The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller in 1952 and has remained such a renowned play in American literature because the play pays close attention to the importance of reputation, which continues to be as much of a priority in 1692 as in modern times. 68 lessons We all hope for that love, but it cannot come with pain first. People must always act morally, in public and private. "The church in theocratic Salem is identical with the state and the community and will surely crumble if unquestioning obedience falters in the least." Having a good reputation is the most important to people and individuality is not an option. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. The characters in the Crucible keep their reputation guarded and are cautious to keep their name clean. Some may argue that John Proctor doesnt deserve Elizabeths forgiveness for hes only doing it to make himself feel good and to save himself a good name; however, he also demonstrates his sincerity by defending Elizabeth and accusing Abigail when they arrested Elizabeth. Your reputation does not just matter to you, but it matters to the people around you too. Importance Of Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller. He knew that Abigail Williams had accused his wife, Elizabeth, of witchcraft because she saw that she was in the way of her relationship with Proctor. - Explore the importance of name and reputation. It is Better to Die for What You Believe in Than to Live for What You Do Not In The Crucible, Arthur Miller makes one of his particular beliefs vehemently clear: the preservation of ones reputation is more important than the preservation of ones life. Note: All essays placed on are written by students who kindly donate their papers to us. Having a good reputation in a small town like Salem is very important because other people will trust and want to associate with you. The Importance Of Reputation In The Crucible "The reputation of a man is like his shadow; it sometimes follows and sometimes precedes him, sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his natural size." (French proverb) Reputation is actions that follow you to whom you're known to be. Reputation is an important theme in "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller. But Calvin did not believe this to be true he believed that the reprobate are the people that God intentionally chooses to neglect, I don't believe that God neglects anyone that does not neglect him. The importance of a good reputation is a huge theme in The Crucible. Hale was a young minister from the nearby town of Beverly seen as a spiritual leader and an expert in the field of witchcraft. Reputation is the way that other people perceive you. Throughout the town of Salem, John Proctor almost has a sense of authority over the other townspeople. First of all, Danforth used various court techniques that were unjust in the eyes of most of the people in Salem. His lust for Abigail that led to an affair created jealousy towards his wife Elizabeth, and resulted in Abigail spreading lies and causing witch hysteria to arise. Proctor is willing to lie to save his life. Reputation is displayed throughout the Crucible as Arthur Miller stresses the importance of a good standing in your society. Reputation is one of the major themes in Arthur Millers play The Crucible. In the Crucible. The desire to protect one's reputation is an extremely prominent theme in The Crucible. Rebecca Nurse and, eventually, John Proctor, choose to protect their integrity.. Proctor uses the word innocent to imply Abigails guilt of false accusation. There are several instances where John Proctor, Giles Corey, or Rebecca Nurse were willing to risk their own lives to maintain their innocence. The protectiveness of self-image reflects on Arthur Miller's message on unfair government practices. Although not a perfect human, I consider him one of the most righteous in the whole story. In a time when ones good reputation is the cornerstone for a content, healthy existence, it makes sense that reputation is an important recurring theme in The Crucible. What is the importance of name and reputation in The Crucible? But it is important for people to keep their integrity intact so they know who exactly they are. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. He introduced the War Measures Act to, This made people of the village question the accuracy of the accusations and it was harder to prove them guilty. When Francis Nurse and John Proctor claimed to have evidence against the truth of witchcraft, Judge Danforth responded, But you must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. Your reputation can affect what kind of job you are able to get in the world, or even the people that you are involved . He tried to save his reputation through a testimony of Mary Warren without revealing his crucial information but it failed. There be no higher judge under Heaven than Proctor is! (Elizabeth 137). But let none be your judge. Judge Danforth also asserts the importance of names and reputations in The Crucible, but in a less noble way. Your name is something you have with you until you die. By telling the truth that they were not witches, the court and townspeople would punish them. Reputation can be viewed as the way you dress,the people you are associated with and sometimes people are given a reputation by the acts of the people in their family. The line "because it is my name" is the most memorable line said by John Proctor in the 'The Crucible'. You will not use me! A false admission would also dishonor him and his soul. Set in the fervently religious town of Salem, Arthur Miller's The Crucible deals with judgement and the consequences of personal actions in a dogmatic society. One can have either a respected or shriveled reputation. While trying to be fair with John Proctor, it also gives Elizabeth the opportunity to explain the reason why Abigail hates her and stabs needles into her stomach to accuse her. The author chooses not to believe in God because it makes him happier. May 18, 2022 by Essay Writer. His fear resulted in him lying about the night in the woods with Betty and Abigail, in which they were accused of witchcraft despite the of proven evidence. Good vs Evil, Reputation and Injustice, as well as fear and hysteria are all key themes in Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible. There is blood on my head he cries. This lesson will provide a general overview of that role and also give some specific examples from the play. Isnt it our own, that of the people to whom we belong? (Lessing 3.7). A core ideal of the Puritan religion was the principle of humanity being essentially evil and only doing good for others out of fear for Gods wrath or for selfish benefit. It was quite selfish and unthoughtful in my eyes. Throughout the play, John Proctor has two choices, he can either save his life by tarnishing his name, or he can choose to die while preserving his integrity. In The Crucible, Some people stay true to themselves and value fate in God, others did anything to stay alive. Proctor uttered these lines when his confession was being made public in court. Proctor does not approve of the church or Parris interference into government issues. 7 chapters | When John Proctor, Francis Nurse, and Giles Corey come to the court to present evidence to Judge Danforth in defense of their wives, Danforth asks on two different occasions, Do you know who I am? It seems clear that Reverend Hale's reputation is largely deserved. He has done extensive research on witchcraft and he is said to have investigated at least one other case in which he found there was actually NO witchcraft at work. There were two main ways of governing in this new America and they were polar opposites of each other. He had too much pride in him to sign something that wasnt true, and by doing so; it therefore lead to his arrest and eventually his death., Accusations of witchcraft were common in the 1600s and people had to decide whether to confess to these accusations to save their lives or to not confess and be hung. They all were to concerned with their own with reputations and it drove them to conceal the truth. By refusing to confess, Proctor proclaims that such integrity would bring him into heaven, and he goes to the gallows with his fellow prisoners, redeemed for his earlier, John Proctor: "God in heaven, what is John Proctor, what is John Proctor". A person's 'name' was equivalent to their reputation and how they were known by everybody. It creates an implied mentality of honor over life, because in this setting, there is no survival for those who lack high, Justifying the FLQ by enforcing the War Measures Act was not necessary because the basic rights of people were violated in the process, as it gave law enforcement the right to search, seize, and arrest anybody without sound reasoning, doing more harm than good. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Reverend Hale is another who is preceded by his reputation. Reverend Parris, Judge Danforth, and John Proctor demonstrate the nature of Puritan Idealism and how it affects the decisions they make about their religion, family and self., Great stones they lay upon his chest until plead aye or nay. The Importance Of Reputation In The Crucible .A constant theme of "The Crucible" is the importance of reputation. The role of Lady MacDuff shows off the submissive nature of women in Shakespeares time. Integrity is the way you perceive yourself. We are told that being called to Salem was a beloved errand for him and that he felt the pride of the specialist whose unique knowledge has at last been publicly called for. The Crucible Themes. In the play some characters value their reputation and other characters do not seem to care about their reputation as much. He was aware of what was happening in Salem and feared not to say his opinion. The protectiveness of reputation is necessary in The Crucible to justify yourself when presented with fallacious arguments. Many of those accused as witches died not just because of the accusers but, because of the unfairness of the trials. We think of him as a strong formidable figure. Reputation can be viewed as the way you dress,the people you are associated with and sometimes people are given a reputation by the acts of the people in their family. It seems not to matter who you are or what your name is, after all. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? He felt there was no need for them to use him to get other people to follow in his steps and lie. Within the play Othello Shakespeare continues the societal standards of women appearing weak, and also submissive. (Jasper) Coleridge hopes to help people understand that they must pay for their sins, and that if they are willing to do so, they will be able to live with their Father again. Get professional help and free up your time for more important things. Reputation plays an important role in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. This made the government in Salem very biased towards more respectable and powerful figures in the town. To get a high-quality original essay, click here. It involved strict guidelines that were in place to keep the community on track to please their God. He didnt want everybody seeing that he had confessed that he was a witch. In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller reputation is a critical aspect of the viability of the character and why they do the what they do. The Crucible is a play about a man's refusal to lie in order to satisfy phony claims enforced by the establishment; it . It it natural that John would turn to the person he trusted most in the world for advice, but Elizabeth simply cant tell him what to do. Finally he think without believing in god, he has more room to believe his. The pain becomes bearable to those who suffer because it is all part of a bigger plan, it is more than you. During the court trails, Proctor doesnt immediately admit to his affair with Abigail due to his fear, Integrity is having the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. In The Crucible, the reputation of the church, . In the story, if you confess to being a witch, you live and if you dont, you die. He is willing to confess to a few officials, but he is not willing to append his name publicly to this false confession. These societies had strict ideas and rules on how to live life. Parris is, in the eyes of John Proctor is not preaching to the community for their sake but to try to elevate his own status. They were willing to be pressed to death by giant stones, hang on the scaffold in front of the entire town, or be branded a . Without a good reputation would provoke unjust accusations being placed upon you, and no one to defend you. So, in conclusion, Abigail is the party in the complete wrong here, and cannot be redeemed. On the other end of the spectrum there were Rationalists who believed that governing with reason was the best way to go. In Arthur Millers The Crucible, Proctor is portrayed as a man with a strong belief system. He cares of nothing for the beliefs of any of the other people in the town and what his supervisor which is the Reverend, thinks either. you can use them for inspiration and simplify your student life. Proctor will have to own up to his sins, his actions will have to be made public because admitting to adultery will show how Abbigail is lying and the courts will have to agree to hear another side. The amount of original essays that we did for our clients, The amount of original essays that we did for our clients. After trying to avoid involvement in the witch trials he is later prosecuted for witchery and sentenced to hang. In this case, both Judge Danforth and Abigail Williams are willing to use other peoples life to help themselves escape from peril. It is always not a righteous action to lie, but sometimes lying can be used as a shield to save one from danger. That, if it wasnt for her, this whole ordeal may not have never happened. And with the pain, we must pay the, This parable teaches modern Christians to not be rebellious to God and to not reject Jesus as the Messiah, the true Son of God. We are told that Francis Nurse is so well respected in his community that he is often called upon to act as an unofficial judge. John Proctor is an example of this individualism. could hurt them anything different than the norm would be considered suspicious. As Korn states, you are more likely to see News Headlines that are biased. To some people, their reputation is worth more than their life. It is Better to Die for What You Believe in Than to Live for What You Do Not In The Crucible, Arthur Miller makes one of his particular beliefs vehemently clear: the preservation of one's reputation is more important than the preservation of one's life. Thereof no longer being just in the eyes of God. The prominence of ones name or reputation in the Crucible by Arthur Miller is a vital one.
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