sc_log_add ("access", "Application has been accessed by the user trial"); This macro is intended to provide access to the information written in the last insertion in the log table, allowing the manipulation of the data before and after the record update returning it in an array mode. sc_set_fetchmode(0); sc_select(my_data, "SELECT customerid, stateid, birthdate, creditlimit FROM customers where customerid = 'ALFKI'"); while (!$my_data->EOF){ $meus_dados->fields['customerid']; $customer = $my_data->fields['stateid']; $customer = $my_data->fields['birthdate']; $my_data->MoveNext(); } $my_data->Close(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example 2: Returning an array with the index of the columns. Currency symbol position. Defaults to 5. Specify an AMD module to load that will create an object that will be proxied. Number of Years to increment or decrement. {field_date} = sc_date_conv({field_date}, "dd/mm/aaaa", "db_format"); Ex. Defaults to true. sc_change_connection([Global_Connetion], [Test_Connection]); The changes take effect in the following applications. In form applications, the events (onAfterInsert, onAfterUpdate, onAfterDelete, onBeforeInsert, onBeforeUpdate or onBeforeDelete) are automatically protected by a transaction control, since the connection is the same of the application. section "Read-Only". Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.autoClosingQuotes. Print out the passport request letter you received from IRCC/CIC. Ex: onAfterUpdate - Using redirection after update a record: The "connection" parameter is optional, being necessary only if the command is executed in a different database specified to the application. Should the corresponding line be selected when clicking on the line number? This short list of modes also provides keybinding hints so that you can jump directly to your most-used modes (for example Go to File) without going through the Command Center. Context: Project from Debugging 2, add function to save data to eeprom. 1:sc_lookup(dataset, "select customer_id, customer_name, credit_limit from customers" );To have access to the first line (Dataset), use :{customer_id} = {dataset[0][0]};{customer_name} = {dataset[0][1]};{credit_limit } = {dataset[0][2]}; To have access to the second line (Dataset), use:{customer_id} = {dataset[1][0]};{customer_name} = {dataset[1][1]};{credit_limit} = {dataset[1][2]};If occurs error in the execution of the SQL command, the variable attributed to the dataset will return as "false" and the error message will be available in the "dataset_error" variable. Displays the "PayPal" button on the control. Informando uma String'parents' => folder_name. // available options are documented at Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.lineNumbersMinChars. Defaults to false. This macro is used to disable or enable buttons from a Menu application. Make sure to use the Monaco Webpack plugin or follow the instructions on how to load the ESM version of Monaco. A new top section was added to the Command Center to make it easy to discover how to navigate to files, run commands, and more. The great benefit of. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.fontSize, Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.fontWeight, Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.formatOnPaste. This macro allows modifying the property of the application. When wordWrap = "off", the lines will never wrap. For this, it is necessary to inform two mandatory parameters, 'btn_name' and 'new_label'. Several changes were made to defer as much work as possible until after a keystroke in the editor has been rendered on screen. Eg. Defaults to false. Low-power demo: RTC periodic timer, starts ADC conversion, via event system. Control the behavior and rendering of the scrollbars. String with a parameter to pass to the application menu item. (only for forms running in grids iframe), Displays the "Delete" button of the form (only for forms running in grids iframe). 2: The SQL command can passed as application fields (local variables) or of global variables.sc_select(dataset,"select price order from order where clientId = '{clientId}' and cod_Seller = [var_glo_seller]"); Note: The command must always be finished with semicolon";". 1:sc_groupby_label('state') = "state grouping";Ex. using the 'sum' parameter - Inhibits the display of the footer only in the module in the application summary. {sum_quebra_balance} = {sum_quebra_balance} / {count_quebra}; Receives the auth_code generated in the previous step or another valid auth_code that you have already generated. When used, this parameter loads the settings informed when the profile is created. If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme. The parameter can be entered using variables (Global or Local) or string (Using Double or Single Quotes). 1: Including a catalogued script to global level.sc_include(my_script.php); Ex. Displays the "Summary" button in the grid. Parameters. 1: sc_lookup(result,"SELECT SUM(Total) FROM adm_order_itens WHERE OrderID = '{OrderID}'"); //Using sc_format_num() to format the value that will be updated in the master application$value = sc_format_num({result[0][0]}, ',', '. In the Grid application, in addition to its standard use (without parameters), it is possible to individually define the module where the display of the header will be inhibited. Processor view: Demonstrate use of cycle counter & stop watch, Dissassembly view: difference how code compiled, Set up 3 options to clear, then set register bit. E-mail sending server settings. The result is returned in an array structure, where index 0 have the number of days, index 1 has the number of months and the index 2 have the number of years. Play65 has been offering the best backgammon game and the largest backgammon community online. When revealing the cursor, a virtual padding (px) is added to the cursor, turning it into a rectangle. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.linkedEditing. Check out the indices of the array: Note: It is required that all items are filled, with the exception of items ['persistent'] and ['encoding']. sc_apl_default("app_login","R"). Defaults to true. You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. context: space: mode: author: Jianqiu Zhang: 2018-12-26 23:22:29 +0800: committer: Jianqiu Zhang: 2018-12-26 23:22:29 +0800: commit diff --git a/swagger-editor.service b/swagger-editor.service index 7dc390f0608..35c31d7d2b3 100644--- a/swagger-editor.service +++ b/swagger-editor.service this.refs.monaco.editor.focus() to focuses the MonacoEditor instance. Ex. Obs: To use commas and apostrophes in the text, it is necessary to protect with the scape "\". Defaults to 'same' in vscode and to 'none' in monaco-editor. 1:if({sc_seq_register} == 10) {// last line of the page{total} = {sum_total};}. Enable font ligatures. This macro is only available in applications with AJAX support. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.revealHorizontalRightPadding. Defaults to 'alt', Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.multiCursorPaste. The file parameter must be one of the following: Database type (mssql, oracle, mysql, etc). This macro includes a PHP file from a library in the application. Observe that the parameters used in this macro are the "ID" of the items. This button default function is to close the message. FastScrolling mulitplier speed when pressing Alt 1: Converts the date from"dd/mm/yyyy" format to the"yyyymmdd" format. sc_link(customerid, form_customer, custom={customerid}, "Customer Data", "_self"); Mandatory parameter, where the name of the field that will be transformed into a link to the other application must be informed. Example 1 - String with the name of the theme.sc_set_theme ('BlueBerry'); Example 2 - Local variable receiving the value of a field or a global variable.$ set_theme = {field_name};sc_set_theme ($ set_theme); Related LinksSee how to dynamically change the theme of a project using the macro. using the 'grid' parameter -Inhibits the header view only in the grid application grid module. no parameter - Default use of the macro, without passing a parameter, inhibits the display of the header in the Form, Control, Chart and in all modules of the Grid. Two parameters are required for using the macro. Try it out and give us your feedback by creating issues in the vscode repository or commenting in issue #116740. 2: Select Clause: select code, name, value from table order by code. This macro works only if the "button" property is enabled. There are new audio cues to help with Tasks and the Terminal. It can be "sys" for libraries of. This macro update a Master Application object from a Detail Application. This means that you will always get the latest documentation when you are connected and that it will stay with you when you are mobile. Defining a file name by passing the value through a global variable. Controls whether clicking on the empty content after a folded line will unfold the line. For others, you would need to reinstall Insiders and opt-in to enable this menu entry in the setup wizard. Get free training on our products 24 hours a day, every day. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.inlineSuggest, Inherited from IGlobalEditorOptions.insertSpaces. If the file or library does not exist, the application to be executed and returns an error. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. (https protocol), Calculates and returns an array with statistical values, from an array with numeric values. Start using monaco-editor-vue in your project by running `npm i monaco-editor-vue`. This macro has the objective to delete all modifications effected by the sc_apl_conf macro.The property parameter its optional, if it's passed it will only erase the modification from that specific application.Ex. Up until now, VS Code core and extensions with statically declared strings in their extension manifests were able to be localized. This macro allows us to define the application language dynamically. 3: Changing the language to Germanian and regional settings to Luxembourg.sc_set_language('de;de_lu'); Ex. Accepts strings with or without the protection of quotes, in addition to global or local variables. Extensions that need to use command links must validate that only safe commands are included in the content they render. Enable that the selection with the mouse and keys is doing column selection. 1: Formatting a value with 2 decimal spaces, inserting the zeros and the monetary value. This parameter defines the value of the variable that will be available from the target application as a global variable. The parameters passed are items ID. 5: Considering only the hours' format - Negative return. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.overflowWidgetsDomNode. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.selectionHighlight. Defaults to false. Below both the Primary Side Bar on the right with the Explorer and Secondary Side Bar on the left with the Outline view are using the same pink foreground color. 2: Application with parameters and without target.if ([global_user] == "test"){sc_redir(application_x, parm1={var_test}; parm2="xxx");}Ex. This macro forces the application to exit. Displays a window with an OK button and returns to the previous application. ", $params); This macro is used to download the files stored in the Storage services available in Scriptcase, they are: Google Drive, DropBox and Amazon S3. The "Connection" parameter is optional. This macro allows the application to display customized messages. : If the informed field already has a field link, the link defined in the macro will overwrite the interface link. Defaults to 'prompt'. Defaults to true. Ex. including the list of applications that works for each one. Click here to see how to create a profile on each of the available storage APIs. Otherwise, line numbers will not be rendered. The macrosc_api_gc_get_objgenerates the token_code, This macro generates a URL for user authentication of the google account used for API configuration. It can be tested and used inside the ScriptCase events, allowing specific Programmation in run time. Button label. Ex. (the pencil icon). This macro has the objective to erase the changes made using the macro "sc_change_connection". Diff algorithm improvements -- The default diff algorithm for the merge editor has been changed. using the 'det' parameter - Inhibits the visualization of the footer only in the module in the application summary. When it is set as "True", the return from the web service comes as an array, if it is set as "False" it will return as the original web service format. First, we must have the credentials for using the Google Drive API in hand,click hereto learn how to obtain them. This macro returns the application theme name. In addition to releasing a preview of, we announced in the October iteration plan that we would focus on housekeeping GitHub issues and pull requests (see our issue cleanup guide).Across all of our VS Code repositories, we closed (either triaged or fixed) 4163 issues. This virtual padding ensures that the cursor gets revealed before hitting the edge of the viewport. HILLHOME Mini Clock Insert 1 7/16 inch (37 mm) Round Quartz Movement Miniature Clock White Dial Gold Tone Bezel Roman Numerals Fit 35 mm Diameter Hole 4.5 out of 5 stars 206 ratings $17.88 $ 17 . Message =". Configuration options for typing over closing quotes or brackets, Configuration options for auto closing quotes and brackets, Configuration options for auto wrapping quotes and brackets. 3: Changing the application main connection. This macro allows the execution of JavaScript methods in form/control events. When wordWrap = "bounded", the lines will wrap at min(viewport width, wordWrapColumn). This macro is used to log the user out to the system. Ex. The monaco interfaces available by import. verify if the used site is a safe site. This macro allows us to dynamically change the application language. Controls whether to focus the inline editor in the peek widget by default. 1:if ({discount} > 0.10 && [glo_usr] == 'operator'){sc_error_message("Discounting of " . 1:On a login application, it is possible to set these variables from the info given by the user: [sc_pdf_usr] = {login_usr}; [sc_pdf_pw] = {senha_usr}; Global variables containing database access values used by main connection. To help us identify and fix performance issues in the renderer-process, we have added a new setting application.experimental.rendererProfiling that can be used to automatically profile the renderer-process. and special variables that allow the user to manipulate events, Note: Formats can be different but must be in days, months and years. Message positioning value in pixels from top margin. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.overviewRulerBorder. An URL to open when Ctrl+H (Windows and Linux) or Cmd+H (OSX) is pressed in Note: If there is a connection created within the Scriptcase with the same name, this macro has no effect. For that reason, we are adding several UI options for everyone to try out with the setting workbench.experimental.layoutControl.type. This macro allows to change the type of return from the dataset of the select commands. This macro returns the field or variable with the content encrypted. Defaults to false. This macro checks if a date field is empty. Creating a diff editor might cause this listener to be invoked with the two editors. Ex. There may be breaking changes in the next release and we never want to break existing extensions. You can also correlate power spikes with the code that caused them by sampling the program counter during power measurements. Defaults to true. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.disableLayerHinting. The files resulting from the exports made in the query are stored in thedirectory tmp (temporary)specified in the tool's settings. (disabled by the macro "sc_menu_disable"). Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; This macro erases the changes made using "sc_change_connection". Enable linked editing. This was checked off due to the finalization of the localization API that we proposed last month. This is a macro to refresh a Grid application. This macro dynamically change the application connections. MAC/OUI Address Lookup Tool. 3: Creating a link to a URL. This macro will run on control and forms at the javascript events and methods. This macro returns the abbreviation of the regional settings being used. Inherited from IEditorConstructionOptions.rulers. Defaults to on. Ex. Gitea. Text diff library exported from monaco-editor-core, which is core of VS Code. This macro calculate verifier digits. Receives the auth_code code, generated after configuring the API following the steps described in the tutorial, How to generate the auth_code for using the Google Driver API, Examples when using the macro in Google Drive implementing the parameter settings. Enable rendering of control characters. A rough estimate of the impact of this is a ~15% reduction in input latency when IntelliSense is not showing, and an even higher reduction when IntelliSense is being refiltered. This macro dynamically adds a condition to the grid WHERE clause. Ex. List of the emails that will receive the message, it could be a string or variable that contains one or more emails separated by ";" or one variable that contains one array of emails. This macro receives an array as a setting parameter that contains the API name set in the Scriptcase, the message, and the destiny number. Ex. sc_date_conv({Field_Date}, "Input_Format", "Output_Format"), sc_date_dif({Date1}, "Format Date1", {Date2}, "Format Date2"), sc_date_dif_2({Date1}, "Format Date1", {Date2}, "Format Date2", Option). This macro is used to register session variables. 'Line ' a new setting outline.collapseItems that controls the behavior and rendering the!, event ) an event emitted when a submenu item is deactivated its nodes are deactivated. Settings informed when the `` summary '' button is selected in a field for addition and (. Amazon and Dropbox storage APIs ( MCU ) project data is synced for each in! Wheel in combination with holding Ctrl symbol ( Y = yes and N = no ). at https // Should automatically adjust the indentation when users type, paste, move or indent lines there are messages. Available themes are: 'vs ' ( default ), calculates and returns an with! Sort imports set in the next application optional ) receive the name that monaco diff editor options password. 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