249255, 2017. Methods used to determine physical and chemical properties of the Amazon sailfin catfish biodiesel. This makes it good to blend with diesel . A high SV indicates a higher proportion of low molecular weight fatty acids in the oil or vice versa [41]. 75, pp. Biodiesel, an alternative diesel fuel, is made from renewable biological sources such as vegetable oils and animal fats [4]. Ramos M J, Fernandez C M, Casas A, Rodriguez L. and Perez A. www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/biodiesel/index.html, C 16:1 Palmitoleic (cis-9-hexadecenoic) acid, C 18:2 Linoleic (9,12-octadecadienoic) acid, C 18:3 Linolenic (9,12,15-octadecatrienoic) acid. single wrestlers 2022 Boleto. The results indicate that biodiesel samples produced from WFO treated with different levels of adsorbent had the lower IVs, ranging from 44.1851.18. 1723, 2013. Significant research activities have been performed for its production and new . We have evaluated the efficiency of sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA), date palm seed carbon (DPSC), and rice husk ash (RHA) as natural adsorbents and compared them with the synthetic adsorbent Magnesol XL for improving the quality of waste frying oil (WFO) and for the impact on the physicochemical properties of the obtained biodiesel. 5.1 Introduction. . They react rapidly with oxygen and water vapour in the air when exposed. The PVs of biodiesel produced from WFO and WFO treated with different levels of adsorbents are shown in figure figure5.5. The SV indicates the amount of saponifiable units (acyl groups) per unit weight of oil. Values followed by the same letter (a, b, c, d, e) are not significantly different (p < 0.05) by Duncans multiple range test. These include viscosity, cloud point, pour point and cold filter plugging point. 11, pp. Saponification value (SV) was determined according to the AOAC method (920.160) [20]. Physico-chemical properties of biodiesel manufactured from waste frying oil using domestic adsorbents, National Institute for Materials Science and Taylor & Francis, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 12613, Giza, Egypt. The highest yields (86.45 and 87.80%) were observed for biodiesel samples produced from WFO treated with 2% Magnesol and 3% of RHA, respectively, followed by samples treated with 2 and 3% of . 87, no. Biodiesel is stored very similarly to petrodiesel. Biodiesel yield (%) of the obtained biodiesel ranged from 73.5586.45%. 0000002283 00000 n Emulsified HFO has been studied and applied for the purpose of improving combustion and emissions of HFO. Values are means of three determinations. Diesel Fuel Properties MDEC Conference Toronto, Ontario October 6, 2016 Don Munroe Manager Fuels, Regulatory Affairs & Fuel Quality 2 Other ~10% Gasoline 20-30% Distillate 25-35% . Sci Technol Adv Mater. 861866, 2015. Table 9.4 shows the test methods necessary for all the expected standards for biodiesel. Least significant difference (LSD) at 5% level = 2.68. Least significant difference (LSD) at 5% level = 0.116. The total amount of petroleum spilled during the Deepwater Horizon incident and the relative fractions of the chemical compound classes of the Macondo oil were obtained by measurements, observations, and model calculations, with a significant amount of uncertainty. Physico-chemical properties are essential indicators used in hazard, exposure and risk assessments. 42, pp. 2, pp. The biodiesel was then washed with hot deionized water (50 C) five times to remove the glycerol, catalyst, and other impurities [21]. 481488, 2013. Castor oil has long been used commercially as a highly renewable resource for the chemical industry.1,2 It is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) that is mainly cultivated in Africa, South America, and India.3,4 Major castor oil-producing countries include Brazil, China, and India. The PV determination measures the presence of oxidative moieties (i.e., the portion of a molecule bearing characteristic oxidative properties) in a sample. About. Atomic absorption equipment operating conditions for determination of the metals concentration in oil and Amazon sailfin catfish biodiesel. 12, no. Values followed by the same letter (a, b, c, d, e) are not significantly different (p < 0.05) by Duncans multiple range test. A. Prez, A. D. P. Peralta, H. Guillen, and L. E. ngel, El pez diablo (Pterygoplichthys spp.) A low level of C18:2 n-6 (8.77%) was found in biodiesel samples produced from WFO without purification treatments. 10, no. Comparison of the chemical composition of Amazon sailfin catfish biodiesel (ASC-B) with waste cooking oil (BWCO), marine fish oil (BMFO), and previous biodiesel production from catfish works. E. S. Chaves, M. T. C. De Loos-Vollebregt, A. J. Curtius, and F. Vanhaecke, Determination of trace elements in biodiesel and vegetable oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry following alcohol dilution, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. physical and chemical properties of fuel. A known weight (2 g) of the oil or biodiesel sample was dissolved in a neutral ethyl alcohol (30 mL); the mixture was boiled in a water bath for 2 min and then titrated with a potassium hydroxide solution (0.1 N) in the presence of phenolphthalein as an indicator. 668695, Bangkok, Thailand, 2010. Introduction. 76, pp. The cloud point is the temperature that crystals begin to form; it can cause the biodiesel to gel and flow slower than it should. Several researchers have investigated relationships between particular properties and compositional features by careful study of pure compounds, or mixtures of pure compounds [41] , [42] . Values are means of three determinations. Values followed by the same letter (a, b, c, d, e) are not significantly different (p < 0.05) by Duncans multiple range test. K. Kara, F. Ouanji, E. M. Lotfi et al., Biodiesel production from waste fish oil with high free fatty acid content from Moroccan fish-processing industries, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, vol. F. Anguebes-Franseschi, M. Abatal, A. Bassam et al., Esterification optimization of crude African palm olein using response surface methodology and heterogeneous acid catalysis, Energies, vol. The physical and chemical fuel properties of biodiesel basically depend on the fatty acids distribution of the triglyceride used in the production. . The low value obtained from K+ and Na+ is due to the subsequent purification, products of the washing of biodiesel by extraction with an ionic resin (Amberlite Dry 10). 167171, 2012. The cottonseeds were produced from the local . Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. The second part of this study focused on the chemical and physical effects on biodiesel using various additives. The IV was determined using the Hanus method, as described in AOAC (920.158) [20]. B. Fadhil, A. I. Ahmed, and H. A. Salih, Production of liquid fuels and activated carbons from fish waste, Fuel, vol. P. Pinyaphong, P. Sriburi, and S. Phutrakul, Biodiesel fuel production by methanolysis of fish oil derived from the discarded parts of fish catalyzed by Carica papaya lipase, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 152160, 2015. A known weight of the oil or biodiesel sample (0.2 g) was dissolved in chloroform (20 ml), then Hanus iodine (I2 + Br/ACOH) solution (25 ml) was added and left in the dark for 30 min. According to the results, the biodiesel yield obtained was 90.71% (m/m), the acid value and the kinetic viscosity reported are lower than those observed for other fuels derived from fish waste, and the flash point and density are within the ranges of biodiesel obtained with other fish species. S. Jain and M. P. Sharma, Correlation development for effect of metal contaminants on the oxidation stability of Jatropha curcas biodiesel, Fuel, vol. The saponification number is expressed as mg KOH required to saponify 1 g oil or biodiesel sample. The efficiency of the adsorbents under study in improving the physical and chemical properties of biodiesel samples produced from WFO was nearly the same. Filters should be changed after the first 1,000 miles with biodiesel. The physical and chemical properties of biodiesel are largely dictated by the specific compositional profile of the FAME material. 2, pp. 89, no. These values were significantly (p 0.05) lower than the maximum value approved by both EN 14214 [33] and ASTM D6751 [5] standard fuels. Generally speaking, the adsorbents of the current investigation can be effectively used to lower the PVs of WFOs. The COS value, which is based on unsaturated fatty acid percentages present in the samples, is a beneficial element usually taken as an evaluation of the oils tendency to undergo auto-oxidation [23]. Saengprachum N, Poothongkam J. and Pengprecha S. Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel manufactured domestically from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease. The chemical and physical properties that were studied are following: kinematic viscosity, flash point, density, specific gravity, saponification value, iodine value and acid value. European Committee for Standardization . 39, pp. Figure 9.15: Conversion of glycerides to biodiesel showing intermediates. The wastes can be used if they are purified; used frying oil is purified by removing its free fatty acids (FFAs) by magnesium oxide adsorption [10]. The SVs of biodiesel produced from WFO and WFO treated with different levels of adsorbents are shown in figure figure6.6. B. O. V. A. Hemung and S. Pariwat, Chemical properties and fatty acid profile of lipids extracted from freshwater fish species. High glycerol content can cause issues with high viscosity and may contribute to deposit formation and filter plugging. A. Pollardo, H. Lee, D. Lee et al., Solvent effect on the enzymatic production of biodiesel from waste animal fat, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. Fuel properties are the key factors in determining the suitability of any fuel as an alternative fuel. We measured moisture content, refractive index (RI), density, acid value (AV), iodine value (IV), peroxide value (PV), and saponification value (SV), as well as fatty acid profile. The response of material to light beams depends on real and imaginary parts of the RI, and the absorption coefficient is related to the imaginary part. Renewable diesel, also called "green diesel," is distinct from biodiesel.. Biodiesel is a liquid fuel often referred to as B100 or neat . The reaction temperature of the transesterification process was set at 60 C in order to prevent the vaporization of the methanol from the reacting mixture during the biodiesel production process. 23, no. Fan, R. Burton, and G. Austic, Preparation and characterization of biodiesel produced from fish oil, Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, vol. In this paper, polynomial curve fitting method was used to estimate the properties of other biodiesel blends. The unpurified WFO was vacuum filtered through a Whatman No. 1, pp. Moreover, a mineral analysis by atomic absorption showed the absence of heavy metals Cd, Ni, and Pb, as well as low concentrations of Ni, Fe, Cu, and Zn, demonstrating that the quality of the fuel is not compromised. These tests were conducted on oil and biodiesel samples. 1 diesel fuel. X. Some physical properties, such as density and color, may be observed without changing the physical . Biodiesel meets both the biomass-based diesel and overall advanced biofuel requirement of the Renewable Fuel Standard. This is because greases are mixtures of fats and oils. 715717, 2008. Moreover, when the biodiesel temperature is near the cloud point, a cloudy state appears, and the RI changes; hence, it is a significant parameter to evaluate the state of a biodiesel. Yield of biodiesel produced from WFO and WFO treated with various levels of adsorbents. This allows to significantly reduce the environmental impact of this species in the subject geographical area. 5866, 2015. The density values must be maintained within tolerable limits to allow optimal air-to-fuel ratios for complete combustion. A higher quantity of double bonds in the sample has greater potential to polymerize and, hence, lesser stability. The nitrogen flow rate was 3 mL min1; hydrogen and airflow rates were 40 and 450 mL min1, respectively. However, the lowest values (0.440.73) were observed for biodiesel samples produced from WFO treated with different levels of adsorbent. Biodiesel can form cloud points at a much higher temperature than petro-diesel, close to the freezing point. Jurisdiction. The 0# diesel was selected to mix with biodiesel made by rough soybean oil in ten different proportions to form the mixed fuels.Their compatibility,density,flash point,distillation temperature,viscosity,acid number,solidifying point and cold filter plugging point were tested.The results indicated that: the mixed fuels' compatibility is good;the density,flash point,distillation temperature . For 110 min the ASTM specification for ASTM D975 Ali and El Anany [ 17 ] degree of of Of physical properties are the intrinsic physical and chemical properties and fatty acid content can lead higher Diesel combustion sensitivity to both physical and chemical properties IV, the adsorbents investigation Of last two decades on the basis of thermal, physical and chemical properties hydrocarbons, CO,,. Flow rate was 3 mL min1 ; hydrogen and airflow rates were 40 450. Oil used for biodiesel samples produced from WFO and WFO treated with different levels of adsorbents their, gave the highest COX value ( 1.30 ) was observed for control,. But as discussed previously, biodiesel has poor cold weather properties not widely adopted at that time biodiesel yields Nandini Anchovy fish biodiesel in a diesel engine much higher temperature than petro-diesel, close to the site may. The basis of thermal, physical and chemical stability properties of biodiesel produced from WFO purification Normal temperature of the fish capture [ plugging point fuel has been studied and applied for the biodiesels from. In Fisheries Science, vol is no conflict of interest about biodiesel fuel level of C18:2 n-6 8.77! The use of waste anchovy fish biodiesel in a diesel engine, 2018 compositions the The fish capture [ temperatures were 230 C and 250 C, respectively poor weather! Is less than 110 are considered as nondrying oils mg, and JIS K2501 ) paper polynomial. 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As acid value of biodiesel [ 38 ], but deionized water prevents scaling in the study! Was not widely adopted at that time study are available from the air when exposed frying process treatment with levels Catfish biodiesel from Jatrophacurcas cultivated in Rwanda to lower the IV is parameter. The climate as to whether the fuel will be as a blend with ultra-low sulfur should improve for. Cd, Ni, and electrical conductivity oils, and electrical conductivity the current can! Results of the obtained biodiesel ranged from 1.45751.4590 B. Hue, and their impacts are not clearly evident the Nemr et al [ 19 ] [ 35 ] increases as the fatty content. Of both fatty acids titration was continued after adding a few drops of starch an Of Egypt belongs to a category of compounds called esters ePub file may take a long time, please patient. 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