expresses recognition of and gratitude for the invaluable scientific contributions of Paul Jozef Crutzen, Mario Jos Molina, and Frank Sherwood Rowland, which inspired countries around the world to join in solidarity and cooperation to protect the ozone layer from depletion, thus making the planet safer for present and future generations; upholds their legacy by maintaining mutual trust in and commitment to the work of the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol; and. It is expected to help in avoiding up to 0.5 degree Celsius of global temperature rise by 2100. The Digital Editor is Matthew TenBruggencate. Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP34), Summary report 31 October 4 November 2022, Highlights and images for 4 November 2022, Highlights and images for 3 November 2022, Highlights and images for 2 November 2022, Highlights and images for 1 November 2022, Highlights and images for 31 October 2022, Terms of Reference for the Study on the MLF Replenishment for the Triennium 2024-2026, Identification of Gaps in the Global Coverage of Atmospheric Monitoring of Controlled Substances and Options for Enhancing Such Monitoring, Institutional Processes to Strengthen the Effective Implementation and Enforcement of the Montreal Protocol, Ongoing Emissions of Carbon Tetrachloride, Future Availability of Halons and their Alternatives, Issues Related to Exemptions under Articles 2A2I of the Montreal Protocol, Strengthening the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committees for the Phase-Down of HFCs and Other Future Challenges Related to the Montreal Protocol and the Climate, Consideration of Nominations by Parties of Experts to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Compliance and Data Reporting Issues: The Work and Recommendations of the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol, Recognition of the Achievements of Paul Jozef Crutzen, Mario Jos Molina, and Frank Sherwood Rowland, Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995, Presentations by the Assessment Panels on Progress in their Work and Key Issues Emanating from their 2022 Quadrennial Assessments, Presentation by the Chair of the Executive Committee on the MLF for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on the Work of the Executive Committee, the MLF Secretariat and the Funds Implementing Agencies, Statements by Heads of Delegations and Discussions on Key Topics, Report by the Co-Chairs of the Preparatory Segment and Consideration of the Decisions Recommended for Adoption by MOP 34, Report of the TEAP, May 2022, Volume 3: Decision XXXIII/5, Report of the TEAP, May 2022, Volume 1: Progress Report, Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals, Basel COP-16, Rotterdam COP-11 and Stockholm COP-11, 45th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Pro. On Friday evening, AUSTRALIA reported that interested parties had reached agreement on a revised version of the joint CRP (CRP.9/Rev.1). encourage parties, when phasing down HFCs, to take into account, as appropriate, the information contained in Volume 3 of the TEAP 2022 report responding to decision XXXIII/5. stream The agreement sets out key principles for how the fund will transition from supporting projects aimed at safeguarding the ozone layer to spurring action focused on climate protection. It has also helped in achieving the commitments under, The Montreal Protocol also makes important contributions to the realization of the. a scenario to increase funding for institutional strengthening and the compliance assistance programme to assist Article 5 parties to strengthen their national capacities to address challenges associated with implementing the Kigali Amendment. Still, despite incredible work in phasing out 98% of ozone depleting substances (ODS) worldwide relative to a 1990 baseline and, in doing so, making major inroads in avoiding catastrophic climate change, parties had to grapple with a number of important issues. requests the Secretariat to review periodically the status of the establishment and implementation of the licensing systems referred to in this decision by all parties to the Protocol. Following nearly a decade of talks, a landmark agreement was reached October 15, 2016, at the 28thMeeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol in Kigali, Rwanda, to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), CFC substitutes that, while not harmful to the ozone layer, are a fast-growing source of potent greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. The statements delivered on Thursday are summarized here. High-level Roundtable: On Thursday morning, Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, moderated a high-level roundtable discussion on the theme: Montreal Protocol @35: The Kigali Amendment and its potential impact on climate. Panelists included: Ccile Siewe, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection, Environment and Climate Change Canada; Jan Dusk, Deputy Minister, Climate Protection, Czechia; Dawda Badgie, Executive Director, Environmental Protection Agency, The Gambia; Kerryne James, Minister, Climate Resilience, Environment, and Renewable Energy, Grenada; Abdulla Naseer, Minister of State, Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives; Kylie Farrelley, General Manager, Refrigerant Reclaim Australia; and Klaus Peter Schmid Spilker, President, Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. 0.12. to include further relevant safety standards when notified by a party or a group of parties of the adoption of a standard. On Friday morning, MALAYSIA announced substantial progress on the countrys HPMP, but noted challenges such as availability and cost of new technologies. to permit, for each party, for the agreed critical-use categories set out in Table A of the annex, the levels of production and consumption for 2023 set out in Table B of the annex, which are necessary to satisfy critical uses, with the understanding that additional production and consumption and categories of use may be approved by the MOP in accordance with decision IX/6; parties shall endeavor to license, permit, authorize, or allocate quantities of methyl bromide for critical uses as listed in table A; each party that has an agreed CUE shall renew its commitment to ensuring that specified criteria are applied in licensing, permitting, or authorizing critical uses of methyl bromide, with each party requested to report on the implementation to the Secretariat by 1 February for the years to which the decision applies; parties submitting future requests for methyl bromide CUNs shall also comply with paragraph 1(b)(iii) of decision IX/6 and that non-Article 5 parties shall demonstrate that research programmes are in place to develop and deploy alternatives to and substitutes for methyl bromide; and. Under the amendment, countries committed to cut the production and consumption of HFCs by more than 80 percent over the next 30 years. Only a small number of substances are in commercial use worldwide and an even smaller number are common in the Adoption of the Agenda for the High-Level Segment: President Mubarak introduced the agenda (UNEP/OzL.Pro.34/1), which was adopted as presented. He explained the number of ratifications would be updated to reflect the number of ratifications on Friday. While many of the issues required extensive negotiation and, in some cases, significant compromise, by the end of the meeting, parties were able to reach agreement on elements of every issue on the MOP 34 agenda. Download (pdf, 299 KB), One of the key challenges identified by Parties to the Montreal Protocol as part of the Dubai Pathway on Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) relates to concerns raised about intellectual property rights. best practices available to control these emissions. The next TripleCOP will address the listing of chemicals under the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions as well as technical guidelines for the sound management of wastes, including plastics. As a result of this Amendment, the world can avoid 0.4C of global warming by 2100. Recent evidence shows that the ozone hole over Antarctica is beginning to repair itself because of efforts under the Protocol to reduce ozone-depleting substances. Delegates adopted 24 decisions in total, which have been summarized under the relevant agenda items above. encourages parties to continue to report consumption and production data as soon as the figures are available, and preferably by 30 June each year, as agreed in decision XV/15. Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP): Co-Chair Janet Bornman (Australia) presented highlights from the EEAPs forthcoming quadrennial assessment. Kigali Amendment: At MOP 28, held in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2016, delegates agreed to amend the Protocol to include HFCs as part of its ambit and to set phase-down schedules for HFCs. the need to ensure continued collaboration and coordination across the technical options committees. On Friday evening, Co-Facilitator Newberg expressed confidence that the Terms of Reference could be completed that night and encouraged parties to continue bilateral consultations. Early Saturday morning, Co-Facilitator Newberg reported to the preparatory segment that the group had completed its work and thanked parties for their willingness to consult in the margins of the meeting and find creative solutions to work through very difficult issues. Special situation of developing countries (Article 5). Since its entry into force, the Montreal Protocol has phased out over 98 percent of the world's consumption of ozone-depleting substances. The Montreal Protocol is a story too often overlooked because it doesn't deal with more prominent greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. TURKMENISTAN described its work on ODS and highlighted policies to promote gender equality and participation of women in training, consultation, and decision-making. On Friday evening, Co-Chair lvarez-Prez informed parties that a draft decision with the names of selected experts had been uploaded to the meeting website. The various ways in which the Protocol has served as an engine for technological innovation, and its flexibility to tighten mandates when alternatives became readily available, were also underscored. Black Sea Grain Initiative- Russia to resume participation, India India became Party to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol on. On January 1, 2019, the Kigali Amendment entered into force. The Kigali Amendment challenges parties to identify alternatives that are not just ozone-friendly but also climate-friendly. Parties agreed that any contributions made in advance of the 2021-2023 replenishment decision should count toward future contributions and should not affect the overall level of the replenishment or the agreed level of contributions by parties. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is a global agreement to protect the Earth's ozone layer by phasing out the chemicals that deplete it. The salience of many issues on the MOPs agenda was high; delegates to were gathering immediately before the opening of the high-profile Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference, and only days after the release of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap report, which warns that the international community is falling far short of the goals set by the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with no credible pathway to 1.5C in place.. Your email address will not be published. MOP 35 will convene to discuss issues related to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was designed to reduce the production and consumption of ozone depleting substances in order to reduce their abundance in the atmosphere, and thereby protect the earth a s fragile ozone Layer. Co-Chair Paul Newman (US) highlighted declines in ODS since the Protocols adoption. On Friday night, Co-Facilitator Gabriel introduced a revised draft decision, which parties agreed to forward to the high-level segment for adoption. [EPA press release - December 21, 1987] Lee M. Thomas Statement on U.S. VIET NAM highlighted its achievements to manage ODS, flagged challenges related to alternative technologies and financial and human resources, and said technical and financial support would enable his country to implement the Kigali amendment. When parties convene again, it will be for the Open-ended Working Group in July 2023. These reductions are critical to meeting the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement to keep warming well below 2 degrees. The amendment links these control requirements with a renewed commitment by developed countries to provide financial support for developing countries through the ProtocolsMultilateral Fund. The 58th session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is expected to approve the Synthesis Report for the sixth assessment cycle. On halons, she noted that proposed changes to legislation around perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) could leave halons as the only viable alternative to HFCs. Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee : , Guru Nanak Jayanti 2022: Significance of Gurpurab. At that time, scientists warned that releasing these substances into the atmosphere could deplete the ozone layer, hindering its ability to prevent harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from reaching the Earth. Those listed as a range are based on estimates and are less certain. Stocks and Quarantine and Pre-Shipment Uses of Methyl Bromide: On Monday, Co-Chair lvarez-Prez introduced a revised draft decision (UNEP/OzL.Pro.34/2) forwarded by OEWG 44 and arising from informal consultations led by the EU. For instance, the EEAP highlighted a recent study that concludes that, without the Protocol, increases in UV-B radiation would have led to drastic reductions in CO2 uptake by terrestrial ecosystems, resulting in atmospheric levels of as much as 610 ppm of CO2 today. These presentations provided rich documentation of key achievements under the Protocol, while also highlighting the challenges ahead. Meanwhile the EEAPs happy news on what the world avoided because of the Montreal Protocol was a reminder of the importance of continued phase-out and sustained compliance. endstream AUSTRALIA and CANADA expressed disappointment with MBTOCs final recommendations regarding their respective nominations. The US said it is crucial for MBTOC to follow agreed procedures and fully take into account information submitted to it. Parties agreed to reestablish OEWG 44s contact group on energy efficiency, co-facilitated by Annie Gabriel (Australia) and Bitul Zulhasni (Indonesia). Final Decisions: Data and information provided by the parties in accordance with Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol: In its decision (UNEP/Oz.L.Pro.34/CRP.3), MOP 34: Status of the establishment of licensing systems under Article 4B, paragraph 2 bis, of the Montreal Protocol: In its decision (UNEP/Oz.L.Pro.34/CRP.3), MOP 34: Revision of the baseline data for Madagascar: In its decision (UNEP/Oz.L.Pro.34/CRP.3), MOP 34 decides to approve the request by Madagascar to revise its consumption data for HFCs for the baseline year 2009 as indicated in a table set out in the decision document. All countries that are members of the United Nations have signed on to the Montreal Protocol and all have obligations to gradually eliminate ODS . 3 0 obj Indicative figures should be provided for a range of typical scenarios, using all relevant data available to the TEAP; in preparing the report, the TEAP should consult widely, including all relevant persons and institutions and other relevant sources of information deemed useful; the TEAP should strive to complete the report in good time to enable it to be distributed to all parties two months before OEWG 45; and. Below are some of the important provisions of the Montreal Protocol. Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP): Co-Chair Bella Maranion (US) outlined the TEAPs forthcoming quadrennial assessment. MOP 34 also requests, for parties that provide the information above by 1 May 2023, the Ozone Secretariat to prepare for OEWG 45: MOP 34 also requests ExCom 91 to consider requesting the Secretariat of the MLF to provide to the Ozone Secretariat any HFC consumption data it has available that could assist the Ozone Secretariat in preparing the information requested under this decision. Scientific Summary Chapter 1: Update on ODSs and Other Gases of Interest to the Montreal Protocol. It is the first treaty in the history of the United Nations to achieve universal ratification. ARMENIA introduced a draft decision on the item (UNEP/OzL.Pro.34/CRP.8). Parties adopted the report as amended. of future abundance. Some called for sticking with the Protocols proven template for success, seeking to build on what Steven Guilbeault, Canadas Minister of Environment and Climate Change, characterized in his welcome address as a blueprint for effective cooperation. Others highlighted the need to forge new connections and pursuing more holistic solutions. Final Decision: In its decision (UNEP/OzL.Pro.34/CRP.6/Rev.1) MOP 34 requests the TEAP to include in its 2023 progress report: In the decision, MOP 34 also requests the TEAP to integrate updates on energy efficiency while phasing down HFCs in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sectors in its progress and quadrennial assessment reports from 2023 onwards. While recognizing that the intimacy of the ozone family facilitated agreement on resolutions at MOP 34, they suggested the expansion of the Protocols scope to include HFCs should go hand-in-hand with broadening the range of stakeholders and experts guiding parties in their work. This issue of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) [emailprotected] is written and edited by Jessica Templeton, Ph.D., Pia M. Kohler, Ph.D., Bernard Soubry, Ph.D., and Virginia Wiseman. This initial decrease means that the potential for stratospheric ozone depletion has begun to lessen as a result of the Montreal Protocol. Highlighting that 2022 marks the 35th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, Megumi Seki, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat, welcomed participants to Montreal. Parties agreed to forward this to the high-level segment for a decision. The Montreal Protocol International agreement to protect the world's ozone layer. The 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP 34) is scheduled to convene from 31 October to 4 November 2022 in Montreal, Canada. The Montreal Protocol is signed by 197 countries. By 1985, due to scientific advancements, ozone depletion and its impacts on human health and the environment became evident. The EEAP also reported on a US study that estimates, for people born in the US between 1890 and 2100, the implementation of the Montreal Protocol translates into 443 million avoided cases of skin cancer and the prevention of 63 million cases of cataracts. 5 0 obj The work of the Protocols expert panels, which are regarded as central to the instruments success, provided the foundation for negotiations. Parties agreed to forward the draft decisions to the high-level segment for adoption. In addition, noting how much of the infrastructure necessary for a green transition relies on plastics, the EEAP underscored that avoided UV radiation has decreased the generation of micro- and nano-plastics by photodegradation. Parties authorized the Secretariat to arrange an extraordinary MOP in 2021 to take a decision on the final programme and budget for 2021-23. He requested additional time to consolidate ideas and finish work. Because HFCs have a relatively short atmospheric lifetime (compared to carbon dioxide), their phasedown could reduce temperature changes in 2100 by an estimated 0.5 degrees Celsius. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are gases used worldwide in refrigeration, air-conditioning and foam applications, but they are being phased out under the Montreal Protocol since deplete the ozone layer. Table B sets out the permitted levels of production and consumption for 2023 for those three parties: 29.98 tonnes for Australia (which includes the amount of 14.49 tonnes previously agreed for 2023 in decision XXXIII/6); 4.65 tonnes for Canada; and 19.00 tonnes for South Africa. The Montreal Protocol is so named because it was initially signed in Montreal on 16 September . Initially signed by 46 countries, the treaty now has nearly 200 signatories. Parties agreed to convene an informal group on baselines, co-facilitated by Ralph Brieskorn (Netherlands) and Daniel Lpez Vicua (Mexico), to continue discussions on this matter. On Friday evening, Co-Facilitator Montes reported that the group had reached consensus on the draft decision in less than ten minutes thanks to parties flexibility and parties agreed to forward this draft decision to the high-level segment for adoption. The meetings will be preceded by the fifth meeting of the OEWG on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework from 3-5 December 2022. To receive SDG event notices, news, and analysis in your inbox, subscribe. 1. GRENADA outlined steps her country has taken toward Kigali Amendment implementation, including a strategic gap analysis in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector and the establishment of a national cooling action plan and strategy, noting the co-benefits these will have for the climate. Here is a summary of the main discoveries: The success of the Montreal protocol was related to the mechanics designed into the legislation, specifically the financial structure that had rich . The Montreal Protocol International Agreement Today, the Montreal Protocol is signed by 197 countries, making it the first in United Nations history to achieve universal ratification. MOP 34 also requests that, in preparing the report, the TEAP should take into account, among other things: Response to the TEAP report on decision XXXIII/5 on the Continued Provision of Information on Energy-Efficient and Low-Global-Warming-Potential Technologies: Co-Chair lvarez-Prez introduced this item on Monday (UNEP/OzL.Pro.34/2; WG.1/44/4; Report of the TEAP, May 2022, Volume 3: Decision XXXIII/5), noting the contact group at OEWG 44 developed a list of feedback and ideas in response to the report by the TEAP (UNEP/OzL.Pro.34/2). The Montreal Protocol, which was adopted in 1987 and entered into force in 1989, limits the consumption and production of ozone-depleting substances. OEWG Co-Chairs Martin Sirois (Canada) and Osvaldo lvarez-Prez (Chile) opened the preparatory segment on Monday, 31 October. The landmark agreement was signed in 1987 and entered into force in 1989. Developing countries (Article 5 parties) were granted a grace period, allowing them to increase their ODS use before taking on commitments. The Montreal Protocol is crafted so that as scientific evidence shows a need for further action, adjustments and amendments can be made. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, known simply as the Montreal Protocol, is an international environmental agreement. <>/XObject<>/Pattern<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> As the preparatory segment had not yet completed its work, he explained some contact groups would be working in parallel to the high-level segment, and suspension of the high-level segment could be required at times. This phase-out plan includes both the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances. As a result, the ozone layer is showing the first signs of recovery. On Friday evening, Co-Facilitator Gabriel reported the group had completed work on a number of additional paragraphs, but bracketed text remained. The United States Senate ratified the Kigali Amendment on Sept. 21, 2022. When considering the section of the report on statements from heads of delegation, the EU and CANADA asked for their statements on Russias military aggression to be reflected in the report. The Editor is Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. [emailprotected]. the TEAP should provide indicative figures for the periods 2027-2029 and 2030-2032 to support a stable and sufficient level of funding, on the understanding that those figures will be updated in subsequent replenishment studies. NEPAL also spoke on domestic actions on ODS and noted a country assessment report that identifies gaps that will need to be filled for the country to implement the Kigali Amendment. Without this treaty, ozone depletion would have increased tenfold by 2050 compared to current levels, and resulted in millions of additional cases of melanoma, other cancers and eye cataracts. It facilitates global cooperation in reversing the rapid decline in atmospheric concentrations of ozone, a gas that protects life on Earth from the sun's harmful radiation. Chair Mubarak reported that: the UN Development Programme had enhanced capacity building through more than 30 online webinars; UNEP had continued to assist 93 countries with enabling projects; the UN Industrial Development Organization is helping to implement HPMPs in 64 countries; and the World Bank has been exploring ways to maximize climate change mitigation co-benefits. A unique feature of the protocol is an adjustment provision that enables the Parties to the Protocol to respond quickly to new scientific information, in a bid to accelerate the reductions required on chemicals already covered by the Protocol.
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