. The biodiesel and biodiesel/diesel blends derived from BSFL were stored at 63 C for 8 days. Maximum 50, 150, and 500 references for short communication, original research paper/case study and review papers, respectively. In the same medium NBRIP used to isolate phosphate solubilizers, values ranging from 31.5 to 519 g.mL-1 were obtained [41] and in the present study the observed amounts were even higher (26 to 1.735 g.mL-1 (table 3). The test fuels were evaluated for brake specific fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency (th) at varying brake power on test rig consisting of Mazda engine coupled with a power take off propeller inserted in the power take off shape to Froude hydraulic dynamometer. In this study, the Soxhlet extraction method was used to extract Cucurbita maxima waste oil using an organic solvent. Like petroleum diesel, biodiesel operates in compression-ignition engines. Dub et al. Therefore, it is desirable to have a higher oil content to minimize processing costs (energetic and economic). The fact that biodiesel does not contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons makes it a safe alternative for storage and transportation. Biofuel Research Paper, Essay Test Example Questions, How To Write Bengali In Facebook, Top Custom Essay Proofreading Service For Phd, Speech To Welcome New Employees, Roots Butchery Business Plan, Bertolt Brecht Essays Contacts. Most of the research has focused on developing a detailed knowledge of the enzymatic pathways for lipid biosynthesis, before beginning to pursue genetic modification. Natural Gas: natural gas like methane is cleanest burning alternative fuels. This study attempts to assess diesel vehicle owners willingness to pay (WTP) for Jatropha biodiesel and the factors affecting their decisions. There is still some disagreement in the literature over the oxidative stability of biodiesel, and in particular how well the iodine value characterizes its stability. All major U.S. manufacturers of diesel engine endorse the use of biodiesel. Almost all the catalysts require temperatures in excess of 200C to achieve conversions greater than 90% within the time scale of the experiment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, biodiesel is stated to have many benefits; one important one is that biodiesel. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly fuel that can be used in any diesel engine without modification. There were no drastic errors which would have dramatically affected the results, however, simple large-grained sand was used to pack the column instead of the packing sand, although this would not drastically affect the resulting TLC plate. The yield of the product was also determined in a solvent-free system for two different modes of stirring. 2006- 20 19 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). (www.biofuels,org, 2015) Biodiesel is made from a diverse mix of feed stocks, including recycled oil, soybean oil and animal fats. The steady increase of carbon dioxide production of the original experiment means that the yeast was able to absorb sucrose and fructose provided by corn syrup and underwent fermentation. While engines are running; carbon monoxide is created, and its release into the environment. One problem that arose was the inhibition of the enzyme due to glycerol formation. The temperature of the experiment must remain consistent because when temperatures are low all of the enzymes that were involved in the catalysis converting CO2 to carbohydrates work slower and little to no photosynthesis is occurring. Elderly respondents with higher education are less likely to pay for biodiesel in both samples. The United States with 5% of the worlds population, consumes 25% of the worlds petroleum, 43% of the gasoline, and 25% of the natural gas. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to fossil fuel, but it is more susceptible to oxidative degradation over long-term storage. So that is why the ion exchange of the pH had an effect when it was infused. Triglyceride + Alcohol Methyl esters (biodiesel) + Glycerol Assuming the heating value of biodiesel to be 0.137GJ/gal, the maximum possible biodiesel production in the sunniest part of the United States works out to be approximately 28,000gal/acre-year, assuming 100% conversion of algae biomass to biodiesel, which is infeasible. Despite the lower reaction rate associated with sulfuric acid-catalyzed transesterification processes, this approach has several advantages over the base-catalyzed method [4]: it employs a one-step process as opposed to a two-step process; it can handle feedstock with a high free fatty acid content; downstream separation of the biodiesel is straightforward; and a high quality glycerol byproduct is produced. Combining the results from TLC analysis and IR spectrum shows that a very small amount of Aspirin was prepared and the rest could have been lost during the filtration or initial steps of the experiment. This study attempts to assess diesel vehicle owners willingness to pay (WTP) for Sri Lankas energy policy presumes that the country will be meeting 20% of its energy requirements by non-conventional renewable energy resources by 2020. In this review article, we examine different biodiesel sources (edible and nonedible), virgin oil versus waste oil, algae-based biodiesel that is gaining increasing importance, the role of different catalysts including enzyme catalysts, and the current state-of-the-art in biodiesel production. The authors report an increase in the transesterification rate when nano-MgO was added from 0.5 to 3wt%. Other than that, the graph is not showing anything significant structures. Thus, additional steps to remove any water and either the free fatty acids or soap from the reaction mixture are required. Aquatic species such as microalgae have become appealing because of the potential for significantly higher average photosynthetic efficiency than with typical land crops, due to their aquatic environment providing them with better access to water, CO2, and nutrients (depending on the system they are grown in). Citation in text . Visando a potencial reduo dos Considerando o alto valor financeiro final do biodiesel em relao ao diesel, estratgias tem sido buscadas para reduo de custos dos processos de produo que viabilizem uma maior utilizao do mesmo. At ratios higher than 9:1, the yield became lower due to enzyme deactivation by methanol. A Sustainable Source for Production Of Biodiesel", Journal Of Scientific And Industrial Research, Vol. Up next was the null hypothesis for the experiment. 2) It is a carbon-neutral liquid, which means that the combustion of biodiesel never produces the net output of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide like other mineral diesel. The biggest advantage of enzyme catalysts is the absence of soap formation. (Biodiesel has similar materials compatibility to ultralow sulfur diesel (ULSD); so vehicles built to run on that should be compatible with pure biodiesel.) Perkin Elmers note [32] reports comparison of FTIR spectra of biodiesel derived from palm, rapeseed, and soybean oils which shows the intensities of alkene functional groups increase in the order palm < rapeseed < soy. In 2005, Novozymes (Bagsvrd, Denmark) in conjunction with National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) announced a 30-fold enzyme cost reduction in the conversion of pretreated corn stover to ethanol. Also we can turn off the lights and electrical devices that we are not using., First Biodiesel is a renewable source of energy it means can be produced naturally without harming the environment. But, the relatively low net photosynthetic efficiency of the crops, and low total fuel yields, means that neither is a desirable approach if our goal is producing more fuel than that could be produced from those crops as a coproduct of animal feed production. According to Mushrush et al. Username Email Register. In our work, Pseudomonas spp. Higher yields of biodiesel were also obtained at a reaction temperature of 60C, which resulted in higher reaction rates and lower inhibition of the enzyme active sites by methanol. For the last two decades, the biodiesel attracted increasing attention as a promising biofuel to replace fossil diesel. The methodology of the study was experimental. research paper boarding house. Research Paper On Biodiesel. Unfortunately, the process is not economically viable. Despite the two depths reacting at different speeds due to the levels of sulphides in the soils, they both portray these same trends. It may also be possible to increase algal biosynthesis of oil by identifying the enzyme that regulates lipid production and attempting to increase its activity through genetic engineering. Wang and Yang [44] investigated the transesterification of soybean oil with nano-Mgo in supercritical and subcritical methanol. After the growth stage, the algae enter an open raceway pond with nutrient limitations and other stressors, aimed at promoting biosynthesis of oil. The authors report that the presence of FAGCs influenced both fuel and flow properties, while the distribution of main pyrogenic compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), was not affected. In this article, we examine different biodiesel sources (edible and nonedible), virgin oil versus waste oil, algae-based biodiesel that is gaining increasing importance, role of different catalysts including enzyme catalysts, and the current state-of-the-art in biodiesel production. In the order page to write an essay for me, once you have filled up the form and submitted it, you will be automatically redirected to the payment gateway page. Other sulfonated solid catalyst can be used to catalyze the transesterification reaction. It can be used directly or mixed with petroleumdiesel in any proportion and directly used in engines with no need of modifications [10]. The novel two-phase membrane reactor was particularly useful in removing unreacted canola oil from the fatty acid methyl ester product yielding a high purity biodiesel. Also, since no glycerol is produced in the process, this method is very convenient for recycling the catalyst, and byproduct triacetylglycerol shows no negative effect on the fuel property [47]. Since biodiesel is made entirely from vegetable oil or animal fats, it is renewable and biodegradable. The instrument used interview techniques. Such a study will b Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Considerable research has been done on biodiesel made from virgin vegetable oils (e.g., soybean oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil) using alkali catalysts. It can also be stored and transported using diesel tanks and equipment. One form of this approach would be engineering algae to be resistant to an inhibitor that would be dumped into an open pond to keep other strains out, but this is likely to be controversial. Biodiesel Fuels. The study shows that SO4 2/ZrO2 is deactivated quickly but can easily be regenerated. Likely sources of error are most likely related to human error in reading the TLC bands or possibly the improper packing of the column so that the alumina band was not spread across the top layer. In an attempt to reduce the problems with separation and soap formation, some nonenzymatic heterogeneous catalysts have been investigated. Copyright 2022 IPL.org All rights reserved. They reported a 98% yield of biodiesel in 1h using alkali catalysts such as sodium hydroxide or sodium methoxide with alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, and iso-butanol [17]. Appropriate fuel labels will be developed and placed on the fuel caps (and other . First, the high cost of virgin vegetable oil as the source of triglycerides plays a large role in process profitability. Susanne. Molar ratio of methanol, types and concentrations of catalyst were selected to obtain a high quality biodiesel fuel with the specification of American Standard for Biodiesel Testing Material (ASTM D 6751) and European Norm (EN 14214). Current research has focused on these areas as well as on algae-based biofuels. In fact, commercial processors often employ an acid-catalyzed esterification reactor to process excess free fatty acids prior to base-catalyzed transesterification. Journal of . Recently published research [13] appears to finally explain the near 100% efficiency with which this captured energy is transmitted to the reaction center of a chloroplast. Algae tend to have long pigment antennas for absorbing incident sunlight, to allow individual cells to thrive in low-light conditions. This study investigates the effectiveness of NaOH and CaO catalysts synthesized with citric acid (CA) in improving the oxidative stability of biodiesel. Keywords: transesterification, biodiesel, homogeneous catalyst, heterogeneous catalyst, and enzyme catalyst. This study is based on the reports on biodiesel fuel published in the current literature . Therefore, water formed by the esterification of free fatty acid would limit the presence of free fatty acid in oil to 5%. The quality of palm biodiesel produced in this work was observed for its physical and chemical parameters as presented in Table 2. The highest yields were obtained when tert-butanol and methanol were both present as solvent/acyl acceptor perhaps due to the synergy that resulted as a result of better dispersion of the oil in the mixture. Example Of Implication Of Biofuel Production On Economics Of Food Crops Research Paper. The present study is concerned with the production of biodiesel produced from used cooking groundnut oils using alkali trans-esterification reaction. The presence of free fatty acids and water in this feedstock results in the production of soap in the presence of alkali catalyst. It was predicted that if there is not of a concentration of the solvent we had chosen, (acetone) then there would, Glycerol is an organic compound that consists of three-carbon chain with a hydroxyl group attached to each carbon and it is physiologically harmless [1]. Jatropha curcas has tremendous potential for biodiesel production. Biodiesel group, a place to share your experiences with biodiesel. The findings indicate the governments effort is rational and has a positive impact on the environment and economy but a negative impact from the cost-profit perspective. The first and most obvious form of evidence lays within the averaged pH levels over time. For waste olive oil, the experiments results indicated that a molar ratio of 9:1 for methanol to triolein resulted in the highest biodiesel yield. Land needs for feedstock production and availability are presented next (Section 2.3). Many researches had attempted characterization of biodiesel to determine its appropriateness as fuel for internal combustion engine. Evidence for wavelike energy transfer through quantum coherence in photosynthetic systems, Properties of a potential biofuel obtained from soybean oil by transmethylation with dimethyl carbonate, Oxidative stability of biodiesel from soybean oil fatty acid ethyl esters, Variables affecting the yields of fatty esters from transesterified vegetable oils, Transesterification kinetics of soybean oil, Biodiesel fuel production by transesterification of oils, Alternate feedstocks and technologies for biodiesel production, Esterification and transesterification of renewable chemicals, Production of biodiesel fuel from triglycerides and alcohol using immobilized lipase, Transesterification of crude palm kernel oil and crude coconut by different solid catalysts, Preparation of biodiesel from crude oil of, Role of reversible phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in long-chain fatty acid synthesis, Modifying soybean oil for enhanced performance in biodiesel blends, Lipase-catalyzed production of biodiesel from rice bran oil, Yeast whole-cell biocatalysts constructed by intracellular overproduction of, Design of multifunctionalized mesoporous silicas for esterification of fatty acid, Instability reactions and recycled soybean-derived biodiesel fuel liquids, Energy Sources A Recovery Util Environ Eff, Truncated chlorophyll antenna size of the photosystemsa practical method to improve microalgal productivity and hydrogen production in mass culture, Genetic engineering approaches for enhanced production of biodiesel fuel from microalgae, Biodiesel fuel from rapeseed oil as prepared in supercritical methanol, Enzyme catalyzed production of biodiesel from olive oil, Biodiesel preparation by lipase-catalyzed transesterification of jatropha oil, Lipase-catalyzed alcoholysis of vegetable oils, Improvement in lipase catalyzed synthesis of fatty acid methyl esters from sunflower oil, Biodiesel production from jatropha oil (Jatropha curcas) with high free fatty acids: an optimized process, Green chemistry: biodiesel made with sugar catalyst, Lipase-catalyzed biodiesel production from soybean oil deodorizer distillate with absorbent present in tert-butanol system, Transesterification of soybean oil with nano MgO in supercritical and subcritical methanol, Enzymatic conversion of waste edible oil to biodiesel fuel in a fixed-bed bioreactor, Synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil using heterogeneous KF/ZnO catalyst, A novel enzymatic route for biodiesel production from renewable oils in a solvent-free medium, Conversion of soybean oil to biodiesel fuel using lipozyme TL 1M in a solvent-free medium, Society for Industrial Microbiology 2008, This article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model (, Recent progress in adaptive laboratory evolution of industrial microorganisms, Data-based dynamic compartment model: Modeling of E. coli fed-batch fermentation in a 600 m, Bioindustrial manufacturing readiness levels (BioMRLs) as a shared framework for measuring and communicating the maturity of bioproduct manufacturing processes, Influence of nitrogen sources on the tolerance of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus to heat stress and oxidative stress, Microbial pigments: learning from the Himalayan perspective to industrial applications, Applied Genomics and Systems Biotechnology, Fermentation, Cell Culture and Bioengineering, Genetics and Molecular Biology of Industrial Organisms, Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology, About the Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, About the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10295-008-0312-2, http://www.biodiesel.org/resources/reportsdatabase/reports/mar/20000701_mar-021.pdf, https://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/open_access/funder_policies/chorus/standard_publication_model, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright 2022 Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. ), it is a significant challenge when attempting to produce a low value product such as fuel. It is important to ascertain a priori what quantities of these materials may be annually collectible, and what proportion of transportation-fuel needs could these sources supply. (Vegetable oil) (Methanol) The Physico-chemical properties of the biodiesels produced were also carried out and most of the properties conformed to ASTM standards. propose the chemical recycling of CO2 as a practical technique to generate methane, which has great demand in the chemical and energy industries. The effects of the ketone bodies on ammoniogenesis in spite of the urinary pH and bicarbonate falling is not in any way related to why there was a partial correction of the extracellular acidosis. Sucrose was placed in test tubes in a tube furnace and was heated to 375C for a period of 15h. The result was a black powder, which was ground using a mortar and pestle. Biodiesel Research Paper: Your Price:.40 per page. The quality of biodiesel was determined by analysis of the physicochemical and fuel properties by: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis), gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), bomb calorimeter and titration methods. The biofuels are continued to be known because of the high prices of fossil fuels and also for the purposes of ensuring fuel security in various countries. Recent Research and Developments. Our best editors will run additional screenings to check the quality of your paper. An improvement would be to use an acrylic and translucent sheet to act as a barrier between the experiment and the lamp. Biodiesel is a clean-burning fuel currently being produced from grease, vegetable oils, or animal fats. The authors show that it is an effective catalyst for the esterification of oleic and stearic acid. The nutrient limitations discourage other strains from moving in and taking over (since they also require nutrients for cell division). However, expanding the use and production of a particular feedstock must be evaluated in terms of the environmental and economic impacts. 17 December 2017 Biodiesel and its blends as an alternative fuel in compression ignition (CI) engines are receiving more attention from researchers. The density, acid value, flash point, and cetane number of PO biodiesel were all within Indonesian, US, and European limits for . According to Kinney and Clemente [26], soybean oil-derived biodiesel possess enhanced biodegradation, increased flashpoint, reduced toxicity, lower emissions, and increased lubricity. collis bird thesis binding. The more the factories burn fossil fuels the more pollution it will cause, meaning more greenhouse effect due to the waste gases that is produced, which can cause a climate change. According to a recent United Nations report, the global rush to switch from oil to energy derived from plants will drive deforestation, push small farmers off the land, and lead to serious food shortages and increased poverty unless carefully managed. In terms of BTE and BSFC the fuel has shown a good performance. Since biodiesel is made entirely from vegetable oil or animal fats, it is renewable and biodegradable. The obtained biodiesel is However, the relatively higher amounts of free fatty acids and water in this feedstock results in the production of soap in the presence of alkali catalyst. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. This paper explains that biodiesel is a revolutionary change and therefore has a revolutionary effect on the cultural, social, political, economic and health aspects of society. To reduce production costs and make it competitive with petroleum diesel, low cost feedstocks, such as nonedible oils, waste frying oils, and animal fats, could be used as raw materials. The significant downside is the much higher capital cost of current photobioreactor designs. The optimum combination for reducing the FFA of Jatropha curcas oil from 14% to less than 1% was found to be 1.43%v/v H2SO4 acid catalyst, 0.28v/v methanol-to-oil ratio, and 88-min reaction time at a reaction temperature of 60C. In reality, most plants fall well below this theoretical limit, with global averages estimated typically between 1 and 2%. This phenomenon is illustrated by the second experiment where the concentration of yeast is double that of sugar in the first five minutes there is a drop caused by the subtraction yielded by the control of the experiment. Shah et al. In the United States, oil is the fuel of transportation. The solid was washed with distilled/deionized water until the pH of the wash water was near neutral. This can be achieved by utilizing different acyl acceptors and solvents (such as tert-butanol or higher alcohols), which in turn will increase the number of times the enzyme can be regenerated and reused. . The results were that at all brake power, the BSFC decreased as strength of diesel increased in the blend. At todays consumption level of about 85 million barrels per day of oil and 260 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas, the reserves represent 40years of oil and 64years of natural gas. The result is an inexpensive solid catalyst that has properties similar to Nafion. The production of methane from the hydrogenation of CO2 can indeed substitute natural gas and petroleum oil since it provides an unrestricted and renewable source for fuels, hydrocarbons, and energy as well as the possibility to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. #11 in Global Rating. Discounts today a biodiesel research papers, Most Reliable writing services research paper funny no plagiarism. A (5% v/v) blend of biodiesel and petroleum diesel were used to run a diesel engine and their performances were investigated and compared in terms of fuel power, indicated power, brake power, frictional power, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, relative efficiency, mean effective pressure, fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption, air consumption and specific output. In this study, fuel characteristics of biodiesel abstracted from Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) were evaluated and compared with petroleum diesel. Other catalyst systems have also been investigated. 1) Biodiesel and biodiesel blends are used in almost all diesel engines and vehicles. Home; MONOFASHION. Ionic liquids are one of the best alternatives to replace alkali . Malang is one of the alleged potential as an used frying oil producer . These are proven recoverable reserves. 423 0 obj <>stream This paper reviews the history and recent developments of Biodiesel, including the different types of biodiesel, the characteristics, processing and economics of Biodiesel industry. Recently, mesoporous silica multifunctionalized with both organosulfonic acid and hydrophobic organic groups such as allyl and phenyl was shown to be effective in esterifying free fatty acids while excluding water, a byproduct that inhibits the reaction, from the proximity of the active sites [29]. Palm Biodiesel Research Paper. Aug. 2013. Experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of the molar ratio of methanol to triolein, mode of methanol addition, reaction temperature, and mixing speed on biodiesel yield. Xie and Huang [46] have reported the synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil using KF/ZnO catalyst. 2.1.1 Advantages of the Use of Biodiesel Some of the advantages of using biodiesel as a replacement for diesel fuel are [1-4]: Renewable fuel, obtained from vegetable oils or animal fats. The transesterification reaction consists of transforming triglycerides into fatty acid alkyl esters, in the presence of an alcohol, such as methanol or ethanol, and a catalyst, such as an alkali or acid, with glycerol as a byproduct. The catalyst with 15% KF loading and that calcined at 873K showed the optimum activity. In the United States, the average daily incident solar energy (across the entire spectrum) reaching the earths surface ranges from 12,000 to 22,000kJ/m2 (varying primarily with latitude). The median WTP was Rs.124/= per litre ( 0.85). One of the goals of DOEs well-known Aquatic Species Program was to maximize oil production through nutrient restriction; however, their study showed that while the oil concentration went up, there was a proportionally greater drop in reproduction rate, resulting in a lower overall oil yield. The tools of biotechnology could be utilized to modify the fatty acid profile of soybean for performance enhancement, which may increase the attractiveness of biodiesel derived from this commodity crop [26]. Petroleum-derived diesel fuels can contain up to 20% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. O desenvolvimento do prottipo do reator para produo de biodiesel alimentado unicamente Sri Lankas energy policy presumes that the country will be meeting 20% of its energy requirements by non-conventional renewable energy resources by 2020. Such a catalyst seems promising because of its relatively high surface area, flexible pore size, and its potential for controlling catalytic functionalities at the molecular level. Coal, nuclear, hydropower, and natural gas are primarily used for electric power generation. However, this is highly dependent on the amount of alcohol present. Glycerol also can be employed as the raw material to produce variety types of chemical products such as hydrogen, ethanol, propanol, acrolein, 1,3- propanediol, lactic acid, succnic acid, citric acid, polyesters, This peak could have represented water present in the solution, but its presence was so low that it would not affect the. The hypothesis states that the high concentration of acetone would be more effective and efficient in breaking down the phospholipids inside of the beet tissue. Find methods . 888 Words4 Pages. Visando a potencial reduo dos custos na produo de biodiesel atravs do processo de transesterificao alcalina homognea utilizando misturas binrias de leos de soja e residual o presente trabalho levanta a discute a proposta de reduo de custo na produo atravs do uso de misturas de binrias de leos em diferentes propores observando o ndice de acidez limite de 0,5% para que haja uma nica etapa reacional. Biodiesel also contains very little sulfur, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and metals. Wang et al. [38] have investigated three different lipases (Chromobacterium viscosum, Candida rugosa, and Porcine pancreas) for transesterification of Jatropha oil in a solvent-free system to produce biodiesel; only lipase from Chromobacterium viscosum was found to give appreciable yield. http://www.biodiesel.org/resources/reportsdatabase/reports/mar/20000701_mar-021.pdf, Mushrush GW, Wynne JH, Lloyd CT, Willauer HD, Beal EJ, Mushrush GW, Wynne JH, Lloyd CT, Willauer HD, Hughes JM, Polle JEW, Kanakagiri S, Jin E, Masuda T, Melis A, Roessler PG, Brown LM, Dunahay TG, Heacox DA, Jarvis EE, Schneider JC, Talbot SG, Zeiler KG, Toda M, Takagaki A, Okamura M, Kondo J, Hayashi S, Domen K, Hara M, Watanabe Y, Shimada Y, Sugihara A, Tominaga Y, Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.
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