The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement. The dataset can be found on the Kaggle website, link . A hand-labeled dataset of oblique arial imagery for development of coastal landscape classification/deep learning models. Note that because of this lc_ids in previous versions are obsolete and should be ingnored. 27170754 . . What are some datasets for indoor outdoor image classification ? The terrestrial Landscape class polygons are sourced directly from the two input polygon source datasets and clipped to the Gloucester PAE. Derived From Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems supplied by the NSW Office of Water on 13/05/2014, Derived From Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping with Classification for Mapping, Derived From Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010, Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb), Derived From Bioregional_Assessment_Programme_Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014, Derived From Australian Geological Provinces, v02, Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v02, Derived From Geological Provinces - Full Extent, Derived From GLO Preliminary Assessment Extent, Derived From BA ALL mean annual flow for NSW - Choudhury implementation of Budyko runoff v01, Derived From BILO Gridded Climate Data: Daily Climate Data for each year from 1900 to 2012, Derived From NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917, Derived From Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping, Derived From Mean Annual Climate Data of Australia 1981 to 2012, Derived From Subcatchment boundaries within and nearby the Gloucester subregion, Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v01, Derived From Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments - V2.1,, Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems supplied by the NSW Office of Water on 13/05/2014, Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping with Classification for Mapping, Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010, GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb), Bioregional_Assessment_Programme_Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014, BA ALL mean annual flow for NSW - Choudhury implementation of Budyko runoff v01, BILO Gridded Climate Data: Daily Climate Data for each year from 1900 to 2012, NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917, Mean Annual Climate Data of Australia 1981 to 2012, Subcatchment boundaries within and nearby the Gloucester subregion, Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments - V2.1, About Welcome to the GEOSS Information Exchange Datahub [BETA], This dataset contains polygon, line shapefiles and point representing thee Hunter terrestrial and riverine Landscape Classes respectively. This dataset is not available for public distribution. The address is 436 Woodlands Street 41, #07-396, Singapore 730436. Question. This dataset contains polygon, line shapefiles and point representing thee Hunter terrestrial and riverine Landscape Classes respectively. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. This version contains an additional shapefile (HUN_Forested_Wetlands_riverine_only_within_ZoPHC.shp) which represents the Landscape class "Forested Wetlands" extracted for the riverine sections within the Zone of Potential Hydrological Change. The landform classification following Meybeck et al. This sub-LC differentiation is retained in this dataset. (2001) presents relief classes, which are calculated based on the relief roughness. Understanding the dynamic mechanisms of landscape change and the associated ecological risks in regional socioecological systems is necessary for promoting regional sustainable development. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement. PDP Stage 1 and 2 Decisions Features - as per council decisions with incorporated consent orders. For training data, each category contains a huge number of images, ranging from around 120,000 to 3,000,000. Lastly lc_id fields have been re-numbered so that each landscape class has a uniqiue ID withing the subregion. Namely, the singlepart point landscape class has been re-issued as a mutlipoint shapefile. Therefore, approaches to landscape classification are often highly contentious because landscape types depend on a whole range of factors, many of which are difficult to specify objectively. Using the Minjiang River Basin as the research area, the Google Earth Engine platform, random forest (RF . Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. the 4 input polygon layers were formatted and UNIONed. Yet, classification is difficult because of the complex nature of landscapes and because it must be explicit. 115 . Viewed 18 July 2018, Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) HUN Landscape Classification v04. Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) HUN Landscape Classification v03. A further exception is the "Plantation and Production Forestry" LC. [NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results, CVPRW 2022. Also the singlepart versions of the polygon and line landscape classes are omitted in this dataset to avoid confusion. A further exception is the "Plantation and Production Forestry" LC. Between v02 and v03 some reformatting has taken place to make it suitable for use in the BAIP. Landscape classification. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. the 4 input polygon layers were formatted and UNIONed. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. The Economic Landuse LC_Group terrestrial LC polygons are mainly sourced from the ACLUM catchment landuse from the PRIMARY V7 classification, and retain the source class names except that "1 Conservation and natural environments" is renamed the "non-GDE Native Vegtation" LC. A balanced EEG dataset has been created to overcome this problem by randomly selecting EEG signals from each subject. 5260 - Odense S. 5270 - Odense N. 5320 - Agedrup. Rather "Saline Wetlands" and "Seagrass" LCs are sourced from the Marcophytes input source data. Data. This dataset contains polygon, line shapefiles and point representing thee Hunter terrestrial and riverine Landscape Classes respectively. By creating these three datasets, the following three cases were defined, and these are explained . Access & Use Information . Between v02 and v03 some reformatting has taken place to make it suitable for use in the BAIP. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement. Classification items were selected based on different types of reference data. Viewed 13 March 2019, The UEN issue date is January 1, 1970. Datasets Data from Google, public, and commercial providers to enrich your analytics and AI initiatives. Restricted access. Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) HUN Landscape Classification v04. The point Spring Landscape classes are sourced from the Assets database where the centroids of the 4 Spring Asset polygons were taken. Landscape Classification. The data was taken from the INTEL image classification dataset. 20 in the dataset shown). Upvotes (0) No one has upvoted this yet. Dialogflow Lifelike conversational AI with state-of-the-art virtual agents. It also contains KMZ exports of these features. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement. the 4 input polygon layers were formatted and UNIONed. A further exception is the "Plantation and Production Forestry" LC. The sleep stage datasets are generally heterogeneous. Follow to join The Startups +8 million monthly readers & +760K followers. Note that because of this lc_ids in previous versions are obsolete and should be ingnored. Landscape ecological security is an environmental requirement for social and economic development. For the class labels we initially used the Kppen climate classification system but found that many of the climates were severely overshadowed by . The LSUN classification dataset contains 10 scene categories, such as dining room, bedroom, chicken, outdoor church, and so on. This dataset is not available for public distribution. . Derived From Bioregional_Assessment_Programme_Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014, Derived From NSW Office of Water Surface Water Entitlements Locations v1_Oct2013, Derived From HUN Landscape Classification v02, Derived From Travelling Stock Route Conservation Values, Derived From Climate Change Corridors Coastal North East NSW, Derived From Communities of National Environmental Significance Database - RESTRICTED - Metadata only, Derived From Climate Change Corridors for Nandewar and New England Tablelands, Derived From National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas, Derived From Fauna Corridors for North East NSW, Derived From Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 27 August 2015, Derived From Hunter CMA GDEs (DRAFT DPI pre-release), Derived From Estuarine Macrophytes of Hunter Subregion NSW DPI Hunter 2004, Derived From Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1.1, Derived From Birds Australia - Important Bird Areas (IBA) 2009, Derived From Camerons Gorge Grassy White Box Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) 2008, Derived From Spatial Threatened Species and Communities (TESC) NSW 20131129, Derived From Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 24 February 2016, Derived From Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010, Derived From Gosford Council Endangered Ecological Communities (Umina woodlands) EEC3906, Derived From NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes - Hunter v1 24102013, Derived From National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas (including WA), Derived From Asset list for Hunter - CURRENT, Derived From Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT) - Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database (BA subset - RESTRICTED - Metadata only), Derived From Northern Rivers CMA GDEs (DRAFT DPI pre-release), Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb), Derived From Ramsar Wetlands of Australia, Derived From Native Vegetation Management (NVM) - Manage Benefits, Derived From NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917, Derived From Geological Provinces - Full Extent, Derived From NSW Office of Water Surface Water Licences Processed for Hunter v1 20140516, Derived From Groundwater Economic Elements Hunter NSW 20150520 PersRem v02, Derived From Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) Spatial Database (Public), Derived From Atlas of Living Australia NSW ALA Portal 20140613, Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v03, Derived From Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping with Classification for Mapping, Derived From National Heritage List Spatial Database (NHL) (v2.1), Derived From GW Element Bores with Unknown FTYPE Hunter NSW Office of Water 20150514, Derived From Climate Change Corridors (Dry Habitat) for North East NSW, Derived From Groundwater Entitlement Hunter NSW Office of Water 20150324, Derived From Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 20 July 2015, Derived From NSW Office of Water combined geodatabase of regulated rivers and water sharing plan regions, Derived From NSW Office of Water GW licence extract linked to spatial locations for NorthandSouthSydney v3 13032014, Derived From Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 16 June 2015, Derived From Australia World Heritage Areas, Derived From Lower Hunter Spotted Gum Forest EEC 2010, Derived From New South Wales NSW Regional CMA Water Asset Information WAIT tool databases, RESTRICTED Includes ALL Reports, Derived From Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping, Derived From Threatened migratory shorebird habitat mapping DECCW May 2006, Derived From NSW Office of Water - GW licence extract linked to spatial locations for North and South Sydney v2 20140228, Derived From HUN AssetList Database v1p2 20150128, Derived From New South Wales NSW - Regional - CMA - Water Asset Information Tool - WAIT - databases, Derived From Climate Change Corridors (Moist Habitat) for North East NSW, Derived From Operating Mines OZMIN Geoscience Australia 20150201, Derived From NSW Office of Water - National Groundwater Information System 20141101v02, Derived From Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 22 September 2015, Derived From Groundwater Economic Assets Hunter NSW 20150331 PersRem, Derived From Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database, Derived From Monitoring Power Generation and Water Supply Bores Hunter NOW 20150514, Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v01, Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v02, Derived From Australia, Register of the National Estate (RNE) - Spatial Database (RNESDB) Internal, Derived From Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 12 February 2015, Derived From NSW Office of Water Groundwater Entitlements Spatial Locations, Derived From NSW Office of Water Groundwater Licence Extract, North and South Sydney - Oct 2013, Derived From Commonwealth Heritage List Spatial Database (CHL), Derived From Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2010 (Not current release), Derived From Darling River Hardyhead Predicted Distribution in Hunter River Catchment NSW 2015, Derived From Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems supplied by the NSW Office of Water on 13/05/2014,, Bioregional_Assessment_Programme_Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014, NSW Office of Water Surface Water Entitlements Locations v1_Oct2013, Travelling Stock Route Conservation Values, Climate Change Corridors Coastal North East NSW, Communities of National Environmental Significance Database - RESTRICTED - Metadata only, Climate Change Corridors for Nandewar and New England Tablelands, National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas, Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 27 August 2015, Estuarine Macrophytes of Hunter Subregion NSW DPI Hunter 2004, Birds Australia - Important Bird Areas (IBA) 2009, Camerons Gorge Grassy White Box Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) 2008, Spatial Threatened Species and Communities (TESC) NSW 20131129, Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 24 February 2016, Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010, Gosford Council Endangered Ecological Communities (Umina woodlands) EEC3906, NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes - Hunter v1 24102013, National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas (including WA), Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT) - Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database (BA subset - RESTRICTED - Metadata only), Northern Rivers CMA GDEs (DRAFT DPI pre-release), GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb), Native Vegetation Management (NVM) - Manage Benefits, NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917, NSW Office of Water Surface Water Licences Processed for Hunter v1 20140516, Groundwater Economic Elements Hunter NSW 20150520 PersRem v02, Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) Spatial Database (Public), Atlas of Living Australia NSW ALA Portal 20140613, Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping with Classification for Mapping, National Heritage List Spatial Database (NHL) (v2.1), GW Element Bores with Unknown FTYPE Hunter NSW Office of Water 20150514, Climate Change Corridors (Dry Habitat) for North East NSW, Groundwater Entitlement Hunter NSW Office of Water 20150324, Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 20 July 2015, NSW Office of Water combined geodatabase of regulated rivers and water sharing plan regions, NSW Office of Water GW licence extract linked to spatial locations for NorthandSouthSydney v3 13032014, Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 16 June 2015, New South Wales NSW Regional CMA Water Asset Information WAIT tool databases, RESTRICTED Includes ALL Reports, Threatened migratory shorebird habitat mapping DECCW May 2006, NSW Office of Water - GW licence extract linked to spatial locations for North and South Sydney v2 20140228, New South Wales NSW - Regional - CMA - Water Asset Information Tool - WAIT - databases, Climate Change Corridors (Moist Habitat) for North East NSW, Operating Mines OZMIN Geoscience Australia 20150201, NSW Office of Water - National Groundwater Information System 20141101v02, Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 22 September 2015, Groundwater Economic Assets Hunter NSW 20150331 PersRem, Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database, Monitoring Power Generation and Water Supply Bores Hunter NOW 20150514, Australia, Register of the National Estate (RNE) - Spatial Database (RNESDB) Internal, Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 12 February 2015, NSW Office of Water Groundwater Entitlements Spatial Locations, NSW Office of Water Groundwater Licence Extract, North and South Sydney - Oct 2013, Commonwealth Heritage List Spatial Database (CHL), Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2010 (Not current release), Darling River Hardyhead Predicted Distribution in Hunter River Catchment NSW 2015, Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems supplied by the NSW Office of Water on 13/05/2014,, Point representing thee Hunter terrestrial and riverine Landscape classes respectively the Landscape classification v01 5270 - Odense NV has! 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