevis are proud of their cooperation with Atatrk, and the fact that the elebi and Dedebaba of the Hacbekta monastery had supported him. World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision. Twelver Shiism was proclaimed state religion, with a special role for the Safavi Shahs as descendants of alleged Ali and the Imams. Under Ism`il (d. 1524) they became dominant in Eastern Anatolia and conquered Azerbaijan with its capital Tabriz, where Ism`il named himself Shah in 1501 and went on to conquer all of Iran. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. They are called various names, such as Ali Illahi, Ahl-e Haqq and Goran. He is also preferred by Alevi Kurds, who appreciate his protest against the Turkish establishment, over Haji Bektash Veli (whom they identify with the Turks). Ocakzades may attain to the position of dede on the basis of selection (by a father from among several sons), character, and learning. Traditionally dedes did not merely lead rituals, but led their communities, often in conjunction with local notables such as the aas (large landowners) of the Dersim Region. [5] They hold the latter to be superior and eternal and this is reflected in their understanding of both the universe and humanity, which is a view that can also be found in Ismailism and Batiniyya.[25]. Istanbul: Kitap Yaynevi. As a result of the immense pressures to conform to Sunni Islam, all members of Alevism developed a tradition of opposition (iba) to all forms of external religion.[45]. Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives, Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, pp. Most Alevi writers and spokespersons claim that Turkey's population today is one-third Alevi-Bektashi, or more than 20 million. There was also a drive-by shooting of Alevis in Istanbul's Gazi neighborhood in 1995 which resulted in the death of some Alevis. There is a video of the massacre of Sivas which was taken by police who only stood and watched, refusing to stop the mob. ALEVISM IN TURKEY: PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS; Seven demands, seven proposals 18. [2]. In contrast to Alevi rhetoric on the equality of the sexes, it is generally assumed that only males may fill such leadership roles. A case filed in 2007 at the European Court of Human Rights by an Alevi parent, arguing that compulsory religious instruction violates Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, resulted in the court ruling in favour of the applicants. Erdemir, Aykan (2005). Number of People (2020) % of Global Population. father) is considered to be the head of a tekke and qualified to give spiritual guidance (irshad ). They are those who, while not having taken initiation into the order, are nevertheless drawn to it. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. stanbul: Ant. These trends were strengthened by anti-Alevi acts, such as an arson attack on hotel in Sivas in 1993, during which 35 Alevis were killed at an event celebrating an Alevi poet. After the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman state became increasingly determined to assert its fiscal but also its juridical and political control over the farthest reaches of the Empire. The list is probably an inventory of common local practices the authorities wish to prevent from re-emerging.[36]. Alevis are not expected to give Zakat in the Islamic mode, and there is no set formula or prescribed amount for charity. The result was a revival of Alevi identity, and debate over this identity which continues today. They claimed that the old forms were outdated and that Alevis must work for a radical restructuring of society. (2000), "Avrupadaki Alevi rgtlenmesine Bak" iinde Aleviler/Alewiten: Kimlik ve Tarih/ Indentitt und Geschichte, editrler: smail Engin ve Erhard Franz. Sunna and Hadith were Arab elite innovations, created to ensure Arab dominance of Islam and to enslave the masses through manipulation. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. The Making of World Society: Perspectives from Transnational Research. No. / zm qrbtt salmazam, // I can't let out my own essence to places far from my homeland. During the ceremony Dem is one of the twelve duties of the participants. There are also large communities of Alevis in some regions of Iranian Azerbaijan. [22], More recently Istanbul municipal leaders from the Islamic political party Refah tried to raze an Alevi monastery and close the Ezgi cafe where young Alevis meet. Vergin, Nur (2000, [1981]), Din, Toplum ve Siyasal Sistem, stanbul: Balam. After some time as a mhip, one can take further vows and become a dervish. Though the classes cover basic information about other religions, they are predominantly about the theory and practice of Sunni Hanafi Islam. Dedes are now approached on a voluntary basis, and their role has become more circumscribedlimited to religious rituals, research, and giving advice. At the closing of the cem ceremony the Dede who leads the ceremony engages the participants in a discussion (chat), this discussion is called a sohbet. Nationalist Sunni Muslims targeted the Alevi Turkish minority and killed more than half a hundred of them. Massacres of Qizilbash occurred. In 1950, five years after the founding of the United Nations, world population was estimated at around 2.6 billion people. To avoid persecution, Alevis practice taqiyya (dissimulation). The JESUS Film is available in Northern Zazaki, the heart language of the Zaza. Gl, Zeynel. (1997), "Gnmz Trkiyesinde Aleviliin nemi" iinde Aynay Yzme Ali Grnd Gzme: Yabanc Aratrmaclarn Gzyle Alevilik, editr: lhan Cem Erseven. As Alevis in Turkey are legally "non-existent", no census has yet been conducted for them. 85,363,081. [49] DW journalist Dorian Jones states that Turkish Alevis are suspicious of the anti-Assad uprising in Syria. Estimates from different sources range considerably - from around 10 per cent to as much as 40 per cent of the total population - but recent figures suggest Alevis number in the region of 20 to 25 million. Olsson, Tord & Elizabeth zdalga/Catharina Raudvere, eds. 2.3 billion. It is many. Stokes, Martin (1996). According to Alevis, Ali and Muhammad are likened to the two sides of a coin, or the two halves of an apple. "Alevi" is generally explained as referring to Al ibn Ab lib, cousin, son-in-law, and fostered son of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
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