The value is set to "category" but has to be something like is my believe. Receive the value with the help Javascript or Jquery. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Not the answer you're looking for? I'm thinking this is a datatype issue. Thank you for the help. I have the same problem, even though the ViewBag property has a different name to the model property: Does anyone know the reason why they can't be the same? The easiest would be to have some javascript that looks at the URL and extracts the id query parameter, then selects the item in the dropdown box that corresponds with the id. Not the answer you're looking for? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I followed your thought path. (clarification of a documentary). Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Find all pivots that the simplex algorithm visited, i.e., the intermediate solutions, using Python. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. new SelectList(Model.Countries, // IEnumerable<Country>, contains all countries loaded from a . Right click the file and select Extract All to unzip the file. (2) Perform the scaffolding to generate the controller and views for the CRUD operations for the Products table based on the above EDM. @Html.DropDownListFor( m => m.CountryId, // Specifies where to store selected country Id // It needs to be null for the default selection to work! Stop requiring only one assertion per unit test: Multiple assertions are fine, Going from engineer to entrepreneur takes more than just good code (Ep. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! so in your postback model you will have a list of GroupPermission but only the RoleID will have a value. In this, case, "Jul 2017". I must be doing something wrong, searched google and this form, but I can not find it. The sum total of the code on the view is shown above. Populate DropDownListFor: HtmlHelper does not contain a definition for 'DropDownListFor', MVC Dropdownlistfor returns null selected value. Do we still need PCR test / covid vax for travel to . (AKA - how up-to-date is travel info)? How do you create a dropdownlist from an enum in ASP.NET MVC? What does it mean 'Infinite dimensional normed spaces'? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. I inserted a breakpoint and investigated the value of categoryList property. I have set a breakpoint and have verified the existence (and validity) of model.AddressStateAbbr. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! Posted 2-Apr-14 4:25am. I want to help with this. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. It's as if you had just gone up to the address bar and hit enter. Replace first 7 lines of one file with content of another file. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. How can you prove that a certain file was downloaded from a certain website? hope this will give you hint how to do that. After hours of banging my head against a wall reading through all these solutions, I discovered this is what was happening with me. What are the weather minimums in order to take off under IFR conditions? I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3, and just ran into a 'gotcha' using the DropDownListFor HTML Helper. apply to documents without the need to be rewritten? Did find rhyme with joined in the 18th century? Can humans hear Hilbert transform in audio? Is there any alternative way to eliminate CO2 buildup than by breathing or even an alternative to cellular respiration that don't produce CO2? Please help. What happens is, that the value of RequiredShippingTypeId is not selected in the drop down. Handling unprepared students as a Teaching Assistant. There's also a Submit Button at the end of the Form and when the Button is clicked, the Form is submitted. html selects (dropdown), only post back the selected value (in your case RoleID). After researching for an hour, I found the problem that is causing the selected to not get set to DropDownListFor. So, . It issues a new page with all new defaults. The reason is you are using ViewBag's name the same as the model's property. Hope that helps. When the Littlewood-Richardson rule gives only irreducibles? Did the words "come" and "home" historically rhyme? This is actually a correct answer!!! The helper method also discard any Selectedattribute you set on the SelectListItems to the default value (false). A Html.DropDownList() works by getting data from a string property in the model which is of the same name as the name of the DropDownList itself. I'm not sure this is the case anymore, since the blog post is old and he's talking about MVC 1 beta. and then you will get "California" as default value. Confirm that Categories and Suppliers are shown in drop downs and the items are selected properly: (4) See the codes of Edit action method and the Edit.cshtml. Tried all solutions above and didn't work and this solved it! The view generates the html dropdown list but does not select the "Tennis" value. The second DropDownList and the DropDownListFor only show the first item in the list instead of the value in the database. rev2022.11.7.43013. Comments. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Does subclassing int to forbid negative integers break Liskov Substitution Principle? How to help a student who has internalized mistakes? It drove me mad for about an hour. I know this is an old question but I have been having the same issue in 2020. When we have to get a dropdown list on a particular form in an MVC ASP.Net project or application then we can use the HtmlHelper class. Does baro altitude from ADSB represent height above ground level or height above mean sea level? What do you call an episode that is not closely related to the main plot? I'm having this issue also and we're not using ViewBag. Not the answer you're looking for? As an example, this problem has the potential to occur below. Press CTRL+F5 to run the application and click the Test link. Can plants use Light from Aurora Borealis to Photosynthesize? When did double superlatives go out of fashion in English? The selectedIndex property returns the index of the currently selected element in the dropdown list. There's also a Submit Button at the end of the Form and when the Button is clicked, the Form is submitted. Not the answer you're looking for? How does reproducing other labs' results work? Also the question wasn't using ViewBag. This might be silly, but does adding it to a variable in your view do anything? The HtmlHelper class helps us by providing two methods namely DropDownList () and DropDownListFor () to create the <select> element in razor view. 393,491 Solution 1. Just defined extension method that internally generates SelectList with correct selected item. This answer was staring me in the face and I appreciate you connecting the dots. "value", "text", Model.Section[b].State this section the above syntax adds the selected attribute to the value loaded from the Controller. How can I write this using fewer variables? Let me give you an example: All of the code involved in this process is posted above. The selected option will not set to dropdownlist, BUT When you change ViewBag's name to different name the selected option will show correct. I came across this: However I changed my code to do the same and it did not resolve the problem. When I am using @HTML.DropDownListFor, it is showing me the list but, it is not showing the selected value. Thank you so much for this answer. How can I jump to a given year on the Google Calendar application on my Google Pixel 6 phone? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. In your case, your list name is selectList and if the specified model is connected to the view and if there's a property in the model that gets the selected date, then you need to change the name of your drop down list to it. Make Sure that your return Selection Value is a String and not and int when you declare it in your model. this problem is common. and here's the correct way, using real view model: Create a view model for each view. I think you are setting the @ViewBag.SelectedTYPE at the wrong place, please refer to below code: @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.EmployeeId, new SelectList(ViewBag.TYPE, "EmployeeId", "EmpCode",10)) The default selected value should be in the SelectList(): Which in your case: Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The elements are sorted according to the source code of the page. It works only with simple property access expressions but not with indexed collection access. Thanks a million! Let me give you an example: A drop down list in MVC can be created by using either @Html.DropDownListFor (m => m.PreferredContactMethod, Model.PreferredContactMethods, "") or This is the most simple and short way of doing that. The best thing is that this extension can be used the same way as original DropDownListFor: There is an overloaded method for @html.DropdownList for to handle this. We will see later how dropdown list selected index changed call Post Action. Or to say, it does not set the selected="selected" attribute at the Tennis option tag (To be sure, I also inserted a breakpoint in the view, to investigate the ViewBag.categoryList property but it gives the same result as in the controller): I FIXED it by making my padding numbers smaller. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. its source of data. I hope you just copied and pasted this code from some sample code. It looks, based on the fact you're calling a method off the Model as if you're returning a reference to the ViewModel. Open the StartMusicStore.sln file with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express ("Visual Web Developer" or "VWD" for short) or Visual Studio 2010. I just started writing code here and did copy paste. What is rate of emission of heat from a body at space? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. how to verify the setting of linux ntp client? How can the electric and magnetic fields be non-zero in the absence of sources? Would a bicycle pump work underwater, with its air-input being above water? What's wrong in the code? The options property returns the collection of all the option elements in the <select> dropdown list. When you say "if the specified model is connected to the view and if there's a property in the model that gets the selected date" I don't know what you mean. you can create dynamic viewdata instead of viewbag for each dropdownlist field for complex type. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! set the, model.States property on your controller to what you need to be selected. But if I use the dropdown menu to select "Jun 2017", the Report_Performance controller functions is called and it executes the GetStats() method. What does it mean 'Infinite dimensional normed spaces'? Euler integration of the three-body problem. rev2022.11.7.43013. I'm just not sure what I'm missing. I leave this in case it helps someone else. Did the words "come" and "home" historically rhyme? The results are returned to the view, but my dropdown menu displays "Jul 2017" instead of "Jun 2017". Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A planet you can take off from, but never land back, Replace first 7 lines of one file with content of another file, Protecting Threads on a thru-axle dropout. What am I missing? It has 3 results (when expanding the Results View): I have the following view (omitted some HTML for brevity). The workaround you have found is the correct way to solve this problem, by explicitly passing the selected value when building the SelectList. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! rev2022.11.7.43013. I was just hit by this limitation and figured out a simple workaround. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Does subclassing int to forbid negative integers break Liskov Substitution Principle? ", Movie about scientist trying to find evidence of soul. Instead of just supplying the list to the DropDownListFor helper you could provide it a SelectList.The SelectList constructor takes the list and allows you to explicitly set the selected value as well as an overload that lets you specify the Text and Value fields. Sci-Fi Book With Cover Of A Person Driving A Ship Saying "Look Ma, No Hands! How can the electric and magnetic fields be non-zero in the absence of sources? How does DNS work when it comes to addresses after slash? Can an adult sue someone who violated them as a child? The reason behind this problem is that MVC first looks for a match between the name of the drop down and a property on the model. The GetStats() method is returning the requested stats as expected. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The View loses track of the CoolNames property, In the above sample, first Action Employee () is to load all Employee List in the dropdown list and one default employee record. While for capturing the Gender value, a DropDownList with three options is created using the Html.DropDownListFor function. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on This index starts from 0 and returns -1 if no option is selected. Why am I being blocked from installing Windows 11 2022H2 because of printer driver compatibility, even with no printers installed? I solved it by making the first argument of DropdownList, different to the id attribute. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. What are the weather minimums in order to take off under IFR conditions? Is any way to set it integer value in selection value. @model Form_Post_MVC.Models.PersonModel @ { Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> What does it mean 'Infinite dimensional normed spaces'? Should I avoid attending certain conferences? How do you create a dropdownlist from an enum in ASP.NET MVC? Just lost 4 hours on this, I don't understand. This could easily been done in a for loop. User can create a list in anyway. @Html.DropDownListFor(model => item.CategoryID, (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["categories"], new { @id = "category", DataValueField = item.CategoryID, DataTextField = item.CategoryName, SelectedValue = item.CategoryName }) but when retrieving data from the table and bind to this table, this dropdown list not showing the correct value How does the Beholder's Antimagic Cone interact with Forcecage / Wall of Force against the Beholder? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Which finite projective planes can have a symmetric incidence matrix? Movie about scientist trying to find evidence of soul. Which finite projective planes can have a symmetric incidence matrix? Sorry to be the code nazi, but honestly we should stop spreading bad code even when not using production code. A planet you can take off from, but never land back. rev2022.11.7.43013. apply to documents without the need to be rewritten? I think I was making this much harder than it needed to be. In your case, you need to set the DropDownList value using javascript or jquery as it's not connected to a model property. Unless you're in intro to programming that's a whole different level. I believe you are using SelectListItem wrong Euler integration of the three-body problem. How to split a page into four areas in tex. I can confirm that this is indeed the case. Return Variable Number Of Attributes From XML As Comma Separated Values. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. product_name is a foreign key to [] ( is the PK in the category table. 503), Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned, 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection, DropDownListFor in EditorTemplate not selecting value, Html.DropDownList Selected Value Not Working (Using Constructor with IEnumerable), DropDownListFor not respecting Selected property of SelectList, DropDownListFor selected value does not work with property in list, Selected value not set on DropDownListFor() in MVC4, modelBinding works when using model but not with viewmodel, DropDownListFor not setting selected value with different names, how to show the selected value in html.dropdownlistfor box when open the edit view, dropdownlist not selecting the value ASP.NET MVC 4, A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client, ASP.NET MVC DropDownListFor with Nested Properties in Model, How to use MVC Html Helper .DropDownListFor<> with an Enum, DropDownListFor not populating correct value. The Html.DropDownListFormethod uses the first parameter (the expression which specifies your view model proeprty) value to set the selected option. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Is there some difference between the two that I am missing that will fix my problem? Select the Select Movie Category (Simple) link. You can either change the code as per suggestion by @Erik or you can add a. I understand what you're saying. 503), Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned, 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection. DropDownListFor should get the selected value in the html, which you are already doing. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on As I don't know where you are using this code, let us assume that you have a Create view to add a new order. Seems like "Title" is some special word! Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong to get the DDL to default to the SelectValue? In both cases, PreferredContactMethod is a string property in my model that is connected to the view - which is done by specifying @model PreferredContactModel at the top of the view. What is the use of NTP server when devices have accurate time? 503), Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned, 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection, MVC DropDownList SelectedValue not displaying correctly, MVC DropDownListFor not selecting value from model, MVC3 DropDownListFor not select item (Mvc bug? The issue at least for me was tied to the IEnumerable. It turns out the issue was with the model property being called "Title", I renamed it to "GivenTitle" and it now works as expected. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Html.DropdownListFor selected value not being set; Html.DropdownListFor selected value not being set. The second parameter is the Model class property for populating the DropDownList i.e. Also, to anyone who has a SelectList with a different value attribute than the display text between the option tags for example: Because it seems a bit overboard to have to change a model just to contain a simple list of items that you want to contain in a dropdown, ViewBag is dynamic, so you move any potential type-safety issues from the compile time--where they're easy to see--out into the runtime, where they're much harder to nab (as is the case in your last question to s.o.). Code as per suggestion by @ Erik or you can address this problem, by explicitly the! This code from HTML the Int32 ( from the list out of fashion in English first Why does sending via a UdpClient cause subsequent receiving to fail for complex.! References or personal experience any issue, please comment back all working now:. 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