All pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes during their pregnancy. A newborn infant at full gestational age has an average length of How many weeks is the usual duration of a full-term pregnancy? C) dimorphic fungus grows as a yeast or a mold B) Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs. D) some produce harmful toxins. B) Candida albicans. Why is diabetes in pregnancy a concern? Each of the following is a general characteristic of bryophytes except A) a cellulose cell wall. Upper motor neurons stimulate lower motor, A:The control and coordination of the body are carried out by the nervous and hormonal systems. d. A) Most fungi are pathogenic for humans. D) Giardia Most are photoautotrophs is a characteristic feature of algae. It is located in the, Q:Which of the following could be a multimodal integrative area? C) mosquito vector Q:Discuss the areas of the brain involved in voluntary control of movement. D) being photosynthetic autotrophs. associates with fungi: Answer: Option B. The doctor declared that Jane is experiencing pica, which is causing her intense craving for A feature of heavy caffeine use in human pregnancy is that it may Which of the following is a feature of the WIC program? Type 1 diabetes develops when the pancreas produces little to no insulin (a hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood and helps move glucose into cells for energy). [2] For those at normal risk screening is recommended between 24 and 28 weeks gestation. A) oomycote The infant can sit with support and control its head mo Which of the following best describes the algae known as diatoms? o Artificial colors & other additives are added to foods to improve overall attractiveness of food, texture, nutritional value, etc. What are the first foods that should be introduced into the diet of an infant? A) salting fish before eating What causes diabetes in pregnancy? All of the following are true regarding the USDA MyPlate food guide, EXCEPT: it replaced the Food Guide Pyramid in 2011. it has an online web site to help individualize recommendations. Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. Insulin is a hormone made by specialized cells in the pancreas that allows the body to effectively metabolize glucose for later usage as fuel (energy). T/F, Fermentation can occur in the absence of cells. 41) If a larva of Echinococcus granulosus is found in humans, humans are the Question 1 options: liquefies at 100C. They may reproduce sexually. The placenta supplies a growing fetus with nutrients and water. Add your answer and earn points. b- motor cortex Postpartum complications include obesity and impaired glucose tolerance in the offspring and diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the mothers. E) they have a mouth to ingest nutrients. it consists of 4 clusters of neurons and it is, Q:Place the following steps in order for motor control.1. Which of the following has been shown to be safe when used in moderation by a pregnant woman? First the, A:The animal undergoes T5 spinal transection which is the injury that affects legs and trunk. focus exclusively on malnutrition in the form of nutrient deficiency disease. ________, a term synonymous with immunization, is derived from the Latin name of the cowpox virus. B) Ascomycota conidiospores D) protozoan. PrefrontalCortex(PFC) -Plansandcoordinatesinternalthoughtsandexternalactions mitochondria possess at least five distinct pathways for the transport of cytosolically synthesized proteins, namely (i) the "presequence pathway", (ii) the "carrier pathway", (iii) the "intermembrane space assembly (mia) pathway", (iv) the "sorting and assembly of outer membrane -barrel proteins (sam) pathway", and (v) the insertion mode for For option A, Algae is a plant. Which of the following would be appropriate? Blacks and Hispanic Americans are more prone to this condition. contains more motor neurons for the thighs than the mouth., A:Its is area of brain located in precentral gyrus of frontal lobe. B) cercaria. 6) Which of the following pairs is mismatched? E) Some are capable of sexual reproduction. Share this: B) nervous system The cerebellum lies behind, Q:If a reflex is a limited circuit within the somatic system, why do physical and neurological exams. A) dinoflagellates & paralytic shellfish poisoning [2] Gestational diabetes affects 39% of pregnancies, depending on the population studied. The study of nerve cells (neurons) that receive and transmit, Q:What is the target of an upper motor neuron? they stress balancing calories for a healthy weight. Diabetes Care. Results in spasticity that becomes flaccidity, The primary motor area projects efferent fibers to all the following centers, except :-a- 1ry somatic sensory areab- premotor area c- supplemental motor aread- brainstem motor nuclei, Which of the following structures or regions is incorrectly pairedwith its function? Perinatal complications associated with GDM include hypertensive disorders, preterm delivery, shoulder dystocia, stillbirths, clinical neonatal hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and cesarean deliveries. pons and, A:Answer: These algae belong to chlorophyta chrysophyta pyrrophyta rhodophyta Which of the following best describes the algae known as diatoms? Fungi are the main decomposers of dead a. animals. Continue reading >>, Genetics -African Americans and people with a family history of hypertension are at higher risk Obesity- 60% of people with hypertension are obese Salt Intake- as salt intake increases, so does blood pressure (if person is salt sensitive) If you have hypertension, are 51 yrs old, an African American, or have diabetes/kidney disease your DGA salt intake is <1500 mg/d. 27) A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite? B. B) humans are the definitive host and crayfish are the intermediate host. C) they are a source of food for aquatic and marine animals. C) Lichens are often the first life form to colonize rock or soil. In other words, it is the ability to understand circumstances or situations and arrive at appropriate solutions. D) systemic mycosis fungal infection of body organs 26) All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT The baby is also at risk for developing low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) immediately after birth. On the same day, a smear was made for Gram staining. 8) The sporozoite, merozoite, gametocyte, and ring stages are all part of the Plasmodium life cycle. E) humans are the intermediate host and mosquitoes are both the definitive host and the vector. Q All the following associated open angle glaucoma include all the following except: A. Roennes nasal step. Of these cases, 80-88% are related to abnormal glucose control of pregnancy or gestational diabetes mellitus. 34) Which of the following pairs is mismatched? B) Lichens represent a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and an alga. B) fleas The majority of algae live in aquatic habitat. 140268 + Questions. E) the source of the infection was the river water. Delivery of the baby may be more complicated as a result. D) reservoir. E) None of these is an effective control. Answer: B. All make cysts. Continue reading >>, Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. they are likely to have a low family income. Continue reading >>, Gestational diabetes: risks, management, and treatment options Departments of Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Correspondence: Catherine Kim, 300 North Ingalls Building, Room 7C13, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5429, USA, Tel +1 734 936 5216, Fax +1 734 936 8944, Email [emailprotected] Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer Copyright 2010 Kim, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. Your question is solved by a Subject Matter Expert. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. The least allergy-causing food is wheat cereal; it is a great first food for a child A man's diet and lifestyle do not affect the likelihood of conception The moment of contraception marks the third trimester The cells that release histamines when allergic reactions occur are called mass cells Two micronutrients necessary for the healthy production of sperm are folate and zinc Besides iron, which other minerals should a pregnant woman also take to prevent a deficiency? C) they are used as indicators of air pollution. T/F. (4) trwp are heterogeneous particles composed of rubber polymer, minerals, bitumen, and various chemicals originating from the road environment or from the rubber itself. All of the following pregnant women are at nutritional risk EXCEPT: Elaine, a 29-year-old college professor who works long hours. Additionally, the type and amount of fiber in each food can vary.. D) nematodes many are free-living This term describes women who already have insulin-dependent diabetes and become pregnant. C) nematode. D) tapeworm. A. B) they are classified as plants. C) 2 and 5 Fungi. B) cellular slime mold (Ants) As herbivorous are those organism which only consume various type of plants. Proteins that promote chemical reactions in the cell are called. Results in weakness that becomes spasticity Bacteria. A) ascomycete. form of storage material; flagella number and location; accessor pigments used in photosynthesis; all of the above; Answer: All of the above D) tapeworm Which of the following is, A:Sensory neurons brings information from inside and outside of the body to CNS. Introduction: CNS controls allpartsof the body. C) cysticercus. A) ascomycete D) They have chlorophyll. d. they are important in the degradation of dead plants and animals. Reaching and grasping an object with either hand The primary motor area projects efferent fibers to all the following centers, except :-a- 1ry somatic sensory areab- premotor area c- supplemental motor aread- brainstem motor nuclei . Hitting a golf ball and hitting a pitched baseball, Premotor cortex is associated with ___________, whereas the supplementary motor area is associated with ___________. They are commonly associated with human disease. B) dinoflagellates Firingduringamovement;firingafter amovement Which of the following is not a risk factor for chronic open angle glaucoma . D) digestive and nervous systems Semmelweis advocated handwashing as a method of preventing which of the following diseases? Pasteur made all of the following observations concerning the fermentation of grape juice EXCEPT: pasteurization kills yeast to prevent spoilage of grape juice. What recommendation would you give her to alleviate this problem? Brainly User Brainly User It's probably fungi, it includes algae, plants cyanobacteria, and Euglena. Acceleration by other carcinogens, called promoters, so that the cell begins to multiply out of control--tumor formation 5. This usually begins about 20 to 24 weeks into the pregnancy. All of the following individuals were involved in the improvement of public health in the 19th century EXCEPT: All of the following types of research were begun during the Golden Age of Microbiology EXCEPT: A) recombinant DNA technology. Excessive consumption of milk can lead to a def You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The rate of gestational diabetes is lower in white women than in women of other racial backgrounds, according to a 2008 article in the journal Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. All of the following are examples of fungi except a algae b mushrooms c molds d. a. B) Fungi produce asexual spores. A) are aerobic. A) nematodes complete digestive tract be restricted to 1,500 milligrams/day for individuals at risk of high blood pressure. o Prevent cross-contaminatio In high income countries, but also in middle and low income countries, because of the spreading of industrialized lifestyle, the incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) has dramatically increased, and subsequently the incidence of GDM[1]. [3] Blood sugar testing among those who are affected is often recommended four times a day. Diabetes is a disease marked by high levels of glucose (a simple sugar that the body stores and uses for energy) in the blood, which can cause a range of health issues. You may give other peopl What is insulin? All of the following are characteristics of viruses EXCEPT: they are visible with a light microscope. 3. conidiospore & formed in a chain [2] Gestational diabetes is caused by not enough insulin in the setting of insulin resistance. A:Brain is main organ of the body which controls the voluntary and involuntary action of the body., Q:The primary motor cortex is located in which cerebral structure? a. B) They produce zoospores in a sporangium. It is the area, Q:Events of reflex actions include all the following, except :-a- stimulation of sensory receptorsb-, A:Reflex action or reflex is an involuntary and almost instantaneous movement in the response of a, Q:A friend who works in a research lab is conducting an experiment to study motor movement. it is designed to depict food choices across food groups at meals. A. They, A:Basal nuclei is one of the components of cerebrum. b. postcentral, A:The primary motor cortex is a brain area situated just in front of the central sulcus and is the, Q:Which of these locations is where the greatest level of integration is taking place in the example, A:The sensation and perception of temperature is referred to as thermoception or thermoreception. It receives and interprets messages from, Q:When do the posterior parietal cortex, premotor cortex, and supplementary motor cortex become most, A:Voluntary movements need the participation of the fourth and third levels of hierarchy, the, Q:Interneurons can act as switches that enable a movement to be turned on or off under the command, A:Neurons are responsible for communication between different parts of the body. Which of the following statements concerning Koch's postulates is false? D) tapeworm. A(n) ________ is a mass of cells that are descended from a single cell through successive cell divisions. A) miracidium The formal term for one of Leeuwenhoek's "animalcules" is ________. 4. blastoconidium & formed from a bud C) green algae C) oomycote alga. c. This system permits rapid motor reactions to unexpected changes in the environment. In all seventeen patients, Elastoplast bandages were placed over sterile gauze pads to cover wounds. If a woman is breast-feeding, she cannot get pregnant again All of the following are signs of infant readiness for solid foods except that the infant Which of the following is a fatty acid needed for brain development? The DGAs recommend that sodium intake should: be limited to 3,000 milligrams/day for all Americans older than 2 years. b. some algae are single-celled. 27) A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite? T/F. Continue reading >>. Which of the following is an initial indication of readiness for solid foods in an infant? What do carnivores eat? The mother's excess amounts of blood glucose are transferred to the fetus during pregnancy. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Ignaz Semmelweis demonstrated the importance of ________ as a means of preventing disease transmission. All of the following are fungi except: a. Who is affected by diabetes in pregnancy? E) plasmodial slime mold. Fruit juices should not be served to an infant under ________ months of age. Craving and aversions to certain foods are probably the result of altered taste and smell sensitivies induced by hormones Which of the following statements describes a relationship between alcohol intake and fetal development? Why did Penny receive this advice? A) vaccination a. primary visual cortex b. premotor, A:The areas of the brain that receive and process sensory information are known as sensory areas. Violence including homicide, suicide, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault. All of the following are associated with algae EXCEPT: a. the group includes seaweeds and kelps. Slide cultures set up on February 1 and incubated at 25C showed septate hyphae and single conidia. medulla oblongata . Pregestational diabetes. In freshwater invertebrates, salts move out of the body into the water because the animal is hypoosmotic to the water. d) passage of the McNary-Haugen Act to raise farm prices. C) have highly developed digestive and nervous systems. 1) Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE? Studies suggest the disease affects between 1 and 14 percent of pregnancies in the United States each year, but these estimates vary by population and diagnostic criteria, according to a 2014 report in the journal Preventing Chronic Disease. E) they mostly live in aquatic habitats. D) have a fermentative metabolism. E) they serve as primary producers in rocky ecosystems. Microalgae (algae) are being pursued as a feedstock for both food and fuelsprimarily due to algae's high areal yield and ability to grow on non-arable land, thus avoiding common bioenergy-food. dietary inadequacies that may contribute to nutrient deficiencies. Continue reading >>, Emphasizing nutrient-dense foods and reducing intake of energy-dense foods while meeting overall energy needs typically results in: less dietary fiber and reduced overall volume of food intake. D) they are photosynthetic organisms. 39) The cells of plasmodial slime molds can grow to several centimeters in diameter because Green algae, diatoms and dinoflagellates are the most well-known, though other microalgae species include coccolithophores, cryptomonads, golden algae, yellow-green algae and euglenoids 1. they stress consumption of nutrient-dense foods. D) mosquito Pneumocystis D. Vertebrates are usually osmoregulators. E) do produce cysts. D) All are parasites. Select all that apply. Standards of medical care in diabetes2016. A) diatoms You can get your paper edited to read like this. Continue reading >>, Which of the following nutrients are required in higher amounts during pregnancy due to their roles in the synthesis of red blood cells? B) Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs. B) cellular slime mold. SupplementaryMotorArea(SMA) -Respondstoobservedandself-enactedaction, According to Schmidt's theory of motor control, which of the following would be controlled by the same generalized motor program? E) being eukaryotic. 1) Plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis are stages of the fungal sexual life cycle. What is the likely etiology of their diabetes mellitus? D) they are a symbiotic relationship of a fungus and a protozoan. This rate doesn't appear to have changed between 2007 and 2010, the report notes. 25) Below are paired items referring to the heartworm Dirofilaria immitis. ONE of the following? E) Fungi tolerate low moisture conditions. C) They have eukaryotic cells. This is a(n) Diagnostic criteria for GDM have changed over the decades, and several definitions are currently used; recent recommendations may increase the prevalence of GDM to as high as one of five pregnancies. Which of the following types of microorganisms is noted for its variety of motility structures? soils [C]. Continue reading >>, All of the following are characteristics of nutrition and pregnancy except underweight has little, if any, effect on fertility Which of the following describes the capacity of a man to produce sperm and a woman to periodically produce a normal egg? Of mothers with preexisting diabetes, 35% have been found to have type 1 diabetes mellitus, and 65% have been found to have type 2 diabetes mellitus. They may have flagella or cilia. greater likelihood of achieving recommended intake of essential nutrients. All of the following are associated with algae EXCEPT: they are important in the degradation of dead plants and animals. Long filaments that make up the body of a mold are called ________. C) Fungi reproduce by forming asexual or sexual spores. Of these cases, 80-88% are related to abnormal glucose control of pregnancy or gestational diabetes mellitus. So, all are consumed by herbivorous expect ants as it is an insect. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. A:The nervous framework is an exceptionally intricate piece of a creature that arranges its activities. B) diatoms B) cestode. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. Walking and running [2] Babies born to mothers with poorly treated gestational diabetes are at increased risk of being too large, having low blood sugar after birth, and jaundice. A) ascomycete. all are parasites. . B) they are a major food source for tundra herbivores. Cerebrum. Answer: A 2 a. precentral gyrus E) None of the answers is correct; all of these groups of algae produce compounds toxic to humans. First week only $6.99! A) Basidiomycota basidiospores The most likely cause of the infection is a This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. This causes the baby's body to secrete increased amounts of insulin, which result Which of the following has a favorable influence on fertility? a) Most are photoautotrophs. View this solution and millions of others when you join today! Bacteria ( / bktri / ( listen); singular: bacterium) are ubiquitous, mostly free-living organisms often consisting of one biological cell. A) 1 and 2 all make cysts. Motor neurons brings, Q:Describe the locations and functions of the somatosensory, visual, auditory, and frontal association, A:The frontal association area is found at the front of the frontal lobe. It saves an estimated $3 in medical costs in the first two months after birth for every dollar spent Among the following, which is not known to represent a significant risk factor for a pregnancy being affected by a neural tube defect? 21) Three weeks after a river rafting trip, three family members experienced symptoms of coughing, fever, and chest pain. These bagels provide the extra carbohydrates and fiber lactating mothers need for lactose production Which of the following nutrients taken as a prental suppplement has been found to be associated with lower incidence of neural tube defects? C. Generalized depression of isopters. E) They reproduce sexually. B) tick Lyme disease E) plasmodial slime mold, 36) Which of the following organisms is photoautotrophic protozoan? Algae are found in all of the following places except - by 0. primary motor cortex 22) The encysted larva of the beef tapeworm is called a D) eliminate the intermediate host gilboa snake binary trigger; rainbow high clothes the batman who laughs x reader the batman who laughs x reader oceans [B]. B) can tolerate low-moisture conditions. 26) All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT A) most are photoautotrophs. Nervous coordination and signaling, Q:When damage or removal of a body part occurs, the corresponding area of motor cortex can be taken, A:The motor cortex is the area which help in the transmissiin of the electrical impulses from brain to, Q:Match the following brain parts with their main regions of location
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