dt.Rows.Add(495000, 540000, "2004", "red", "#0000ff") This Actual value will either be above or below the Planned value and if they have hit or exceeded their plan for we want to color the bar Green for that single data point. <telerik:RadHtmlChart runat="server" ID="RadBarChart" Width="300px" Height="250px"> Here is a sample chart with ScatterPointSeries defined in XAML. However, the specification of the series brings few additional functionalities which are listed below: Setting the PaletteMode to Series will apply different color for each series defined in the chart. As all scatter series, ScatterPointSeries requires the RadCartesianChart to define two LinearAxis as a vertical and horizontal axis. Example 1: Configuring a basic Bar chart (the one shown in Figure 1). You can use the DataSource property for a programmatic data source if you create the connection in the code-behind. The major properties are: DataSourceID in the main tag sets the declarative data source for the entire chart. Telerik Examples. DataLabelsField for the x-axis labels to populate the items for the axis. Setting the Stacked property of the first series stacks them all next to each other.Series that will be stacked in separate clusters must have the same cluster name set in their GroupName property. You can customize the Bar chart in several ways: The color of each series is controlled via the BackgroundColor property of the BarSeries > Appearance > FillStyle inner tag. Contents. Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. dt.Columns.Add("years", GetType(String)) All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Jpa Netlogo Flask Ruby Ember.js React Native Memory Gis Delphi Canvas Telegram Lotus Notes Wix Dynamics Crm 2011 Xmpp Botframework Apache Flex Spotify For Loop Jaxb Hybris Visual Studio 2012 Glsl Windows Mobile Button Ecmascript 6 Mips Version Control Plot Parameters Ios6 Internet Explorer Nest Ibm Mq Silverstripe Meteor Javascript C# 4.0 . See Trademarks for appropriate markings. I figured out how to use an actual Graph object in the designer and bind it to a List of business objects that I have hanging off of the list of business objects I use for the report's datasource, so now I no longer need to create the graph and everything in code. Using the data model from this article's example you can bind the Color property from the ChartData class. Isolate this demo as a stand-alone application. All Rights Reserved. Example 2: Defining the view model dt.Rows.Add(690000, 735000, "2005", "red", "#0000ff") Also setting the PointTemplate property will disable the lightweight render options and the chart will fallback to the default XAML rendering. You can use the ValueBinding and CategoryBinding properties of the BarSeries to bind the DataPoints properties to the properties from your view models. You can use those approaches with most series types of the chart. Download free 30-day trial. There are couple approaches which could be used to bind the color from the data object to the fill of the data point visual (the bar). Next. In this case you can define a DataTemplate containing a custom visual element for the data points and bind its color property (Background or Fill for example) to the property from the data model. Negative Values. This is because the PointTemplate creates an additional ContentPresenter for each data point visual which means a bit more rendering time for the framework. This series is visualized on the screen as separate rectangles representing each of the data points. In this case you can define a DataTemplate containing a custom visual element for the data points and bind its color property (Background or Fill for example) to the property from the data model. With the HTML Chart I: Dim actualColumnSeries As New ColumnSeries, For Eachbv As MyMetricValue in TheMetricValues, seriesItem=NewCategorySeriesItem(bv.ActualValueCalced) Controls. All chart series expose the ColorField property. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. All Rights Reserved. For More Help. actualColumnSeries1.CategoryGroup = productCategoryGroup; You can also load custom text from data source fields in labels and tooltips by using the composite ClientTemplate property. The height of each horizontal bar varies according to its value. seriesItem.BackgroundColor=GetDrawingColorFromValueStatus(bv.ActualValueStatusFromDB,False) See Trademarks for appropriate markings. See the Create Data-Bound Chart for more information on data binding in the RadChartView suite. DataPoint: When set each data point will have a different color. Not all properties are necessary. var actualColumnSeries1 = new Telerik.Reporting.BarSeries(); Example 1: A sample Bar Chart bound to a DataTable. You can hide the series from the legend either by omitting it, or by setting theVisibleInLegendproperty tofalse. This can be applied only to the first series, the rest will automatically inherit the setting. The title, background colors and legend are controlled via the inner properties of the RadHtmlChart control and are common for all charts. ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries.These series has a numeric x-axis so you can add them both in a single RadHtmlChart, which . The height (width) of the box is the distance between the points numerical value and the categorical axis that plots the point. When set every series will be applied a different color. See the first two examples. Is there a way to do this in the Reporting Graph? When using DefaultVisualStyle you will need to target a different UI element - a Path in this case. Documentation about BarSeries.color Property in UI for Windows 8 HTML. The axes are also fully customizable they automatically adjust their scale to accommodate the data that comes in and for finer tuning, there are numerous properties that can change each aspect: Directly in the axis tag you can use its properties to control color, major and minor tick types and sizes, minimal and maximal values for the y-axis (plus a step size), whereas the x-axis requires a set of items to match the number of SeriesItems the series have. There are small differences in the approaches used with the different series types. End Function. Figure 1: A basic Bar chart showing values by date. I am graphingmonthly measurements (metrics)where the Line Series is a "Planned" (like ar Budget) value and the Bar Series is the "Actual" value. actualColumnSeries1.LegendItem.Value = "Actual"; All Rights Reserved. Here is an example how to create RadCartesianChart with Bar Series: First, create the needed business objects, for example: Finally, use the following snippet to declare a RadCartesianChart with Bar Series in XAML and in C#: Where the telerikChart namespace is the following: A sample Bar Series example can be found in the Chart/Series folder of the SDK Samples Browser application. The color binding is done via the DefaultVisualStyle or PointTemplate properties of the series. Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch, Chef, Kemp, Flowmon and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Instead, use only fixed values. The changes of the color can be set on: The fill of the BarSeries can be defined using the FillColor property. Server-side Programming Basic Configuration. You can use a Bar chart to show a comparison between several sets of data (for example, summaries of sales data for different time periods). In case you are using one of the lightweight render options (Direct2D or Bitmap), keep in mind that bindings are not support in the DefaultVisualStyle. Supported file types: PNG, JPG, JPEG, ZIP, RAR, TXT. The RadHtmlChart can handle negative values automatically. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Each item can have a label and a tooltip which follow the common pattern defined in the DataFormatString property of the LabelsAppearance and TooltipsAppearance sections of the series.The format string uses the Y of the item. Bar Column Line Area Radar-Line Radar-Area Radar-Column You can enable the Stack feature of the supported RadHtmlChart Series by setting the Stacked property to true. BarSeries Palette Mode The Palette Mode property of the BarSeries allows users to change the color of the series using SeriesPaletteMode enumeration. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. RadCartesianChart visualizes each data point from the BarSeries as a rectangle. There are two small differences which could be applied. DataSource. If they've missed their plan, we want to color the bar Red. This has been resolved. The Palette Mode property of the BarSeries allows users to change the color of the series using SeriesPaletteMode enumeration. Here is an example that demonstrates how you can set the PaletteMode property on Series and DataPoint: SDK Browser application contains an example that shows Palette Mode feature for BarSeries in RadChart cotrol. Additionally, you can use the Palette property of the chart to change the colors of the BarSeries on a global scale. On the other hand, when the vertical axis is categorical, the rectangles have equal height, while their width represents the value of the data point. Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. You can use the ValueBinding and CategoryBinding properties of the BarSeries to bind the DataPoints' properties to the properties from your view models. DataFieldY property for the BarSeries to point it to the desired data values field. actualColumnSeries1.CoordinateSystem = cartesianCoordinateSystem1; Download free 30-day trial. Bar chart Example of code : var radChartView = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadChartView (); var barSeries = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.BarSeries (); barSeries.LabelMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI . See Trademarks for appropriate markings. In the attached chart, i want to set the background color of labels to white. Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable() The BarSeries inherits from CategoricalSeries and requires one CategoricalAxis and one NumericalAxis. dt.Columns.Add("valuesProductA", GetType(Int32)) actualColumnSeries1.SeriesGroup = orderDateGroup; Return dt Similar to the BarSeries the PieSeries uses a default visual style to customize the appearance of the pie slices. Telerik UI for Windows 8 HTML. Choose a Data Source for Your RadHtmlChart: Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. It allows the developer to set a custom color for a given item in a data-bound chart. dt.Columns.Add("colorsB", GetType(String)) This example demonstrates a RadHtmlChart control, configured as a Bar Chart (it uses BarSeries ). You can hide the series from the legend either by omitting it, or by setting the VisibleInLegend property to false. The RadHtmlChart will match the axes to the values if you do not declare explicit values, steps and tick properties (although the Items for axes that need them are necessary). Now enhanced with: New to Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX? The changes of the color can be set on: Use the PointTemplate property of the series. The series supports all standard features exposed by all other categorical series. When using PointTemplate the most common shape you will use is an ellipse so you can define an Ellipse element in the template. ColorField property for the BarSeries to point it to the desired colors field (you can set different color per each series item). Private Function GetData() As DataTable Using the data model from this article's example you can bind the Color property from the ChartData class. This example shows how a RadHtmlChart can be bound to a XmlDataSource . The DataSource property can be used for a programmatic data source if you create the connection in the code-behind. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. The name that is shown in the legend is set via the Name property of the series. These rectangles (or bars) can be displayed either horizontally, or vertically, depending on whether the CategoricalAxis is the vertical axis or the horizontal. The y-axis is placed horizontally in this chart type, as this is where the item values must be positioned, whereas the x-axis that holds the items themselves is vertical because this is where the base of the bars is. Download demo code files. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. You could check the common CategoricalSeries features that are also applicable to BarSeries at the following link: Series Features. The ScatterPointSeries can be customized using the same manner as with the BarSeries. The Style should target a Path element and it is applied to the DefaultSliceStyle property of the series. actualColumnSeries1.Y = "=CDbl(IsNull(Fields.ActualValue, 0))"; But it seems what I really want to do, is to do it like I do it with the ASP.NET HTML Chart. When the horizontal axis is categorical, the rectangles are displayed vertically. A sample Bar Series example can be found in the Chart/Series folder of the SDK Samples Browser application. If they've missed their plan, we want to color the bar Red. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Example 5: Setting BarSeries PointTemplate Search UI for Windows 8 HTML. You can see how to style area series using different properties in the BarSeries section of the Customizing CartesianChart Series help article. The name that is shown in the legend is set via theNameproperty of theseries. I am creating the chart in server side and exporting to image. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. dt.Rows.Add(315000, 360000, "2003", "red", "#0000ff") Use the DefaultVisualStyle property of the series. Download free 30-day trial. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. Data Storage. dt.Columns.Add("colorsA", GetType(String)) All Rights Reserved. For now, I'm creating my BarSeries as below. I am creating the entireGraph object in code (and setting it's datasource), and adding a couple of series to it (a line and a bar). You can use this to target the default visual of the series and bind its properties to the data model object. Negative values are meaningful in the context of all series types . Now enhanced with: Controls / RadChartView / Series / CartesianChart Series / Bar Series, New to Telerik UI for WPF? This topic demonstrates how to create charts, where each individual item, has its color bound to a property of the underlying data object. A Bar chart displays data as horizontal bars whose lengths vary according to their value. It colorizes the entire bar for BarSeries and ColumnSeries; PieSeries and DonutSeries have the feature from their inception and it changes the color for the corresponding sector. The Bar Chart type for ASP.NET visualizes the data as horizontal bars and it's very similar to the Column Chart. Here is a sample chart with BarSeries defined in Xaml. You can find the application in the Examples folder of your local Telerik UI for Xamarin installation. Max total file size - 20MB. The data context passed in the DefaultVisualStyle of the ScatterPointSeries (and several other series) is not the DataPoint object, but the context of the series. This is also the place where the crossing value with the other axis can be set (the index of an item for an item axis) and whether the axis will be reversed. dt.Columns.Add("valuesProductB", GetType(Int32)) Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Get the help you need online. Each series is automatically colored differently for easier reading. Example 1 shows how to set properties and generate Figure 1. Let's create some data so we can test the result. This article describes some of the ways you can customize a Bar chart and Example 1 (at the end of this article) shows how to set properties for Figure 1. You can find more information about this feature in the Palettes section in our help documentation. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. This is very easy to do with your ASP.NET HTML Chart, but I don't see an example of how todo thiswith the reportingGraph. You can use the definition from Example 1 to display a BarSeries. They cover the possible approaches. And also you will need to define the size (Width and Height) of the Path. This functionality requires that either the axis values are set accordingly to accommodate the data range, or their configuration is left to the control itself without setting any properties for the axes. The recommended approach for binding the color is to use the DefaultVisualStyle. I need to be able to change the color of the individual bars in the bar series. That means I can use DataPointConditionalFormatting on that series Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. Now enhanced with: Xamarin Forms Controls / Chart / Series / CartesianSeries, New to Telerik UI for Xamarin? All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Now enhanced with: I am using Q2 2014 SP1 of Telerik Reporting. In this case the DataPoint is stored in the Tag property of the Path. You can bind a Bar Chart to a using the following properties: DataSourceID in the main tag sets the declarative data source for the entire chart. For the sake of the example the following series will be used. actualColumnSeries.SeriesItems.Add(seriesItem) The inner tags of the axis tag can control the major and minor grid lines in terms of color and size and the labels can have a DataFormatString, position and visibility set through each inner tag's properties. Common. Installation and Deployment. This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers. Download free 30-day trial. Data Binding. Now enhanced with: Controls / RadChartView / Populating with Data, New to Telerik UI for WPF? Isolate this demo as a stand-alone application. The color of each series is controlled via the BackgroundColor property of the BarSeries > Appearance > FillStyle inner tag. You can add more than one type of series in a RadHtmlChart control.. LineSeries and BarSeries or LineSeries and ColumnSeries.The LineSeries, BarSeries and ColumnSeries use an X-axis, based on categories, which allows such series combination. You can find more information in the Server-side Programming Basic Configuration and in the Element structure articles. This Actual value will either be above or below the Planned value and if they have hit or exceeded their plan for we want to color the bar Green for that single data point. Introduction. If not, then I'm in a bad spot because I can't use the ASP.NET HTML Charts due to their poor performance in older browser when there are a lot of them on my page (15 or more, and yes I've followed your article regarding performance optimization for the HTMLChart). See Trademarks for appropriate markings. This section contains the data model used for the series examples in this article and also how to set it up. The height of a bar is controlled by its Y property of the CategorySeriesItem. This means that they have equal width while their height represents the numerical value of each of the data points.
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