It causes people to become anxious and panic when they cant have access to their mobile phones. Share. Regardless of how many times someone assures you that the said things will not hurt you, you still escape. Same. Its a big cause of social anxiety. Then you might suffer from taphophobia. 3) Arachibutyrophobia:the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. 4. While classified as a rare phobia, it is becoming much more common these days as people are constantly on their phones scrolling through social media. Some only fear detached or loose hair and do not mind attached hair. It requires a person to understand how to manage their anxiety to a level where they can live as much of a normal life as possible. No problem. The people suffering from this will withdraw, react strangely, or limit their responses to ugly characters, people, inconsistent or asymmetric objects, and other strange items that they may encounter. A large majority of people alive today are crippled by anxiety from the very thought of such simple things as elevators, harmless germs, or even peeing in front of strangers. feeling like you are choking. As with many phobias, symptoms vary in intensity - ranging from shortness of breath or rapid breathing to extreme anxiety, nausea, and uncontrollable shaking. He even avoids passing the cart or the place in supermarkets where bananas are kept, and tries to flee away. Mainly impacting young people, nomophobia is the fear of not having your phone nearby. In other news: Have you ever been sitting in your room, minding your own business, when you suddenly remembered oh no! You go, Sandra! a pounding heart, palpitations, sweating, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. 1. Genuphobia: fear of knees. Thats right, there are people out there who have an overwhelming fear of these feathered creatures. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. 1) Heliophobia:the fear of the sun, sunlight, or any bright light. As strange as it might sound, there is a small number of people in the world who struggle with this. One of the more common phobias, agoraphobia impacts thousands of people. Are you telling me that the idea of uncontrollably sliding all over the kitchen whilst being chased by wolves doesnt scare you? Somniphobia - The Fear of Falling Asleep. COPYRIGHT 2022 Next Luxury ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Cherophobia Cherophobia: Fear of happiness This is the abnormal and irrational fear of being happy or rejoicing. Signs you may have a phobia include: being excessively fearful of a situation or object on an ongoing basis, for six months or more. The full title of this phobia actually reads as follows: Of all the phobias I researched for this article, allodoxaphobia might be the one that I genuinely suffer from the most. some celebrities do! I mean, its not so much that I have a fear of opinions per se, its more that I have an irrational adverse reaction to anyones opinion which differs from mine, because coincidentally, every single time they just so happen to be wrong. That said, as time has gone on, the term has developed towards a more political characterization, often used as the opposite of xenophobia, describing someone who hasbecomefearful towards their own culture, and would rather live in a far away land where everything is nicer than where they are right now. The very definition means it is an irrational fear. What is the most awaited part of the day for a lot of people is perhaps the most dreadful experience for somniphobes, who fear sleeping. 4) Haphephobia:the fear of touch. 1 person likes this. Pogonophobia: fear of beards aka. 2021 Mental Health Rehabs. The absolute unknown of what is out there. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. This may sound like one of those made up phobias which some clever Reddit troll decided would be funny, but no, this is a legitimate fear. Along with triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13, octophobia is one of the only phobias associated with a certain number, making it very unique. Cockroaches, flies, mice, and lizards, for example, are frequently feared by gentle darlings. Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. Interestingly it isnt recognized as an official phobia by the American Psychiatric Association and is considered a social phobia. Not much is known about this phobia, but it seems pretty insensitive that this phobia includes the offending letter. What is your worst phobia? You'll want to avoid sending flowers and balloons to someone who suffers from which two phobias? dendrophobia and herpetophobia. P.S none of this is actually accurate this is all for fun. People suffering from this phobia feel very uncomfortable when within the company of wax statues and models. Its based on the fear of not being able to escape a situation. A particularly rare phobia, its not so much the fear of good news itself but a fear of the disappointment of not getting good news. 21 Strange Phobias - 1. They may also fear the hair on their own body. Barophobia is an interesting one because it can attack in two, seemingly contradictory, forms. Phobia force you onto your knees into a submissive prayer, begging for forgiveness due to all the terrible things youve done in your life. An individual plagued with this crippling phobia is frightened that the pull of gravity will eventually crush them, or alternatively, that gravity will cease to exist and they will simply float off the face of the Earth. One study found that 23% of male students suffer from this disorder and that 77% check their phones more than 35 times a day. This is a phobia that many famous people suffer from, including Johnny Depp. psychotic disorder. Dave Stopera This Word Jumble Will Tell You What You're Afraid. This condition is also known as Venustraphobia. I don't like talking about it to people in real life as it's emba Were not sure how such a therapy would appear, exactly, but we would imagine it would look a lot like pure existence. 164,556 takers Report. He gets scared when there are porcelain dolls around him. 3. There is some logic in this fear too, as I think a healthy dose of worry should arise when thinking about, say, a toaster next to a bathtub, or a fork next to a plug socket, or insect repellent in the hand of an infant. The good news is phobias can be treated, often through cognitive behavioral therapy whereby you are exposed to your phobia and gradually learn to live with it. As crazy as it sounds, it is an issue. 1. There are several number-specific phobias. What Phobia Do You Have? The first version of this fear, is that gravity will suddenly increase, and we will all be crushed inwards like a soda can, flattened to the Earths surface at any given moment. The reason people suffer from octophobia is often to do with them experiencing something bad on a day that is the eighth or during the eighth month of the year. ". Some of us, whether it be from a bad experience or for no reason at all, have fears that are just irrational. They often dont like going outside and prefer to inhabit low-lit areas. There are hundreds of different types of these irrational fearssome ultra-specific and some broad. mood disorder. Ironically, there is a fear of fear itself. Real gentlemen know quality when they see it. Scriptophobia is the fear of writing in public. Omphalophobia is the term used for people who are disgusted by seeing or touching a human belly button. Apparentlycertain people with the phobia arent even remotely bothered by balloons when they are deflated, so a fun thing to do is to lock them in a room and then slowly blow one up in front of them, watching how their eyeballs pulsate, because, you know, Im a horrible person. Back in the prehistoric days when humans used to ride dinosaurs, these fear-triggers were imperative to our survival. I take a ball out of the bag and let it rustle against the palm of my . 30 Best Kanye West Memes That Will Crack You Up, 11 Wild Active Cults That Still Exist Today, 101 Weird Facts You Wont Believe Are True. But there is a difference between fearing something and what are known as true weird phobias. 62. It's called Koumpounophobia. According to experts, it canstem from a previous injury, or perhaps a religious upbringing, as certain beliefs prohibit knees from being seen whatsoever, whilst otherbeliefs. Ughhhhhhhhh the idea of bubbles touching my skin makes me shiver at the very thought. botanophobia and entomophobia. An All Thats Interesting writer since 2013, Erin Kelly focuses on historic places, natural wonders, environmental issues, and the world of science. As Howard E. LeWine, MD states in Harvard Health Publishing, a phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. Its considered a type of anxiety disorder that triggers real fear in people. Please whitelist TheClever or disable your ad blocker to continue. Omphalophobia - Fear of navels As weird as it sounds, some people do have this phobia where they can't touch their own or others' belly buttons. Music is thought of as the universal language but to some, its one that induces tremendous distress. This extremely rare phobia isnt well understood, however, the cause is believed to be an uncommon sensitivity to changes in pitch and tone. Discussion 4,987. Instead, they are items that induce dread and disgust. Its the casual worry about nothing in particular, simply walking around in pure terror, that any moment now something scary might happen. Physically interacting with a disliked fabric type may elicit a physical reaction similar to that of food like gagging and vomiting. Myrmecophobia? Venustraphobia: Fear of Beautiful Women There's a fear of women in general; (gynophobia), and then there's the ultra-specific fear of beautiful women. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Ang75pfp. Another ironic phobia, this mouthful is the fear of long words as a result of anxiety of being embarrassed when reading or pronouncing them. Four is an unlucky number in Asian culture and is avoided in hotels and even major retailers. Ever seen the movie Buried and got a shiver at the thought of being buried alive? Its a fear of open or enclosed spaces, being in public, or finding yourself in a large crowd. Achievemephobia isnt so much a fear of succeeding but rather the consequence of suchlike the way people will react to it or how the success might cause things to change afterward. Here's what we mean: 1. 21 Rare, Irrational, and Weird Phobias You've Likely Not Heard Of Learn more about some of the least talked about and most bizarre phobias. It is, however, arguable that the word phobia is misused and that in the majority of cases it is only a normal anxiety. Alyssa Jung Senior Editor Alyssa is a senior editor for the Hearst Health . Ereuthophobia - Fear of Blushing/Red View in gallery via Sometimes this is a generalized fear of the color red, but more often it shows up as a terror when a person blushes. That chin is worth asking some questions about no matter who you are. For reasons ranging from the unique gummy, smacking sound bananas make when being chewed to the mushy texture and accompanied imaginings of the squishy mess it would make if mashedsome people find bananas to be a triggering sensory landmine. People who suffer from this phobia often get panic attacks which increase with severity unless treated. Sometimes this stems from excessive bullying or severe body image problems. Theyll avoid roads or buildings with the number, be fearful of purchase totals that include $6.66, or refuse credit cards, phone numbersor any other account numbers that have those digits. Texture, fear of the germs they carry, or accidentally swallowing one, are the most commonly cited sources of this fear. Gymnophobia: The fear of being nude or seeing others nude. People are usually scared of something. 0 Comment . But compared to these 10 celebrity phobias, my fears are . 1) Heliophobia: the fear of the sun, sunlight, or any bright light. As with many phobias, symptoms vary in intensity ranging from shortness of breath or rapid breathing to extreme anxiety, nausea, and uncontrollable shaking. 29 Weird Phobias - List of Phobias You Don't Know About. Let's find out some weird facts from their lives. It is a very rare phobia, where one can't stand the sight of bananas and refuses to be in the same room where the bananas are kept. This fear can helpprevent you from eating food infested with eggs, which is the safest defense against baby creatures hatchingwithinyour belly and feeding off of your intestines. Theres a fear of women in general; (gynophobia), and then theres the ultra-specific fear of beautiful women. 2) Chaetophobia: the fear of hair. Personality Scary Phobia Fear Horror Fun Strange Weird Odd. Unlike Raj from the Big Bang Theory, who is thought to be suffering from gynephobia (the fear of all women) caligynephobia is the distinct fear of beautiful women; at least the ones the sufferer deems to be beautiful. Then you do not have genuphobia, what a relief for you, Im sure, well done. When she got older, she would instantly fear being attacked by a hen or rooster when she saw one. All Rights Reserved. This is a normal reaction. All I have to do is order stuff without the condiments. Outpatient vs Inpatient Mental Health Treatment, How to Pay for Therapy With & Without Insurance. Take omphalophobia, for example. From snakes to peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (yes its really real, look it up) but what really gives you the shivers? 3. People have phobias to all kinds of things besides the normal phobias like heights, elevators, snakes or driving over bridges. Uranophobia (Fear of sky) Also known as a fear of heaven, uranophobia is tied to the fear of judgment after death and is closely related to thanatophobia, the fear of dying. Many who live with this condition find it hard to leave their homes. To some, the small apparatuses that hold shirts closed and pants up are far from innocuous. You know what Im talking about. The alternative name for this phobia, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, is even longer! Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens or hens. Still, these underground dwellers are rather uncommon and only native to eastern Africa. Ants, on the other hand, actually warrant a legit phobia. WE MAY GET PAID IF YOU BUY SOMETHING OR TAKE AN ACTION AFTER CLICKING ONE OF THESE. Scriptophobia is considered a social and specific phobia and is also related to Graphophobia which is the fear of writing or handwriting. This fear is called "pediophilia," "I just think . List of Weird Phobias. This is the fear of all the navels in the world, which seems hilarious, until you think about it for too long. There cant be any fear quite as ridiculous as anablephobia. Here is a list of top 10 strange phobias and fears you probably never thought existed: 1. That aside, people with dyslexia are most likely to have to deal with this phobia that also goes by the name sesquipedalophobia. There is no real reason why people suffer from omphalophobia, which is what makes it such a weird thing to be afraid of. The full title of this phobia actually reads as follows: the fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor, and if you think this sounds like some sort of a nonsense joke, you would be absolutely right. One of the strangest phobias is coulrophobia, a fear of clowns. Honestly, I'm glad I don't have to make sense out of it lol. When you were born, they had to cut the umbilical cord and now it looks like just a tied up mess of knots dug into your stomach. Why? 3) Arachibutyrophobia: the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of . Yeah, sure, we all have a fear of clowns (coulrophobia, youre welcome), but when youre ready to take your timidness to the next level, lets get scared of balloons instead. Not so funny now, hey. 3. Thats right, people with this phobia are afraid of pretty much everything. Your email address will not be published. He had this to say about his fear of clowns: There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil. In most cases, this phobia is related to an incident involving sound such as the loud sound of crackers, the bursting of a balloon, etc.. 7. Lets have meetings and talk about our feelings. Some are just memes that developed over the years that have been proven to be real. That said, Pope Francis is alright with me. She experienced a bad situation involving peanut butter sticking to the roof of the language they speak mirrors, stemming. 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